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Old 07-16-2009, 01:41 AM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: California
Posts: 814

Wheeeeeeeew, this has been an educational endeavour! LOL.

Alright, I've gotten the #object command 110% functional. I've tested every part of its functionality, but it could most definitely stand to undergo additional testing from more users.

Note: Nothing in the commands is case sensitive.

First the breakdown on the new commands:


1. #object List - Lists all objects in the zone or within Radius units of you

Usage: #object List All|(Radius)

- #object List All
- #object List 500


2. #object Add - Spawns a new object at your present location

Static Object: #object Add [ObjectID] 0 Model [SizePercent] [SolidType] [Incline]
Tradeskill Object: #object Add [ObjectID] TypeNum Model Icon

- #object Add 0 CHEST1 50
- #object Add 17 IT66_ACTORDEF 1115
- #object Add 161001 0 FELBED 125 1 0


3. #object Edit - Changes a property of an object within the zone

Usage: #object Edit (ObjectID) (PropertyName) (Value)
- Static Object Properties: model, type, size, solidtype, incline
- Tradeskill Object Properties: model, type, icon

- #object Edit 30005 model BARSTOOL1
- #object Edit 141073 icon 1116


4. #object Move - Moves an object to a new location

Usage: #object Move (ObjectID) ToMe|(x y z [h])

- #object Move 34106 ToMe
- #object Move 1519 -25 50 0 256


5. #object Rotate - Changes an object's heading without changing its location

Usage: #object Rotate (ObjectID) (NewHeading)

Example: #object Rotate 5029 128


6. #object Save - Saves an object to the database.

Note: New objects spawned and changes made to existing objects are not saved to the database until #object Save is called on them.

Usage: #object Save (ObjectID)

Example: #object Save 51202


7. #object Copy - Copies object(s) from the current instance version into another

Usage: #object Copy All|(ObjectID) (InstanceVersion)

- #object Copy All 1
- #object Copy 76209 5


8. #object Delete - Despawns an object and permanently removes it from the database

Usage: #object Delete (ObjectID)

Example: #object Delete 219538


9. #object Undo - Cancels changes made to an object and respawns it from the database

Note: Objects that have been spawned with '#object Add' but have not yet been saved to the database are deleted when '#object Undo' is used on them.

Usage: #object Undo (ObjectID)

Example: #object Undo 32109


Okay, that's how they work.

Here are all of the code changes required to make the magic happen. Line numbers are based on Rev 781 (7/15/2009).

File: object.h - Line 172
  void ClearUser() { user = NULL; }

  // **** New Code Start ****
  int32 GetDBID();
  int32 GetType();
  void  SetType(int32 type);
  int32 GetIcon();
  void  SetIcon(int32 icon);
  int32 GetItemID();
  void  SetItemID(int32 itemid);
  void GetObjectData(Object_Struct* Data);
  void SetObjectData(Object_Struct* Data);
  void GetLocation(float* x, float* y, float* z);
  void SetLocation(float x, float y, float z);
  void GetHeading(float* heading);
  void SetHeading(float heading);

File: object.cpp - Line 630
  //else {
    // Delete contained items, if any
  //	DeleteWorldContainer(id);


// **** New Code Start ****

int32 Object::GetDBID()
  return this->m_id;

int32 Object::GetType()
  return this->m_type;

void Object::SetType(uint32 type)
  this->m_type = type;
  this->m_data.object_type = type;

int32 Object::GetIcon()
  return this->m_icon;

void Object::SetIcon(int32 icon)
  this->m_icon = icon;

int32 Object::GetItemID()
  if (this->m_inst == 0)
    return 0;
  const Item_Struct* item = this->m_inst->GetItem();

  if (item == 0)
    return 0;

  return item->ID;

void Object::SetItemID(int32 itemid)
  if (itemid)
    this->m_inst = database.CreateItem(itemid);

void Object::GetObjectData(Object_Struct* Data)
  if (Data)
    memcpy(Data, &this->m_data, sizeof(this->m_data));

void Object::SetObjectData(Object_Struct* Data)
  if (Data)
    memcpy(&this->m_data, Data, sizeof(this->m_data));

void Object::GetLocation(float* x, float* y, float* z)
  if (x)
    *x = this->m_data.x;

  if (y)
    *y = this->m_data.y;

  if (z)
    *z = this->m_data.z;

void Object::SetLocation(float x, float y, float z)
  this->m_data.x = x;
  this->m_data.y = y;
  this->m_data.z = z;

void Object::GetHeading(float* heading)
  if (heading)
    *heading = this->m_data.heading;

void Object::SetHeading(float heading)
  this->m_data.heading = heading;

File: entity.h - Line 192
  void  SendAATimer(int32 charid,UseAA_Struct* uaa);
  Doors*  FindDoor(int8 door_id);

  // **** New Code Start ****
  Object* FindObject(int32 object_id);
  Object* FindNearbyObject(float x, float y, float z, float radius);
File: entity.cpp - Line 742
      return door;
  return 0;

// **** New Code Start ****
Object* EntityList::FindObject(int32 object_id)
  LinkedListIterator<Object*> iterator(object_list);

    Object* object=iterator.GetData();
    if (object->GetDBID() == object_id)
      return object;
  return NULL;

Object* EntityList::FindNearbyObject(float x, float y, float z, float radius)
  LinkedListIterator<Object*> iterator(object_list);

  float ox;
  float oy;
  float oz;

    Object* object=iterator.GetData();
    object->GetLocation(&ox, &oy, &oz);

    if ((abs(ox - x) <= radius) && (abs(oy - y) <= radius) && (abs(oz - z) <= radius))
      return object;

  return NULL;
File: zone.cpp - Line 181
    LogFile->write(EQEMuLog::Status, "Loading Objects from DB...");
    while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) {

    // **** New Code Start ****
      if (atoi(row[9]) == 0)
        // Type == 0 - Static Object
        const char* shortname = database.GetZoneName(atoi(row[1]), false); // zoneid -> zone_shortname

        if (shortname)
          Door d;
          memset(&d, 0, sizeof(d));

          strncpy(d.zone_name, shortname, sizeof(d.zone_name));
          d.db_id = 1000000000 + atoi(row[0]); // Out of range of normal use for doors.id
          d.door_id = -1; // Client doesn't care if these are all the same door_id
          d.pos_x = atof(row[2]); // xpos
          d.pos_y = atof(row[3]); // ypos
          d.pos_z = atof(row[4]); // zpos
          d.heading = atof(row[5]); // heading

          strncpy(d.door_name, row[8], sizeof(d.door_name)); // objectname
          // Strip trailing "_ACTORDEF" if present. Client won't accept it for doors.
          int len = strlen(d.door_name);
          if ((len > 9) && (memcmp(&d.door_name[len - 9], "_ACTORDEF", 10) == 0))
            d.door_name[len - 9] = '\0';
          memcpy(d.dest_zone, "NONE", 5);
          if ((d.size = atoi(row[11])) == 0) // unknown08 = optional size percentage
            d.size = 100;

          switch (d.opentype = atoi(row[12])) // unknown10 = optional request_nonsolid (0 or 1 or experimental number)
            case 0:
              d.opentype = 31;
            case 1:
              d.opentype = 9;

          d.incline = atoi(row[13]); // unknown20 = optional model incline value

          Doors* door = new Doors(&d);

File: command.h - Line 309
void command_setstartzone(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
void command_netstats(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);

// **** New Code Start ****

void command_object(Client* c, const Seperator *sep);

File: command.cpp - Line 448
    command_add("setstartzone","[zoneid] - Set target's starting zone.  Set to zero to allow the player to use /setstartcity",80,command_setstartzone) || 
 -  command_add("netstats","Gets the network stats for a stream.",200,command_netstats)
 +  command_add("netstats","Gets the network stats for a stream.",200,command_netstats) ||

    // **** New Code Start ****

    command_add("object","List|Add|Edit|Move|Rotate|Copy|Save|Undo|Delete - Manipulate static and tradeskill objects within the zone",100,command_object)
File: command.cpp - Line 13344, AKA "The Doozy"
      c->Message(0, "Recieved:");
      c->Message(0, "Total: %u, per second: %u", c->Connection()->GetBytesRecieved(), c->Connection()->GetBytesRecvPerSecond());

// **** New Code Start ****

void command_object(Client *c, const Seperator *sep)
  if (!c)
    return; // Crash Suppressant: No client. How did we get here?

  // Save it here. We sometimes have need to refer to it in multiple places.
  char* usage_string = "Usage: #object List|Add|Edit|Move|Rotate|Save|Copy|Delete|Undo";
  if ((!sep) || (sep->argnum == 0))
    // Crash Suppressant: Shouldn't be able to get here, either, but fail gracefully if we do.
    c->Message(0, usage_string);


  char errbuf[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
	char query[512];
  char line[256];
  int32 col;
  int32 lastid;
  MYSQL_RES *result;
  MYSQL_ROW row;
  int iObjectsFound = 0;
  int len;

  Object* o = NULL;
  Object_Struct od;
  Door door;
  Doors* doors;
  Door_Struct* ds;
  int32 id = 0;
  int32 itemid = 0;
  int32 icon = 0;
  int32 instance = 0;
  int32 newid = 0;
  int16 radius;
  EQApplicationPacket* app;

  bool bNewObject = false;

  errbuf[0] = '\0';

  float x2;
  float y2;

  // Temporary object type for static objects to allow manipulation
  // NOTE: Zone::LoadZoneObjects() currently loads this as an int8, so max value is 255!
  static const int32 TempStaticType = 255;

  // Case insensitive commands (List == list == LIST)

  // Protip: We only really care about the first letter. You can abbreviate Delete to just D if desired.
  switch (sep->arg[1][0])
    case 'l': // List Objects
      // Insufficient or invalid args
      if ((sep->argnum < 2) || (sep->arg[2][0] < '0') || ((sep->arg[2][0] > '9') && ((sep->arg[2][0] & 0xDF) != 'A')))
        c->Message(0, "Usage: #object List All|(radius)");

      if ((sep->arg[2][0] & 0xDF) == 'A')
        radius = 0; // List All
      else if ((radius = atoi(sep->arg[2])) <= 0)
        radius = 500; // Invalid radius. Default to 500 units.
      if (radius == 0)
        c->Message(0, "Objects within this zone:");
        c->Message(0, "Objects within %u units of your current location:", radius);
      if (radius)
        sprintf_s(query, sizeof(query),
          "SELECT id, xpos, ypos, zpos, heading, itemid, objectname, type, icon, unknown08, unknown10, unknown20"
          " FROM object"
          " WHERE (zoneid=%u)"
          " AND (version=%u)"
          " AND (xpos BETWEEN %.1f AND %.1f)"
          " AND (ypos BETWEEN %.1f AND %.1f)"
          " AND (zpos BETWEEN %.1f AND %.1f)"
          " ORDER BY id",
          c->GetX() - radius,         // Yes, we're actually using a bounding box instead of a radius.
          c->GetX() + radius,         // Much less processing power used this way.
          c->GetY() - radius,
          c->GetY() + radius,
          c->GetZ() - radius,
          c->GetZ() + radius);
        sprintf_s(query, sizeof(query),
          "SELECT id, xpos, ypos, zpos, heading, itemid, objectname, type, icon, unknown08, unknown10, unknown20"
          " FROM object"
          " WHERE (zoneid=%u)"
          " AND (version=%u)"
          " ORDER BY id",

      if (database.RunQuery(query, strlen(query), errbuf, &result))
  			while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)))
          col = 0;
          id = atoi(row[col++]);
          od.x = atof(row[col++]);
          od.y = atof(row[col++]);
          od.z = atof(row[col++]);
          od.heading = atof(row[col++]);
          itemid = atoi(row[col++]);
          strncpy_s(od.object_name, sizeof(od.object_name), row[col++], _TRUNCATE);
          od.object_type = atoi(row[col++]);
          icon = atoi(row[col++]);
          od.unknown008[0] = atoi(row[col++]);
          od.unknown008[1] = atoi(row[col++]);
          od.unknown020 = atoi(row[col++]);

          switch (od.object_type)
            case 0: // Static Object
            case TempStaticType: // Static Object unlocked for changes
              if (od.unknown008[0] == 0) // Unknown08 field is optional Size parameter for static objects
                od.unknown008[0] = 100;  // Static object default Size is 100%

                "- STATIC Object (%s): id %u, x %.1f, y %.1f, z %.1f, h %.1f, model %s, size %u, solidtype %u, incline %u",
                (od.object_type == 0) ? "locked" : "unlocked", id, od.x, od.y, od.z, od.heading, od.object_name, od.unknown008[0], od.unknown008[1], od.unknown020);
            case OT_DROPPEDITEM: // Ground Spawn
                "- TEMPORARY Object: id %u, x %.1f, y %.1f, z %.1f, h %.1f, itemid %u, model %s, icon %u",
                id, od.x, od.y, od.z, od.heading, itemid, od.object_name, icon);
            default: // All others == Tradeskill Objects
                "- TRADESKILL Object: id %u, x %.1f, y %.1f, z %.1f, h %.1f, model %s, type %u, icon %u",
                id, od.x, od.y, od.z, od.heading, od.object_name, od.object_type, icon);



      c->Message(0, "%u object%s found", iObjectsFound, (iObjectsFound == 1) ? "" : "s");
    case 'a': // Add Object
      // Insufficient or invalid arguments
      if ((sep->argnum < 3) || ((sep->arg[3][0] == '\0') && (sep->arg[4][0] < '0') && (sep->arg[4][0] > '9')))
        c->Message(0, "Usage: (Static Object): #object Add [ObjectID] 0 Model [SizePercent] [SolidType] [Incline]");
        c->Message(0, "Usage: (Tradeskill Object): #object Add [ObjectID] TypeNum Model Icon");
        c->Message(0, "- Notes: Model must start with a letter, max length 16. SolidTypes = 0 (Solid), 1 (Sometimes Non-Solid)");


      if (sep->argnum > 3)
        // Model name in arg3?
        if ((sep->arg[3][0] <= '9') && (sep->arg[3][0] >= '0'))
          // Nope, user must have specified ObjectID. Extract it.
          id = atoi(sep->arg[2]);

          col = 1; // Bump all other arguments one to the right. Model is in arg4.
          // Yep, arg3 is non-numeric, ObjectID must be omitted and model must be arg3
          id = 0;
          col = 0;
        // Nope, only 3 args. Object ID must be omitted and arg3 must be model.
        id = 0;
        col = 0;
      memset(&od, 0, sizeof(od));
      od.object_type = atoi(sep->arg[2 + col]);

      switch (od.object_type)
        case 0: // Static Object
          if ((sep->argnum - col) > 3)
            od.unknown008[0] = atoi(sep->arg[4 + col]); // Size specified

            if ((sep->argnum - col) > 4)
              od.unknown008[1] = atoi(sep->arg[5 + col]); // SolidType specified

              if ((sep->argnum - col) > 5)
                od.unknown020 = atoi(sep->arg[6 + col]); // Incline specified
        case 1: // Ground Spawn
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object Type 1 is used for temporarily spawned ground spawns and dropped items, which are not supported with #object. See the 'ground_spawns' table in the database.");

        default: // Everything else == Tradeskill Object
          icon = ((sep->argnum - col) > 3) ? atoi(sep->arg[4 + col]) : 0;

          if (icon == 0)
            c->Message(0, "ERROR: Required property 'Icon' not specified for Tradeskill Object");

      od.x = c->GetX();
      od.y = c->GetY();
      od.z = c->GetZ() - (c->GetSize() * 0.625f);
      od.heading = c->GetHeading() * 2.0f; // GetHeading() is half of actual. Compensate by doubling.

      if (id)
        // ID specified. Verify that it doesn't already exist.
        sprintf_s(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM object WHERE ID=%u", id);

        // Already in database?
        if (database.RunQuery(query, strlen(query), errbuf, &result))
          if (row = mysql_fetch_row(result))
            if (atoi(row[0]) > 0)
              // Yep, in database already.

              id = 0;


        if (id)
          // Not in database. Already spawned, just not saved?
          if (entity_list.FindObject(id))
            // Yep, already spawned.
            id = 0;

        if (id == 0)
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: An object already exists with the id %u", id);

      // Verify no other objects already in this spot (accidental double-click of Hotkey?)
      sprintf_s(query, sizeof(query),
        "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM object "
        "WHERE (zoneid=%u) "
        "AND (version=%u) "
        "AND (posx BETWEEN %.1f AND %.1f) "
        "AND (posy BETWEEN %.1f AND %.1f) "
        "AND (posz BETWEEN %.1f AND %.1f)",
        od.x - 0.2f, od.x + 0.2f,     // Yes, we're actually using a bounding box instead of a radius.
        od.y - 0.2f, od.y + 0.2f,     // Much less processing power used this way.
        od.z - 0.2f, od.z + 0.2f);    // It's pretty forgiving, though, allowing for close-proximity objects

      iObjectsFound = 0;
      if (database.RunQuery(query, strlen(query), errbuf, &result))
        if (row = mysql_fetch_row(result))
          iObjectsFound = atoi(row[0]); // Number of nearby objects from database


      if (iObjectsFound == 0)
        // No objects found in database too close. How about spawned but not yet saved?
        if (entity_list.FindNearbyObject(od.x, od.y, od.z, 0.2f))

      if (iObjectsFound)
        c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object already at this location.");


      // Strip any single quotes from objectname (SQL injection FTL!)
      strncpy_s(od.object_name, sizeof(od.object_name), sep->arg[3 + col], _TRUNCATE); // Database currently only holds 16 characters
      len = strlen(od.object_name);
      for (col = 0; col < len; col++)
        if (od.object_name[col] == '\'')
          // Uh oh, 1337 h4x0r monkeying around! Strip that apostrophe!
          memcpy(&od.object_name[col], &od.object_name[col + 1], len - col);
      _strupr(od.object_name);  // Model names are always upper-case.

      if ((od.object_name[0] < 'A') || (od.object_name[0] > 'Z'))
        c->Message(0, "ERROR: Model name must start with a letter.");


      if (id == 0)
        // No ID specified. Get a best-guess next number from the database
        // If there's a problem retrieving an ID from the database, it'll end up being object # 1. No biggie.

        strcpy_s(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT MAX(id) FROM object");

        if (database.RunQuery(query, strlen(query), errbuf, &result))
          if (row = mysql_fetch_row(result))
            id = atoi(row[0]);



      // Make sure not to overwrite already-spawned objects that haven't been saved yet.
      while (o = entity_list.FindObject(id))

      if (od.object_type == 0) // Static object
        od.object_type = TempStaticType; // Temporary. We'll make it 0 when we Save

      od.zone_id = zone->GetZoneID();
      od.zone_instance = zone->GetInstanceVersion();

      o = new Object(id, od.object_type, icon, od, NULL);

      // Add to our zone entity list and spawn immediately for all clients
      entity_list.AddObject(o, true);

      // Bump player back to avoid getting stuck inside new object

      // GetHeading() returns half of the actual heading, for some reason, so we'll double it here for computation
      x2 = 10.0f * sin(c->GetHeading() * 2.0f / 256.0f * 3.14159265f);
      y2 = 10.0f * cos(c->GetHeading() * 2.0f / 256.0f * 3.14159265f);
      c->MovePC(c->GetX() - x2, c->GetY() - y2, c->GetZ(), c->GetHeading() * 2);

      c->Message(0, "Spawning object with tentative id %u at location (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f heading %.1f). Use '#object Save' to save to database when satisfied with placement.", id, od.x, od.y, od.z, od.heading);
      if (od.object_type == TempStaticType) // Temporary Static Object
        c->Message(0, "- Note: Static Object will act like a tradeskill container and will not reflect size, solidtype, or incline values until you commit with '#object Save', after which it will be unchangeable until you use '#object Edit' and zone back in.");
    case 'e': // Edit
      // Insufficient or invalid arguments
      if ((sep->argnum < 2) || ((id = atoi(sep->arg[2])) < 1))
        c->Message(0, "Usage: #object Edit (ObjectID) [PropertyName] [NewValue]");
        c->Message(0, "- Static Object (Type 0) Properties: model, type, size, solidtype, incline");
        c->Message(0, "- Tradeskill Object (Type 2+) Properties: model, type, icon");


      o = entity_list.FindObject(id);

      // Object already available in-zone?
      if (o)
        // Yep, looks like we can make real-time changes.
        if (sep->argnum < 4)
          // Or not. '#object Edit (ObjectID)' called without PropertyName and NewValue

          c->Message(0, "Note: Object %u already unlocked and ready for changes", id);
        // Object not found in-zone in a modifiable form. Check for valid matching circumstances.
        sprintf_s(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT zoneid, version, type FROM object WHERE id=%u", id);

        iObjectsFound = 0;
        if (database.RunQuery(query, strlen(query), errbuf, &result))
          if (row = mysql_fetch_row(result))
            od.zone_id = atoi(row[0]);
            od.zone_instance = atoi(row[1]);
            od.object_type = atoi(row[2]);


        // Object ID not found?
        if (iObjectsFound == 0)
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u not found", id);

        // Object not in this zone?
        if (od.zone_id != zone->GetZoneID())
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u not in this zone.", id);


        // Object not in this instance?
        if (od.zone_instance != zone->GetInstanceVersion())
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u not part of this instance version.", id);


        switch (od.object_type)
          case 0: // Static object needing unlocking
            // Convert to tradeskill object temporarily for changes

            sprintf_s(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE object SET type=%u WHERE id=%u", TempStaticType, id);

            database.RunQuery(query, strlen(query));

            c->Message(0, "Static Object %u unlocked for editing. You must zone out and back in to make your changes, then commit them with '#object Save'.", id);

            if (sep->argnum >= 4)
              c->Message(0, "NOTE: The change you specified has not been applied, since the static object had not been unlocked for editing yet.");

          case OT_DROPPEDITEM:
            c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is a temporarily spawned ground spawn or dropped item, which cannot be manipulated with #object. See the 'ground_spawns' table in the database.", id);

          case TempStaticType:
            c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u has been unlocked for editing, but you must zone out and back in for your client to refresh its object table before you can make changes to it.", id);

            // Unknown error preventing us from seeing the object in the zone.

            c->Message(0, "ERROR: Unknown problem attempting to manipulate object %u", id);


      // If we're here, we have a manipulable object ready for changes. 

      _strlwr(sep->arg[3]); // Case insensitive PropertyName
      _strupr(sep->arg[4]); // In case it's model name, which should always be upper-case
      // Read current object info for reference
      icon = o->GetIcon();

      // We'll be a little more picky with property names, to prevent errors. Check against the whole word.
      switch (sep->arg[3][0])
        case 'm':
          if (strcmp(sep->arg[3], "model") == 0)
            if ((sep->arg[4][0] < 'A') || (sep->arg[4][0] > 'Z'))
              c->Message(0, "ERROR: Model names must begin with a letter.");


            strncpy_s(od.object_name, sizeof(od.object_name), sep->arg[4], _TRUNCATE);

            c->Message(0, "Object %u now being rendered with model '%s'", id, od.object_name);
            id = 0; // Setting ID to 0 will signify invalid input
        case 't':
          if (strcmp(sep->arg[3], "type") == 0)
            if ((sep->arg[4][0] < '0') || (sep->arg[4][0] > '9'))
              c->Message(0, "ERROR: Invalid type number");


            od.object_type = atoi(sep->arg[4]);

            switch (od.object_type)
              case 0:
                // Convert Static Object to temporary changeable type
                od.object_type = TempStaticType;
                c->Message(0, "Note: Static Object will still act like tradeskill object and will not reflect size, solidtype, or incline settings until committed to the database with '#object Save', after which it will be unchangeable until it is unlocked again with '#object Edit'.");
              case OT_DROPPEDITEM:
                c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object Type 1 is used for temporarily spawned ground spawns and dropped items, which are not supported with #object. See the 'ground_spawns' table in the database.");

                c->Message(0, "Object %u changed to Tradeskill Object Type %u", id, od.object_type);

            id = 0; // Setting ID to 0 will signify invalid input
        case 's':
          if (strcmp(sep->arg[3], "size") == 0)
            if (od.object_type != TempStaticType)
              c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is not a Static Object and does not support the Size property", id);


            if ((sep->arg[4][0] < '0') || (sep->arg[4][0] > '9'))
              c->Message(0, "ERROR: Invalid size specified. Please enter a number.");


            od.unknown008[0] = atoi(sep->arg[4]);

            if (od.unknown008[0] == 0) // 0 == unspecified == 100%
              od.unknown008[0] = 100;

            c->Message(0, "Static Object %u set to %u%% size. Size will take effect when you commit to the database with '#object Save', after which the object will be unchangeable until you unlock it again with '#object Edit' and zone out and back in.", id, od.unknown008[0]);
          else if (strcmp(sep->arg[3], "solidtype") == 0)
            if (od.object_type != TempStaticType)
              c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is not a Static Object and does not support the SolidType property", id);


            if ((sep->arg[4][0] < '0') || (sep->arg[4][0] > '9'))
              c->Message(0, "ERROR: Invalid solidtype specified. Please enter a number.");


            od.unknown008[1] = atoi(sep->arg[4]);

            c->Message(0, "Static Object %u set to SolidType %u. Change will take effect when you comit to the database with '#object Save'. Support for this property is on a per-model basis, mostly seen in smaller objects such as chests and tables.", id, od.unknown008[1]);
            id = 0; // Setting ID to 0 will signify invalid input
        case 'i':
          if (strcmp(sep->arg[3], "icon") == 0)
            if ((od.object_type < 2) || (od.object_type == TempStaticType))
              c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is not a Tradeskill Object and does not support the Icon property", id);


            if ((icon = atoi(sep->arg[4])) == 0)
              c->Message(0, "ERROR: Invalid Icon specified. Please enter an icon number.");



            c->Message(0, "Tradeskill Object %u icon set to %u", id, icon);
          else if (strcmp(sep->arg[3], "incline") == 0)
            if (od.object_type != TempStaticType)
              c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is not a Static Object and does not support the Incline property", id);


            if ((sep->arg[4][0] < '0') || (sep->arg[4][0] > '9'))
              c->Message(0, "ERROR: Invalid Incline specified. Please enter a number. Normal range is 0-512.");


            od.unknown020 = atoi(sep->arg[4]);

            c->Message(0, "Static Object %u set to %u incline. Incline will take effect when you commit to the database with '#object Save', after which the object will be unchangeable until you unlock it again with '#object Edit' and zone out and back in.", id, od.unknown020);
            id = 0; // Setting ID to 0 will signify invalid input
          id = 0; // Setting ID to 0 will signify invalid input

      if (id == 0)
        c->Message(0, "ERROR: Unrecognized property name: %s", sep->arg[3]);


      // Repop object to have it reflect the change.
      app = new EQApplicationPacket();
      entity_list.QueueClients(0, app);

      app = new EQApplicationPacket();
      entity_list.QueueClients(0, app);
    case 'm': // Move
      if ((sep->argnum < 2) || // Not enough arguments
          ((id = atoi(sep->arg[2])) == 0) || // ID not specified
          (((sep->arg[3][0] < '0') || (sep->arg[3][0] > '9')) &&
           ((sep->arg[3][0] & 0xDF) != 'T') &&
           (sep->arg[3][0] != '-') && (sep->arg[3][0] != '.'))) // Location argument not specified correctly
        c->Message(0, "Usage: #object Move (ObjectID) ToMe|(x y z [h])");

      if (!(o = entity_list.FindObject(id)))
        sprintf_s(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT zoneid, version, type FROM object WHERE id=%u", id);

        if ((!database.RunQuery(query, strlen(query), errbuf, &result)) || ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) == 0))
          if (result)

          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u not found", id);


        od.zone_id = atoi(row[0]);
        od.zone_instance = atoi(row[1]);
        od.object_type = atoi(row[2]);


        if (od.zone_id != zone->GetZoneID())
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is not in this zone", id);


        if (od.zone_instance != zone->GetInstanceVersion())
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is not in this instance version", id);


        switch (od.object_type)
          case 0:
            c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is not yet unlocked for editing. Use '#object Edit' then zone out and back in to move it.", id);

          case TempStaticType:
            c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u has been unlocked for editing, but you must zone out and back in before your client sees the change and will allow you to move it.", id);

          case 1:
            c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is a temporary spawned object and cannot be manipulated with #object. See the 'ground_spawns' table in the database.", id);

            c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u not located in zone.", id);


      if ((sep->arg[3][0] & 0xDF) == 'T') // Move To Me
        od.x = c->GetX();
        od.y = c->GetY();
        od.z = c->GetZ() - (c->GetSize() * 0.625f); // Compensate for #loc bumping up Z coordinate by 62.5% of character's size.
        o->SetHeading(c->GetHeading() * 2.0f); // Compensate for GetHeading() returning half of actual

        // Bump player back to avoid getting stuck inside object

        // GetHeading() returns half of the actual heading, for some reason
        x2 = 10.0f * sin(c->GetHeading() * 2.0f / 256.0f * 3.14159265f);
        y2 = 10.0f * cos(c->GetHeading() * 2.0f / 256.0f * 3.14159265f);
        c->MovePC(c->GetX() - x2, c->GetY() - y2, c->GetZ(), c->GetHeading() * 2.0f);
      else // Move to x, y, z [h]
        od.x = atof(sep->arg[3]);
        if (sep->argnum > 3)
          od.y = atof(sep->arg[4]);
          o->GetLocation(NULL, &od.y, NULL);

        if (sep->argnum > 4)
          od.z = atof(sep->arg[5]);
          o->GetLocation(NULL, NULL, &od.z);

        if (sep->argnum > 5)

      o->SetLocation(od.x, od.y, od.z);

      // Despawn and respawn object to reflect change
      app = new EQApplicationPacket();
      entity_list.QueueClients(0, app);

      app = new EQApplicationPacket();
      entity_list.QueueClients(0, app);
    case 'r': // Rotate
      // Insufficient or invalid arguments
      if ((sep->argnum < 3) || ((id = atoi(sep->arg[2])) == 0))
        c->Message(0, "Usage: #object Rotate (ObjectID) (Heading, 0-512)");


      if ((o = entity_list.FindObject(id)) == NULL)
        c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u not found in zone, or is a static object not yet unlocked with '#object Edit' for editing.", id);



      // Despawn and respawn object to reflect change
      app = new EQApplicationPacket();
      entity_list.QueueClients(0, app);

      app = new EQApplicationPacket();
      entity_list.QueueClients(0, app);
    case 's': // Save
      // Insufficient or invalid arguments
      if ((sep->argnum < 2) || ((id = atoi(sep->arg[2])) == 0))
        c->Message(0, "Usage: #object Save (ObjectID)");


      o = entity_list.FindObject(id);

      sprintf(query, "SELECT zoneid, version, type FROM object WHERE id=%u", id);

      od.zone_id = 0;
      od.zone_instance = 0;
      od.object_type = 0;
      // If this ID isn't in the database yet, it's a new object
      bNewObject = true;
      if (database.RunQuery(query, strlen(query), errbuf, &result))
        if (row = mysql_fetch_row(result))
          od.zone_id = atoi(row[0]);
          od.zone_instance = atoi(row[1]);
          od.object_type = atoi(row[2]);

          // ID already in database. Not a new object.
          bNewObject = false;


      if (!o)
        // Object not found in zone. Can't save an object we can't see.

        if (bNewObject)
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u not found", id);

        if (od.zone_id != zone->GetZoneID())
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Wrong Object ID. %u is not part of this zone.", id);


        if (od.zone_instance != zone->GetInstanceVersion())
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Wrong Object ID. %u is not part of this instance version.", id);


        if (od.object_type == 0)
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Static Object %u has already been committed. Use '#object Edit %u' and zone out and back in to make changes.", id, id);


        if (od.object_type == 1)
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is a temporarily spawned ground spawn or dropped item, which is not supported with #object. See the 'ground_spawns' table in the database.", id);


        c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u not found.", id);

      if ((od.zone_id > 0) && (od.zone_id != zone->GetZoneID()))
        // Oops! Another GM already saved an object with our id from another zone.
        // We'll have to get a new one.
        id = 0;

      if ((id > 0) && (od.zone_instance != zone->GetInstanceVersion()))
        // Oops! Another GM already saved an object with our id from another instance.
        // We'll have to get a new one.
        id = 0;

      // If we're asking for a new ID, it's a new object.
      bNewObject |= (id == 0);

      od.object_type = o->GetType();
      icon = o->GetIcon();

      // We're committing to the database now. Return temporary object type to actual.
      if (od.object_type == TempStaticType)
        od.object_type = 0;
      if (bNewObject)
        if (id == 0)
          sprintf_s(query, sizeof(query),
            "INSERT INTO object (zoneid, version, xpos, ypos, zpos, heading, objectname, type, icon, unknown08, unknown10, unknown20)"
            " VALUES (%u, %u, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, '%s', %u, %u, %u, %u, %u)",
            zone->GetZoneID(), zone->GetInstanceVersion(),
            od.x, od.y, od.z, od.heading,
            od.object_name, od.object_type, icon,
            od.unknown008[0], od.unknown008[1], od.unknown020);
          sprintf_s(query, sizeof(query),
            "INSERT INTO object (id, zoneid, version, xpos, ypos, zpos, heading, objectname, type, icon, unknown08, unknown10, unknown20)"
            " VALUES (%u, %u, %u, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, '%s', %u, %u, %u, %u, %u)",
            id, zone->GetZoneID(), zone->GetInstanceVersion(),
            od.x, od.y, od.z, od.heading,
            od.object_name, od.object_type, icon,
            od.unknown008[0], od.unknown008[1], od.unknown020);
        sprintf_s(query, sizeof(query),
          "UPDATE object SET "
          " zoneid=%u, version=%u,"
          " xpos=%.1f, ypos=%.1f, zpos=%.1f, heading=%.1f,"
          " objectname='%s', type=%u, icon=%u,"
          " unknown08=%u, unknown10=%u, unknown20=%u"
          " WHERE ID=%u",
          zone->GetZoneID(), zone->GetInstanceVersion(),
          od.x, od.y, od.z, od.heading,
          od.object_name, od.object_type, icon,
          od.unknown008[0], od.unknown008[1], od.unknown020,

      if (!database.RunQuery(query, strlen(query), errbuf, 0, &col, &newid))
        col = 0;

      if (col == 0)
        if (errbuf[0] == '\0')
          // No change made, but no error message given
          c->Message(0, "Database Error: Could not save change to Object %u", id);
          c->Message(0, "Database Error: %s", errbuf);

        if (bNewObject)
          if (newid == id)
            c->Message(0, "Saved new Object %u to database", id);
            c->Message(0, "Saved Object. NOTE: Database returned a new ID number for object: %u", newid);
            id = newid;
          c->Message(0, "Saved changes to Object %u", id);

          newid = id;

      if (od.object_type == 0)
        // Static Object - Respawn as nonfunctional door
        app = new EQApplicationPacket();
        entity_list.QueueClients(0, app);


        memset(&door, 0, sizeof(door));

        strncpy_s(door.zone_name, sizeof(door.zone_name), zone->GetShortName(), _TRUNCATE);
        door.db_id = 1000000000 + id; // Out of range of normal use for doors.id
        door.door_id = -1; // Client doesn't care if these are all the same door_id
        door.pos_x = od.x; // xpos
        door.pos_y = od.y; // ypos
        door.pos_z = od.z; // zpos
        door.heading = od.heading; // heading

        strncpy_s(door.door_name, sizeof(door.door_name), od.object_name, _TRUNCATE); // objectname
        // Strip trailing "_ACTORDEF" if present. Client won't accept it for doors.
        len = strlen(door.door_name);
        if ((len > 9) && (memcmp(&door.door_name[len - 9], "_ACTORDEF", 10) == 0))
          door.door_name[len - 9] = '\0';
        memcpy(door.dest_zone, "NONE", 5);
        if ((door.size = od.unknown008[0]) == 0) // unknown08 = optional size percentage
          door.size = 100;

        switch (door.opentype = od.unknown008[1]) // unknown10 = optional request_nonsolid (0 or 1 or experimental number)
          case 0:
            door.opentype = 31;
          case 1:
            door.opentype = 9;

        door.incline = od.unknown020; // unknown20 = optional incline value

        doors = new Doors(&door);

        app = new EQApplicationPacket(OP_SpawnDoor, sizeof(Door_Struct));
        ds = (Door_Struct*)app->pBuffer;

        memset(ds, 0, sizeof(Door_Struct));
		    memcpy(ds->name, door.door_name, 32);
		    ds->xPos = door.pos_x;
		    ds->yPos = door.pos_y;
		    ds->zPos = door.pos_z;
		    ds->heading = door.heading;
		    ds->incline = door.incline;
		    ds->size = door.size;
		    ds->doorId = door.door_id;
        ds->opentype = door.opentype;
        ds->unknown0052[9] = 1; // *ptr-1 and *ptr-3 from EntityList::MakeDoorSpawnPacket()
        ds->unknown0052[11] = 1;

        entity_list.QueueClients(0, app);

        c->Message(0, "NOTE: Object %u is now a static object, and is unchangeable. To make future changes, use '#object Edit' to convert it to a changeable form, then zone out and back in.", id);
    case 'c': // Copy
      // Insufficient or invalid arguments
      if ((sep->argnum < 3) || (((sep->arg[2][0] & 0xDF) != 'A') && ((sep->arg[2][0] < '0') || (sep->arg[2][0] > '9'))))
        c->Message(0, "Usage: #object Copy All|(ObjectID) (InstanceVersion)");
        c->Message(0, "- Note: Only objects saved in the database can be copied to another instance.");


      od.zone_instance = atoi(sep->arg[3]);

      if (od.zone_instance == zone->GetInstanceVersion())
        c->Message(0, "ERROR: Source and destination instance versions are the same.");


      if ((sep->arg[2][0] & 0xDF) == 'A')
        // Copy All

        sprintf_s(query, sizeof(query),
          "INSERT INTO object (zoneid, version, xpos, ypos, zpos, heading, itemid, objectname, type, icon, unknown08, unknown10, unknown20)"
          " SELECT zoneid, %u, xpos, ypos, zpos, heading, itemid, objectname, type, icon, unknown08, unknown10, unknown20"
          " FROM object"
          " WHERE (zoneid=%u) AND (version=%u)",
          od.zone_instance, zone->GetZoneID(), zone->GetInstanceVersion());

        if (database.RunQuery(query, strlen(query), errbuf, 0, &col))
          c->Message(0, "Copied %u object%s into instance version %u", col, (col == 1) ? "" : "s", od.zone_instance);
          if (errbuf[0] == '\0')
            c->Message(0, "Database Error: No objects were copied into instance version %u", od.zone_instance);
            c->Message(0, "Database Error: %s", errbuf);
        // Copy ObjectID
        id = atoi(sep->arg[2]);
        sprintf_s(query, sizeof(query),
          "INSERT INTO object (zoneid, version, xpos, ypos, zpos, heading, itemid, objectname, type, icon, unknown08, unknown10, unknown20)"
          " SELECT zoneid, %u, xpos, ypos, zpos, heading, itemid, objectname, type, icon, unknown08, unknown10, unknown20"
          " FROM object"
          " WHERE (id=%u) AND (zoneid=%u) AND (version=%u)",
          od.zone_instance, id, zone->GetZoneID(), zone->GetInstanceVersion());

        if ((database.RunQuery(query, strlen(query), errbuf, 0, &col)) && (col > 0))
          c->Message(0, "Copied Object %u into instance version %u", id, od.zone_instance);
          // Couldn't copy the object.
          if (errbuf[0] == '\0')
            // No database error returned. See if we can figure out why.

            sprintf_s(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT zoneid, version FROM object WHERE id=%u", id);

            if (database.RunQuery(query, strlen(query), errbuf, &result))
              if (row = mysql_fetch_row(result))
                // Wrong ZoneID?
                if (atoi(row[0]) != zone->GetZoneID())

                  c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is not part of this zone.", id);

                // Wrong Instance Version?
                if (atoi(row[1]) != zone->GetInstanceVersion())

                  c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is not part of this instance version.", id);
                // Well, NO clue at this point. Just let 'em know something screwed up.

                c->Message(0, "ERROR: Unknown database error copying Object %u to instance version %u", id, od.zone_instance);

            // Typo?
            c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u not found", id);
            c->Message(0, "Database Error: %s", errbuf);
    case 'd': // Delete
      if ((sep->argnum < 2) || ((id = atoi(sep->arg[2])) <= 0))
        c->Message(0, "Usage: #object Delete (ObjectID) -- NOTE: Object deletions are permanent and cannot be undone!");


      o = entity_list.FindObject(id);

      if (o)
        // Object found in zone.

        app = new EQApplicationPacket();
        entity_list.QueueClients(NULL, app);

        // Verifying ZoneID and Version in case someone else ended up adding an object with our ID
        // from a different zone/version. Don't want to delete someone else's work.
        sprintf(query, "DELETE FROM object WHERE (id=%u) AND (zoneid=%u) AND (version=%u) LIMIT 1", id, zone->GetZoneID(), zone->GetInstanceVersion());
        database.RunQuery(query, strlen(query));
        c->Message(0, "Object %u deleted", id);
        // Object not found in zone.

        sprintf(query, "SELECT type FROM object WHERE (id=%u) AND (zoneid=%u) AND (version=%u) LIMIT 1", id, zone->GetZoneID(), zone->GetInstanceVersion());

        if (database.RunQuery(query, strlen(query), errbuf, &result))
          if (row = mysql_fetch_row(result))
            switch (atoi(row[0]))
              case 0: // Static Object

                sprintf(query, "DELETE FROM object WHERE (id=%u) AND (zoneid=%u) AND (version=%u) LIMIT 1", id, zone->GetZoneID(), zone->GetInstanceVersion());
                database.RunQuery(query, strlen(query));

                c->Message(0, "Object %u deleted. NOTE: This static object will remain for anyone currently in the zone until they next zone out and in.", id);


              case 1: // Temporary Spawn
                c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is a temporarily spawned ground spawn or dropped item, which is not supported with #object. See the 'ground_spawns' table in the database.", id);



        c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u not found in this zone or instance!", id);
    case 'u': // Undo - Reload object from database to undo changes
      // Insufficient or invalid arguments
      if ((sep->argnum < 2) || ((id = atoi(sep->arg[2])) == 0))
        c->Message(0, "Usage: #object Undo (ObjectID) -- Reload object from database, undoing any changes you have made");


      o = entity_list.FindObject(id);

      if (!o)
        c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u not found in zone in a manipulable form. No changes to undo.", id);


      if (o->GetType() == OT_DROPPEDITEM)
        c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is a temporary spawned item and cannot be manipulated with #object. See the 'ground_spawns' table in the database.", id);


      // Despawn current item for reloading from database
      app = new EQApplicationPacket();
      entity_list.QueueClients(0, app);

      sprintf_s(query, sizeof(query),
        "SELECT xpos, ypos, zpos, heading, objectname, type, icon, unknown08, unknown10, unknown20"
        " FROM object WHERE id=%u", id);

      if ((!database.RunQuery(query, strlen(query), errbuf, &result)) || ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) == 0))
        if (result)

        if (errbuf[0] == '\0')
          c->Message(0, "Database Error: Could not retrieve Object %u from object table.", id);


        c->Message(0, "Database Error: %s", errbuf);


      memset(&od, 0, sizeof(od));

      col = 0;
      od.x = atof(row[col++]);
      od.y = atof(row[col++]);
      od.z = atof(row[col++]);
      od.heading = atof(row[col++]);
      strncpy_s(od.object_name, sizeof(od.object_name), row[col++], _TRUNCATE);
      od.object_type = atoi(row[col++]);
      icon = atoi(row[col++]);
      od.unknown008[0] = atoi(row[col++]);
      od.unknown008[1] = atoi(row[col++]);
      od.unknown020 = atoi(row[col++]);

      if (od.object_type == 0)
        od.object_type = TempStaticType;

      o = new Object(id, od.object_type, icon, od, NULL);
      entity_list.AddObject(o, true);

      c->Message(0, "Object %u reloaded from database.", id);
    default: // Unrecognized command
      c->Message(0, usage_string);
SQL Changes Required: None.

Best thing now would be for people to bash the heck out of it and find any glitches, memory leaks, unexpected scenarios, etc. that I may have missed (e.g., did I forget a 'mysql_free_result(result)' anywhere and create a memory leak?).

Next things I could work on would be #door and maybe #groundspawn, utilizing similar functionality.

- Shendare
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Old 07-16-2009, 02:57 AM
trevius's Avatar
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/emote cheer

Bravo, Shendare, bravo! That is just awesome!

I will get this tested out right now and up on the SVN ASAP unless someone is already working on getting it put in. This is a HUGE help to anyone wanting to mess with objects and the related doors stuff will help just as much. Even before similar door commands are in, I am sure this could help to make adding doors much easier too. Great work! And yeah, that command is a doozy!
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
Everquest Emulator FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - Read It!
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Old 07-16-2009, 03:46 AM
trevius's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Posts: 5,946

Awwe, compile error:
entity.cpp: In member function ‘Object* EntityList::FindNearbyObject(float, float, float, float)’:
entity.cpp:774: error: call of overloaded ‘abs(float)’ is ambiguous
/usr/include/stdlib.h:778: note: candidates are: int abs(int)
/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.1.2/../../../../include/c++/4.1.2/cstdlib:172: note:                 long long int __gnu_cxx::abs(long long int)
/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.1.2/../../../../include/c++/4.1.2/cstdlib:142: note:                 long int std::abs(long int)
entity.cpp:774: error: call of overloaded ‘abs(float)’ is ambiguous
/usr/include/stdlib.h:778: note: candidates are: int abs(int)
/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.1.2/../../../../include/c++/4.1.2/cstdlib:172: note:                 long long int __gnu_cxx::abs(long long int)
/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.1.2/../../../../include/c++/4.1.2/cstdlib:142: note:                 long int std::abs(long int)
entity.cpp:774: error: call of overloaded ‘abs(float)’ is ambiguous
/usr/include/stdlib.h:778: note: candidates are: int abs(int)
/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.1.2/../../../../include/c++/4.1.2/cstdlib:172: note:                 long long int __gnu_cxx::abs(long long int)
/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.1.2/../../../../include/c++/4.1.2/cstdlib:142: note:                 long int std::abs(long int)
Maybe I missed something or messed something up while adjusting the formatting. All I really did was change the double spaces to tabs to make it uniform with the source code. I am going to check it over again and see if I can figure it out. Seems like it should work, since the doors code right above it is almost the exact same thing. BTW, that command in command.cpp is massive!

Here is the bit of code it is referring to:
		Object* object=iterator.GetData();

		object->GetLocation(&ox, &oy, &oz);

		if ((abs(ox - x) <= radius) && (abs(oy - y) <= radius) && (abs(oz - z) <= radius))
			return object;
Maybe it is just an issue with my libraries or gcc or kernel or something. I don't really know.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
Everquest Emulator FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - Read It!
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Old 07-16-2009, 04:11 AM
trevius's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: USA
Posts: 5,946

Commented that while out for now to try to get around it and now getting these compile errors:

command.cpp:13397: error: ‘_strlwr’ was not declared in this scope
command.cpp:13447: error: ‘sprintf_s’ was not declared in this scope
command.cpp:13458: error: ‘sprintf_s’ was not declared in this scope
command.cpp:13472: error: ‘_TRUNCATE’ was not declared in this scope
command.cpp:13472: error: ‘strncpy_s’ was not declared in this scope
command.cpp:13595: error: ‘sprintf_s’ was not declared in this scope
command.cpp:13600: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value
command.cpp:13644: error: ‘sprintf_s’ was not declared in this scope
command.cpp:13649: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value
command.cpp:13674: error: ‘_TRUNCATE’ was not declared in this scope
command.cpp:13674: error: ‘strncpy_s’ was not declared in this scope
command.cpp:13676: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
command.cpp:13688: error: ‘_strupr’ was not declared in this scope
command.cpp:13703: error: ‘strcpy_s’ was not declared in this scope
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
Everquest Emulator FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - Read It!
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Old 07-16-2009, 06:03 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Gold Coast, Oz
Posts: 119

I've hit this in my "trying to learn C++ adventure". The *_s functions are Microsoft only. For sprintf_s you might try the POSIX snprintf:

int snprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ...);

   Feature Test Macro Requirements for glibc (see feature_test_macros(7)):

       snprintf(), vsnprintf(): _BSD_SOURCE || _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 500 ||
       _ISOC99_SOURCE; or cc -std=c99

 The  functions  snprintf()  and  vsnprintf()  write  at most size bytes
       (including the trailing null byte ('\0')) to str.
This is from the man pages with glibc version 2.2
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Old 07-16-2009, 09:47 AM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: California
Posts: 814

Gah, portability issues from Microsoft, how utterly shocking.

No biggie, let me find the more portable versions of all of the functions that appear to be MS-specific and I'll post a quick diff here.
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Old 07-16-2009, 11:26 AM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: California
Posts: 814

New version of entity.cpp (Line 579) - EntityList::FindNearbyObject()
Object* EntityList::FindNearbyObject(float x, float y, float z, float radius)
  LinkedListIterator<Object*> iterator(object_list);

  float ox;
  float oy;
  float oz;

    Object* object=iterator.GetData();
    object->GetLocation(&ox, &oy, &oz);

    ox = (x < ox) ? (ox - x) : (x - ox);
    oy = (y < oy) ? (oy - y) : (y - oy);
    oz = (z < oz) ? (oz - z) : (z - oz);

    if ((ox <= radius) && (oy <= radius) && (oz <= radius))
      return object;

  return NULL;
Out of several options available for fixing the gcc ambiguity problem, I simply removed the abs() calls altogether in favor of conditional assignments. Probably more efficient anyway.

New version of command.cpp (Line 13344) - command_object()
void command_object(Client *c, const Seperator *sep)
  if (!c)
    return; // Crash Suppressant: No client. How did we get here?

  // Save it here. We sometimes have need to refer to it in multiple places.
  char* usage_string = "Usage: #object List|Add|Edit|Move|Rotate|Save|Copy|Delete|Undo";
  if ((!sep) || (sep->argnum == 0))
    // Crash Suppressant: Shouldn't be able to get here, either, but fail gracefully if we do.
    c->Message(0, usage_string);


  char errbuf[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
	char query[512];
  char line[256];
  int32 col;
  int32 lastid;
  MYSQL_RES *result;
  MYSQL_ROW row;
  int iObjectsFound = 0;
  int len;

  Object* o = NULL;
  Object_Struct od;
  Door door;
  Doors* doors;
  Door_Struct* ds;
  int32 id = 0;
  int32 itemid = 0;
  int32 icon = 0;
  int32 instance = 0;
  int32 newid = 0;
  int16 radius;
  EQApplicationPacket* app;

  bool bNewObject = false;

  errbuf[0] = '\0';

  float x2;
  float y2;

  // Temporary object type for static objects to allow manipulation
  // NOTE: Zone::LoadZoneObjects() currently loads this as an int8, so max value is 255!
  static const int32 TempStaticType = 255;

  // Case insensitive commands (List == list == LIST)

  // Protip: We only really care about the first letter. You can abbreviate Delete to just D if desired.
  switch (sep->arg[1][0])
    case 'l': // List Objects
      // Insufficient or invalid args
      if ((sep->argnum < 2) || (sep->arg[2][0] < '0') || ((sep->arg[2][0] > '9') && ((sep->arg[2][0] & 0xDF) != 'A')))
        c->Message(0, "Usage: #object List All|(radius)");

      if ((sep->arg[2][0] & 0xDF) == 'A')
        radius = 0; // List All
      else if ((radius = atoi(sep->arg[2])) <= 0)
        radius = 500; // Invalid radius. Default to 500 units.
      if (radius == 0)
        c->Message(0, "Objects within this zone:");
        c->Message(0, "Objects within %u units of your current location:", radius);
      if (radius)
        len = snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
          "SELECT id, xpos, ypos, zpos, heading, itemid, objectname, type, icon, unknown08, unknown10, unknown20"
          " FROM object"
          " WHERE (zoneid=%u)"
          " AND (version=%u)"
          " AND (xpos BETWEEN %.1f AND %.1f)"
          " AND (ypos BETWEEN %.1f AND %.1f)"
          " AND (zpos BETWEEN %.1f AND %.1f)"
          " ORDER BY id",
          c->GetX() - radius,         // Yes, we're actually using a bounding box instead of a radius.
          c->GetX() + radius,         // Much less processing power used this way.
          c->GetY() - radius,
          c->GetY() + radius,
          c->GetZ() - radius,
          c->GetZ() + radius);
        len = snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
          "SELECT id, xpos, ypos, zpos, heading, itemid, objectname, type, icon, unknown08, unknown10, unknown20"
          " FROM object"
          " WHERE (zoneid=%u)"
          " AND (version=%u)"
          " ORDER BY id",

      if (database.RunQuery(query, len, errbuf, &result))
  			while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)))
          col = 0;
          id = atoi(row[col++]);
          od.x = atof(row[col++]);
          od.y = atof(row[col++]);
          od.z = atof(row[col++]);
          od.heading = atof(row[col++]);
          itemid = atoi(row[col++]);
          strncpy(od.object_name, row[col++], sizeof(od.object_name));
          od.object_name[sizeof(od.object_name) - 1] = '\0'; // Required if strlen(row[col++]) exactly == sizeof(object_name)

          od.object_type = atoi(row[col++]);
          icon = atoi(row[col++]);
          od.unknown008[0] = atoi(row[col++]);
          od.unknown008[1] = atoi(row[col++]);
          od.unknown020 = atoi(row[col++]);

          switch (od.object_type)
            case 0: // Static Object
            case TempStaticType: // Static Object unlocked for changes
              if (od.unknown008[0] == 0) // Unknown08 field is optional Size parameter for static objects
                od.unknown008[0] = 100;  // Static object default Size is 100%

                "- STATIC Object (%s): id %u, x %.1f, y %.1f, z %.1f, h %.1f, model %s, size %u, solidtype %u, incline %u",
                (od.object_type == 0) ? "locked" : "unlocked", id, od.x, od.y, od.z, od.heading, od.object_name, od.unknown008[0], od.unknown008[1], od.unknown020);
            case OT_DROPPEDITEM: // Ground Spawn
                "- TEMPORARY Object: id %u, x %.1f, y %.1f, z %.1f, h %.1f, itemid %u, model %s, icon %u",
                id, od.x, od.y, od.z, od.heading, itemid, od.object_name, icon);
            default: // All others == Tradeskill Objects
                "- TRADESKILL Object: id %u, x %.1f, y %.1f, z %.1f, h %.1f, model %s, type %u, icon %u",
                id, od.x, od.y, od.z, od.heading, od.object_name, od.object_type, icon);



      c->Message(0, "%u object%s found", iObjectsFound, (iObjectsFound == 1) ? "" : "s");
    case 'a': // Add Object
      // Insufficient or invalid arguments
      if ((sep->argnum < 3) || ((sep->arg[3][0] == '\0') && (sep->arg[4][0] < '0') && (sep->arg[4][0] > '9')))
        c->Message(0, "Usage: (Static Object): #object Add [ObjectID] 0 Model [SizePercent] [SolidType] [Incline]");
        c->Message(0, "Usage: (Tradeskill Object): #object Add [ObjectID] TypeNum Model Icon");
        c->Message(0, "- Notes: Model must start with a letter, max length 16. SolidTypes = 0 (Solid), 1 (Sometimes Non-Solid)");


      if (sep->argnum > 3)
        // Model name in arg3?
        if ((sep->arg[3][0] <= '9') && (sep->arg[3][0] >= '0'))
          // Nope, user must have specified ObjectID. Extract it.
          id = atoi(sep->arg[2]);

          col = 1; // Bump all other arguments one to the right. Model is in arg4.
          // Yep, arg3 is non-numeric, ObjectID must be omitted and model must be arg3
          id = 0;
          col = 0;
        // Nope, only 3 args. Object ID must be omitted and arg3 must be model.
        id = 0;
        col = 0;
      memset(&od, 0, sizeof(od));
      od.object_type = atoi(sep->arg[2 + col]);

      switch (od.object_type)
        case 0: // Static Object
          if ((sep->argnum - col) > 3)
            od.unknown008[0] = atoi(sep->arg[4 + col]); // Size specified

            if ((sep->argnum - col) > 4)
              od.unknown008[1] = atoi(sep->arg[5 + col]); // SolidType specified

              if ((sep->argnum - col) > 5)
                od.unknown020 = atoi(sep->arg[6 + col]); // Incline specified
        case 1: // Ground Spawn
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object Type 1 is used for temporarily spawned ground spawns and dropped items, which are not supported with #object. See the 'ground_spawns' table in the database.");

        default: // Everything else == Tradeskill Object
          icon = ((sep->argnum - col) > 3) ? atoi(sep->arg[4 + col]) : 0;

          if (icon == 0)
            c->Message(0, "ERROR: Required property 'Icon' not specified for Tradeskill Object");

      od.x = c->GetX();
      od.y = c->GetY();
      od.z = c->GetZ() - (c->GetSize() * 0.625f);
      od.heading = c->GetHeading() * 2.0f; // GetHeading() is half of actual. Compensate by doubling.

      if (id)
        // ID specified. Verify that it doesn't already exist.
        len = snprintf(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM object WHERE ID=%u", id);

        // Already in database?
        if (database.RunQuery(query, len, errbuf, &result))
          if ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) != NULL)
            if (atoi(row[0]) > 0)
              // Yep, in database already.

              id = 0;


        if (id)
          // Not in database. Already spawned, just not saved?
          if (entity_list.FindObject(id))
            // Yep, already spawned.
            id = 0;

        if (id == 0)
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: An object already exists with the id %u", id);

      // Verify no other objects already in this spot (accidental double-click of Hotkey?)
      len = snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
        "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM object "
        "WHERE (zoneid=%u) "
        "AND (version=%u) "
        "AND (posx BETWEEN %.1f AND %.1f) "
        "AND (posy BETWEEN %.1f AND %.1f) "
        "AND (posz BETWEEN %.1f AND %.1f)",
        od.x - 0.2f, od.x + 0.2f,     // Yes, we're actually using a bounding box instead of a radius.
        od.y - 0.2f, od.y + 0.2f,     // Much less processing power used this way.
        od.z - 0.2f, od.z + 0.2f);    // It's pretty forgiving, though, allowing for close-proximity objects

      iObjectsFound = 0;
      if (database.RunQuery(query, len, errbuf, &result))
        if ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) != NULL)
          iObjectsFound = atoi(row[0]); // Number of nearby objects from database


      if (iObjectsFound == 0)
        // No objects found in database too close. How about spawned but not yet saved?
        if (entity_list.FindNearbyObject(od.x, od.y, od.z, 0.2f))

      if (iObjectsFound)
        c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object already at this location.");


      // Strip any single quotes from objectname (SQL injection FTL!)
      strncpy(od.object_name, sep->arg[3 + col], sizeof(od.object_name));
      od.object_name[sizeof(od.object_name) - 1] = '\0'; // Required if strlen(arg) exactly == sizeof(object_name)

      len = strlen(od.object_name);
      for (col = 0; col < (int32)len; col++)
        if (od.object_name[col] == '\'')
          // Uh oh, 1337 h4x0r monkeying around! Strip that apostrophe!
          memcpy(&od.object_name[col], &od.object_name[col + 1], len - col);
      strupr(od.object_name);  // Model names are always upper-case.

      if ((od.object_name[0] < 'A') || (od.object_name[0] > 'Z'))
        c->Message(0, "ERROR: Model name must start with a letter.");


      if (id == 0)
        // No ID specified. Get a best-guess next number from the database
        // If there's a problem retrieving an ID from the database, it'll end up being object # 1. No biggie.

        strncpy(query, "SELECT MAX(id) FROM object", sizeof(query));

        if (database.RunQuery(query, strlen(query), errbuf, &result))
          if (row = mysql_fetch_row(result))
            id = atoi(row[0]);



      // Make sure not to overwrite already-spawned objects that haven't been saved yet.
      while (o = entity_list.FindObject(id))

      if (od.object_type == 0) // Static object
        od.object_type = TempStaticType; // Temporary. We'll make it 0 when we Save

      od.zone_id = zone->GetZoneID();
      od.zone_instance = zone->GetInstanceVersion();

      o = new Object(id, od.object_type, icon, od, NULL);

      // Add to our zone entity list and spawn immediately for all clients
      entity_list.AddObject(o, true);

      // Bump player back to avoid getting stuck inside new object

      // GetHeading() returns half of the actual heading, for some reason, so we'll double it here for computation
      x2 = 10.0f * sin(c->GetHeading() * 2.0f / 256.0f * 3.14159265f);
      y2 = 10.0f * cos(c->GetHeading() * 2.0f / 256.0f * 3.14159265f);
      c->MovePC(c->GetX() - x2, c->GetY() - y2, c->GetZ(), c->GetHeading() * 2);

      c->Message(0, "Spawning object with tentative id %u at location (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f heading %.1f). Use '#object Save' to save to database when satisfied with placement.", id, od.x, od.y, od.z, od.heading);
      if (od.object_type == TempStaticType) // Temporary Static Object
        c->Message(0, "- Note: Static Object will act like a tradeskill container and will not reflect size, solidtype, or incline values until you commit with '#object Save', after which it will be unchangeable until you use '#object Edit' and zone back in.");
    case 'e': // Edit
      // Insufficient or invalid arguments
      if ((sep->argnum < 2) || ((id = atoi(sep->arg[2])) < 1))
        c->Message(0, "Usage: #object Edit (ObjectID) [PropertyName] [NewValue]");
        c->Message(0, "- Static Object (Type 0) Properties: model, type, size, solidtype, incline");
        c->Message(0, "- Tradeskill Object (Type 2+) Properties: model, type, icon");


      o = entity_list.FindObject(id);

      // Object already available in-zone?
      if (o)
        // Yep, looks like we can make real-time changes.
        if (sep->argnum < 4)
          // Or not. '#object Edit (ObjectID)' called without PropertyName and NewValue

          c->Message(0, "Note: Object %u already unlocked and ready for changes", id);
        // Object not found in-zone in a modifiable form. Check for valid matching circumstances.
        len = snprintf(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT zoneid, version, type FROM object WHERE id=%u", id);

        iObjectsFound = 0;
        if (database.RunQuery(query, len, errbuf, &result))
          if (row = mysql_fetch_row(result))
            od.zone_id = atoi(row[0]);
            od.zone_instance = atoi(row[1]);
            od.object_type = atoi(row[2]);


        // Object ID not found?
        if (iObjectsFound == 0)
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u not found", id);

        // Object not in this zone?
        if (od.zone_id != zone->GetZoneID())
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u not in this zone.", id);


        // Object not in this instance?
        if (od.zone_instance != zone->GetInstanceVersion())
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u not part of this instance version.", id);


        switch (od.object_type)
          case 0: // Static object needing unlocking
            // Convert to tradeskill object temporarily for changes

            len = snprintf(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE object SET type=%u WHERE id=%u", TempStaticType, id);

            database.RunQuery(query, len);

            c->Message(0, "Static Object %u unlocked for editing. You must zone out and back in to make your changes, then commit them with '#object Save'.", id);

            if (sep->argnum >= 4)
              c->Message(0, "NOTE: The change you specified has not been applied, since the static object had not been unlocked for editing yet.");

          case OT_DROPPEDITEM:
            c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is a temporarily spawned ground spawn or dropped item, which cannot be manipulated with #object. See the 'ground_spawns' table in the database.", id);

          case TempStaticType:
            c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u has been unlocked for editing, but you must zone out and back in for your client to refresh its object table before you can make changes to it.", id);

            // Unknown error preventing us from seeing the object in the zone.

            c->Message(0, "ERROR: Unknown problem attempting to manipulate object %u", id);


      // If we're here, we have a manipulable object ready for changes. 

      strlwr(sep->arg[3]); // Case insensitive PropertyName
      strupr(sep->arg[4]); // In case it's model name, which should always be upper-case
      // Read current object info for reference
      icon = o->GetIcon();

      // We'll be a little more picky with property names, to prevent errors. Check against the whole word.
      switch (sep->arg[3][0])
        case 'm':
          if (strcmp(sep->arg[3], "model") == 0)
            if ((sep->arg[4][0] < 'A') || (sep->arg[4][0] > 'Z'))
              c->Message(0, "ERROR: Model names must begin with a letter.");


            strncpy(od.object_name, sep->arg[4], sizeof(od.object_name));
            od.object_name[sizeof(od.object_name) - 1] = '\0'; // Required if strlen(arg) exactly == sizeof(object_name)


            c->Message(0, "Object %u now being rendered with model '%s'", id, od.object_name);
            id = 0; // Setting ID to 0 will signify invalid input
        case 't':
          if (strcmp(sep->arg[3], "type") == 0)
            if ((sep->arg[4][0] < '0') || (sep->arg[4][0] > '9'))
              c->Message(0, "ERROR: Invalid type number");


            od.object_type = atoi(sep->arg[4]);

            switch (od.object_type)
              case 0:
                // Convert Static Object to temporary changeable type
                od.object_type = TempStaticType;
                c->Message(0, "Note: Static Object will still act like tradeskill object and will not reflect size, solidtype, or incline settings until committed to the database with '#object Save', after which it will be unchangeable until it is unlocked again with '#object Edit'.");
              case OT_DROPPEDITEM:
                c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object Type 1 is used for temporarily spawned ground spawns and dropped items, which are not supported with #object. See the 'ground_spawns' table in the database.");

                c->Message(0, "Object %u changed to Tradeskill Object Type %u", id, od.object_type);

            id = 0; // Setting ID to 0 will signify invalid input
        case 's':
          if (strcmp(sep->arg[3], "size") == 0)
            if (od.object_type != TempStaticType)
              c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is not a Static Object and does not support the Size property", id);


            if ((sep->arg[4][0] < '0') || (sep->arg[4][0] > '9'))
              c->Message(0, "ERROR: Invalid size specified. Please enter a number.");


            od.unknown008[0] = atoi(sep->arg[4]);

            if (od.unknown008[0] == 0) // 0 == unspecified == 100%
              od.unknown008[0] = 100;

            c->Message(0, "Static Object %u set to %u%% size. Size will take effect when you commit to the database with '#object Save', after which the object will be unchangeable until you unlock it again with '#object Edit' and zone out and back in.", id, od.unknown008[0]);
          else if (strcmp(sep->arg[3], "solidtype") == 0)
            if (od.object_type != TempStaticType)
              c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is not a Static Object and does not support the SolidType property", id);


            if ((sep->arg[4][0] < '0') || (sep->arg[4][0] > '9'))
              c->Message(0, "ERROR: Invalid solidtype specified. Please enter a number.");


            od.unknown008[1] = atoi(sep->arg[4]);

            c->Message(0, "Static Object %u set to SolidType %u. Change will take effect when you comit to the database with '#object Save'. Support for this property is on a per-model basis, mostly seen in smaller objects such as chests and tables.", id, od.unknown008[1]);
            id = 0; // Setting ID to 0 will signify invalid input
        case 'i':
          if (strcmp(sep->arg[3], "icon") == 0)
            if ((od.object_type < 2) || (od.object_type == TempStaticType))
              c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is not a Tradeskill Object and does not support the Icon property", id);


            if ((icon = atoi(sep->arg[4])) == 0)
              c->Message(0, "ERROR: Invalid Icon specified. Please enter an icon number.");



            c->Message(0, "Tradeskill Object %u icon set to %u", id, icon);
          else if (strcmp(sep->arg[3], "incline") == 0)
            if (od.object_type != TempStaticType)
              c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is not a Static Object and does not support the Incline property", id);


            if ((sep->arg[4][0] < '0') || (sep->arg[4][0] > '9'))
              c->Message(0, "ERROR: Invalid Incline specified. Please enter a number. Normal range is 0-512.");


            od.unknown020 = atoi(sep->arg[4]);

            c->Message(0, "Static Object %u set to %u incline. Incline will take effect when you commit to the database with '#object Save', after which the object will be unchangeable until you unlock it again with '#object Edit' and zone out and back in.", id, od.unknown020);
            id = 0; // Setting ID to 0 will signify invalid input
          id = 0; // Setting ID to 0 will signify invalid input

      if (id == 0)
        c->Message(0, "ERROR: Unrecognized property name: %s", sep->arg[3]);


      // Repop object to have it reflect the change.
      app = new EQApplicationPacket();
      entity_list.QueueClients(0, app);

      app = new EQApplicationPacket();
      entity_list.QueueClients(0, app);
    case 'm': // Move
      if ((sep->argnum < 2) || // Not enough arguments
          ((id = atoi(sep->arg[2])) == 0) || // ID not specified
          (((sep->arg[3][0] < '0') || (sep->arg[3][0] > '9')) &&
           ((sep->arg[3][0] & 0xDF) != 'T') &&
           (sep->arg[3][0] != '-') && (sep->arg[3][0] != '.'))) // Location argument not specified correctly
        c->Message(0, "Usage: #object Move (ObjectID) ToMe|(x y z [h])");

      if (!(o = entity_list.FindObject(id)))
        len = snprintf(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT zoneid, version, type FROM object WHERE id=%u", id);

        if ((!database.RunQuery(query, len, errbuf, &result)) || ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) == 0))
          if (result)

          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u not found", id);


        od.zone_id = atoi(row[0]);
        od.zone_instance = atoi(row[1]);
        od.object_type = atoi(row[2]);


        if (od.zone_id != zone->GetZoneID())
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is not in this zone", id);


        if (od.zone_instance != zone->GetInstanceVersion())
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is not in this instance version", id);


        switch (od.object_type)
          case 0:
            c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is not yet unlocked for editing. Use '#object Edit' then zone out and back in to move it.", id);

          case TempStaticType:
            c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u has been unlocked for editing, but you must zone out and back in before your client sees the change and will allow you to move it.", id);

          case 1:
            c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is a temporary spawned object and cannot be manipulated with #object. See the 'ground_spawns' table in the database.", id);

            c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u not located in zone.", id);


      if ((sep->arg[3][0] & 0xDF) == 'T') // Move To Me
        od.x = c->GetX();
        od.y = c->GetY();
        od.z = c->GetZ() - (c->GetSize() * 0.625f); // Compensate for #loc bumping up Z coordinate by 62.5% of character's size.
        o->SetHeading(c->GetHeading() * 2.0f); // Compensate for GetHeading() returning half of actual

        // Bump player back to avoid getting stuck inside object

        // GetHeading() returns half of the actual heading, for some reason
        x2 = 10.0f * sin(c->GetHeading() * 2.0f / 256.0f * 3.14159265f);
        y2 = 10.0f * cos(c->GetHeading() * 2.0f / 256.0f * 3.14159265f);
        c->MovePC(c->GetX() - x2, c->GetY() - y2, c->GetZ(), c->GetHeading() * 2.0f);
      else // Move to x, y, z [h]
        od.x = atof(sep->arg[3]);
        if (sep->argnum > 3)
          od.y = atof(sep->arg[4]);
          o->GetLocation(NULL, &od.y, NULL);

        if (sep->argnum > 4)
          od.z = atof(sep->arg[5]);
          o->GetLocation(NULL, NULL, &od.z);

        if (sep->argnum > 5)

      o->SetLocation(od.x, od.y, od.z);

      // Despawn and respawn object to reflect change
      app = new EQApplicationPacket();
      entity_list.QueueClients(0, app);

      app = new EQApplicationPacket();
      entity_list.QueueClients(0, app);
    case 'r': // Rotate
      // Insufficient or invalid arguments
      if ((sep->argnum < 3) || ((id = atoi(sep->arg[2])) == 0))
        c->Message(0, "Usage: #object Rotate (ObjectID) (Heading, 0-512)");


      if ((o = entity_list.FindObject(id)) == NULL)
        c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u not found in zone, or is a static object not yet unlocked with '#object Edit' for editing.", id);



      // Despawn and respawn object to reflect change
      app = new EQApplicationPacket();
      entity_list.QueueClients(0, app);

      app = new EQApplicationPacket();
      entity_list.QueueClients(0, app);
    case 's': // Save
      // Insufficient or invalid arguments
      if ((sep->argnum < 2) || ((id = atoi(sep->arg[2])) == 0))
        c->Message(0, "Usage: #object Save (ObjectID)");


      o = entity_list.FindObject(id);

      sprintf(query, "SELECT zoneid, version, type FROM object WHERE id=%u", id);

      od.zone_id = 0;
      od.zone_instance = 0;
      od.object_type = 0;
      // If this ID isn't in the database yet, it's a new object
      bNewObject = true;
      if (database.RunQuery(query, strlen(query), errbuf, &result))
        if (row = mysql_fetch_row(result))
          od.zone_id = atoi(row[0]);
          od.zone_instance = atoi(row[1]);
          od.object_type = atoi(row[2]);

          // ID already in database. Not a new object.
          bNewObject = false;


      if (!o)
        // Object not found in zone. Can't save an object we can't see.

        if (bNewObject)
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u not found", id);

        if (od.zone_id != zone->GetZoneID())
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Wrong Object ID. %u is not part of this zone.", id);


        if (od.zone_instance != zone->GetInstanceVersion())
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Wrong Object ID. %u is not part of this instance version.", id);


        if (od.object_type == 0)
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Static Object %u has already been committed. Use '#object Edit %u' and zone out and back in to make changes.", id, id);


        if (od.object_type == 1)
          c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is a temporarily spawned ground spawn or dropped item, which is not supported with #object. See the 'ground_spawns' table in the database.", id);


        c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u not found.", id);

      if ((od.zone_id > 0) && (od.zone_id != zone->GetZoneID()))
        // Oops! Another GM already saved an object with our id from another zone.
        // We'll have to get a new one.
        id = 0;

      if ((id > 0) && (od.zone_instance != zone->GetInstanceVersion()))
        // Oops! Another GM already saved an object with our id from another instance.
        // We'll have to get a new one.
        id = 0;

      // If we're asking for a new ID, it's a new object.
      bNewObject |= (id == 0);

      od.object_type = o->GetType();
      icon = o->GetIcon();

      // We're committing to the database now. Return temporary object type to actual.
      if (od.object_type == TempStaticType)
        od.object_type = 0;
      if (bNewObject)
        if (id == 0)
          len = snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
            "INSERT INTO object (zoneid, version, xpos, ypos, zpos, heading, objectname, type, icon, unknown08, unknown10, unknown20)"
            " VALUES (%u, %u, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, '%s', %u, %u, %u, %u, %u)",
            zone->GetZoneID(), zone->GetInstanceVersion(),
            od.x, od.y, od.z, od.heading,
            od.object_name, od.object_type, icon,
            od.unknown008[0], od.unknown008[1], od.unknown020);
          len = snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
            "INSERT INTO object (id, zoneid, version, xpos, ypos, zpos, heading, objectname, type, icon, unknown08, unknown10, unknown20)"
            " VALUES (%u, %u, %u, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, '%s', %u, %u, %u, %u, %u)",
            id, zone->GetZoneID(), zone->GetInstanceVersion(),
            od.x, od.y, od.z, od.heading,
            od.object_name, od.object_type, icon,
            od.unknown008[0], od.unknown008[1], od.unknown020);
        len = snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
          "UPDATE object SET "
          " zoneid=%u, version=%u,"
          " xpos=%.1f, ypos=%.1f, zpos=%.1f, heading=%.1f,"
          " objectname='%s', type=%u, icon=%u,"
          " unknown08=%u, unknown10=%u, unknown20=%u"
          " WHERE ID=%u",
          zone->GetZoneID(), zone->GetInstanceVersion(),
          od.x, od.y, od.z, od.heading,
          od.object_name, od.object_type, icon,
          od.unknown008[0], od.unknown008[1], od.unknown020,

      if (!database.RunQuery(query, len, errbuf, 0, &col, &newid))
        col = 0;

      if (col == 0)
        if (errbuf[0] == '\0')
          // No change made, but no error message given
          c->Message(0, "Database Error: Could not save change to Object %u", id);
          c->Message(0, "Database Error: %s", errbuf);

        if (bNewObject)
          if (newid == id)
            c->Message(0, "Saved new Object %u to database", id);
            c->Message(0, "Saved Object. NOTE: Database returned a new ID number for object: %u", newid);
            id = newid;
          c->Message(0, "Saved changes to Object %u", id);

          newid = id;

      if (od.object_type == 0)
        // Static Object - Respawn as nonfunctional door
        app = new EQApplicationPacket();
        entity_list.QueueClients(0, app);


        memset(&door, 0, sizeof(door));

        strncpy(door.zone_name, zone->GetShortName(), sizeof(door.zone_name));
        door.zone_name[sizeof(door.zone_name) - 1] = '\0'; // Required if strlen(shortname) exactly == sizeof(door.zone_name)

        door.db_id = 1000000000 + id; // Out of range of normal use for doors.id
        door.door_id = -1; // Client doesn't care if these are all the same door_id
        door.pos_x = od.x; // xpos
        door.pos_y = od.y; // ypos
        door.pos_z = od.z; // zpos
        door.heading = od.heading; // heading

        strncpy(door.door_name, od.object_name, sizeof(door.door_name)); // objectname
        door.door_name[sizeof(door.door_name) - 1] = '\0'; // Required if strlen(object_name) exactly == sizeof(door.door_name)

        // Strip trailing "_ACTORDEF" if present. Client won't accept it for doors.
        len = strlen(door.door_name);
        if ((len > 9) && (memcmp(&door.door_name[len - 9], "_ACTORDEF", 10) == 0))
          door.door_name[len - 9] = '\0';
        memcpy(door.dest_zone, "NONE", 5);
        if ((door.size = od.unknown008[0]) == 0) // unknown08 = optional size percentage
          door.size = 100;

        switch (door.opentype = od.unknown008[1]) // unknown10 = optional request_nonsolid (0 or 1 or experimental number)
          case 0:
            door.opentype = 31;
          case 1:
            door.opentype = 9;

        door.incline = od.unknown020; // unknown20 = optional incline value

        doors = new Doors(&door);

        app = new EQApplicationPacket(OP_SpawnDoor, sizeof(Door_Struct));
        ds = (Door_Struct*)app->pBuffer;

        memset(ds, 0, sizeof(Door_Struct));
		    memcpy(ds->name, door.door_name, 32);
		    ds->xPos = door.pos_x;
		    ds->yPos = door.pos_y;
		    ds->zPos = door.pos_z;
		    ds->heading = door.heading;
		    ds->incline = door.incline;
		    ds->size = door.size;
		    ds->doorId = door.door_id;
        ds->opentype = door.opentype;
        ds->unknown0052[9] = 1; // *ptr-1 and *ptr-3 from EntityList::MakeDoorSpawnPacket()
        ds->unknown0052[11] = 1;

        entity_list.QueueClients(0, app);

        c->Message(0, "NOTE: Object %u is now a static object, and is unchangeable. To make future changes, use '#object Edit' to convert it to a changeable form, then zone out and back in.", id);
    case 'c': // Copy
      // Insufficient or invalid arguments
      if ((sep->argnum < 3) || (((sep->arg[2][0] & 0xDF) != 'A') && ((sep->arg[2][0] < '0') || (sep->arg[2][0] > '9'))))
        c->Message(0, "Usage: #object Copy All|(ObjectID) (InstanceVersion)");
        c->Message(0, "- Note: Only objects saved in the database can be copied to another instance.");


      od.zone_instance = atoi(sep->arg[3]);

      if (od.zone_instance == zone->GetInstanceVersion())
        c->Message(0, "ERROR: Source and destination instance versions are the same.");


      if ((sep->arg[2][0] & 0xDF) == 'A')
        // Copy All

        len = snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
          "INSERT INTO object (zoneid, version, xpos, ypos, zpos, heading, itemid, objectname, type, icon, unknown08, unknown10, unknown20)"
          " SELECT zoneid, %u, xpos, ypos, zpos, heading, itemid, objectname, type, icon, unknown08, unknown10, unknown20"
          " FROM object"
          " WHERE (zoneid=%u) AND (version=%u)",
          od.zone_instance, zone->GetZoneID(), zone->GetInstanceVersion());

        if (database.RunQuery(query, len, errbuf, 0, &col))
          c->Message(0, "Copied %u object%s into instance version %u", col, (col == 1) ? "" : "s", od.zone_instance);
          if (errbuf[0] == '\0')
            c->Message(0, "Database Error: No objects were copied into instance version %u", od.zone_instance);
            c->Message(0, "Database Error: %s", errbuf);
        // Copy ObjectID
        id = atoi(sep->arg[2]);
        len = snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
          "INSERT INTO object (zoneid, version, xpos, ypos, zpos, heading, itemid, objectname, type, icon, unknown08, unknown10, unknown20)"
          " SELECT zoneid, %u, xpos, ypos, zpos, heading, itemid, objectname, type, icon, unknown08, unknown10, unknown20"
          " FROM object"
          " WHERE (id=%u) AND (zoneid=%u) AND (version=%u)",
          od.zone_instance, id, zone->GetZoneID(), zone->GetInstanceVersion());

        if ((database.RunQuery(query, len, errbuf, 0, &col)) && (col > 0))
          c->Message(0, "Copied Object %u into instance version %u", id, od.zone_instance);
          // Couldn't copy the object.
          if (errbuf[0] == '\0')
            // No database error returned. See if we can figure out why.

            len = snprintf(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT zoneid, version FROM object WHERE id=%u", id);

            if (database.RunQuery(query, len, errbuf, &result))
              if (row = mysql_fetch_row(result))
                // Wrong ZoneID?
                if (atoi(row[0]) != zone->GetZoneID())

                  c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is not part of this zone.", id);

                // Wrong Instance Version?
                if (atoi(row[1]) != zone->GetInstanceVersion())

                  c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is not part of this instance version.", id);
                // Well, NO clue at this point. Just let 'em know something screwed up.

                c->Message(0, "ERROR: Unknown database error copying Object %u to instance version %u", id, od.zone_instance);

            // Typo?
            c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u not found", id);
            c->Message(0, "Database Error: %s", errbuf);
    case 'd': // Delete
      if ((sep->argnum < 2) || ((id = atoi(sep->arg[2])) <= 0))
        c->Message(0, "Usage: #object Delete (ObjectID) -- NOTE: Object deletions are permanent and cannot be undone!");


      o = entity_list.FindObject(id);

      if (o)
        // Object found in zone.

        app = new EQApplicationPacket();
        entity_list.QueueClients(NULL, app);

        // Verifying ZoneID and Version in case someone else ended up adding an object with our ID
        // from a different zone/version. Don't want to delete someone else's work.
        sprintf(query, "DELETE FROM object WHERE (id=%u) AND (zoneid=%u) AND (version=%u) LIMIT 1", id, zone->GetZoneID(), zone->GetInstanceVersion());
        database.RunQuery(query, strlen(query));
        c->Message(0, "Object %u deleted", id);
        // Object not found in zone.

        sprintf(query, "SELECT type FROM object WHERE (id=%u) AND (zoneid=%u) AND (version=%u) LIMIT 1", id, zone->GetZoneID(), zone->GetInstanceVersion());

        if (database.RunQuery(query, strlen(query), errbuf, &result))
          if (row = mysql_fetch_row(result))
            switch (atoi(row[0]))
              case 0: // Static Object

                sprintf(query, "DELETE FROM object WHERE (id=%u) AND (zoneid=%u) AND (version=%u) LIMIT 1", id, zone->GetZoneID(), zone->GetInstanceVersion());
                database.RunQuery(query, strlen(query));

                c->Message(0, "Object %u deleted. NOTE: This static object will remain for anyone currently in the zone until they next zone out and in.", id);


              case 1: // Temporary Spawn
                c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is a temporarily spawned ground spawn or dropped item, which is not supported with #object. See the 'ground_spawns' table in the database.", id);



        c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u not found in this zone or instance!", id);
    case 'u': // Undo - Reload object from database to undo changes
      // Insufficient or invalid arguments
      if ((sep->argnum < 2) || ((id = atoi(sep->arg[2])) == 0))
        c->Message(0, "Usage: #object Undo (ObjectID) -- Reload object from database, undoing any changes you have made");


      o = entity_list.FindObject(id);

      if (!o)
        c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u not found in zone in a manipulable form. No changes to undo.", id);


      if (o->GetType() == OT_DROPPEDITEM)
        c->Message(0, "ERROR: Object %u is a temporary spawned item and cannot be manipulated with #object. See the 'ground_spawns' table in the database.", id);


      // Despawn current item for reloading from database
      app = new EQApplicationPacket();
      entity_list.QueueClients(0, app);

      len = snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
        "SELECT xpos, ypos, zpos, heading, objectname, type, icon, unknown08, unknown10, unknown20"
        " FROM object WHERE id=%u", id);

      if ((!database.RunQuery(query, len, errbuf, &result)) || ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) == 0))
        if (result)

        if (errbuf[0] == '\0')
          c->Message(0, "Database Error: Could not retrieve Object %u from object table.", id);


        c->Message(0, "Database Error: %s", errbuf);


      memset(&od, 0, sizeof(od));

      col = 0;
      od.x = atof(row[col++]);
      od.y = atof(row[col++]);
      od.z = atof(row[col++]);
      od.heading = atof(row[col++]);
      strncpy(od.object_name, row[col++], sizeof(od.object_name));
      od.object_name[sizeof(od.object_name) - 1] = '\0'; // Required if strlen(row[col++]) exactly == sizeof(object_name)
      od.object_type = atoi(row[col++]);
      icon = atoi(row[col++]);
      od.unknown008[0] = atoi(row[col++]);
      od.unknown008[1] = atoi(row[col++]);
      od.unknown020 = atoi(row[col++]);

      if (od.object_type == 0)
        od.object_type = TempStaticType;

      o = new Object(id, od.object_type, icon, od, NULL);
      entity_list.AddObject(o, true);

      c->Message(0, "Object %u reloaded from database.", id);
    default: // Unrecognized command
      c->Message(0, usage_string);
In addition to changing the above-noted MS-specific function calls to the POSIX portable versions, I took advantage of the snprintf() function returning the assembled string's length to eliminate several unnecessary strlen() calls.

Heh, VC++ gave me "deprecated function" warnings after switching to the POSIX function usage. *shakefist @ MS*

Let me know if there's anything else gcc doesn't like.
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Old 07-16-2009, 12:57 PM
Secrets's Avatar
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I'll give this a try today. Nice work!
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Old 07-16-2009, 01:23 PM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: California
Posts: 814

On a read-through pass, I noticed a cosmetic glitch.

Line 13628 in command.cpp sends an error message that tries to refer to 'id' after it has been reset to 0.

The fix:

        if (id == 0)
-           c->Message(0, "ERROR: An object already exists with the id %u", id);
+           c->Message(0, "ERROR: An object already exists with the id %u", atoi(sep->arg[2]));

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Old 07-16-2009, 01:35 PM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: California
Posts: 814

Minor typo on Line 13980:

            od.unknown008[1] = atoi(sep->arg[4]);

            c->Message(0, "Static Object %u set to SolidType %u. Change will take effect when you comit to the database with '#object Save'. Support for this property is on a per-model basis, mostly seen in smaller objects such as chests and tables.", id, od.unknown008[1]);
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Old 07-17-2009, 12:24 AM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: California
Posts: 814

Once the #object command has been tested out and committed to the SVN, I'll get to work porting the functionality to #door and #groundspawn (I"ll probably give that one a '#gs' alias. Heh.)
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Old 07-17-2009, 02:45 AM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 1,348

MakeAnyLenString() would be preferable to your snprintf in this case, would of saved you a lot of time too, just have to remember to free the pointer it creates afterward.
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Old 07-17-2009, 03:04 AM
trevius's Avatar
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Thank you Shendare! I got the changes in and it compiled perfectly this time. I also got it tested and everything I tried worked perfectly. I committed this to SVN R783. It is very cool to finally be able to have options to manipulate objects in game like that. The command will be a huge help to people in need of it, and will make easy work of things that were considerably more time consuming before this was available. So, great job!

From what I have seen so far, the only suggestion I might make would be a way to bool whether or not it is going to move your character when you do a ToMe move. In cases of dealing with large items, the move might be needed, but when trying to fine tune the positioning, it might be nice to just be able to move a slight bit and do another ToMe until it is perfectly placed. Also, having it report it's current loc after being moved that way would be nice, so you could then do an X Y Z move to tweak the position as well. Those are minor things and just things to consider for the future of this command.

I also played with trying to use it to spawn doors, but sadly, I guess door models don't play nice with object packets like I had assumed they would. I guess that anything with a IT<model number> that can be applied to an item as a graphic is considered an object, and anything without that is considered a door and they can't be used interchangeably between the packet types. That puts a bit of a damper on being able to have the option of using object packets to perfectly position doors. I am pretty sure we could still use door packets to do it, but unfortunately I know of no way to remove doors, so it will be a bit harder to do perfectly like with objects without having to restart the zone. If there was any case on live of something considered a door (that uses door packets) that disappears, we could collect that info and make use of it, but I am not aware of a single case of that happening on Live. Maybe ground spawns would work, but I think they work like object packets, so I kinda doubt it.

With the addition of the #object command, I can see other possibilities popping up to make use of spawning and despawning objects in real-time. If a quest command was made that could manipulate them in similar ways, I am sure neat stuff could be done with that. It probably wouldn't get used too often, but is just another neat idea possibility for the future.

Thanks again, Shendare! That is one heck of a chunk of code!
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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Old 07-17-2009, 04:23 AM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 1,348

I still have some reservations on this, don't consider it final.
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Old 07-17-2009, 10:58 AM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: California
Posts: 814

Yeah, KLS, MakeAnyLenString was certainly an option. I went with snprintf instead to lower a bunch of heap allocations I considered unnecessary. I can elaborate.

Utilizing snprintf, the memory for the string gets allocated just once at the beginning of the function, and is reused with each call to snprintf. The only caveat is to make sure I set aside a large enough buffer for all of my possible uses.

With MakeAnyLenString, for anyone reading who isn't familiar with it, the memory for the string is allocated with each MakeAnyLenString call, and re-allocated as many times as necessary within the function to fit the result string, starting with 256 bytes and doubling each time, re-performing the vsnprintf() call and its process time for each re-allocation as well. This means you don't have to worry about how large the string is, but it also means you could end up with three or four heap allocations per call for larger strings, and re-performing the vsnprintf() call for each allocation until you get one that fits within the buffer, potentially wasting time and fragmenting the heap.

If there's a standing dev preference for the use of MakeAnyLenString over snprintf, I have no problem changing the code to use it instead. I just felt I would explain why I didn't in this case, where the query string buffer might be re-used several times in a single function call.

As for your suggestions, Trev, at the very least adding a coordinate report in 'Move ToMe' is a simple and very worthwhile idea, requiring just one line addition at (what shows in my current source as) Line 14145:

File: command.cpp - object_command()
        // GetHeading() returns half of the actual heading, for some reason
        x2 = 10.0f * sin(c->GetHeading() * 2.0f / 256.0f * 3.14159265f);
        y2 = 10.0f * cos(c->GetHeading() * 2.0f / 256.0f * 3.14159265f);
        c->MovePC(c->GetX() - x2, c->GetY() - y2, c->GetZ(), c->GetHeading() * 2.0f);

+       c->Message(0, "Object %u moved to %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, heading %.1f", id, od.x, od.y, od.z, o->GetHeading());
      else // Move to x, y, z [h]
Unfortunately, not bumping the player back when using 'Move ToMe' always caused problems during my debugging. The model would get summoned into my character's location at his feet, and because the model was always considered solid as a moveable tradeskill object, my character then either (1) couldn't move at all and I had to use #goto, or (2) got bumped up atop the object or bumped out of the object. Both rather throw a wrench in fine tuning location by moving your character slightly with another 'Move ToMe'.

However, adding the coordinate report before bumping your character back will allow numeric fine-tuning, at least, and was a very good idea. I should have thought to add it to 'Move' after putting it in 'Add'.

Now, what problem exactly were you having with door models, Trev? I was able to use FELDOOR2 and DOOR1 while debugging the command in Felwithe.
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