A tool for importing (and exporting) weapon models into .eqg files, using any ID numbers you like, and adding particles to them.
Now on github, why not.
See the first few posts of
the previous thread for instructions about importing and exporting models.
Brief instructions for particles:
After selecting the model you want to work with, hit the "View Particle Data" button. This will bring up a new window.
Particle data comes in two sections: points, and particles attached to those points.
Points define where on the model the particles will originate from, as well their base rotation (potentially influencing their animation), and their scale (size). The values are mostly self-explanatory, except that rotations seem to be degree-based, from -180 to 180. Also, while a very small number of points attach to animated bones in a model, the vast majority are set relative to 0, 0, 0 using the magic string "ATTACH_TO_ORIGIN". (Very few models have animated parts, so it's not really worth bothering with, but just so you know).
Particle entries have a few mostly unknown fields, but the main one of interest is "particle id". Like a lot of things, particles are ID-based -- naturally, you put the ID of the particle you want in the particle id field. (You can find IDs by browsing the data of particle weapons you are familiar with, for now.)
It's worth noting that data about particles
themselves -- what they look like, how they move, and so on -- is separate from weapon data and .eqg files. I hope to work on a tool to edit this particle data next. But for now, there's a pretty nice spread of pre-existing particles to use.
I'll probably write up the instructions for this tool on the wiki soon...
edit: Thanks to Vaion for helping me figure out some of the data structures.