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Old 10-17-2003, 05:17 AM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 73
Default NPC Damage Calculations and PoTime mod formulas

Hi all, as I'm in the process of working my way through PoTime on Live, I (and the guild) have been actively searching for information on what mods (strikethrough, combat effects, etc) actually do.

I haven't seen much information on these forums and I believe the mods are non functional on the emu, so I figured I'd post what I have incase they help anyone.

Avoidance - Boosts damage avoidance. Does not appear to stack.
Parses and Info Link: http://www.thesteelwarrior.org/forum...&threadid=3224

Did a 5 hour log the day before getting chest. 4 hour log the following day with chest (woulda been 5 but we went to go kill VZ =) Both in Earth, NE area (near zonein).

Chest gives +8% block, +15 avoidance, +15 flying kick dmg.

Without chest

defensive skill triggers (block/dodge/riposte) - 16.80%
hits evaded (enemy misses) - 35.66%
flying kick max dmg = 306
flying kick ave dmg = 91.90

With chest

defensive skill triggers (block/dodge/riposte) - 20.60%
hits evaded (enemy misses) - 43.06%
flying kick max dmg = 321
flying kick ave dmg = 107.99


+8% block mod may have some minor effect...is worthy to note I bought double riposte 1-3 about halfway throught the second parse so it's kinda invalid (sue me, I hit 30 saved AA again, had to buy something

+15 avoidance mod certainly seems to work, with an 8% increase in misses overall (again, this is just miss percent, totally ignoring block/dodge/ripo).

+15 flying kick dmg mod gives exactly 15 added dmg to every FK. Bumped up max and average by exactly that.

Got two avoidance mods and one accuracy now:

With chest and bracer (+15 avoidance on both, +15 accuracy on bracer)

hits evaded (enemy misses) - 41.95%

average crush dmg - 238.95
hits landed (my attacks) - 65.75%

Without chest or bracer (no mods)

hits evaded (enemy misses) - 36.44%

average crush dmg - 234.05
hits landed (my attacks) - 65.64%

I also parsed with just bracer to check on stacking:

With bracer (+15 avoidance)

hits evaded (enemy misses) - 42.05%


All numbers agree with my earlier findings.

Most notably, avoidance mods do not seem to stack. Will try to parse more to confirm this. I don't have multiple accuracy mods, but I'm real curious to see if they act the same way.

Did the test with 15 to avoindance for 2 hours then 2 hours without it // with 1959ac.
Log isnt on this computer so i'll just post the results real fast:

With avoidance mobs missed 47.63% of the time.

Without it mobs missed 39.48% of the time.

Accuracy - Two theories. First is that it increases hit/contact percentage. Unfortunately no parses back this theory up. The second theory (with parsed support) is that it actually boosts average damage.
Parses and Info Link: http://fohguild.org/forums/showthrea...t&pagenumber=3

OK for the last week been doing parses in Time, same trials every time, etc etc.

The larger parse is with the mod, Im going to continue to parse this week without the mod but we cleared everything today in one clear so I got a decent chunk of data today alone. Weapons were consistant, Xegony wraps, Earth rune hammer.

With mod:

Acuracy - 59.82%
# Hits - 50958
# Misses - 30154
Average hit - 94.30
DPS - 133.36

Without mod:

Acuracy - 59.69%
# Hits - 11937
# Misses - 7131
Average hit - 88.36
DPS - 125.31

So there you go, as of this parse at least, the difference in ratio of hits to misses out of total attacks remains statistically insignificant. The average hit is higher with mod, which raises DPS. Going to continue parsing without the mod this week to see if the average hit remains constant as is or balances out with the larger sample.

Only conclusions to draw at the moment is it appears to raise average hit value, not increase your hit %.

A ranger in my guild just got the Mantle of Deadly precision(+15 Accuracy effect), and he was kind enough to do 2 30 min parses on a mob that doesnt hit back, so we could see what(if anything) it does.

To quote him:
"Hi, I send you 2 logs around 30 minutes each, both with 1762 atk and without haste, only using Protection of the Wild and Cry of Thunder buffs, I hope the info is useful."

Primary Weapon: Jagged Shard of Frozen Flame
Offhand Weapon: Sword of Primordial Power

Log file can be found here: http://home8.inet.tele.dk/btb/accuracy.zip


Without accuracy

| Ranger01 - Damage taken : 0 Table by EQ Companion 0.791 *beta* (build 1073)|
| Attack | Start | End |Duration| Dmg | Dmg% | DPS |Hit |Miss|Hit% |HPS | MaxH | MinH |AvgH|% 1 |% 2|% 3|% 4|DLY|
| non-melee|12:23:45|12:45:17|00:21:33|13.650 | 5,6% |10,56 | 87 | | |0,07|300 (4)|150 (83)|157 |100%| | | |150|
| slash |12:14:05|12:45:29|00:31:25|228.290|94,4% |121,11|2495|948 |72,5%|1,83|300 (1)| 17 (4) | 91 |21% |47%|16%|16%|12 |
|- critical|12:23:45|12:45:24|00:21:40|16.545 | 6,8% |12,73 |101 | | |0,08|306 (5)| 50 (5) |164 |96% |4% | | |135|
| Total: |12:14:05|12:45:29|00:31:25|241.940|100,0%|128,35| 2582|948 |73,1%|1,87| 306 | 17 | 94 | | | | | |

With Accuracy +15:

| Ranger01 - Damage taken : 0 Table by EQ Companion 0.791 *beta* (build 1073)|
| Attack | Start | End |Duration| Dmg | Dmg% | DPS |Hit |Miss|Hit% |HPS | MaxH | MinH |AvgH|% 1 |% 2|% 3|% 4|DLY|
| non-melee|13:00:44|13:21:11|00:20:28|13.200 | 5,6% |10,75 | 81 | | |0,07|300 (7)|150 (74)|163 |100%| | | |153|
| slash |12:51:09|13:21:32|00:30:24|223.821|94,4% |122,71|2405|933 |72,0%|1,83|306 (1)| 9 (1) | 93 |22% |46%|15%|17%|12 |
|- critical|13:00:36|13:21:17|00:20:42|11.538 | 4,9% | 9,29 | 82 | | |0,07|306 (1)| 53 (1) |141 |100%| | | |153|
| Total: |12:51:09|13:21:32|00:30:24|237.021|100,0%|129,95| 2486|933 |72,7%|1,87| 306 | 9 | 95 | | | | | |


I was expecting accuracy to increase hit ratio. That doesnt appear to be the case since it went from 72.5% without accuracy to 72% with accuracy.

With the accuracy mantle on, average slash increased from 91 to 93, a 2.2% increase.

So the way I see it there are 2 possible ways to explain these results:


A) Accuracy is broken


B) Accuracy increases average hit

I am leaning towards B), but I dont know enough about statistics to say wether there are enough hits in the 2 logs to support that..

Combat Effects - Info is slowing beginning to develop, but according to parses it appears to add an increase to proc's during combat. The parses also indicate that the effect appears to stack.
Parses and Info Link:

Each parse was 8 hours in length. Non-stop swinging. 305 Dex. Silver Bracelet of Speed for haste (41%). Wieldeding a Blade of War. 1494 atk. All AAs. No buffs. No other time mods. Target was Bella Helsin, one of Katta's bankers. Attacked from behind.

+10 Combat Effects worn

Parse One

Slashes: 23081; 16348 hits (70.8%) + 6733 misses
Damage delt: 3,367,377
DPS: 116.93
Crits: 1328

"You unleash a flurry of attacks.": 435
"face contorts with rage": 1029

Parse Two

Slashes: 23057; 16488 hits (71.5%) + 6569 misses
Damage delt: 3,395,555
DPS: 117.91
Crits: 1338

"You unleash a flurry of attacks.": 413
"face contorts with rage": 1091

Parse Three

Slashes: 23066; 16326 hits (70.8%) + 6740 misses
Damage delt: 3,352,242
DPS: 116.4
Crits: 1337

"You unleash a flurry of attacks.": 421
"face contorts with rage": 1027

No Combat Effects

Parse One

Slashes: 22992; 16289 hits (70.8%) + 6703 misses
Damage delt: 3,350,363
DPS: 116.33
Crits: 1329

"You unleash a flurry of attacks.": 406
"face contorts with rage": 943

Parse Two

Slashes: 23074; 16540 hits (71.7%) + 6534 misses
Damage delt: 3,407,785
DPS: 118.33
Crits: 1327

"You unleash a flurry of attacks.": 397
"face contorts with rage": 941

Parse Three

Slashes: 22937; 16317 hits (71.1%) + 6620 misses
Damage delt: 3,346,250
DPS: 116.19
Crits: 1338

"You unleash a flurry of attacks.": 397
"face contorts with rage": 1031


Procs per minute with ring: 2.185
Procs per minute without ring: 2.024

Torrin very ncie parce. I coppied your perameters and ran my test in katta on the same NPC, attacked from behind as well. 0 other time mods other than combat effects.
Haste -timespin (41 percent hste)
Weapon-Blade of War
Combat Effects-25 (tallon ring and quarm earing see magelo)

Combat effects +25
6 hour long parce

total crits-987
Crits per min-2.74

total flurrys-275
Flurry per min-.76

total EB procs-873
procs per min-2.42

Summary of torrin's parces
Combat effects 10
Crits per min-2.78

Flurry per min-.88

Procs per min-2.19

Combat Effects 0
Crits per min-2.77

Flurry per min-.83

Procs per min-2.02

Strikethrough - Allows melee damage to penetrate a riposite from your target. You do still take damage from the NPC's riposite.
Parses and Info Link: http://www.thesteelwarrior.org/forum...&threadid=2841

I did some testing with Strike Thru.


65Monk 1600 ATK dual wield 15/20 Barefists with Vallon.
+20 Strike Thru in total



16m 25sec Parse
1900 Attacks
52 Strike Thru's (not show in above parse)
2.75% of total Attacks

61x52 = 3172/985 = 3.2 DPS increase

61 is the Average hit times the amount Strike Thru fired, divided by the total number of seconds fighting, gives you a rough idea of the DPS increase gained from +20 Strike Through.

I would also note that it became apparent that whilst you could strike through a riposte, it didn't stop you eating the riposte.
I did an error.

I had to cut this fight out of my parse, and in doing so I cut off the first half or so whilst counting Strike Thru.

The data has changed slightly.

16mins 25secs
1900 attacks
99 Strike Throughs
5.2% of Total Attacks.

(99x.532)*61=3212/985=3.2 DPS

Shielding - Appears to lower damage taken by reducing the DAMAGE BASE (DB) by the percentage shown on the item.
Parses and Info Link: http://fohguild.org/forums/showthrea...&threadid=8471

I recently looted Necklace of eternal visions 2% shielding item, and I have yet to crack the formula necesary to come up with a 2% reduction in anything.

Some preliminary testing numbers are as follows:

A Regrua Sentry Without 2% shielding min hit 238, max hit 1262
A Regrua Sentry WITH 2% shielding min hit 235, max hit 1259

hmm very interesting a whopping 3 damage per hit saved and absolutely no idea what ficticious number is being reduced 2% It sure isnt the Damage interval, and isnt the Minimum Hit (Damage bonus of mob) so what exactly is it?

A Hraquis Scout without 2% shielding min hit 219, max hit 892
A Hraquis Scout WITh 2% shielding min hit 216, max hit 889

Again 3 damage saved? i dont see how 2% of the previous numbers are same as 2% of these

a Mundane mob example...

Cliff Golem without 2% shielding min hit 57, max hit 169
Cliff Golem WITH 2% shielding min hit 56, max hit 168 1 damage saved!

I'm not sure what Quarms min hit is because i forgot to log it, but max hit without 2% is 3800, with is 3780.
Ok this is all conjecture (and a messed up memory of some warrior board post about damage formulas), but here we go:

min hit 219, max hit 892
3 damage saved

892-219=673, difference between max and min

Post said (if I remember), you go from 0-20 is the "random" number of the formula.

673/20 = 33.65

This is where it gets fucked. Somehow the 33.65, is being subtracted YET again from the baseline, and then THAT number is being used for shielding. 219-33.65 = 185.35. 2% (rounded down) = 3 damage saved from all hits, calculated off mob's damage bonus (or whatever)

min hit 57, max hit 169
1 damage saved!

169-57 = 112

112/20 = 5.6


2% rounded down = 1 damage saved off every hit

Feel free to plug any other numbers you have into that fucked up math, they'll prolly fit

Essentially, unless the mob's range is as limited as something like 3000 min to 3500 max, you're never gonna see shielding doing jack-shit, except for exp mobs hitting you for minimum (and if they hit you that often for minimum, what difference does 2% less damage make?)

EDIT: Ballpark Quarm min hit guess by that formula - 1150 to 1175
Shielding X% = DB(Damage Bouns) reduce by X%

DB = 1000
DI = 140
Max Hit = 3800
Min Hit = 1140
With 2% Sheild: DB = 1000 x 98% = 980,
Max Hit = 3780
Min Hit = 1120

Same goes for the following, you can calculate the max/min difference yourself. It matches Behemoth's number.
A Regrua Sentry :
DB = 184.4
DI = 53.9
With 2% shield: DB = 180.712

A Hraquis Scout
DB = 184
DI = 35.42
With 2% shield: DB = 180.32

Spell Shield - Reduces spell damage by listed percentage
Parses and Info Link: - coming -

Stun Resist - Increases change that a stun will have no effect on PC. Appears to either be broken or a very insignificant amount of increase.
Parses and Info Link: http://fohguild.org/forums/showthrea...ht=stun+resist

Stun Resist +5

[Thu Jul 10 13:52:19 2003] You shake off the stun effect!
[Thu Jul 10 13:52:19 2003] A Fearsome Stormrider bashes YOU for 181 points of damage.

[Thu Jul 10 22:39:09 2003] You shake off the stun effect!
[Thu Jul 10 22:39:09 2003] A Boruk ravager bashes YOU for 77 points of damage.

[Thu Jul 10 23:05:58 2003] You shake off the stun effect!
[Thu Jul 10 23:05:58 2003] A Kaniz hide collector bashes YOU for 112 points of damage.

[Thu Jul 10 23:32:44 2003] You shake off the stun effect!
[Thu Jul 10 23:32:44 2003] A blood soaked guard bashes YOU for 132 points of damage.

[Thu Jul 10 23:56:07 2003] You shake off the stun effect!
[Thu Jul 10 23:56:07 2003] Maareq the Prophet bashes YOU for 174 points of damage.


Stalwart Endurance Lvl 3

[Thu Jul 10 08:22:28 2003] You avoid the stunning blow.
--repeated 201 times--

This data was collected over the entire duration of the raid day (aside from the two parses I made in the morning before work.)

As you can see, Stun Effects is not only insanely streaky, it also flat out sucks. Compare 5 stun resists over the course of the whole day versus 202 stun resists with Stalwart Endurance. Huh? Essentially, stun resist is completely useless.

Over the same period of time I scored 71 Strike Throughs with a +5 Strike Through mod.

The number of mobs tanked/fought over that time was 224.

I'm not asking that Stun Resist be brought in line with Stalwart Endurance but take the optimal Stun Resist stacking condition and make this effect somewhat useful.

P.S. It also sucks that you can MISS on a successful Strike Through.

That is all....

P.S.S. Assuming something is buggy with my data from the first half of the day with Stun Resist, the bottom half almost precisely cuts a successful stun resist via Time mod to once every 25 minutes. Useless.

Additional Notes: For those not familiar with DB and DI formulas, The watered-down version is that mobs hit for 1 of 20 distinct values determined by the following formula - DB+(1d20*DI) = mob hit.
DB=Damage Base and varies for each mob
DI=Damage interval which also varies for each mob
1d20=random number from 1 to 20
Link: http://www.thesteelwarrior.org/forum...16&threadid=13
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Old 10-17-2003, 07:19 AM
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 609

Cool, thanks for the info. I'll put it as a sticky so that when someone wants to work on that section, we have a good source of information.
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Old 10-17-2003, 10:02 AM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 776

Strikethrough allows you to attack through any of an NPCs defenses, not just riposte.
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Shards of Dalaya
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