Originally Posted by Uleat
Are you using up-to-date source and data?
Badcaptain and I have made changes to the way that bard bots use songs in the past.
There are a lot of factors that go into what song is played and it's just possible that you're in the level range of a few songs
with cast/recast timer anomalies..especially if they're in the healing rotation... (I can't remember atm if they are put in or not...)
If you are up-to-date, let me know and I'll see if I can't trace this to a cause/reason.
Unfortunately it's not the level range.
1-5 he sings nothing in combat at all.
6-19 he only sings Hymn of Restoration in combat.
20-31 he only sings Hymn of Restoration and Chant of Clarity in combat.
32-33 he only sings Hymn of Restoration and Chorus of Clarity in combat.
34-54 he only sings Cantata of Soothing in combat.
After that it's the Cantata/Chorus line of songs. All the bard bots will sing in combat are the health/mana regeneration songs. Nothing else. Out of combat they'll sing fight songs, AC songs, overhaste, resist songs, etc.. But, they just let those fade immediately when combat starts. Shouldn't it be the other way around? They sing only regen out of combat and everything else in combat?
My database/everything is less than 3 months old.
Edit: I can upload a video showing what I am talking about with multiple level ranges if that will help?