Only one i can figure out thust far is spirit of wolf , i even went as far as removing the beastlord class
(image on hosting site is crap but you can download it and open it and zoom in and the clairty remains) all it is showing is that the scroll says rng 39 druid 14 shaman 9 and it is scribed in my spell book and is a level 39 spell and it also shows my DB where it shows a classes4 value of 30 . Yes i have restarted the server multiple times
Now here is what i do know , that pre velious the ranger spell level was level 39 for this spell , so i am thinking there maybe some kind of rule or something changing the value?
image will auto delete after 6 month's
Here is a run down of what i did / am doing.
Like most people having issues with Spirit of wolf, so i found a fix for it , and that was using another file besides spell id 278 i am using 1776 and everything works except the required ranger level, i even edited item 15278 to change the scroll effect so you can buy it and scribe it , but rangers are having this issue.
Thanks for your help. it does say ranger level 30 on the spire tool. so im lost