Hey All,
Trying to get a local server setup done for the first time, and I am running into some issues. Well, more than a few, but I think I have tackled most of them. First off, is there even a current guide that can be used to setup a server? I have seen about 8 so far and all suggest different things or provide details that are out of date.
My attempts used the following guide since I couldn't find any clear answers regarding perl 5.10 vs 5.14 with regard to a compiled version:
At this point I am able to get the EQ client to connect to the login server just fine, but the world.exe wont load. It instantly crashed with an error indicating: "Unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)"
I do not see any log files, and there is no message indicating where the program might of failed at, so unfortunately I have not been provided the tools to help myself.
Here is my eqemu_config.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0">
<tcp ip="localhost" port="9000" telnet="disable"/>
<http port="9080" enabled="false" mimefile="mime.types" />
<!-- Sets port range for world to use to auto configure zones -->
<ports low="7000" high="7100"/>
I have port forwarding setup for 3306, 5998, and 9000 on my router. I added direct exceptions to world.exe, zone.exe, eqlauncher.exe, and EQEmuLoginServer.exe to my firewall before disabling it just in case. Some of the posts receiving this error simply told the person to do those things without justification so I did them.
Is there some glaring problem with the config file, or some place I can go to see exactly what is required to setup a "world"? Technically my zone.exe errors in the same manner, but my hope is that is because of the same problem or related to the world.exe problem.