Aye, Lootfest in the past few weeks has become a MUCH better place to be tbh. There are constantly 20-30 people online, and there's constantly God groups going on. There are also guilds forming for the raid content (As a few bosses require a solid group) if that floats your boat. Basically, what the server provides is this:
- Solid leveling experience from 1-85, you choose where you go and when.
- "Random" loot from mobs with very nice stats (Some is junk of course)
- VERY friendly community (I personally do giveaways nearly every day)
- There's a GM online at least 10 hours out of the day as a general rule, or some veteran who can assist you.
- Entire questline to get your "God" shards to make you feel godly
- Master of the Hunt scavenger quest if you like searching
- Many custom items
- New raid content almost weekly
- Solid raid bosses that require special strats (Nothing is unkillable, EVERYTHING is tested by shoots heavily)
- Raid gear and Group gear that actually makes you feel powerful and compelled to kill the bosses.
- 2 Boxes max allowed with 1 bot on each toon
There's many more things I could list, but you can log on and find out yourself haha. Hit me up on itapu or tazerstwink, Ill get you started out if I'm on