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Old 08-29-2004, 06:11 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Florida
Posts: 362
Default 0_o scary?

THIS IS AN MSN MESSENGER CONVERSATION I HAD WITH x-members of the clan RoAR (a 3 year old clan)

Keep in mind some people call me NEW or NEWAGE or JAKE.

This starts with me being (falsly let into another clan). They think that I am going to join the TG clan and Kryptik wants to kill me in real life so the 3 year old clan RoAR dies, because RoAR has always made many come backs... too many to count.

Jake & Cassie = ME (NeWaGe)
DJ Kryptik = dude I once hired to run my clan, now went insane
Dark_Lord = dude who wants alliance, but Hatrus (DJ Kryptik) wants to stop him
Mr. Puff = dude whos high on crack and makes no sense and dances with jawas that I summon in the game....

DJ KryptiK says:
i heard your letting new in, its good your giving him another chance. after what he did to all of us. what he did to jedikiller i can never forgive
Dark Lord says:
i see
DJ KryptiK says:
you do know what he did right
Dark Lord says:
what did he do
Mr.Puff says:
DJ KryptiK says:
jedi hosted the roar server since roar came to jka. he spent hours and went through a divorce but still found time to keep the server up. roar would have never been here if it wasnt for him
Dark Lord says:
i know that
DJ KryptiK says:
when jedi decided to leave, new called him roars most usless player.
DJ KryptiK says:
he said some thing to him that really hurt him
DJ KryptiK says:
that he just used jedi
DJ KryptiK says:
he said the same to me
DJ KryptiK says:
my factory is made of hackers and trouble makers, plus ive enroled the hacker clan thats bent on destroying all other clans. i made a deal with them to help them exterminate jka clans.\par
Mr.Puff says:
what say u to that
DJ KryptiK says:
he called jn traitors and hes called tnt clans
DJ KryptiK says:
im getting to that
DJ KryptiK says:
dont ruin my plans deperado
DJ KryptiK says:
DJ KryptiK says:
you know how much i hate newage
Dark Lord says:
we werent traitors we saw that roar was dying i waited til it had a few members
DJ KryptiK says:
and what i did to his site and server.
DJ KryptiK says:
no but he called you traitors he called us all
Mr.Puff says:
hmm it was ur server to begin with
Dark Lord says:
then new lost his internet and as soon as new got his internet back tg was already a wwk old
DJ KryptiK says:
now you saw what i did to his site and you saw that i never took a rest till he's quot roar now. i devoted the entire tntresources to a dept called the factory that's sole perpuse was to destroy roar
Dark Lord says:
i see
Dark Lord says:
but were not roar
DJ KryptiK says:
i made some deals with the devil, a clan that's ben ton destroying all other clans made entirly of hackers
Dark Lord says:
were tg
DJ KryptiK says:
i wonyt stop till hes gone from jka and i will anyone that stand in my way of him
Jake & Cassie has been added to the conversation.
Jake & Cassie says:
woh dude
Jake & Cassie says:
wassup with all these ppl
Dark Lord says:
hatrus its just a game i can see u had fun in roar while u were in it
DJ KryptiK says:
its not a game anymore
DJ KryptiK says:
its an obsession!
Dark Lord says:
i also see a little part of that
Mr.Puff says:
Jake & Cassie says:
Mr.Puff says:
DJ KryptiK says:
its becone my obsession
Jake & Cassie says:
Jake & Cassie says:
Mr.Puff says:
to eat pie?
Jake & Cassie says:
hes nerd now
DJ KryptiK says:
i write about it and make theorys and blueprints
Jake & Cassie says:
anyways I gotta get back to my life with cassie
DJ KryptiK says:
i will find a way to get him for good
DJ KryptiK says:
and if you let him in ill take you with me
Dark Lord says:
hatrus it is your obsession to make him not play a fucking star wars game???
Mr.Puff says:
u know he can see what ur typing
DJ KryptiK says:
my obsewsion is to be gone with him for good so i can be here by myself
Jake & Cassie says:
guess so dude
Jake & Cassie says:
kinda scares me
Jake & Cassie says:
Mr.Puff says:
yes dance in the anger
DJ KryptiK says:
so i cna enjoy star wasrs without him
Dark Lord says:
dude he wont do anything 2 u
Jake & Cassie says:
im not even bugging u kryptik
DJ KryptiK says:
no but i will
Dark Lord says:
thes just plays and if u hate him so much just ban him and u will never hear form him
DJ KryptiK says:
ive tried befrinding you jake but that didnt work!
Mr.Puff says:
hmm ull die an early death with that anger hatrus
Jake & Cassie has left the conversation.
DJ KryptiK says:
i want you dead along with your whole family, friends, andanyone your aquinted with
Dark Lord says:
DJ KryptiK says:
bastard left
Mr.Puff says:
DJ KryptiK says:
ill kill him
Dark Lord says:
itd a game its a clan u have never even met him
Mr.Puff says:
sets fire to a barn
DJ KryptiK says:
puff know s i own the 2nd largest firearm colection in alabama
Mr.Puff says:
DJ KryptiK says:
i know jakes lives in cape coral
Dark Lord says:
good 4 u
Dark Lord says:
i know u live in virginia
Mr.Puff says:
then kill him
DJ KryptiK says:
im hoping to burn his church while hes in it
DJ KryptiK says:
i live in alabama
DJ KryptiK says:
ive prayed to the devil for help on this. told him id give him my soul if he would help me destroy him
Dark Lord says:
hatrus its just words what he did
DJ KryptiK says:
the devil taught me something. that what i want is worth dying for, its woth genocide of enitre race
DJ KryptiK says:
i will get him
Mr.Puff says:
hmm anyone can kill anyone if there willing to pay the price
DJ KryptiK says:
im searching white pages paying money per hour to find as much info on him as i can
Dark Lord says:
hatrus... if this is going to start stuff i dont want u and your gang of hackers in our server and shit
DJ KryptiK says:
no dark
DJ KryptiK says:
we will be on your website
DJ KryptiK says:
in your computers
Dark Lord says:
ti guess i wont let him in if your so devoted to fuckign any one up associated with him
DJ KryptiK says:
haha let him in i dare you
Mr.Puff says:
hmm he delets all of non clan members
Mr.Puff says:
and ip bans
DJ KryptiK says:
ive wanted this war for so long i have dreams of meeting him on the street and killing him
DJ KryptiK says:
i know it will come true
DJ KryptiK says:
i just now it
Mr.Puff says:
u need a taco
DJ KryptiK says:
you have to help me
DJ KryptiK says:
find out his address
DJ KryptiK says:
ill pay you!
Dark Lord says:
im not starting a war
DJ KryptiK says:
how much do you want
Mr.Puff says:
hmm look in the phone book
DJ KryptiK says:
i dont know his dads name
DJ KryptiK says:
find out
Dark Lord says:
hatrus i dotn want a fucking war just to run a jka clan
DJ KryptiK says:
find out or you got a war!
Mr.Puff says:
Dark Lord says:
omg your crazy do u want me to get IJ agian
Dark Lord says:
i have gotten to be pretty good friends
DJ KryptiK says:
haha ij are our allies
Mr.Puff says:
DJ KryptiK says:
DJ KryptiK says:
he is helping me hurt other clans
Dark Lord says:
u devote all thsi time to newage
DJ KryptiK says:
i told him i would let him help me hurt other clans if he helped me with jake
Dark Lord says:
its just stupid
Mr.Puff says:
hmm almost like a x lover
Dark Lord says:
paddie isnt in IJ
DJ KryptiK says:
its an obsession and i will do crazy things to satisfy it
DJ KryptiK says:
and ive spend already over 10 grand on info and material to get jake
Mr.Puff says:
thats nice
DJ KryptiK says:
ive tailed to some ppl in flordia that said they might kill him for me
DJ KryptiK says:
im hoping it will go thought
Dark Lord says:
DJ KryptiK says:
i said i wanted pictures of his body
DJ KryptiK says:
for trophies i will psot on thw site
DJ KryptiK says:
Dark Lord says:
DJ KryptiK says:
omg i could masturbate to the idea of him being gone
DJ KryptiK says:
you have to help me get info on him
Dark Lord says:
u 2 used to be such good friends liek a week ago
Dark Lord says:
i wont help u kill some 1
DJ KryptiK says:
that was a ploy to tryight to find out were he lived
DJ KryptiK says:
i found out the city and location from myotis
DJ KryptiK says:
i need a street address
Mr.Puff says:
or last name
DJ KryptiK says:
im so close
Dark Lord says:
Dark Lord says:
u got to stop

There is WAY more to this conversation i'll continue it later... but this is just messed up. Post your comments please.
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Old 08-29-2004, 06:17 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Dover
Posts: 17

dude thats fuckin scary
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Old 08-29-2004, 06:34 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Florida
Posts: 362

How it's continuing....

Someone on MSN messenger asked me if (such and such) was my street address (I didn't read this conversation at the time because Dark Lord my good friend sent me this about 2 days later.)

So anyways... the dude asked me if that was my street address I had no idea what it was about... I told the dude that no it wasn't... mine was (such and such).

Now I know I shouldn't have given him that information but he had no idea what city I lived in anyways so I figured wtf would he do with that information anyways...

So anyways I know Lord_Hatrus's MSN right... so I go look at his profile and all of the sudden his MSN avatar changed from a space shuttle to palm trees.... now im getting scared...
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Old 08-29-2004, 08:19 AM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 245

wtf? swg or something? someones gonna die? i read like this whole thing but dont kno wtf is going on. am i suspoused to?
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Old 08-29-2004, 08:23 AM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,177

it's just a load of meaningless crap nobody can make heads or tails of =D

i read like half of it then decided it was retarded. lol
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Old 08-29-2004, 02:25 PM
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Well, Spike is Jake and sounds like DJ doesn't like you very much..... Yeah probably wasn't a good idea to give out your address to anyone.... I wouldn't worry about it too much though, people who are very small in real life like to act powerful.... I'm sure it's just a lot of hot air....
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
- Albert Einstein

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Old 08-29-2004, 05:49 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 15

If I could count the amount of times I've given out my address on the internet, I'd be...a damn good counter. In fact, I think I've done it twice on the WR forums, see if you can find it!

Internet tough guys really don't concern me.
Shards of Dalaya Staff Administrator
I have stairs in my house.
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Old 08-29-2004, 06:46 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Heaven.
Posts: 1,260

Originally Posted by Melwin
If I could count the amount of times I've given out my address on the internet, I'd be...a damn good counter. In fact, I think I've done it twice on the WR forums, see if you can find it!

Internet tough guys really don't concern me.
Melwin`s Address

Do I get a cookie??
namespace retval { template <class T> class ReturnValueGen { private: T x; public: ReturnValueGen() { x = 0; }; T& Generator() { return x; }; }; } int main() { retval::ReturnValueGen<int> retvalue; return retvalue.Generator(); }
C++ is wonderful.
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Old 08-29-2004, 06:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Cisyouc

Do I get a cookie??
Thats MY line!!!!!
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Old 08-29-2004, 07:06 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 15

Originally Posted by Cisyouc
Originally Posted by Melwin
If I could count the amount of times I've given out my address on the internet, I'd be...a damn good counter. In fact, I think I've done it twice on the WR forums, see if you can find it!

Internet tough guys really don't concern me.
Melwin`s Address

Do I get a cookie??
Go you.

I wonder if internet tough guys will come beat me up like they have* in the past now

*they never have
Shards of Dalaya Staff Administrator
I have stairs in my house.
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Old 08-30-2004, 08:12 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Florida
Posts: 362

How it still is progressing....

The dude SKIRGE (another x-member) says hey (such and such)*he said my street address*

I told him WOH so your the person who knows my address, you didn't tell Hatrus (dj kryptik) that did you? He says no I dont even have his msn.

I'm glad and I check out hatrus's MSN he changed his avatar to a giant penis and wont talk to anyone.

Now he wants to know my last name and is still spending money to kill me.
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Old 08-30-2004, 09:13 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 15

Originally Posted by Spike
How it still is progressing....

The dude SKIRGE (another x-member) says hey (such and such)*he said my street address*

I told him WOH so your the person who knows my address, you didn't tell Hatrus (dj kryptik) that did you? He says no I dont even have his msn.

I'm glad and I check out hatrus's MSN he changed his avatar to a giant penis and wont talk to anyone.

Now he wants to know my last name and is still spending money to kill me.
Actually he's just saying he is.

In reality he's full of shit.
Shards of Dalaya Staff Administrator
I have stairs in my house.
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Old 08-30-2004, 10:24 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 32

Actually he's just saying he is.

In reality he's full of shit.
Thumbs up emoticon.

Coming from a psychological point of view, the person in question sounds very young. He also sounds like a typical child that lashes out and says very "rude" things just for shock value.

I doubt he has any money to spend, let alone knows how to book an airline ticket. I wouldn't give it much thought.
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Old 08-30-2004, 10:58 AM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Wish I knew.
Posts: 251

I agree with above. I doubt anything will happen. Just let him keep talking blah blah blah. Dont worry about it.

Then again... if we dont see you for a few days, Ill know what happened :lol:
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<Richardo> KingDrama has left #EQEMU
<Richardo> the rule my pants!
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Old 08-30-2004, 11:24 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 1

Ah I see that my last post was deleted. Somone here dosent like me very much. I guess I wont be as insulting this time. I know Jake's address now. The guy Skirge he reffered to told me. My condition on leaving him alone revolves around him staying out of jka. If he does this I will let it go. And to be matter of fact, Im not young, although Ive been told I act like it. Seems like you kids are trying to figure what to think of me. Keep thinking. NAd no jake I havent gone insane. I have never been insane reguardless of what my psychiatrist, psychologist, and pill pushing doctor says. Thoes pills are for crazy people! I am always watching, Jake. Stay out of jka. I almost want to send a bag full of bugs to see if the address is correct. Im sure to get a response from him that way. Then I could send more important things. Have fun with youi little friends here new. Your right there are too many of them here. I know your name is Jacob Fliss, you live in flordia, cape coral, your address is 15 terrace. want more info? lol

Go ahead and delete my post agian. Just shows your fears and anxioty.
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