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Old 12-18-2011, 12:50 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 9
Default EQEmu on Debian 6 within vSphere 5.0 (ESXi) 12-17-2011

Installing EQEmu on Debian 6 within vSphere 5.0 (ESXi)

Thanks to all the posters of linux and windows guide where a lot of this info came from.
Much came from Sikkun's guide "Debian Linux Install Guide 5/28/2011"
I made some custom one line scripts to make the process a little easier.

Get the Debian 6 ISO
  1. Download the Debian 6 i386 netinst CD image from http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/debian-installer/
  2. Upload the ISO to your ESX host.
    The revision at the time of this guide was 6.0.3

Static DNS Entry
Create a static DNS entry ahead of time for your new EQEmu VM.

Router Setup
Setup your router to forward the following protocols and ports to your server:
UDP 7000-7100
TCP 9000

Creating the VM
  1. Right click your ESX host and create a new VM
  2. Use the Typical option
  3. enter the host name
  4. Select desired datastore
  5. Choose Linux and select Debian 6 (32-bit)
  6. You need one NIC with E1000 (Debian won't recognize the VMXNET3 adapter)
  7. Change storage to 100GB with Thin Provision
  8. Select Edit the virtual machine settings before creating option
  9. Change memory to at least 6GB
  10. Change CPU to at least 2 virtual sockets and 2 cores per socket
  11. Point then DVD to your Debian 6 32 bit ISO and select connect at power on
  12. Remove the floppy drive
  13. Click finish and power on VM when the process completes.

Right click your VM and open a console or click on the console tab
  1. Choose Install
  2. Choose your language
  3. Choose your country
  4. Choose your keyboard layout
  5. Enter host name
  6. Enter domain
  7. Enter root password
  8. Enter full name for user; EQEmu
  9. Enter username; eqemu
  10. password for eqemu
  11. Choose your timezone
  12. hit return on partioning
  13. hit return on disk to partition
  14. hit return on finish partitioning
  15. Write changes to disk? tab to yes and hit return (this took a few minutes)
  16. Wait for it to install the base system...
  17. Select your country
  18. Select the default which should be ftp.<country code>.debian.org
  19. Configure your proxy if you need to
  20. Select no on the package survey
  21. Package Install
    • De-select the Graphical Desktop Environment
    • Select SSH Server
    • Select Standard system utilities
  22. Hit enter on grub loader; yes
  23. Hit enter on fishing the installation; Continue

Post Install
  1. Login as root through VM console
  2. Verify that your interface is static
    more /etc/networks/interfaces
  3. If the iface eth0 says iface eth0 init dhcp, configure it for static:
  4. edit /etc/networks/interfaces with your favorite editor
  5. change iface eth0 init dhcp to (change the information for your network):
    iface eth0 inet static
  6. Exit and save
  7. Install packages for Higher Memory Support, VMware Tools, and EQEmu
    apt-get -y install linux-image-2.6.32-5-686-bigmem linux-headers-2.6.32-5-686-bigmem make
  8. reboot once its done

VMware Tools Install
  1. Right click your VM, select Guest, and then Install/Upgrade VMware Tools
  2. Login as root to your VM via SSH
  3. Mount your cdrom:
    mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
  4. Copy the tools to root's home directory, extract, and run (change the version to match):
    cp /mnt/VMwareTools-<version>.tar.gz ./
    tar -zxvf VMwareTools-<version>.tar.gz
    ./vmware-tools-distrib/vmware-install.pl -d
  5. Once it has completed, remove the archive and directory:
    rm VMwareTools-<version>.tar.gz
    rm -rf vmware-tools-distrib
  6. reboot

Packages for EQEmu
  1. Login as root to your VM via SSH, from now on everything is done via SSH.
    apt-get -y install gcc g++ make libio-stringy-perl libperl-dev unzip mysql-server subversion
  2. Enter a password for MySQL root
    apt-get -y install libmysqlclient15-dev

Getting the Sources
  1. Sudo to eqemu:
    su - eqemu
  2. Make directories:
    mkdir eqemu source peq server maps quests
  3. Grab the SVN's:

Compile EQEmu
  1. Still as eqemu
    cd source
    cp -r ../eqemu/trunk/EQEmuServer/* ./
  2. If you want Bots, now is the time:
    • Edit zone/makefile and add -DBOTS to DFLAGS.
    • Edit zone/makefile.common and add both bot.o and botspellsai.o
    • Edit world/makefile and add -DBOTS to DFLAGS.
  3. Compile:
You will see many warnings... don't panic...
If make stops with an error, then you can panic. Trace the steps and correct what you missed.

Copying and Linking Files to the server Directory
  1. Go back to root:
  2. Copy libEMuShareMem to lib dir:
    cp /home/eqemu/source/EMuShareMem/libEMuShareMem.so /usr/lib/
  3. edit /etc/sysctl.conf and add a new line with your fovorit editor:
    kernel.shmmax = 134217728
  4. save, exit, and chmod
    chmod 444 /etc/sysctl.conf
  5. Execute sysctl to effect the changes
    /sbin/sysctl -p
  6. Sudo back to eqemu
    su - eqemu
  7. Change to server dir, copy and create links
    cd server
    cp -r ../source/utils/defaults/* ./
    cp ../source/utils/patch_* ./
    cp ../source/utils/opcodes.conf ./
    cp ../source/utils/cleanipc ./
    cp ../source/world/world ./
    cp ../source/zone/zone ./
    cp ../source/eqlaunch/eqlaunch ./
    rm -rf Maps plugins quests
    ln -s ../maps Maps
    ln -s ../quests/plugins plugins
    ln -s ../quests quests

Database Setup Part 1
  1. Still as eqemu, unzip the database changing the rev number to yours:
    cd /home/eqemu/peq
    gunzip peqdb_rev<rev number>.sql.gz
  2. Remember the rev number...
  3. Create a file called sourceme putting the following lines in changing the rev number to match your file remove the bots line if you did not compile bots:
    create database peq;
    use peq
    source peqdb_rev<rev number>.sql
    source load_player.sql
    source load_bots.sql
  4. Then run:
    mysql -u root -p < sourceme
    Take a break. This is going to take a a few minutes... This is why the few commands were scripted

Database Setup Part 2
Ok.. time for the last part of the database...
  1. Change to the source sql directory:
    cd /home/eqemu/source/utils/sql/svn
  2. Create a new filed called sourceme and add use peq to it:
    echo "use peq" > sourcesql
  3. If you compiled bots run these commands in order:
    ls -la bot*.sql | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f9 | sort -n | sed  's/^/source /' | sort -r >> sourcesql
    ls -la [0-9]*bot*.sql | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f9 | sort -n | sed  's/^/source /' >> sourcesql
  4. Run this command and change 2082 to whatever version your database rev number is minus 1. My version was 2083.
    ls -la [0-9]* | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f9 | sort -n | awk -F'_' '$1 > 2082' | sed  's/^/source /' >> sourcesql
  5. Remove the duplicates and create the sourceme file:
    cat sourcesql | uniq > sourceme
  6. Now source it in with mysql:
    mysql -u root -p < sourceme
    If you get errors, search the forums to see if you need to correct them or not.

Getting your Login Server Account
  1. Go to the Main Page of EqEmu http://www.eqemulator.org/
  2. Click on the Loginserver Accounts link.
  3. Click on Create New Worldserver Account
  4. Create your Server account. The username and password is needed for your config file.

Edit Your Config file
  1. Still as eqemu
    cd /home/eqemu/server
    mv eqemu_config.xml.full eqemu_config.xml
  2. edit eqemu_config.xml with your favorite editor
    1. In the world section change the longname and short name to your EQ world name.
    2. In the world, loginserver section put your loginserver username and password.
    3. In the world section change the key to a string for your launcher.
    4. In the zones section change the defaultstatus to 0
    5. In the database section, change username and password to your mysql credentials.
    6. In the database section, change db to peq.
  3. Save and exit

Create your Server start and stop files
  1. Still as eqemu
    cd /home/eqemu/server
  2. Create your start, copy and paste into your terminal:
    cat > start << EOD6
    # Auto generated by EQEmu Installer v$EQEMU_INSTALLER_VER on $EQEMU_INSTALL_DATE
    # Include our configuration.
    #source eqemu.conf
    #ulimit -c 99999999
    # Start the login server.
    if [ \$USE_LOGIN_SERVER ]; then
      ./EQEmuLoginServer 2>&1 > logs/loginserver &
    # Remove any shutdown files.
    rm -f .zone_shutdown
    rm -f .world_shutdown
    # Print commands and their arguments as they are executed.
    set -x
    # Launcher name.
    if [ "\$1" = "test" ]; then
    # Set our library path.
    # Make sure we have a place to log.
    mkdir -p logs 2>&1 > /dev/null
    # Clear out old logs, if both are stopped.
    if [ ! -e .lock-zones -a ! -e .lock-world ] ; then
      for f in logs/eqemu_*.log
        # Keep the commands_zone log.
        if [ "\$f" = "logs/eqemu_commands_zone.log" ]; then
        rm -f \$f
    # Boot up world.
    if [ ! -e .lock-world ] ; then
      # Create our lock file.
      touch .lock-world
      # Determine how to run the world server.
      if [ \$USE_PERSIST_WORLD ]; then
        ./persist_world 2>&1 > logs/world &
        ./world 2>&1 > logs/world &
      # wait for shared memory to load
      sleep 15
    # Start up the official launcher.
    if [ ! -e .lock-launcher ]; then
      # Create our lock file.
      touch .lock-launcher
      # Launch!
      ./eqlaunch \$LNAME 2>&1 > logs/launcher &
    # Determine if we should start the chat server.
    if [ \$USE_CHAT_SERVER ]; then
      ./chatserver 2>&1 > logs/chatserver &
    # Determine if we should start the mail server.
    if [ \$USE_MAIL_SERVER ]; then
      ./mailserver 2>&1 > logs/mailserver &
  3. Create the persist_world file, copy and paste the following into your terminal:
    cat > persist_world << EOD8
    #ulimit -c 99999999
    while true
      ./world "\$@"
      if [ -r ".world_shutdown" ]; then
        exit 0
      echo `date` " - World crashed." >> crashlog
      sleep 2
  4. Create your stop file, copy and paste the following into your terminal:
    cat > stop << EOD7
    # Auto generated by EQEmu Installer v$EQEMU_INSTALLER_VER on $EQEMU_INSTALL_DATE
    # Include our configuration.
    #source eqemu.conf
    # Create our shutdown files.
    touch .zone_shutdown
    touch .world_shutdown
    targets="world eqlaunch zone"
    # Login Server Check
    if [ \$USE_LOGIN_SERVER ]; then
      targets="\$targets EQEmuLoginServer"
    # Chat Server Check
    if [ \$USE_CHAT_SERVER ]; then
      targets="\$targets chatserver"
    # Mail Server Check
    if [ \$USE_MAIL_SERVER ]; then
      targets="\$targets mailserver"
    killall \$targets
    # Small pause here.
    sleep 3
    # If world/zone/eqlaunch is stuck we'll 'kill -9' them here.
    if ps ax | grep -e 'w[o]rld' -e 'z[o]ne' -e 'eq[l]aunch' > /dev/null; then
      killall -9 world zone eqlaunch
      sleep 2
    # Run our IPC cleaning.
    # Remove any lock files.
    rm -f .lock-zones .lock-world .lock-login .lock-launcher
  5. Make start, persist_world, and stop executable:
    chmod 750 start
    chmod 750 persist_world
    chmod 750 stop

Thats it, startup your server and login with your player account.

If you get errors, then you missed something, trace your steps through the guide and fix anything you missed. Otherwise search the forums.

You can edit your database after you logged in to make your character the server admin, by changing the status to 200 on your account.
mysql -u root -p
use peq
UPDATE account SET status=200 WHERE name='youraccountname';
You can increase the number of zones that can be active at a time, the default is 5;
mysql -u root -p
use peq
UPDATE launcher SET dynamics=5 where name='zone';
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Old 12-18-2011, 12:51 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 9

Reserved - Reserving this for later use
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Old 12-19-2011, 06:46 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 9

Oops.. guess they don't allow editing after a set time... anyway, correction to the Router Setup section:

Router Setup
Setup your router to forward the following protocols and ports to your server:
UDP 7000-7100
TCP & UDP 9000

It may just be UDP 9000, but I see both ports listening on linux. Also a good idea to setup iptables to harden your linux box.
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Old 12-20-2011, 12:00 AM
trevius's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: USA
Posts: 5,946

Looks like a nice guide. It would be best if you just add it to the wiki though. Then you can edit it all you like and others can edit it as well if needed.

One quick note from glancing through is that you should really just use ucs instead of chatserver and mailserver. The ucs (universal chat server) replaced both of them and works for all clients.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
Everquest Emulator FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - Read It!
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Old 01-02-2012, 08:27 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 9


I have added this to the wiki: http://www.eqemulator.net/wiki/wikka...nLinuxOnVMware

The chat server and mail server options aren't enabled by the start script, but are leftover from the time when they existed. The scripts are old and I didn't update them.

I may update them later.
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Old 01-16-2012, 03:40 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 3
Default problem using start script

I'm having the following problem when trying to run the start script. Have you seen this before, or have any idea what the problem could be?

eqemu@eqserver:~/server$ ./start
+ LNAME=zone
+ '[' '' = test ']'
+ P=/home/eqemu/server
+ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=:/home/eqemu/server
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=:/home/eqemu/server
+ mkdir -p logs
./start: line 39: syntax error near unexpected token `then'
./start: line 39: `* * if [ "$f" = "logs/eqemu_commands_zone.log" ]; then'
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Old 01-16-2012, 06:12 AM
Opcode Ninja
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: San francisco
Posts: 426

could be missing log.ini blank file needs to be placed in server directory.
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Old 01-16-2012, 04:17 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 3

The blank log.ini does exist in the server directory.

It seems like this problem is only happening with the nested if statements. There are 2 nested if statements in the script, and both get the same error.
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Old 01-16-2012, 05:12 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 3

After I replaced the whitespace which indented these blocks of code, the problem stopped... strange. I deleted the whitespace and indented with the same number of spaces.
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Old 01-20-2012, 01:24 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 9

You've peaked my curiosity with the white space issue. I want to see if I can duplicate the issue. I will work on cleaning up the scripts and removing deprecated portions.

Are you running on bare metal or VMware?

Did you copy the scripts from the Wiki or the forum?

How were you copying and pasting the script? Directly to a console/terminal or using notepad or another editor.

Where you on the console or using Putty or another terminal emulation program from Windows?

Thanks in advanced!
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Old 06-07-2012, 04:53 PM
Forum Guide
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 468

I've got to ask this, because it's probably been the only reason I ever install the gui when setting up Debian Linux... How do you copy the spells.txt and spells.en files from windows? Your guide says to do it, but not how... In the past Iv'e used webmin, but in this guide you never set that up. Is it as simple as using ftp to put them there? Just curious as to how everyone else does this.

I'm thinking about opening my server back up, and I would love to drop the gui!

Sayin Silverwolf
Server Op of The Sandbox (Non-Legit)
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Old 06-07-2012, 06:15 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: U.S.A.
Posts: 197

Mount the windows partition and copy them to the appropiate folder.

Take a look at the `mount` and `cp` commands. If you have a GUI desktop you may be able to simply mount them by simply double clicking on the windows partition (possibly showed on the desktop) and supplying the root password.

Alternatively you could just boot into windows and put the files on a flash drive and then boot back into Debian.

Last edited by Vexyl; 06-07-2012 at 06:15 PM.. Reason: hard drive = partition
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Old 06-08-2012, 08:21 AM
Forum Guide
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 468

Originally Posted by Vexyl View Post
Mount the windows partition and copy them to the appropiate folder.

Take a look at the `mount` and `cp` commands. If you have a GUI desktop you may be able to simply mount them by simply double clicking on the windows partition (possibly showed on the desktop) and supplying the root password.

Alternatively you could just boot into windows and put the files on a flash drive and then boot back into Debian.
Yeah with the gui most of the steps to setting up a server are easier... Thats why I run my server with the gui enabled. I would love to be able to cut down on the size of the vm by eliminating it, but it just doesn't seem worth it.
Sayin Silverwolf
Server Op of The Sandbox (Non-Legit)
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Old 06-08-2012, 03:00 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: U.S.A.
Posts: 197

Once you get comfortable with the command-line, it's very powerful and even sometimes fun.

That said, for a simple EQEmu setup I don't think a desktop GUI will affect performance all that much.
Either way you have access to the command-line (through a terminal emulator) which can be very helpful.
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Old 07-22-2012, 12:24 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 9

Added information to the Wiki page for connecting to a Linux box without a GUI. Basically if you're on a Windows machine you have to use terminal emulation by using Putty or SecureCRT. For transferring files without setting up samba use WinSCP, Putty-SCP, Putty-SFTP, or SecureFX.
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