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Old 07-24-2011, 08:45 PM
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 77
Default Teleporter to port to every zone, with alphabetized lists.

2.3k SLOC here, so I apologize in advance.

I ran a script from my DB to output the text commands and the menu. I thought it'd be cool to be able to port anywhere as to not grant everyone #zone and to possibly extend to charge plat.

There are some zones in here that you probably don't want to zone to. I took out the ones that I knew were instances. It's almost a full dump of the zones table.

if you say list1, list2, list3, and list4 you'll get the alphabetized list. I had to split it up into 4 lists because the popup window only supports 100 rows.

I'd like to give credit to Trev and Georges tools to give me some starting scripts to play around with (that I found on these forums)


#A conversation to Teleport Player to a new zone (POK)
	if ($text =~/Hail/i)
	quest::say ("Hey there, $name. If you know the shortname of the zone you would like to go to, just tell me and I will see if I have a spell to send you there, or for a list of zones say[list1],[list2],[list3], and[list4].");
	if ($text =~/list1/i)
		quest::popup ("Zone Name - what to type", "The Abysmal Sea - abysmal
						<br>The Acrylia Caverns - acrylia
						<br>The Plane of Sky - airplane
						<br>Ak'Anon - akanon
						<br>The Akheva Ruins - akheva
						<br>Anguish, the Fallen Palace - anguish
						<br>Designer Apprentice - apprentice
						<br>Arcstone, Isle of Spirits - arcstone
						<br>The Arena - arena
						<br>The Arena Two - arena2
						<br>Art Testing Domain - arttest
						<br>Ashengate, Reliquary of the Scale - ashengate
						<br>Jewel of Atiiki - atiiki
						<br>Aviak Village - aviak
						<br>Barindu, Hanging Gardens - barindu
						<br>Barren Coast - barren
						<br>The Barter Hall - barter
						<br>The Bazaar - bazaar
						<br>Befallen - befallen
						<br>Gorge of King Xorbb - beholder
						<br>Temple of Bertoxxulous - bertoxtemple
						<br>Blackburrow - blackburrow
						<br>Blacksail Folly - blacksail
						<br>The Bloodfields - bloodfields
						<br>Bloodmoon Keep - bloodmoon
						<br>Bastion of Thunder - bothunder
						<br>The Broodlands - broodlands
						<br>The Buried Sea - buriedsea
						<br>The Burning Wood - burningwood
						<br>Butcherblock Mountains - butcher
						<br>Cabilis East - cabeast
						<br>Cabilis West - cabwest
						<br>Dagnor's Cauldron - cauldron
						<br>Nobles' Causeway - causeway
						<br>Accursed Temple of CazicThule - cazicthule
						<br>The Howling Stones - charasis
						<br>Chardok - chardok
						<br>Chardok: The Halls of Betrayal - chardokb
						<br>The City of Mist - citymist
						<br>Loading - clz
						<br>Cobaltscar - cobaltscar
						<br>The Crypt of Decay - codecay
						<br>The Commonlands - commonlands
						<br>West Commonlands - commons
						<br>Corathus Creep - corathus
						<br>Sporali Caverns - corathusa
						<br>The Corathus Mines - corathusb
						<br>Crescent Reach - crescent
						<br>Crushbone - crushbone
						<br>Crypt of Shade - cryptofshade
						<br>The Crystal Caverns - crystal
						<br>Crystallos, Lair of the Awakened - crystallos
						<br>Sunset Home - cshome
						<br>The Crypt of Dalnir - dalnir
						<br>The Dawnshroud Peaks - dawnshroud
						<br>Deadbone Reef - deadbone
						<br>Lavaspinner's Lair - delvea
						<br>Tirranun's Delve - delveb
						<br>The Seething Wall - devastationa
						<br>The Devastation - devastation
						<br>Direwind Cliffs - direwind
						<br>Korafax, Home of the Riders - discord
						<br>Citadel of the Worldslayer - discordtower
						<br>The Hive - drachnidhive
						<br>The Hatchery - drachnidhivea
						<br>The Cocoons - drachnidhiveb
						<br>Queen Sendaii`s Lair - drachnidhivec
						<br>Dragonscale Hills - dragonscale
						<br>Deepscar's Den - dragonscaleb
						<br>The Ruined City of Dranik - dranik
						<br>Dranik's Scar - draniksscar
						<br>The Dreadlands - dreadlands
						<br>Dreadspire Keep - dreadspire
						<br>The Temple of Droga - droga
						<br>Dulak's Harbor - dulak
						<br>Eastern Plains of Karana - eastkarana
						<br>The Undershore - eastkorlach
						<br>Snarlstone Dens - eastkorlacha
						<br>Eastern Wastes - eastwastes
						<br>The Echo Caverns - echo
						<br>East Commonlands - ecommons
						<br>The Elddar Forest - elddar
						<br>Tunare's Shrine - elddara
						<br>The Emerald Jungle - emeraldjungle
						<br>Erudin - erudnext
						<br>The Erudin Palace - erudnint
						<br>Erud's Crossing - erudsxing
						<br>Marauders Mire - erudsxing2
						<br>Everfrost Peaks - everfrost
						<br>The Plane of Fear - fearplane
						<br>The Feerrott - feerrott
						<br>Northern Felwithe - felwithea
						<br>Southern Felwithe - felwitheb
						<br>Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Taelosia - ferubi
						<br>The Forgotten Halls - fhalls
						<br>The Field of Bone - fieldofbone
						<br>Firiona Vie - firiona");
	if ($text =~/list2/i)
		quest::popup ("Zone Name - what to type", "Academy of Arcane Sciences - freeportacademy
			<br>Arena - freeportarena
			<br>City Hall - freeportcityhall
			<br>East Freeport - freeporteast
			<br>Hall of Truth: Bounty - freeporthall
			<br>Freeport Militia House: My Precious - freeportmilitia
			<br>Freeport Sewers - freeportsewers
			<br>Temple of Marr - freeporttemple
			<br>Theater of the Tranquil - freeporttheater
			<br>West Freeport - freeportwest
			<br>East Freeport - freporte
			<br>North Freeport - freportn
			<br>West Freeport - freportw
			<br>Frontier Mountains - frontiermtns
			<br>Frostcrypt, Throne of the Shade King - frostcrypt
			<br>The Tower of Frozen Shadow - frozenshadow
			<br>The Fungus Grove - fungusgrove
			<br>The Greater Faydark - gfaydark
			<br>The Great Divide - greatdivide
			<br>Grieg's End - griegsend
			<br>Grimling Forest - grimling
			<br>Grobb - grobb
			<br>The Plane of Growth - growthplane
			<br>The Mechamatic Guardian - guardian
			<br>Guild Hall - guildhall
			<br>Guild Lobby - guildlobby
			<br>The Ruins of Old Guk - gukbottom
			<br>The City of Guk - guktop
			<br>The Gulf of Gunthak - gunthak
			<br>Gyrospire Beza - gyrospireb
			<br>Gyrospire Zeka - gyrospirez
			<br>Halas - halas
			<br>Harbinger's Spire - harbingers
			<br>Plane of Hate - hateplane
			<br>The Plane of Hate - hateplaneb
			<br>Hate's Fury - hatesfury
			<br>High Keep - highkeep
			<br>Highpass Hold - highpass
			<br>Highpass Hold - highpasshold
			<br>HighKeep - highpasskeep
			<br>Hills of Shade - hillsofshade
			<br>The Halls of Honor - hohonora
			<br>The Temple of Marr - hohonorb
			<br>The Hole - hole
			<br>Hollowshade Moor - hollowshade
			<br>The Iceclad Ocean - iceclad
			<br>Icefall Glacier - icefall
			<br>Ikkinz, Chambers of Transcendence - ikkinz
			<br>Ruins of Illsalin - illsalin
			<br>Illsalin Marketplace - illsalina
			<br>Temple of Korlach - illsalinb
			<br>The Nargil Pits - illsalinc
			<br>Inktu'Ta, the Unmasked Chapel - inktuta
			<br>Innothule Swamp - innothule
			<br>The Innothule Swamp - innothuleb
			<br>The Jaggedpine Forest - jaggedpine
			<br>Jardel's Hook - jardelshook
			<br>Kael Drakkel - kael
			<br>Kaesora - kaesora
			<br>South Kaladim - kaladima
			<br>North Kaladim - kaladimb
			<br>Karnor's Castle - karnor
			<br>Katta Castellum - katta
			<br>Katta Castrum - kattacastrum
			<br>Kedge Keep - kedge
			<br>Kerra Isle - kerraridge
			<br>Kithicor Forest - kithforest
			<br>Kithicor Forest - kithicor
			<br>Kod'Taz, Broken Trial Grounds - kodtaz
			<br>Korascian Warrens - korascian
			<br>Kurn's Tower - kurn
			<br>Lake of Ill Omen - lakeofillomen
			<br>Lake Rathetear - lakerathe
			<br>The Lavastorm Mountains - lavastorm
			<br>Mons Letalis - letalis
			<br>The Lesser Faydark - lfaydark
			<br>Loading Zone - load
			<br>New Loading Zone - load2
			<br>Loping Plains - lopingplains
			<br>The Maiden's Eye - maiden
			<br>Maiden's Grave - maidensgrave
			<br>Meldrath's Majestic Mansion - mansion
			<br>Fortress Mechanotus - mechanotus
			<br>Goru`kar Mesa - mesa
			<br>The Plane of Mischief - mischiefplane
			<br>The Castle of Mistmoore - mistmoore
			<br>Misty Thicket - misty
			<br>The Misty Thicket - mistythicket
			<br>Monkey Rock - monkeyrock
			<br>Blightfire Moors - moors
			<br>Marus Seru - mseru
			<br>The Crypt of Nadox - nadox
			<br>Najena - najena
			<br>Natimbi, the Broken Shores - natimbi
			<br>Dragon Necropolis - necropolis
			<br>Nedaria's Landing - nedaria
			<br>Nektropos - nektropos
			<br>The Nektulos Forest - nektulos
			<br>Shadowed Grove - nektulosa");
	if ($text =~/list3/i)
		quest::popup ("Zone Name - what to type","Neriak - Foreign Quarter - neriaka
			<br>Neriak - Commons - neriakb
			<br>Neriak - 3rd Gate - neriakc
			<br>Neriak Palace - neriakd
			<br>Netherbian Lair - netherbian
			<br>The Lair of Terris Thule - nightmareb
			<br>The Northern Plains of Karana - northkarana
			<br>North Desert of Ro - northro
			<br>Northern Desert of Ro - nro
			<br>The Mines of Nurga - nurga
			<br>Oasis of Marr - oasis
			<br>Oceangreen Hills - oceangreenhills
			<br>Oceangreen Village - oceangreenvillage
			<br>The Ocean of Tears - oceanoftears
			<br>Oggok - oggok
			<br>BlackBurrow - oldblackburrow
			<br>Old Bloodfields - oldbloodfield
			<br>Old Commonlands - oldcommons
			<br>City of Dranik - olddranik
			<br>Field of Scale - oldfieldofbone
			<br>Highpass Hold - oldhighpass
			<br>Kaesora Library - oldkaesoraa
			<br>Kaesora Hatchery - oldkaesorab
			<br>Bloody Kithicor - oldkithicor
			<br>Kurn's Tower - oldkurn
			<br>Ocean of Tears - oot
			<br>The Overthere - overthere
			<br>Paineel - paineel
			<br>The Paludal Caverns - paludal
			<br>The Lair of the Splitpaw - paw
			<br>The Permafrost Caverns - permafrost
			<br>The Plane of Air - poair
			<br>The Plane of Disease - podisease
			<br>The Plane of Earth - poeartha
			<br>The Plane of Earth - poearthb
			<br>The Plane of Fire - pofire
			<br>The Plane of Innovation - poinnovation
			<br>The Plane of Justice - pojustice
			<br>The Plane of Knowledge - poknowledge
			<br>The Plane of Nightmares - ponightmare
			<br>The Plane of Storms - postorms
			<br>Drunder, the Fortress of Zek - potactics
			<br>The Plane of Time - potimea
			<br>The Plane of Time - potimeb
			<br>Torment, the Plane of Pain - potorment
			<br>The Plane of Valor - povalor
			<br>Plane of War - powar
			<br>The Plane of Water - powater
			<br>The Precipice of War - precipiceofwar
			<br>Muramite Provinggrounds - provinggrounds
			<br>The Qeynos Aqueduct System - qcat
			<br>The Western Plains of Karana - qey2hh1
			<br>South Qeynos - qeynos
			<br>North Qeynos - qeynos2
			<br>The Qeynos Hills - qeytoqrg
			<br>Qinimi, Court of Nihilia - qinimi
			<br>The Surefall Glade - qrg
			<br>Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling - qvic
			<br>Qvic, the Hidden Vault - qvicb
			<br>Sverag, Stronghold of Rage - rage
			<br>Razorthorn, Tower of Sullon Zek - ragea
			<br>Rathe Council Chamber - rathechamber
			<br>The Rathe Mountains - rathemtn
			<br>Redfeather Isle - redfeather
			<br>Relic, the Artifact City - relic
			<br>Riftseekers' Sanctum - riftseekers
			<br>Rivervale - rivervale
			<br>Riwwi, Coliseum of Games - riwwi
			<br>Blackfeather Roost - roost
			<br>The Liberated Citadel of Runnyeye - runnyeye
			<br>The Scarlet Desert - scarlet
			<br>The Ruins of Sebilis - sebilis
			<br>Shadeweaver's Thicket - shadeweaver
			<br>Shadow Haven - shadowhaven
			<br>Shadowrest - shadowrest
			<br>Shadow Spine - shadowspine
			<br>The City of Shar Vahl - sharvahl
			<br>S.H.I.P. Workshop - shipworkshop
			<br>Silyssar, New Chelsith - silyssar
			<br>Siren's Grotto - sirens
			<br>The Skyfire Mountains - skyfire
			<br>Skylance - skylance
			<br>Skyshrine - skyshrine
			<br>Sewers of Nihilia, Emanating Cre - sncrematory
			<br>Sewers of Nihilia, Lair of Trapp - snlair
			<br>Sewers of Nihilia, Purifying Pla - snplant
			<br>Sewers of Nihilia, Pool of Sludg - snpool
			<br>Solusek's Eye - soldunga
			<br>Nagafen's Lair - soldungb
			<br>The Caverns of Exile - soldungc
			<br>The Tower of Solusek Ro - solrotower
			<br>The Temple of Solusek Ro - soltemple
			<br>Solteris, the Throne of Ro - solteris
			<br>The Southern Plains of Karana - southkarana
			<br>South Desert of Ro - southro
			<br>Southern Desert of Ro - sro
			<br>Sanctus Seru - sseru
			<br>Ssraeshza Temple - ssratemple");
	if ($text =~/list4/i)
		quest::popup ("Zone Name - what to type","The Steam Factory - steamfactory
								<br>Steamfont Mountains - steamfont
								<br>The Steamfont Mountains - steamfontmts
								<br>The Steppes - steppes
								<br>Stillmoon Temple - stillmoona
								<br>The Ascent - stillmoonb
								<br>The Stonebrunt Mountains - stonebrunt
								<br>Stone Hive - stonehive
								<br>Suncrest Isle - suncrest
								<br>Sunderock Springs - sunderock
								<br>The Swamp of No Hope - swampofnohope
								<br>Tacvi, The Broken Temple - tacvi
								<br>Ruins of Takish-Hiz - takishruins
								<br>The Root of Ro - takishruinsa
								<br>The Temple of Veeshan - templeveeshan
								<br>The Tenebrous Mountains - tenebrous
								<br>Thalassius, the Coral Keep - thalassius
								<br>Theater of Blood - theater
								<br>Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance - theatera
								<br>The Deep - thedeep
								<br>The Grey - thegrey
								<br>The Nest - thenest
								<br>Thundercrest Isles - thundercrest
								<br>The City of Thurgadin - thurgadina
								<br>Icewell Keep - thurgadinb
								<br>Timorous Deep - timorous
								<br>Tipt, Treacherous Crags - tipt
								<br>The Torgiran Mines - torgiran
								<br>Toskirakk - toskirakk
								<br>Toxxulia Forest - tox
								<br>Toxxulia Forest - toxxulia
								<br>Trakanon's Teeth - trakanon
								<br>EverQuest Tutorial - tutorial
								<br>The Mines of Gloomingdeep - tutorialb
								<br>The Twilight Sea - twilight
								<br>Txevu, Lair of the Elite - txevu
								<br>The Umbral Plains - umbral
								<br>The Estate of Unrest - unrest
								<br>Uqua, the Ocean God Chantry - uqua
								<br>Valdeholm - valdeholm
								<br>Veeshan's Peak - veeshan
								<br>Veksar - veksar
								<br>Velketor's Labyrinth - velketor
								<br>Vergalid Mines - vergalid
								<br>Vex Thal - vexthal
								<br>Vxed, the Crumbling Caverns - vxed
								<br>The Wakening Land - wakening
								<br>Wall of Slaughter - wallofslaughter
								<br>The Warrens - warrens
								<br>The Warsliks Woods - warslikswood
								<br>Stoneroot Falls - westkorlach
								<br>Prince's Manor - westkorlacha
								<br>Caverns of the Lost - westkorlachb
								<br>Lair of the Korlach - westkorlachc
								<br>The Western Wastes - westwastes
								<br>Yxtta, Pulpit of Exiles  - yxtta
								<br>Zhisza, the Shissar Sanctuary - zhisza
								<br>The Nektulos Forest - nektulos
								<br>Brell's Rest - brellsrest
								<br>The Cooling Chamber - coolingchamber
								<br>Pellucid Grotto - pellucid
								<br>Arthicrex - arthicrex
								<br>The Foundation - foundation
								<br>The Underquarry - underquarry
								<br>Brell's Arena - brellsarena
								<br>Volska's Husk - stonesnake
								<br>The Convorteum - convorteum
								<br>The Library - thulelibrary
								<br>Morell's Castle - morellcastle
								<br>Al'Kabor's Nightmare - alkabormare
								<br>Erudin Burning - fallen
								<br>The Feerrott - feerrott2
								<br>The Grounds - housegarden
								<br>Miragul's Nightmare - miragulmare
								<br>Sanctum Somnium - somnium
								<br>Fear Itself - thuledream
								<br>House of Thule - thulehouse1
								<br>House of Thule, Upper Floors - thulehouse2
								<br>The Well - well
								<br>Sunrise Hills - neighborhood");
	if ($text =~/abysmal/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(279, 0, -199, 140); }

	if ($text =~/acrylia/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(154, -665, 20, 4); }

	if ($text =~/airplane/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(71, 614, 1415, -650); }

	if ($text =~/akanon/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(55, -35, 47, 4); }

	if ($text =~/akheva/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(179, 60, -1395, 22); }

	if ($text =~/anguish/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(317, -9, -2466, -79); }

	if ($text =~/apprentice/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(999, 0, 0, 0); }

	if ($text =~/arcstone/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(369, 1630, -279, 5); }

	if ($text =~/arena/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(77, 146, -1009, 51); }

	if ($text =~/arena2/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(180, 460.9, -41.4, 24.6); }

	if ($text =~/arttest/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(996, 0, 0, 0); }

	if ($text =~/ashengate/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(406, 0, -375, 8); }

	if ($text =~/atiiki/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(418, -916, -1089, -39); }

	if ($text =~/aviak/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(53, 0, 0, 0); }

	if ($text =~/barindu/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(283, 590, -1457, -123); }

	if ($text =~/barren/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(422, 1203, 698, 54); }

	if ($text =~/barter/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(346, 0, 0, 0); }

	if ($text =~/bazaar/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(151, -71, -250, 33); }

	if ($text =~/befallen/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(36, 35, -82, 3); }

	if ($text =~/befallenb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(411, 0, 0, 0); }

	if ($text =~/beholder/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(16, -21.44, -512.23, 45.13); }

	if ($text =~/bertoxtemple/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(469, 2, -2, 2); }

	if ($text =~/blackburrow/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(17, 39, -159, 3); }

	if ($text =~/blacksail/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(428, -165, 5410, 307); }

	if ($text =~/bloodfields/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(301, -1763, 2140, -928); }

	if ($text =~/bloodmoon/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(445, -4, 34, 8); }

	if ($text =~/bothunder/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(209, 178, 207, -1620); }

	if ($text =~/broodlands/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(337, -1613, -1016, 99); }

	if ($text =~/buriedsea/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(423, 3130, -1721, 308); }

	if ($text =~/burningwood/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(87, -821, -4942, 204); }

	if ($text =~/butcher/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(68, -700, 2550, 3); }

	if ($text =~/cabeast/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(106, -417, 1362, 8); }

	if ($text =~/cabwest/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(82, 767, -783, 8); }

	if ($text =~/cauldron/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(70, 320, 2815, 473); }

	if ($text =~/causeway/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(303, -1674, -239, 317); }

	if ($text =~/cazicthule/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(48, -74, 71, 4); }

	if ($text =~/charasis/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(105, 0, 0, 4); }

	if ($text =~/chardok/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(103, 859, 119, 106); }

	if ($text =~/chardokb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(277, -190, 290, 7); }

	if ($text =~/citymist/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(90, -734, 28, 4); }

	if ($text =~/clz/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(190, 0, 0, 0); }

	if ($text =~/cobaltscar/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(117, 895, -939, 318); }

	if ($text =~/codecay/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(200, -170, -65, -93); }

	if ($text =~/commonlands/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(408, -3492, 180, 15); }

	if ($text =~/commons/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(21, -1334.24, 209.57, -51.47); }

	if ($text =~/corathus/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(365, 16, -337, -46); }

	if ($text =~/corathusa/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(366, -49.3, 49.84, -10.76); }

	if ($text =~/corathusb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(367, 2, 90, -15); }

	if ($text =~/crescent/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(394, -8, 11, 2); }

	if ($text =~/crushbone/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(58, 158, -644, 4); }

	if ($text =~/cryptofshade/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(449, 985, -445, -39); }

	if ($text =~/crystal/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(121, 303, 487, -74); }

	if ($text =~/crystallos/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(446, -65, -200, -75); }

	if ($text =~/cshome/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(26, 0, 100, 0); }

	if ($text =~/dalnir/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(104, 0, 0, 6); }

	if ($text =~/dawnshroud/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(174, 2085, 0, 89); }

	if ($text =~/deadbone/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(427, -3817, 4044, 314); }

	if ($text =~/delvea/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(341, -246, -1578, 68); }

	if ($text =~/delveb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(342, -138, -355, 17); }

	if ($text =~/devastationa/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(373, -141, 1059, 4); }

	if ($text =~/devastation/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(372, 1390, 216, 53); }

	if ($text =~/direwind/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(405, -329, -1845, 10); }

	if ($text =~/discord/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(470, 28, -20, -16); }

	if ($text =~/discordtower/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(471, 0, 0, -55); }

	if ($text =~/drachnidhive/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(354, 0, 0, 0); }

	if ($text =~/drachnidhivea/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(355, 0, 0, 0); }

	if ($text =~/drachnidhiveb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(356, 21.25, 1248.2, 150.27); }

	if ($text =~/drachnidhivec/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(357, -55.72, -70.27, -755); }

	if ($text =~/dragonscale/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(442, -1954, 3916, 19); }

	if ($text =~/dragonscaleb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(451, 25, 20, 5); }

	if ($text =~/dranik/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(336, -1112, -1953, -369); }

	if ($text =~/draniksscar/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(302, -1519, -1468, 260); }

	if ($text =~/dreadlands/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(86, 9565, 2806, 1050); }

	if ($text =~/dreadspire/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(351, 1358, -1030, -572); }

	if ($text =~/droga/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(81, 290, 1375, 6); }

	if ($text =~/dulak/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(225, 438, 548, 4); }

	if ($text =~/eastkarana/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(15, 865, 15, -33); }

	if ($text =~/eastkorlach/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(362, -950, -1130, 184); }

	if ($text =~/eastkorlacha/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(363, 16, 3, -12); }

	if ($text =~/eastwastes/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(116, -4296, -5049, 147); }

	if ($text =~/echo/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(153, -800, 840, -25); }

	if ($text =~/ecommons/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(22, -1485, 9.2, -51); }

	if ($text =~/elddar/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(378, 606, 296, -36); }

	if ($text =~/elddara/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(379, 0, 0, -6); }

	if ($text =~/emeraldjungle/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(94, 4648, -1223, 2); }

	if ($text =~/erudnext/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(24, -338, 75, 20); }

	if ($text =~/erudnint/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(23, 808, 712, 21); }

	if ($text =~/erudsxing/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(98, 795, -1767, 11); }

	if ($text =~/erudsxing2/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(130, 0, 0, 0); }

	if ($text =~/everfrost/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(30, 629, 3139, -60); }

	if ($text =~/fearplane/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(72, 1282, -1139, 5); }

	if ($text =~/feerrott/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(47, 905, 1051, 25); }

	if ($text =~/felwithea/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(61, 94, -25, 3); }

	if ($text =~/felwitheb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(62, -790, 320, -10); }

	if ($text =~/ferubi/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(284, 1483, 596, 111); }

	if ($text =~/fhalls/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(998, -74, -843, -11); }

	if ($text =~/fieldofbone/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(78, 1617, -1684, -50); }

	if ($text =~/firiona/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(84, 1440, -2392, 1); }

	if ($text =~/freeportacademy/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(385, -141, -336, 49); }

	if ($text =~/freeportarena/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(388, -6.75, -42.5, 3); }

	if ($text =~/freeportcityhall/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(389, -46.98, -31.21, -9.92); }

	if ($text =~/freeporteast/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(382, -725, -425, 7); }

	if ($text =~/freeporthall/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(391, -432, 569, -100); }

	if ($text =~/freeportmilitia/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(387, 7, -243, 3); }

	if ($text =~/freeportsewers/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(384, -1298, 111, -80); }

	if ($text =~/freeporttemple/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(386, 0, 0, 10); }

	if ($text =~/freeporttheater/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(390, 0, -6, -28); }

	if ($text =~/freeportwest/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(383, -67, 0, -82); }

	if ($text =~/freporte/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(10, -648, -1097, -52.2); }

	if ($text =~/freportn/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(8, 211, -296, 4); }

	if ($text =~/freportw/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(9, 181, 335, -24); }

	if ($text =~/frontiermtns/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(92, -4262, -633, 116); }

	if ($text =~/frostcrypt/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(402, 0, -40, 2); }

	if ($text =~/frozenshadow/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(111, 200, 120, 0); }

	if ($text =~/fungusgrove/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(157, -1005, -2140, -308); }

	if ($text =~/gfaydark/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(54, 10, -20, 0); }

	if ($text =~/greatdivide/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(118, -965, -7720, -557); }

	if ($text =~/griegsend/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(163, 3461, -19, -5); }

	if ($text =~/grimling/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(167, -1020, -950, 22); }

	if ($text =~/grobb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(52, 0, -100, 3); }

	if ($text =~/growthplane/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(127, 3016, -2522, -19); }

	if ($text =~/guardian/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(447, -115, 60, 4); }

	if ($text =~/guildhall/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(345, 0, 1, 3); }

	if ($text =~/guildlobby/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(344, 19, -55, 5); }

	if ($text =~/gukbottom/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(66, -217, 1197, -78); }

	if ($text =~/guktop/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(65, 7, -36, 4); }

	if ($text =~/gunthak/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(224, -938, 1461, 15); }

	if ($text =~/gyrospireb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(440, -9, -843, 4); }

	if ($text =~/gyrospirez/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(441, -9, -843, 4); }

	if ($text =~/halas/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(29, 0, 0, 3); }

	if ($text =~/harbingers/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(335, 122, -98, 10); }

	if ($text =~/hateplane/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(76, -353.08, -374.8, 3.75); }

	if ($text =~/hateplaneb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(186, -393, 656, 3); }

	if ($text =~/hatesfury/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(228, -924, 107, 0); }

	if ($text =~/highkeep/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(6, 88, -16, 4); }

	if ($text =~/highpass/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(5, -104, -14, 4); }

	if ($text =~/highpasshold/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(407, -219, -148, -24); }

	if ($text =~/highpasskeep/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(412, 0, 0, 0); }

	if ($text =~/hillsofshade/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(444, -216, -1950, -50); }

	if ($text =~/hohonora/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(211, -2678, -323, 3); }

	if ($text =~/hohonorb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(220, 975, 2, 396); }

	if ($text =~/hole/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(39, -1050, 640, -80); }

	if ($text =~/hollowshade/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(166, 2420, 1241, 40); }

	if ($text =~/iceclad/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(110, 340, 5330, -17); }

	if ($text =~/icefall/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(400, 765, -1871, -46); }

	if ($text =~/ikkinz/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(294, -157, 23, -2); }

	if ($text =~/illsalin/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(347, 308, -182, -32); }

	if ($text =~/illsalina/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(348, 8, 0, -20); }

	if ($text =~/illsalinb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(349, 0, 0, 0); }

	if ($text =~/illsalinc/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(350, 0, 0, -15); }

	if ($text =~/inktuta/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(296, 0, 65, -2); }

	if ($text =~/innothule/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(46, -588, -2192, -25); }

	if ($text =~/innothuleb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(413, -1029, -1778, 19); }

	if ($text =~/jaggedpine/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(181, 1800, 1319, -13); }

	if ($text =~/jardelshook/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(424, 4677, -784, 373); }

	if ($text =~/kael/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(113, -633, -47, 128); }

	if ($text =~/kaesora/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(88, 40, 370, 102); }

	if ($text =~/kaladima/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(60, -2, -18, 3); }

	if ($text =~/kaladimb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(67, -267, 414, 3.75); }

	if ($text =~/karnor/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(102, 302, 18, 6); }

	if ($text =~/katta/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(160, -545, 645, 1); }

	if ($text =~/kattacastrum/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(416, -2, -425, -20); }

	if ($text =~/kedge/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(64, 14, 100, 302); }

	if ($text =~/kerraridge/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(74, -859.97, 474.96, 23.75); }

	if ($text =~/kithforest/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(410, 0, 0, 0); }

	if ($text =~/kithicor/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(20, 3828, 1889, 459); }

	if ($text =~/kodtaz/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(293, -1475, 1548, -302.12); }

	if ($text =~/korascian/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(476, 24, -77, 25); }

	if ($text =~/kurn/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(97, 0, 0, 7); }

	if ($text =~/lakeofillomen/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(85, -5383, 5747, 70); }

	if ($text =~/lakerathe/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(51, 1213, 4183, 3); }

	if ($text =~/lavastorm/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(27, -25, 182, -74); }

	if ($text =~/letalis/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(169, -623, -1249, -29); }

	if ($text =~/lfaydark/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(57, -1770, -108, 0); }

	if ($text =~/load/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(184, -316, 5, 8.2); }

	if ($text =~/load2/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(185, -260, -4, -724); }

	if ($text =~/lopingplains/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(443, -3698, -1289, 722); }

	if ($text =~/maiden/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(173, 1905, 940, -150); }

	if ($text =~/maidensgrave/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(429, 4455, 2042, 307); }

	if ($text =~/mansion/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(437, 0, -73, 3); }

	if ($text =~/mechanotus/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(436, -1700, 350, 404); }

	if ($text =~/mesa/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(397, -85, -2050, 19); }

	if ($text =~/mischiefplane/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(126, -395, -1410, 115); }

	if ($text =~/mistmoore/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(59, 120, -330, -178); }

	if ($text =~/misty/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(33, 0, 0, 2.43); }

	if ($text =~/mistythicket/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(415, 662, -7, 4); }

	if ($text =~/monkeyrock/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(425, -4084, -3067, 307); }

	if ($text =~/moors/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(395, 3263, -626, -20); }

	if ($text =~/mseru/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(168, -1668, 540, -6); }

	if ($text =~/nadox/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(227, -1340, -70, 5); }

	if ($text =~/najena/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(44, 858, -76, 4); }

	if ($text =~/natimbi/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(280, -1557, -853, 239); }

	if ($text =~/necropolis/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(123, 2000, -100, 5); }

	if ($text =~/nedaria/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(182, -1737, -181, 256); }

	if ($text =~/nektropos/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(28, 0, 0, 0); }

	if ($text =~/nektulos/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(25, -259, -1201, -5); }

	if ($text =~/nektulosa/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(368, -11, 134, -13); }

	if ($text =~/neriaka/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(40, 157, -3, 31); }

	if ($text =~/neriakb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(41, -500, 3, -10); }

	if ($text =~/neriakc/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(42, -969, 892, -52); }

	if ($text =~/neriakd/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(43, 0, 0, 0); }

	if ($text =~/netherbian/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(161, 14, 1787, -62); }

	if ($text =~/nexus/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(152, 0, 0, -28); }

	if ($text =~/nightmareb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(221, 1608, 30, -327); }

	if ($text =~/northkarana/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(13, -382, -284, -8); }

	if ($text =~/northro/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(392, -1262, 8590, 40); }

	if ($text =~/nro/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(34, 299.12, 3537.9, -24.5); }

	if ($text =~/nurga/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(107, -1762, -2200, 6); }

	if ($text =~/oasis/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(37, 903.98, 490.03, 6.4); }

	if ($text =~/oceangreenhills/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(466, -1140, 4542, 73); }

	if ($text =~/oceangreenvillage/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(467, 83, -72, 3); }

	if ($text =~/oceanoftears/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(409, -7925, 1610, -292); }

	if ($text =~/oggok/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(49, -99, -345, 4); }

	if ($text =~/oldblackburrow/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(468, 7, -377, 46); }

	if ($text =~/oldbloodfield/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(472, -2097, 2051, 3); }

	if ($text =~/oldcommons/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(457, -3492, 180, 15); }

	if ($text =~/olddranik/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(474, -1799, 986, -184); }

	if ($text =~/oldfieldofbone/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(452, 1692, 1194, -49); }

	if ($text =~/oldhighpass/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(458, 0, 0, -5); }

	if ($text =~/oldkaesoraa/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(453, 33.67, -20.86, 3.37); }

	if ($text =~/oldkaesorab/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(454, -64, -30, 2); }

	if ($text =~/oldkithicor/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(456, -255, 1189, 10); }

	if ($text =~/oldkurn/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(455, 20, -265, 5); }

	if ($text =~/oot/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(69, -9200, 390, 6); }

	if ($text =~/overthere/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(93, 1450, -3500, 309); }

	if ($text =~/paineel/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(75, 200, 800, 3); }

	if ($text =~/paludal/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(156, -241, -3721, 195); }

	if ($text =~/paw/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(18, 63, -122, 3); }

	if ($text =~/permafrost/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(73, 61, -121, 2); }

	if ($text =~/poair/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(215, 532, 884, -90); }

	if ($text =~/podisease/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(205, -1750, -1245, -56); }

	if ($text =~/poeartha/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(218, -1150, 200, 71); }

	if ($text =~/poearthb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(222, -762, 328, -56); }

	if ($text =~/pofire/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(217, -1387, 1210, -182); }

	if ($text =~/poinnovation/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(206, 263, 516, -53); }

	if ($text =~/pojustice/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(201, 58, -61, 5); }

	if ($text =~/poknowledge/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(202, -285, -148, -159); }

	if ($text =~/ponightmare/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(204, 1668, 282, 212); }

	if ($text =~/postorms/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(210, -1795, -2059, -471); }

	if ($text =~/potactics/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(214, -210, 10, -35); }

	if ($text =~/potimea/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(219, -37, -110, 8); }

	if ($text =~/potimeb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(223, 851, -141, 396); }

	if ($text =~/potorment/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(207, -341, 1706, -491); }

	if ($text =~/potranquility/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(203, -1507, 701, -878); }

	if ($text =~/povalor/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(208, 190, -1668, 65); }

	if ($text =~/powar/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(213, 0, 0, 0); }

	if ($text =~/powater/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(216, -165, -1250, 4); }

	if ($text =~/precipiceofwar/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(473, 985, -1110, 285); }

	if ($text =~/provinggrounds/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(316, -124, -5676, -306); }

	if ($text =~/qcat/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(45, 80, 860, -38); }

	if ($text =~/qey2hh1/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(12, -531, 15, -3); }

	if ($text =~/qeynos/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(1, 0, 10, 5); }

	if ($text =~/qeynos2/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(2, -74, 428, 3); }

	if ($text =~/qeytoqrg/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(4, 83, 508, 0); }

	if ($text =~/qinimi/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(281, -1053, 438, -16); }

	if ($text =~/qrg/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(3, 0, 0, 2); }

	if ($text =~/qvic/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(295, -2515, 767, -647); }

	if ($text =~/qvicb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(299, 0, 0, -6.25); }

	if ($text =~/rage/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(374, 0, 1065, 7); }

	if ($text =~/ragea/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(375, 354, 63, 3); }

	if ($text =~/rathechamber/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(477, -19, -10, -22); }

	if ($text =~/rathemtn/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(50, 1831, 3825, 28); }

	if ($text =~/redfeather/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(430, 2531, -3638, 312); }

	if ($text =~/relic/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(370, 861, 618, -265); }

	if ($text =~/riftseekers/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(334, -1, 297, -208); }

	if ($text =~/rivervale/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(19, 0, 0, 4); }

	if ($text =~/riwwi/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(282, 454, -650, 35); }

	if ($text =~/roost/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(398, -1592, 2125, -308); }

	if ($text =~/runnyeye/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(11, 201, 90, 4); }

	if ($text =~/scarlet/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(175, -1678, -1054, -98); }

	if ($text =~/sebilis/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(89, 0, 250, 44); }

	if ($text =~/shadeweaver/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(165, -3570, -2122, -93); }

	if ($text =~/shadowhaven/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(150, 190, -982, -28); }

	if ($text =~/shadowrest/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(187, -27.3, -245.6, 8.1); }

	if ($text =~/shadowspine/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(364, 2, 408, 72); }

	if ($text =~/sharvahl/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(155, 85, -1135, -188); }

	if ($text =~/shipmvm/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(435, -69, -47, 44); }

	if ($text =~/shipmvp/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(431, 0, 68, 47); }

	if ($text =~/shipmvu/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(432, -118, -193, 29); }

	if ($text =~/shippvu/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(433, -116, -97, 46); }

	if ($text =~/shipuvu/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(434, -116, -97, 46); }

	if ($text =~/shipworkshop/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(439, 530, 457, 10); }

	if ($text =~/silyssar/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(420, 167, -50, -66); }

	if ($text =~/sirens/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(125, -33, 196, 4); }

	if ($text =~/skyfire/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(91, -4286, -1140, 38); }

	if ($text =~/skylance/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(371, 0, -95, 2); }

	if ($text =~/skyshrine/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(114, -730, -210, 0); }

	if ($text =~/sleeper/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(128, 0, 0, 5); }

	if ($text =~/sncrematory/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(288, 31, 175, -17); }

	if ($text =~/snlair/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(286, 234, -70, -14); }

	if ($text =~/snplant/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(287, 150, 127, -7); }

	if ($text =~/snpool/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(285, 137, -5, -19); }

	if ($text =~/soldunga/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(31, -486, -476, 73); }

	if ($text =~/soldungb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(32, -263, -424, -108); }

	if ($text =~/soldungc/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(278, 307, -307, -14); }

	if ($text =~/solrotower/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(212, -1, -2915, -766); }

	if ($text =~/soltemple/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(80, 36, 262, 0); }

	if ($text =~/solteris/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(421, 0, 0, -20); }

	if ($text =~/southkarana/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(14, 1294, 2348, -6); }

	if ($text =~/southro/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(393, -581, -520, 126); }

	if ($text =~/sro/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(35, 286, 1265, 79); }

	if ($text =~/sseru/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(159, -232, 1166, 59); }

	if ($text =~/ssratemple/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(162, 0, 0, 4); }

	if ($text =~/steamfactory/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(438, -870, 66, 121); }

	if ($text =~/steamfont/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(56, -272.86, 159.86, -21.4); }

	if ($text =~/steamfontmts/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(448, -170, -42, 2); }

	if ($text =~/steppes/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(399, -896, -2360, 3); }

	if ($text =~/stillmoona/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(338, -9, -78, -30); }

	if ($text =~/stillmoonb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(339, 169, 1027, 44); }

	if ($text =~/stonebrunt/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(100, -1643, -3428, -7); }

	if ($text =~/stonehive/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(396, -1331, -521, 26); }

	if ($text =~/suncrest/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(426, -2241, -650, 316); }

	if ($text =~/sunderock/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(403, -393, -3454, 4); }

	if ($text =~/swampofnohope/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(83, 2945, 2761, 6); }

	if ($text =~/tacvi/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(298, 4, 9, -8); }

	if ($text =~/takishruins/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(376, -983, 269, 62); }

	if ($text =~/takishruinsa/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(377, 18, -138, -29); }

	if ($text =~/templeveeshan/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(124, -499, -2086, -36); }

	if ($text =~/tenebrous/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(172, 1810, 51, -36); }

	if ($text =~/thalassius/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(417, 37, -86, 23); }

	if ($text =~/theater/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(380, 2933, 719, 376); }

	if ($text =~/theatera/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(381, 0, -108, 4); }

	if ($text =~/thedeep/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(164, -700, -398, -60); }

	if ($text =~/thegrey/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(171, 349, -1994, -26); }

	if ($text =~/thenest/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(343, -234, -55, -85); }

	if ($text =~/thundercrest/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(340, 1641, -646, 114); }

	if ($text =~/thurgadina/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(115, 0, -1222, 0); }

	if ($text =~/thurgadinb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(129, 0, 250, 0); }

	if ($text =~/timorous/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(96, 2194, -5392, 6); }

	if ($text =~/tipt/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(289, -448, -2374, 12); }

	if ($text =~/torgiran/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(226, -620, -323, 5); }

	if ($text =~/toskirakk/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(475, -402.5, 309.17, 20.18); }

	if ($text =~/tox/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(38, 203, 2295, -45); }

	if ($text =~/toxxulia/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(414, -718, 2102, 26); }

	if ($text =~/trakanon/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(95, 1486, 3868, -336); }

	if ($text =~/tutorial/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(183, 0, 0, 0); }

	if ($text =~/tutorialb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(189, 18, -147, 20); }

	if ($text =~/twilight/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(170, -1858, -420, -10); }

	if ($text =~/txevu/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(297, -332, -1, -420); }

	if ($text =~/umbral/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(176, 1900, -474, 23); }

	if ($text =~/unrest/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(63, 52, -38, 3); }

	if ($text =~/uqua/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(292, -17, -7, -26); }

	if ($text =~/valdeholm/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(401, 119, -3215, 3); }

	if ($text =~/veeshan/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(108, 1783, -5, 15); }

	if ($text =~/veksar/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(109, 1, -486, -27); }

	if ($text =~/velketor/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(112, -65, 581, -152); }

	if ($text =~/vergalid/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(404, 14, 0, 3); }

	if ($text =~/vexthal/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(158, -1655, 257, -35); }

	if ($text =~/vxed/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(290, -427, -3552, 14); }

	if ($text =~/wakening/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(119, -5000, -673, -195); }

	if ($text =~/wallofslaughter/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(300, -1461, -2263, -69); }

	if ($text =~/warrens/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(101, -930, 748, -37); }

	if ($text =~/warslikswood/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(79, -468, -1429, 198); }

	if ($text =~/westkorlach/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(358, -2229, 395, 895); }

	if ($text =~/westkorlacha/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(359, -1549, 577, 4); }

	if ($text =~/westkorlachb/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(360, 0, 4, 4); }

	if ($text =~/westkorlachc/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(361, -57, 197, 43); }

	if ($text =~/westwastes/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(120, -3499, -4099, -18); }

	if ($text =~/yxtta/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(291, 1235, 1300, -348); }

	if ($text =~/zhisza/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(419, 6, -856, 5); }

	if ($text =~/nektulos/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(25, 235, -911, 24); }

	if ($text =~/brellsrest/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(480, 116, -700, 53); }

	if ($text =~/coolingchamber/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(483, -35, -130, 59); }

	if ($text =~/pellucid/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(488, -779, -424, -53); }

	if ($text =~/arthicrex/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(485, 517, -1662, 200); }

	if ($text =~/foundation/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(486, 1168.49, -1023.98, -209); }

	if ($text =~/underquarry/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(482, 46, -190, -196); }

	if ($text =~/brellsarena/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(492, 3, -304, -4); }

	if ($text =~/stonesnake/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(489, 50, 24, 0); }

	if ($text =~/convorteum/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(491, 28, -24, -42); }

	if ($text =~/thulelibrary/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(704, 0, 0, 0); }

	if ($text =~/morellcastle/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(707, -30, -219, -36); }

	if ($text =~/alkabormare/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(709, 1104, -86, -14); }

	if ($text =~/fallen/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(706, 59, -15, 0); }

	if ($text =~/feerrott2/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(700, 952.95, 1022.59, 40.83); }

	if ($text =~/housegarden/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(703, 102.16, -0.87, -28.89); }

	if ($text =~/miragulmare/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(710, -102, 36, -108); }

	if ($text =~/somnium/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(708, -2, 195, 0); }

	if ($text =~/thuledream/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(711, 1282, -1139, 5); }

	if ($text =~/thulehouse1/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(701, 0, -332, 4); }

	if ($text =~/thulehouse2/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(702, -91, 338, 64); }

	if ($text =~/well/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(705, 0, 0, 52); }

	if ($text =~/neighborhood/i){
	quest::say ("Enjoy your adventure!");
	$client->Message(6, "Wizzie casts a spell to translocate you to another place.");
	quest::movepc(712, 2035, -2940, 6); }


Last edited by Akkadius; 10-10-2012 at 09:42 PM.. Reason: Use [CODE] tags
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Old 07-25-2011, 01:53 AM
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 965

I would change the message to reflect the npc name dynamically. Forget if it is GetName or GetCleanName

$client->Message(6,$npc->GetName().' casts a spell to translocate you to another place.');
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Old 07-25-2011, 02:41 AM
Akkadius's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: MN
Posts: 2,071

Here's an embarrassingly thrown together script that I put together a while ago for Funhouse, the levels are based on compilation of data collected by players:

Either way the mechanics are pretty decent. Let me know if you want me to actually update the zone data, I was going to make it navigate per-expansion.

I very quickly changed around some of the window code as it is proprietary to what I had made a year ago... Enjoy

	%ZL = (
	1 =>  [ "abysmal" , 279, -199, 0, 114, 1, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Abysmal Sea" ],
	2 =>  [ "akanon" , 55, -35, 47, 4, 1, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Ak'Anon" ],
	3 =>  [ "arena" , 77, 146, -1009, 51, 1, 250, 1, 1, 1, "The Arena" ],
	4 =>  [ "arena2" , 180, 460.9, -41.4, 24.6, 1, 250, 1, 1, 1, "The Arena Two" ],
	5 =>  [ "barter" , 346, 0, 0, 0, 1, 250, 1, 1, 1, "The Barter Hall" ],
	6 =>  [ "bazaar" , 151, -71, -250, 33, 1, 250, 0, 1, 1, "The Bazaar" ],
	7 =>  [ "befallenb" , 411, 0, 0, 0, 1, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Befallen" ],
	8 =>  [ "butcher" , 68, -700, 2550, 2.9, 1, 15, 1, 1, 1, "Butcherblock Mountains" ],
	9 =>  [ "cabeast" , 106, -416, 1343, 4, 1, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Cabilis East" ],
	10 =>  [ "cabwest" , 82, 790, 165, 3.75, 1, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Cabilis West" ],
	11 =>  [ "commonlands" , 408, -3492, 180, 15, 1, 15, 1, 1, 1, "The Commonlands" ],
	12 =>  [ "crescent" , 394, -8, 11, 2, 1, 20, 1, 1, 1, "Crescent Reach" ],
	13 =>  [ "dalnir" , 104, 90, 8, 3.75, 1, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Dalnir" ],
	14 =>  [ "eastkorlacha" , 363, 16, 3, -12, 1, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Snarlstone Dens" ],
	15 =>  [ "ecommons" , 22, -1485, 9.2, -51, 1, 15, 1, 1, 1, "East Commonlands" ],
	16 =>  [ "erudnext" , 24, -309.75, 109.64, 23.75, 1, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Erudin" ],
	17 =>  [ "erudnint" , 23, 807, 712, 22, 1, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Erudin Palace" ],
	18 =>  [ "erudsxing" , 98, 795, -1766.9, 12.36, 1, 250, 1, 1, 1, "Erud\'s Crossing" ],
	19 =>  [ "erudsxing2" , 130, 0, 0, 0, 1, 15, 1, 1, 1, "Marauders Mire" ],
	20 =>  [ "everfrost" , 30, 682.74, 3139.01, -60.16, 1, 20, 1, 1, 1, "Everfrost" ],
	21 =>  [ "feerrott" , 47, 902.6, 1091.7, 28, 1, 20, 1, 1, 1, "The Feerrott" ],
	22 =>  [ "felwithea" , 61, 94, -25, 3.75, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Northern Felwithe" ],
	23 =>  [ "felwitheb" , 62, -790, 320, -10.25, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Southern Felwithe" ],
	24 =>  [ "fieldofbone" , 78, 1617, -1684, -54.78, 1, 20, 1, 1, 1, "Field of Bone" ],
	25 =>  [ "freeportacademy" , 385, -141, -336, 49, 1, 250, 1, 1, 1, "Academy of Arcane Sciences" ],
	26 =>  [ "freeportarena" , 388, -6.75, -42.5, 3, 1, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Arena" ],
	27 =>  [ "freeporteast" , 382, -725, -425, 7, 1, 80, 1, 1, 1, "East Freeport" ],
	28 =>  [ "freeportwest" , 383, -67, 0, -82, 1, 250, 1, 1, 1, "West Freeport" ],
	29 =>  [ "freporte" , 10, -648, -1097, -52.2, 1, 250, 1, 1, 1, "East Freeport" ],
	30 =>  [ "freportn" , 8, 211, -296, 4, 1, 250, 1, 1, 1, "North Freeport" ],
	31 =>  [ "freportw" , 9, 181, 335, -24, 1, 250, 1, 1, 1, "West Freeport" ],
	32 =>  [ "gfaydark" , 54, 10, -20, 0, 1, 15, 1, 1, 1, "Greater Faydark" ],
	33 =>  [ "grobb" , 52, 0, -100, 4, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Grobb" ],
	34 =>  [ "guildhall" , 345, 0, 1, 3, 1, 250, 0, 1, 1, "Guild Hall" ],
	35 =>  [ "guildlobby" , 344, 19, -55, 5, 1, 250, 0, 1, 1, "Guild Lobby" ],
	36 =>  [ "halas" , 29, 0, 0, 3.75, 1, 250, 1, 1, 1, "Halas" ],
	37 =>  [ "innothule" , 46, -588, -2192, -25, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Innothule Swamp" ],
	38 =>  [ "innothuleb" , 413, -1029, -1778, 19, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "The Innothule Swamp" ],
	39 =>  [ "kaladima" , 60, -2, -18, 3.75, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "South Kaladim" ],
	40 =>  [ "kaladimb" , 67, -267, 414, 3.75, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "North Kaladim" ],
	41 =>  [ "misty" , 33, 0, 0, 2.43, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Misty Thicket" ],
	42 =>  [ "mistythicket" , 415, 662, -7, 4, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "The Misty Thicket" ],
	43 =>  [ "nektulos" , 25, -259, -1201, -5, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "The Nektulos Forest" ],
	44 =>  [ "nektulosa" , 368, -11, 134, -13, 1, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Shadowed Grove" ],
	45 =>  [ "neriaka" , 40, 156.92, -2.94, 31.75, 1, 10, 1, 1, 0, "Neriak Foreign Quarter" ],
	46 =>  [ "neriakb" , 41, -499.91, 2.97, -10.25, 1, 10, 1, 1, 0, "Neriak Commons" ],
	47 =>  [ "neriakc" , 42, -968.96, 891.92, -52.22, 1, 10, 1, 1, 0, "Neriak Third Gate" ],
	48 =>  [ "neriakd" , 43, 0, 0, 0, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Neriak Palace" ],
	49 =>  [ "nexus" , 152, 0, 0, -28, 1, 250, 0, 1, 1, "Nexus" ],
	50 =>  [ "oggok" , 49, -99, -345, 4, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Oggok" ],
	51 =>  [ "paineel" , 75, 200, 800, 3.39, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Paineel" ],
	52 =>  [ "poknowledge" , 202, -55.82, 43.93, -158.81, 1, 250, 0, 1, 1, "Plane of Knowledge" ],
	53 =>  [ "qeynos" , 1, 186.46, 14.29, 3.75, 1, 20, 1, 1, 1, "South Qeynos" ],
	54 =>  [ "qeynos2" , 2, 114, 678, 4, 1, 20, 1, 1, 1, "North Qeynos" ],
	55 =>  [ "qeytoqrg" , 4, 196.7, 5100.9, -1, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Qeynos Hills" ],
	56 =>  [ "qrg" , 3, 136.9, -65.9, 4, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Surefall Glade" ],
	57 =>  [ "rivervale" , 19, 45.3, 1.6, 3.8, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Rivervale" ],
	58 =>  [ "shadeweaver" , 165, -3570, -2122, -95, 1, 25, 1, 1, 1, "Shadeweaver's Thicket" ],
	59 =>  [ "shadowhaven" , 150, 190, -982, -28, 1, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Shadow Haven" ],
	60 =>  [ "shadowrest" , 187, -27.3, -245.6, 8.1, 1, 250, 0, 1, 1, "Shadowrest" ],
	61 =>  [ "sharvahl" , 155, 85, -1135, -188, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "The City of Shar Vahl" ],
	62 =>  [ "steamfont" , 56, -272.86, 159.86, -21.4, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Steamfont Mountains" ],
	63 =>  [ "steamfontmts" , 448, -170, -42, 2, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "The Steamfont Mountains" ],
	64 =>  [ "tenebrous" , 172, 1810, 51, -36, 1, 20, 1, 1, 1, "The Tenebrous Mountains" ],
	65 =>  [ "tox" , 38, 203, 2295, -45, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Toxxulia Forest" ],
	66 =>  [ "toxxulia" , 414, -718, 2102, 26, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Toxxulia Forest" ],
	67 =>  [ "tutorial" , 183, 0, 0, 0, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "EverQuest Tutorial" ],
	68 =>  [ "tutoriala" , 188, 0, 0, 0, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "The Mines of Gloomingdeep" ],
	69 =>  [ "tutorialb" , 189, 18, -147, 20, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "The Mines of Gloomingdeep" ],
	70 =>  [ "nektulos" , 25, 235, -911, 24, 1, 20, 1, 1, 1, "The Nektulos Forest" ],
	71 =>  [ "befallen" , 36, 35.22, -75.27, 2.19, 5, 20, 1, 1, 0, "Befallen" ],
	72 =>  [ "blackburrow" , 17, 38.92, -158.97, 3.75, 5, 15, 1, 1, 1, "Blackburrow" ],
	73 =>  [ "commons" , 21, -1334.24, 209.57, -51.47, 5, 40, 1, 1, 1, "West Commonlands" ],
	74 =>  [ "crushbone" , 58, 158, -644, 4, 5, 25, 1, 1, 1, "Crushbone" ],
	75 =>  [ "guktop" , 65, 7, -36, 4, 5, 30, 1, 1, 0, "Guk" ],
	76 =>  [ "oasis" , 37, 903.98, 490.03, 6.4, 5, 40, 1, 1, 1, "Oasis of Marr" ],
	77 =>  [ "paludal" , 156, -241, -3721, 195, 5, 25, 1, 1, 0, "The Paludal Caverns" ],
	78 =>  [ "beholder" , 16, -21.44, -512.23, 45.13, 10, 25, 1, 1, 1, "Gorge of King Xorbb" ],
	79 =>  [ "cauldron" , 70, 320, 2815, 473, 10, 20, 1, 1, 1, "Dagnor's Cauldron" ],
	80 =>  [ "eastkarana" , 15, 0, 0, 3.5, 10, 35, 1, 1, 1, "Eastern Plains of Karana" ],
	81 =>  [ "freeportsewers" , 384, -1298, 111, -80, 10, 25, 1, 1, 1, "Freeport Sewers" ],
	82 =>  [ "highpass" , 5, -104, -14, 4, 10, 20, 1, 1, 1, "Highpass Hold" ],
	83 =>  [ "highpasshold" , 407, -219, -148, -24, 10, 20, 1, 1, 1, "Highpass Hold" ],
	84 =>  [ "hollowshade" , 166, 2680, 1221, 139, 10, 45, 1, 1, 1, "Hollowshade Moor" ],
	85 =>  [ "kerraridge" , 74, -859.97, 474.96, 23.75, 10, 25, 1, 1, 1, "Kerra Isle" ],
	86 =>  [ "kithforest" , 410, 0, 0, 0, 10, 40, 1, 1, 1, "Kithicor Forest" ],
	87 =>  [ "kurn" , 97, 77.72, -277.64, 3.75, 10, 30, 1, 1, 0, "Kurn's Tower" ],
	88 =>  [ "lakeofillomen" , 85, -5383.07, 5747.14, 68.27, 10, 25, 1, 1, 1, "Lake of Ill Omen" ],
	89 =>  [ "northro" , 392, -1262, 8590, 40, 10, 20, 1, 1, 1, "North Desert of Ro" ],
	90 =>  [ "nro" , 34, 299.12, 3537.9, -24.5, 10, 20, 1, 1, 1, "Northern Desert of Ro" ],
	91 =>  [ "oceanoftears" , 409, -7925, 1610, -292, 10, 40, 1, 1, 1, "The Ocean of Tears" ],
	92 =>  [ "oldkurn" , 455, 20, -265, 5, 10, 30, 1, 1, 1, "Kurn's Tower" ],
	93 =>  [ "oot" , 69, -9200, 390, 6, 10, 40, 1, 1, 1, "Ocean of Tears" ],
	94 =>  [ "qey2hh1" , 12, -638, 12, -4, 10, 40, 1, 1, 1, "Western Plains of Karana" ],
	95 =>  [ "rathemtn" , 50, 1831, 3825, 29.03, 10, 30, 1, 1, 1, "Rathe Mountains" ],
	96 =>  [ "southro" , 393, -581, -520, 126, 10, 30, 1, 1, 1, "South Desert of Ro" ],
	97 =>  [ "sro" , 35, 286, 1265, 79, 10, 30, 1, 1, 1, "Southern Desert of Ro" ],
	98 =>  [ "swampofnohope" , 83, 2945, 2761, 4.27, 10, 30, 1, 1, 1, "Swamp Of No Hope" ],
	99 =>  [ "warrens" , 101, -930, 748, -37.22, 10, 25, 1, 1, 0, "Warrens" ],
	100 =>  [ "soltemple" , 80, 7.5, 268.8, 3, 12, 30, 1, 1, 0, "Temple of Solusek Ro" ],
	101 =>  [ "lavastorm" , 27, -25, 182, -74, 15, 40, 1, 1, 1, "The Lavastorm Mountains" ],
	102 =>  [ "najena" , 44, 855.6, -74.8, 4.4, 15, 40, 1, 1, 0, "Najena" ],
	103 =>  [ "oldhighpass" , 458, 0, 0, -5, 15, 25, 1, 1, 1, "Highpass Hold" ],
	104 =>  [ "permafrost" , 73, 0, 0, 3.75, 15, 40, 1, 1, 0, "Permafrost Caverns" ],
	105 =>  [ "runnyeye" , 11, -21.85, -108.88, 3.75, 15, 35, 1, 1, 1, "Runnyeye Citadel" ],
	106 =>  [ "southkarana" , 14, 1293.66, 2346.69, -5.77, 15, 35, 1, 1, 1, "Southern Plains of Karana" ],
	107 =>  [ "echo" , 153, -800, 840, -25, 20, 45, 1, 1, 0, "Echo Caverns" ],
	108 =>  [ "firiona" , 84, 1439.96, -2392.06, -2.65, 20, 35, 1, 1, 1, "Firiona Vie" ],
	109 =>  [ "frontiermtns" , 92, -4262, -633, 113.24, 20, 45, 1, 1, 1, "Frontier Mountains" ],
	110 =>  [ "frozenshadow" , 111, 200, 120, 0, 20, 50, 1, 1, 0, "Tower of Frozen Shadow" ],
	111 =>  [ "guka" , 229, 101, -841, 1, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Deepest Guk: Cauldron of Lost Souls" ],
	112 =>  [ "highkeep" , 6, 88, -16, 4, 20, 30, 1, 1, 1, "High Keep" ],
	113 =>  [ "highpasskeep" , 412, 0, 0, 0, 20, 30, 1, 1, 1, "HighKeep" ],
	114 =>  [ "iceclad" , 110, 340, 5330, -17, 20, 40, 1, 1, 1, "Iceclad Ocean" ],
	115 =>  [ "lfaydark" , 57, -1769.93, -108.08, -1.11, 20, 40, 1, 1, 1, "Lesser Faydark" ],
	116 =>  [ "mira" , 232, 649, 564, -89, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Miragul's Menagerie: Silent Gallery" ],
	117 =>  [ "mirb" , 237, 0, 0, 0, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Maw of the Menagerie" ],
	118 =>  [ "mirc" , 242, -769, 763, -186, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Spider Den" ],
	119 =>  [ "mird" , 247, 228, -457, 2, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Miragul's Menagerie: Hushed Banquet" ],
	120 =>  [ "mire" , 252, 0, 0, 0, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Frosted Halls" ],
	121 =>  [ "mirf" , 257, 0, 0, 0, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Forgotten Wastes" ],
	122 =>  [ "mirg" , 262, 434, -15, 56, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Miragul's Menagerie: Heart of the Menagerie" ],
	123 =>  [ "mirh" , 267, 0, 0, 0, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Morbid Laboratory" ],
	124 =>  [ "miri" , 271, 0, 0, 0, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Theater of Imprisoned Horror" ],
	125 =>  [ "mirj" , 275, 1153, -901, 28, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Miragul's Menagerie: Grand Library" ],
	126 =>  [ "mistmoore" , 59, 123, -295, -177, 20, 40, 1, 1, 1, "Castle Mistmoore" ],
	127 =>  [ "mmca" , 233, -594, -365, 6, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Mistmoore's Catacombs: Forlorn Caverns" ],
	128 =>  [ "mmcb" , 238, -522, -22, 23, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Mistmoore's Catacombs: Dreary Grotto" ],
	129 =>  [ "mmcc" , 243, -424, -108, 2, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Mistmoore's Catacombs: Asylum of Invoked Stone" ],
	130 =>  [ "mmcd" , 248, -144, -647, 1, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Mistmoore's Catacombs: Chambers of Eternal Affliction" ],
	131 =>  [ "mmce" , 253, -605, 372, 1, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Mistmoore's Catacombs: Sepulcher of the Damned" ],
	132 =>  [ "mmcf" , 258, -184, 399, -12, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Mistmoore's Catacombs: Ritualistic Summoning Grounds" ],
	133 =>  [ "mmcg" , 263, 427, 413, 4, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Mistmoore's Catacombs: Cesspits of Putrescence" ],
	134 =>  [ "mmch" , 268, -367, -323, 17, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Mistmoore's Catacombs: Aisles of Blood" ],
	135 =>  [ "mmci" , 272, 589, -275, 4, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Mistmoore's Catacombs: Halls of Sanguinary Rites" ],
	136 =>  [ "mmcj" , 276, 258, 548, 4, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Mistmoore's Catacombs: Infernal Sanctuary" ],
	137 =>  [ "netherbian" , 161, 14, 1787, -62, 20, 40, 1, 1, 0, "Netherbian Lair" ],
	138 =>  [ "northkarana" , 13, -382, -284, -7, 20, 30, 1, 1, 1, "Northern Plains of Karana" ],
	139 =>  [ "overthere" , 93, -4263, -241, 235, 20, 50, 1, 1, 1, "The Overthere" ],
	140 =>  [ "soldungb" , 32, -262.7, -423.99, -108.22, 20, 50, 1, 1, 0, "Nagafen's Lair" ],
	141 =>  [ "stonebrunt" , 100, -1643.01, -3427.84, -6.57, 20, 40, 1, 1, 1, "Stonebrunt Mountains" ],
	142 =>  [ "stonehive" , 396, -1331, -521, 26, 20, 40, 1, 1, 1, "Stone Hive" ],
	143 =>  [ "timorous" , 96, 2194, -5392, 4, 20, 45, 1, 1, 1, "Timorous Deep" ],
	144 =>  [ "twilight" , 170, -1858, -420, -10, 20, 50, 1, 1, 1, "The Twilight Sea" ],
	145 =>  [ "unrest" , 63, 52, -38, 3.75, 20, 40, 1, 1, 1, "Estate of Unrest" ],
	146 =>  [ "warslikswood" , 79, -467.95, -1428.95, 197.31, 20, 45, 1, 1, 1, "Warsliks Woods" ],
	147 =>  [ "crystal" , 121, 303, 487, -74, 25, 45, 1, 1, 0, "Crystal Caverns" ],
	148 =>  [ "dawnshroud" , 174, 2085, 0, 89, 25, 45, 1, 1, 1, "The Dawnshroud Peaks" ],
	149 =>  [ "eastwastes" , 116, -4296, -5049, 147, 25, 45, 1, 1, 1, "Eastern Wastelands" ],
	150 =>  [ "grimling" , 167, -1020, -950, 22, 25, 50, 1, 1, 1, "Grimling Forest" ],
	151 =>  [ "soldunga" , 31, -485.77, -476.04, 73.72, 25, 35, 1, 1, 0, "Solusek's Eye" ],
	152 =>  [ "draniksscar" , 302, -1519, -1468, 260, 30, 60, 1, 1, 1, "Dranik's Scar" ],
	153 =>  [ "dulak" , 225, 438, 548, 4, 30, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Dulak's Harbor" ],
	154 =>  [ "emeraldjungle" , 94, 4648.06, -1222.97, 0, 30, 45, 1, 1, 1, "The Emerald Jungle" ],
	155 =>  [ "greatdivide" , 118, -965, -7720, -557, 30, 50, 1, 1, 1, "Great Divide" ],
	156 =>  [ "gukbottom" , 66, -217, 1197, -81.78, 30, 50, 1, 1, 0, "Ruins of Old Guk" ],
	157 =>  [ "jaggedpine" , 181, 1800, 1319, -13, 30, 50, 1, 1, 1, "The Jaggedpine Forest" ],
	158 =>  [ "kael" , 113, -633, -47, 128, 30, 60, 1, 1, 0, "Kael Drakkel" ],
	159 =>  [ "kaesora" , 88, 40, 370, 99.72, 30, 50, 1, 1, 0, "Kaesora" ],
	160 =>  [ "katta" , 160, -545, 645, 1, 30, 60, 1, 0, 1, "Katta Castellum" ],
	161 =>  [ "moors" , 395, 3263, -626, -20, 30, 50, 1, 1, 1, "Blightfire Moors" ],
	162 =>  [ "mseru" , 168, -1668, 539, -4.6, 30, 50, 1, 1, 1, "Marus Seru" ],
	163 =>  [ "scarlet" , 175, -1678, -1054, -98, 30, 50, 1, 1, 1, "The Scarlet Desert" ],
	164 =>  [ "skyshrine" , 114, -730, -210, 0, 30, 60, 1, 1, 1, "Skyshrine" ],
	165 =>  [ "thurgadina" , 115, 0, -1222, 0, 30, 45, 1, 1, 1, "City of Thurgadin" ],
	166 =>  [ "trakanon" , 95, 1485.86, 3868.29, -340.59, 30, 50, 1, 1, 1, "Trakanon's Teeth" ],
	167 =>  [ "burningwood" , 87, -820, -4942, 200.31, 35, 60, 1, 1, 1, "The Burning Wood" ],
	168 =>  [ "citymist" , 90, -734, 28, 3.75, 35, 50, 1, 1, 1, "The City of Mist" ],
	169 =>  [ "cobaltscar" , 117, 895, -939, 318, 35, 55, 1, 1, 1, "Cobalt Scar" ],
	170 =>  [ "dreadlands" , 86, 9565.05, 2806.04, 1045.2, 35, 50, 1, 1, 1, "Dreadlands" ],
	171 =>  [ "gunthak" , 224, -938.34, 1644.83, 25.94, 35, 50, 1, 1, 1, "The Gulf of Gunthak" ],
	172 =>  [ "kedge" , 64, 99.96, 14.02, 31.75, 35, 50, 1, 1, 0, "Kedge Keep" ],
	173 =>  [ "acrylia" , 154, -664, 10, 3.2, 40, 60, 1, 1, 0, "The Acrylia Caverns" ],
	174 =>  [ "broodlands" , 337, -1613, -1016, 99, 40, 60, 1, 1, 1, "The Broodlands" ],
	175 =>  [ "charasis" , 105, 0, 0, -4.25, 40, 60, 1, 1, 1, "Howling stones" ],
	176 =>  [ "chardok" , 103, 859, 119, 106, 40, 55, 1, 1, 0, "Chardok" ],
	177 =>  [ "fhalls" , 998, -74, -843, -11, 40, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Forgotten Halls" ],
	178 =>  [ "fungusgrove" , 157, -1005, -2140, -308, 40, 55, 1, 1, 0, "Fungus Grove" ],
	179 =>  [ "mesa" , 397, -85, -2050, 19, 40, 60, 1, 1, 1, "Goru`kar Mesa" ],
	180 =>  [ "nadox" , 227, -643.06, -1349.17, -40.87, 40, 60, 1, 0, 0, "The Crypt of Nadox" ],
	181 =>  [ "natimbi" , 280, -1542, -752, 234, 40, 60, 1, 1, 1, "Natimbi, The Broken Shores " ],
	182 =>  [ "nedaria" , 182, -1737, -181, 256, 40, 60, 1, 1, 1, "Nedaria's Landing" ],
	183 =>  [ "nurga" , 107, -1755, -2199, 4.1, 40, 55, 1, 1, 0, "Mines of Nurga" ],
	184 =>  [ "skyfire" , 91, -3931.32, -1139.25, 39.76, 40, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Skyfire Mountains" ],
	185 =>  [ "sseru" , 159, -232, 1165, 59.1, 40, 60, 1, 0, 1, "Sanctus Seru" ],
	186 =>  [ "thegrey" , 171, 349, -1994, -26, 40, 55, 1, 1, 1, "The Grey" ],
	187 =>  [ "thurgadinb" , 129, 0, 250, 0, 40, 60, 1, 1, 1, "Icewell Keep" ],
	188 =>  [ "torgiran" , 226, -613.21, -326.84, 2.63, 40, 65, 1, 1, 0, "The Torgiran Mines" ],
	189 =>  [ "veksar" , 109, -1, -514.5, 49, 40, 60, 1, 0, 0, "City of veksar" ],
	190 =>  [ "velketor" , 112, -65, 581, -152, 40, 60, 1, 0, 0, "Velketor's Labrynth" ],
	191 =>  [ "wakening" , 119, -5000, -673, -195, 40, 60, 1, 1, 1, "The Wakening Lands" ],
	192 =>  [ "sebilis" , 89, 0, 235, 40, 43, 60, 1, 1, 0, "Old Sebilis" ],
	193 =>  [ "airplane" , 71, 542.45, 1384.6, -650, 45, 65, 1, 0, 1, "Plane of Sky" ],
	194 =>  [ "akheva" , 179, 60, -1395, 22, 45, 65, 1, 0, 0, "The Akheva Ruins" ],
	195 =>  [ "corathus" , 365, 16, -337, -46, 45, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Corathus Creep" ],
	196 =>  [ "delvea" , 341, -246, -1578, 68, 45, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Lavaspinner's Lair" ],
	197 =>  [ "dranikhollowsa" , 318, 0, 0, 0, 45, 70, 1, 1, 1, "Dranik's Hollows" ],
	198 =>  [ "dranikhollowsb" , 319, 0, -447, -36, 45, 70, 1, 1, 1, "Dranik's Hollows" ],
	199 =>  [ "dranikhollowsc" , 320, 5, -51, -41, 45, 70, 1, 1, 1, "Dranik's Hollows" ],
	200 =>  [ "droga" , 81, 294.11, 1371.43, 3.75, 45, 60, 1, 1, 0, "Temple of Droga" ],
	201 =>  [ "freeporthall" , 391, -432, 569, -100, 45, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Hall of Truth: Bounty" ],
	202 =>  [ "freeporttheater" , 390, 0, -6, -28, 45, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Theater of the Tranquil" ],
	203 =>  [ "griegsend" , 163, 3461, -19, -5, 45, 60, 1, 0, 1, "Grieg's End" ],
	204 =>  [ "growthplane" , 127, 3016, -2522, -19, 45, 60, 1, 1, 1, "Plane of Growth" ],
	205 =>  [ "hateplaneb" , 186, -392.7, 629.44, 3.75, 45, 65, 1, 1, 1, "The Plane of Hate" ],
	206 =>  [ "maiden" , 173, 1905, 940, -150, 45, 60, 1, 1, 1, "The Maiden's Eye" ],
	207 =>  [ "necropolis" , 123, 2000, -100, 5, 45, 60, 1, 1, 0, "Dragon Necropolis" ],
	208 =>  [ "podisease" , 205, -1750, -1243, -56, 45, 65, 1, 1, 1, "The Plane of Disease" ],
	209 =>  [ "poinnovation" , 206, 241, 509, -52.8, 45, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Plane of Innovation" ],
	210 =>  [ "pojustice" , 201, -61, 58, 5, 45, 65, 1, 1, 1, "The Plane of Justice" ],
	211 =>  [ "ponightmare" , 204, 1668, 282, 210.4, 45, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Plane of Nightmare" ],
	212 =>  [ "hateplane" , 76, -353.08, -374.8, 3.75, 46, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Plane of Hate" ],
	213 =>  [ "templeveeshan" , 124, -499, -2086, -36, 46, 65, 1, 0, 0, "Temple of Veeshan" ],
	214 =>  [ "barren" , 422, 1203, 698, 54, 50, 70, 1, 1, 1, "Barren Coast" ],
	215 =>  [ "cazicthule" , 48, -80, 80, 5.5, 50, 60, 1, 1, 1, "Accursed Temple of Cazic-Thule" ],
	216 =>  [ "chardokb" , 277, 0, 0, 0, 50, 60, 1, 1, 0, "The Halls of Betrayal" ],
	217 =>  [ "fearplane" , 72, 1282.09, -1139.03, 1.67, 50, 70, 1, 1, 1, "Plane of Fear" ],
	218 =>  [ "hole" , 39, -1049.98, 640.04, -77.22, 50, 70, 1, 0, 0, "The Hole" ],
	219 =>  [ "karnor" , 102, 301, -76, 4, 50, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Karnor's Castle" ],
	220 =>  [ "roost" , 398, -1592, 2125, -308, 50, 70, 1, 1, 1, "Blackfeather Roost" ],
	221 =>  [ "sirens" , 125, -33, 196, 4, 50, 70, 1, 0, 0, "Sirens Grotto" ],
	222 =>  [ "ssratemple" , 162, 0, 0, 4, 50, 60, 1, 1, 0, "Ssraeshza Temple" ],
	223 =>  [ "thedeep" , 164, -700, -398, -60, 50, 60, 1, 0, 0, "The Deepshade" ],
	224 =>  [ "umbral" , 176, 1900, -474, 23, 50, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Umbral Plains" ],
	225 =>  [ "vexthal" , 158, -1400, 343, -40.4, 50, 75, 1, 0, 0, "Vex Thal" ],
	226 =>  [ "westwastes" , 120, -3499, -4099, -16.66, 50, 70, 1, 1, 1, "Western Wastelands" ],
	227 =>  [ "barindu" , 283, 590, -1457, -123, 55, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Barindu, Hanging Gardens" ],
	228 =>  [ "bloodfields" , 301, -1763, 2140, -928, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Bloodfields" ],
	229 =>  [ "corathusa" , 366, -49.3, 49.84, -10.76, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Sporali Caverns" ],
	230 =>  [ "corathusb" , 367, 2, 90, -15, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Corathus Mines" ],
	231 =>  [ "drachnidhive" , 354, 0, 0, 0, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Hive" ],
	232 =>  [ "drachnidhivea" , 355, 0, 0, 0, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Hatchery" ],
	233 =>  [ "drachnidhiveb" , 356, 21.25, 1248.2, 150.27, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Cocoons" ],
	234 =>  [ "drachnidhivec" , 357, -55.72, -70.27, -755, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Queen Sendaii`s Lair" ],
	235 =>  [ "dranikcatacombsa" , 328, 0, 0, -8, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Catacombs of Dranik" ],
	236 =>  [ "dranikcatacombsb" , 329, 222.17, 665.96, -13.21, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Catacombs of Dranik" ],
	237 =>  [ "dranikcatacombsc" , 330, -20, -218, -1.78, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Catacombs of Dranik" ],
	238 =>  [ "freeportcityhall" , 389, -46.98, -31.21, -9.92, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "City Hall" ],
	239 =>  [ "harbingers" , 335, 122, -98, 10, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Harbinger's Spire" ],
	240 =>  [ "hatesfury" , 228, -924, 107, 0, 55, 65, 1, 1, 0, "Hate's Fury" ],
	241 =>  [ "kattacastrum" , 416, -2, -425, -20, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Katta Castrum" ],
	242 =>  [ "poeartha" , 218, -1150, 200, 71.75, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands" ],
	243 =>  [ "potorment" , 207, -341, 1706, -491, 55, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Plane of Torment" ],
	244 =>  [ "povalor" , 208, 190, -1668, 64.91, 55, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Plane of Valor" ],
	245 =>  [ "powar" , 213, 0, 0, 0, 55, 70, 1, 1, 1, "Plane of War" ],
	246 =>  [ "qinimi" , 281, -1053, 438, -16, 55, 80, 1, 0, 1, "Qinimi, Court of Nihilia" ],
	247 =>  [ "soldungc" , 278, 307, -307, -14, 55, 65, 1, 1, 0, "The Caverns of Exile" ],
	248 =>  [ "stillmoona" , 338, -9, -78, -30, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Stillmoon Temple" ],
	249 =>  [ "arcstone" , 369, 1630, -279, 5, 60, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Arcstone, Isle of Spirits" ],
	250 =>  [ "bothunder" , 209, 207, 178, -1620, 60, 70, 1, 1, 1, "Bastion of Thunder" ],
	251 =>  [ "causeway" , 303, -1674, -239, 317, 60, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Nobles' Causeway" ],
	252 =>  [ "codecay" , 200, -153.7, -66.1, -95.8, 60, 65, 1, 1, 0, "Ruins of Ixanvom" ],
	253 =>  [ "delveb" , 342, -138, -355, 17, 60, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Tirranun's Delve" ],
	254 =>  [ "devastation" , 372, 1390, 216, 53, 60, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Devastation" ],
	255 =>  [ "draniksewersa" , 331, 0, 0, 0, 60, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Sewers of Dranik" ],
	256 =>  [ "draniksewersb" , 332, 0, 0, 0, 60, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Sewers of Dranik" ],
	257 =>  [ "draniksewersc" , 333, 0, 0, 0, 60, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Sewers of Dranik" ],
	258 =>  [ "ferubi" , 284, 1483, 596, 111, 60, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Taelosia" ],
	259 =>  [ "freeporttemple" , 386, 0, 0, 10, 60, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Temple of Marr" ],
	260 =>  [ "hohonora" , 211, -2709.9, -338, 2.2, 60, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Halls of Honor" ],
	261 =>  [ "hohonorb" , 220, 978.3, -1.2, 395.2, 60, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Temple of Marr" ],
	262 =>  [ "poearthb" , 222, -762, 328, -56.25, 60, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Stronghold of the Twelve" ],
	263 =>  [ "redfeather" , 430, 2531, -3638, 312, 60, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Redfeather Isle" ],
	264 =>  [ "riftseekers" , 334, -1, 297, -208, 60, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Riftseekers' Sanctum" ],
	265 =>  [ "riwwi" , 282, 454, -650, 35, 60, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Riwwi, Coliseum of Games" ],
	266 =>  [ "sleeper" , 128, 0, 0, 5, 60, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Kerafyrm's Lair" ],
	267 =>  [ "sncrematory" , 288, 31, 175, -17, 60, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Sewers of Nihilia, Emanating Cre" ],
	268 =>  [ "snlair" , 286, 234, -70, -14, 60, 65, 1, 1, 0, "Sewers of Nihilia, Lair of Trapp" ],
	269 =>  [ "snplant" , 287, 150, 127, -7, 60, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Sewers of Nihilia, Purifying Pla" ],
	270 =>  [ "snpool" , 285, 137, -5, -19, 60, 65, 1, 1, 0, "Sewers of Nihilia, Pool of Sludg" ],
	271 =>  [ "steppes" , 399, -896, -2360, 3, 60, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Steppes" ],
	272 =>  [ "sunderock" , 403, -393, -3454, 4, 60, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Sunderock Springs" ],
	273 =>  [ "takishruins" , 376, -983, 269, 62, 60, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Ruins of Takish-Hiz" ],
	274 =>  [ "thundercrest" , 340, 1641, -646, 114, 60, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Thundercrest Isles" ],
	275 =>  [ "veeshan" , 108, 1682, 41, 28, 60, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Veeshan's Peak" ],
	276 =>  [ "vergalid" , 404, 14, 0, 3, 60, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Vergalid Mines" ],
	277 =>  [ "vxed" , 290, -427, -3552, 14, 60, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Vxed, The Crumbling Caverns" ],
	278 =>  [ "westkorlach" , 358, -2229, 395, 895, 60, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Stoneroot Falls" ],
	279 =>  [ "westkorlachb" , 360, 0, 4, 4, 60, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Caverns of the Lost" ],
	280 =>  [ "westkorlachc" , 361, -57, 197, 43, 60, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Lair of the Korlach" ],
	281 =>  [ "stillmoonb" , 339, 169, 1027, 44, 62, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Ascent" ],
	282 =>  [ "buriedsea" , 423, 3130, -1721, 308, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Buried Sea" ],
	283 =>  [ "chambersa" , 304, 0, 0, 0, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Muramite Proving Grounds" ],
	284 =>  [ "chambersb" , 305, 0, 0, 0, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Muramite Proving Grounds" ],
	285 =>  [ "chambersc" , 306, 0, 0, 0, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Muramite Proving Grounds" ],
	286 =>  [ "chambersd" , 307, 0, 0, 0, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Muramite Proving Grounds" ],
	287 =>  [ "chamberse" , 308, 0, 0, 0, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Muramite Proving Grounds" ],
	288 =>  [ "chambersf" , 309, 0, 0, 0, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Muramite Proving Grounds" ],
	289 =>  [ "devastationa" , 373, -141, 1059, 4, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Seething Wall" ],
	290 =>  [ "dranik" , 336, -1112, -1953, -369, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Ruined City of Dranik" ],
	291 =>  [ "eastkorlach" , 362, -950, -1130, 184, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Undershore" ],
	292 =>  [ "freeportmilitia" , 387, 7, -243, 3, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Freeport Militia House: My Precious" ],
	293 =>  [ "ikkinz" , 294, -157, 23, -2, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Ikkinz, Chambers of Singular Mig" ],
	294 =>  [ "inktuta" , 296, 0, 65, -2, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Inktu'Ta, the Unmasked Chapel" ],
	295 =>  [ "kodtaz" , 293, -1475, 1548, -302.12, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Kod'Taz, Broken Trial Grounds" ],
	296 =>  [ "paw" , 18, -7.9, -79.3, 4, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Infected Paw" ],
	297 =>  [ "poair" , 215, 532, 884, -92.13, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind" ],
	298 =>  [ "pofire" , 217, -1387, 1210, -180.84, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Doomfire, The Burning Lands" ],
	299 =>  [ "postorms" , 210, -1755.7, -2001.1, -463.8, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Plane of Storms" ],
	300 =>  [ "potactics" , 214, -210, 10, -38.25, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Drunder, Fortress of Zek" ],
	301 =>  [ "potimea" , 219, -37, -110, 7.95, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Plane of Time" ],
	302 =>  [ "potimeb" , 223, 851, -141, 396, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "The Plane of Time" ],
	303 =>  [ "potranquility" , 203, -1507, 701, -878, 65, 80, 0, 1, 1, "The Plane of Tranquility" ],
	304 =>  [ "powater" , 216, -165, -1250, 6.18, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Reef of Coirnav" ],
	305 =>  [ "provinggrounds" , 316, -124, -5676, -306, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Muramite Provinggrounds" ],
	306 =>  [ "qvic" , 295, -2515, 767, -647, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling" ],
	307 =>  [ "qvicb" , 299, 0, 0, -6.25, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Qvic, the Hidden Vault" ],
	308 =>  [ "ruja" , 230, 805, -123, -95, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Rujarkian Hills: Bloodied Quarries" ],
	309 =>  [ "rujb" , 235, 367, -776, -12, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Rujarkian Hills: Halls of War" ],
	310 =>  [ "rujc" , 240, -1315, -515, -12, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Rujarkian Hills: Wind Bridges" ],
	311 =>  [ "rujd" , 245, -322, 1254, -96, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Rujarkian Hills: Gladiator Pits" ],
	312 =>  [ "ruje" , 250, 500, -1876, -222, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Rujarkian Hills: Drudge Hollows" ],
	313 =>  [ "rujf" , 255, -290, -571, -460, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Rujarkian Hills: Fortified Lair of the Taskmasters" ],
	314 =>  [ "rujg" , 260, 238, -1163, 130, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Rujarkian Hills: Hidden Vale" ],
	315 =>  [ "rujh" , 265, 656, -1250, -15, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Rujarkian Hills: Blazing Forge " ],
	316 =>  [ "ruji" , 269, 833, -1871, -222, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Rujarkian Hills: Arena of Chance" ],
	317 =>  [ "rujj" , 273, 750, -134, 26, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Rujarkian Hills: Barracks of War" ],
	318 =>  [ "shipmvm" , 435, -69, -47, 44, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "The Open Sea" ],
	319 =>  [ "shipmvp" , 431, 0, 68, 47, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "The Open Sea" ],
	320 =>  [ "shipmvu" , 432, -118, -193, 29, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "The Open Sea" ],
	321 =>  [ "shippvu" , 433, -116, -97, 46, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "The Open Sea" ],
	322 =>  [ "shipuvu" , 434, -116, -97, 46, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "The Open Sea" ],
	323 =>  [ "solrotower" , 212, -1, -2915, -766, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Solusek Ro's Tower" ],
	324 =>  [ "suncrest" , 426, -2241, -650, 316, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Suncrest Isle" ],
	325 =>  [ "tacvi" , 298, 4, 9, -8, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Tacvi, The Broken Temple" ],
	326 =>  [ "taka" , 231, -77, 493, 3, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Takish-Hiz: Sunken Library" ],
	327 =>  [ "takb" , 236, 380, -544, 7, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Takish-Hiz: Shifting Tower" ],
	328 =>  [ "takc" , 241, 251, 33, 3, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Takish-Hiz: Fading Temple" ],
	329 =>  [ "takd" , 246, -282, 133, 7, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Takish-Hiz: Royal Observatory" ],
	330 =>  [ "take" , 251, 375, -406, 19, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Takish-Hiz: River of Recollection" ],
	331 =>  [ "takf" , 256, 69, 1, 3, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Takish-Hiz: Sandfall Corridors" ],
	332 =>  [ "takg" , 261, -214, 234, 22, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Takish-Hiz: Balancing Chamber" ],
	333 =>  [ "takh" , 266, -147, 392, -1, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Takish-Hiz: Sweeping Tides" ],
	334 =>  [ "taki" , 270, 617, 119, -3, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Takish-Hiz: Antiquated Palace" ],
	335 =>  [ "takishruinsa" , 377, 18, -138, -29, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "The Root of Ro" ],
	336 =>  [ "takj" , 274, -143, 625, -21, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Takish-Hiz: Prismatic Corridors" ],
	337 =>  [ "thevoida" , 459, -79, -158, 33, 65, 85, 1, 1, 1, "The Void" ],
	338 =>  [ "tipt" , 289, -448, -2374, 12, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Tipt, Treacherous Crags" ],
	339 =>  [ "txevu" , 297, -332, -1, -420, 65, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Txevu, Lair of the Elite" ],
	340 =>  [ "wallofslaughter" , 300, -1461, -2263, -69, 65, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Wall of Slaughter" ],
	341 =>  [ "yxtta" , 291, 1235, 1300, -348, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Yxtta, Pulpit of Exiles " ],
	342 =>  [ "anguish" , 317, -9, -2466, -79, 70, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Anguish, the Fallen Palace" ],
	343 =>  [ "atiiki" , 418, -916, -1089, -39, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Jewel of Atiiki" ],
	344 =>  [ "direwind" , 405, -329, -1845, 10, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Direwind Cliffs" ],
	345 =>  [ "dragonscale" , 442, 1688, 1434, 215, 70, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Dragonscale Hills" ],
	346 =>  [ "dreadspire" , 351, 1358, -1030, -572, 70, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Dreadspire Keep" ],
	347 =>  [ "elddar" , 378, 606, 296, -36, 70, 80, 1, 1, 1, "The Elddar Forest" ],
	348 =>  [ "elddara" , 379, 0, 0, -6, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Tunare's Shrine" ],
	349 =>  [ "icefall" , 400, 765, -1871, -46, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Icefall Glacier" ],
	350 =>  [ "illsalin" , 347, 308, -182, -32, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Ruins of Illsalin" ],
	351 =>  [ "illsalina" , 348, 8, 0, -20, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Illsalin Marketplace" ],
	352 =>  [ "illsalinb" , 349, 0, 0, 0, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Temple of Korlach" ],
	353 =>  [ "illsalinc" , 350, 0, 0, -15, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Nargil Pits" ],
	354 =>  [ "jardelshook" , 424, 4677, -784, 373, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Jardel's Hook" ],
	355 =>  [ "maidensgrave" , 429, 4455, 2042, 307, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Maiden's Grave" ],
	356 =>  [ "oceangreenhills" , 466, -1140, 4542, 73, 70, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Oceangreen Hills" ],
	357 =>  [ "oceangreenvillage" , 467, 83, -72, 3, 70, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Oceangreen Village" ],
	358 =>  [ "rage" , 374, 0, 1065, 7, 70, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Sverag, Stronghold of Rage" ],
	359 =>  [ "ragea" , 375, 354, 63, 3, 70, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Razorthorn, Tower of Sullon Zek" ],
	360 =>  [ "relic" , 370, 861, 618, -265, 70, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Relic, the Artifact City" ],
	361 =>  [ "shadowspine" , 364, 2, 408, 72, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Shadow Spine" ],
	362 =>  [ "skylance" , 371, 0, -95, 2, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Skylance" ],
	363 =>  [ "theater" , 380, 2933, 719, 376, 70, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Theater of Blood" ],
	364 =>  [ "theatera" , 381, 0, -108, 4, 70, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance" ],
	365 =>  [ "uqua" , 292, -17, -7, -26, 70, 90, 1, 1, 1, "Uqua, the Ocean God Chantry" ],
	366 =>  [ "valdeholm" , 401, 119, -3215, 3, 70, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Valdeholm" ],
	367 =>  [ "westkorlacha" , 359, -1549, 577, 4, 70, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Prince's Manor" ],
	368 =>  [ "zhisza" , 419, 6, -856, 5, 70, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Zhisza, the Shissar Sanctuary" ],
	369 =>  [ "ashengate" , 406, 0, -375, 8, 75, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Ashengate, Reliquary of the Scale" ],
	370 =>  [ "bertoxtemple" , 469, 2, -2, 2, 75, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Temple of Bertoxxulous" ],
	371 =>  [ "blacksail" , 428, -165, 5410, 307, 75, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Blacksail Folly" ],
	372 =>  [ "bloodmoon" , 445, -4, 34, 8, 75, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Bloodmoon Keep" ],
	373 =>  [ "frostcrypt" , 402, 0, -40, 2, 75, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Frostcrypt, Throne of the Shade King" ],
	374 =>  [ "guardian" , 447, -115, 60, 4, 75, 85, 1, 1, 1, "The Mechamatic Guardian" ],
	375 =>  [ "gyrospireb" , 440, -9, -843, 4, 75, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Gyrospire Beza" ],
	376 =>  [ "gyrospirez" , 441, -9, -843, 4, 75, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Gyrospire Zeka" ],
	377 =>  [ "kithicor" , 20, 3828, 1889, 459, 75, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Kithicor Woods" ],
	378 =>  [ "lopingplains" , 443, -3698, -1289, 722, 75, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Loping Plains" ],
	379 =>  [ "oldblackburrow" , 468, 7, -377, 46, 75, 85, 1, 1, 1, "BlackBurrow" ],
	380 =>  [ "oldcommons" , 457, -3492, 180, 15, 75, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Old Commonlands" ],
	381 =>  [ "oldkithicor" , 456, -255, 1189, 10, 75, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Bloody Kithicor" ],
	382 =>  [ "silyssar" , 420, 167, -50, -66, 75, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Silyssar, New Chelsith" ],
	383 =>  [ "solteris" , 421, 0, 0, -20, 75, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Solteris, the Throne of Ro" ],
	384 =>  [ "thalassius" , 417, 37, -86, 23, 75, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Thalassius, the Coral Keep" ],
	385 =>  [ "cryptofshade" , 449, 985, -445, -39, 80, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Crypt of Shade" ],
	386 =>  [ "crystallos" , 446, -65, -200, -75, 80, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Crystallos, Lair of the Awakened" ],
	387 =>  [ "dragonscaleb" , 451, 25, 20, 5, 80, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Deepscar's Den" ],
	388 =>  [ "hillsofshade" , 444, -216, -1950, -50, 80, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Hills of Shade" ],
	389 =>  [ "mansion" , 437, 0, -73, 3, 80, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Meldrath's Majestic Mansion" ],
	390 =>  [ "mechanotus" , 436, -1700, 350, 404, 80, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Fortress Mechanotus" ],
	391 =>  [ "monkeyrock" , 425, -4084, -3067, 307, 80, 100, 1, 1, 1, "Monkey Rock" ],
	392 =>  [ "oldbloodfield" , 472, -2097, 2051, 3, 80, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Old Bloodfields" ],
	393 =>  [ "oldfieldofbone" , 452, 1692, 1194, -49, 80, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Field of Scale" ],
	394 =>  [ "oldkaesoraa" , 453, 33.67, -20.86, 3.37, 80, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Kaesora Library" ],
	395 =>  [ "oldkaesorab" , 454, -64, -30, 2, 80, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Kaesora Hatchery" ],
	396 =>  [ "shipworkshop" , 439, 530, 457, 10, 80, 80, 1, 1, 1, "S.H.I.P. Workshop" ],
	397 =>  [ "steamfactory" , 438, -870, 66, 121, 80, 80, 1, 1, 1, "The Steam Factory" ],
	398 =>  [ "toskirakk" , 475, -402.5, 309.17, 20.18, 80, 100, 1, 1, 1, "Toskirakk" ],
	399 =>  [ "brellsarena" , 492, 3, -304, -4, 80, 90, 1, 1, 1, "Brell's Arena" ],
	400 =>  [ "discord" , 470, 28, -20, -16, 85, 90, 1, 1, 1, "Korafax, Home of the Riders" ],
	401 =>  [ "discordtower" , 471, 0, 0, -55, 85, 90, 1, 1, 1, "Citadel of the Worldslayer" ],
	402 =>  [ "korascian" , 476, 24, -77, 25, 85, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Korascian Warrens" ],
	403 =>  [ "olddranik" , 474, -1799, 986, -184, 85, 85, 1, 1, 1, "City of Dranik" ],
	404 =>  [ "rathechamber" , 477, -19, -10, -22, 85, 90, 1, 1, 1, "Rathe Council Chamber" ],
	405 =>  [ "thevoidb" , 460, -79, -158, 33, 85, 85, 1, 1, 1, "The Void" ],
	406 =>  [ "thevoidc" , 461, -79, -158, 33, 85, 85, 1, 1, 1, "The Void" ],
	407 =>  [ "thevoidd" , 462, -79, -158, 33, 85, 85, 1, 1, 1, "The Void" ],
	408 =>  [ "thevoide" , 463, -79, -158, 33, 85, 85, 1, 1, 1, "The Void" ],
	409 =>  [ "thevoidf" , 464, -79, -158, 33, 85, 85, 1, 1, 1, "The Void" ],
	410 =>  [ "thevoidg" , 465, -79, -158, 33, 85, 85, 1, 1, 1, "The Void" ],
	411 =>  [ "brellsrest" , 480, 116, -700, 53, 85, 90, 1, 1, 1, "Brell's Rest" ],
	412 =>  [ "coolingchamber" , 483, -35, -130, 59, 85, 90, 1, 1, 1, "The Cooling Chamber" ],
	413 =>  [ "pellucid" , 488, -779, -424, -53, 85, 90, 1, 1, 1, "Pellucid Grotto" ],
	414 =>  [ "arthicrex" , 485, 517, -1662, 200, 85, 90, 1, 1, 1, "Arthicrex" ],
	415 =>  [ "foundation" , 486, 1168.49, -1023.98, -209, 85, 90, 1, 1, 1, "The Foundation" ],
	416 =>  [ "underquarry" , 482, 46, -190, -196, 85, 90, 1, 1, 1, "The Underquarry" ],
	417 =>  [ "stonesnake" , 489, 50, 24, 0, 85, 90, 1, 1, 1, "Volska's Husk" ],
	my $Level1 = quest::saylink(1,  1);
	my $Level5 = quest::saylink(5,  1);
	my $Level10 = quest::saylink(10,  1);
	my $Level15 = quest::saylink(15,  1);
	my $Level20 = quest::saylink(20,  1);
	my $Level25 = quest::saylink(25,  1);
	my $Level30 = quest::saylink(30,  1);
	my $Level35 = quest::saylink(35,  1);
	my $Level40 = quest::saylink(40,  1);
	my $Level45 = quest::saylink(45,  1);
	my $Level50 = quest::saylink(50,  1);
	my $Level55 = quest::saylink(55,  1);
	my $Level60 = quest::saylink(60,  1);
	my $Level65 = quest::saylink(65,  1);
	my $Level70 = quest::saylink(70,  1);
	my $Level75 = quest::saylink(75,  1);
	my $Level80 = quest::saylink(80,  1);
	my $Level85 = quest::saylink(85,  1);
	my $Level90 = quest::saylink(90,  1);
	my $Level95 = quest::saylink(95,  1);
	my $Level100 = quest::saylink(100,  1);
	my $Level105 = quest::saylink(105,  1);
	my $Level110 = quest::saylink(110,  1);
	my $Level115 = quest::saylink(115,  1);
	my $Level120 = quest::saylink(120,  1);
	my $Level125 = quest::saylink(125,  1);
	my $Level130 = quest::saylink(130,  1);
	my $Level135 = quest::saylink(135,  1);
	my $Level140 = quest::saylink(140,  1);
	my $Level145 = quest::saylink(145,  1);
	my $Level150 = quest::saylink(150,  1);
	my $Level155 = quest::saylink(155,  1);
	my $Level160 = quest::saylink(160,  1);
	my $Level165 = quest::saylink(165,  1);
	my $Level170 = quest::saylink(170,  1);
	my $Level175 = quest::saylink(175,  1);
	my $Level180 = quest::saylink(180,  1);
	my $Level185 = quest::saylink(185,  1);
	my $Level190 = quest::saylink(190,  1);
	my $Level195 = quest::saylink(195,  1);
	my $Level200 = quest::saylink(200,  1);
	my $Level205 = quest::saylink(205,  1);
	my $Level210 = quest::saylink(210,  1);
	my $Level215 = quest::saylink(215,  1);
	my $Level220 = quest::saylink(220,  1);
	my $Level225 = quest::saylink(225,  1);
	my $Level230 = quest::saylink(230,  1);
	my $Level235 = quest::saylink(235,  1);
	my $Level240 = quest::saylink(240,  1);
	my $Level245 = quest::saylink(245,  1);
	my $Level250 = quest::saylink(250,  1);

	$IsLevelRange = undef;
	$IsLevelRange2 = undef;
	$FinStage = 1;
	my $level = quest::saylink("Level Range", 1);
	my $recommend = quest::saylink("Recommend", 1);
	plugin::ClientSay("Hello $name, which $level would you like to speculate today? Would you like me to $recommend some places?");
	if($text=~/Level Range/i){
	$client->Message(315, "	$Level1	$Level5	$Level10	$Level15	$Level20	$Level25	$Level30	$Level35	$Level40	$Level45	$Level50	");
	$client->Message(315, "	$Level55	$Level60	$Level65	$Level70	$Level75	$Level80	$Level85");#	$Level90	$Level95	$Level100	");	
	$IsLevelRange = 1;
	#$client->Message(315, "	$Level105	$Level110	$Level115	$Level120	$Level125	$Level130	$Level135	$Level140	$Level145	$Level150	");	
	#$client->Message(315, "	$Level155	$Level160	$Level165	$Level170	$Level175	$Level180	$Level185	$Level190	$Level195	$Level200	");	
	#$client->Message(315, "	$Level205	$Level210	$Level215	$Level220	$Level225	$Level230	$Level235	$Level240	$Level245	$Level250	");	
	if($text=~/recommend/i && $ulevel >= 85 && !$IsLevelRange){
	my $n = 1;
			while  ($ZL{$n}[0]) 
				if(($ZL{$n}[5]) == 80 || ($ZL{$n}[5]) == 85){
				$MC = 315;
				my $ZoneLN = quest::saylink($n, 1, $ZL{$n}[10]);
				my $SkillID = $ZL{$n}[1];
				#my $ZoneLN = $ZL{$n}[10];
				my $MinL = $ZL{$n}[5];
				my $MaxL = $ZL{$n}[6];
				my $ZoneSN = $ZL{$n}[0];
				#Create the silent saylink
				#List all animations
				$OutDoor = "Dungeon Zone";
				if($ulevel >= ($MinL - 5) || $ulevel <= ($MinL + 5)){ $MC = 10;}
				if($ulevel <= ($MinL - 7)){ $MC = 15;}
				if($ulevel <= ($MinL - 15)){ $MC = 13;}
				if($ulevel >= ($MinL + 6)){ $MC = 4;}
				if($ulevel >= ($MinL + 13)){ $MC = 2;}
				$client->Message($MC, "[$MinL - $MaxL] $ZoneLN");
				$MC = 315;
	elsif($text=~/recommend/i && !$IsLevelRange){
	my $n = 1;
				my $DeclaredLevel = 1;
				if($ulevel == 1){
				$DeclaredLevel = 1;
				if($ulevel < 10 && $ulevel >= 5){
				$DeclaredLevel = 5;
				if($ulevel < 15 && $ulevel >= 10){
				$DeclaredLevel = 10;
				if($ulevel < 20 && $ulevel >= 15){
				$DeclaredLevel = 15;
				if($ulevel < 25 && $ulevel >= 20){
				$DeclaredLevel = 20;
				if($ulevel < 30 && $ulevel >= 25){
				$DeclaredLevel = 25;
				if($ulevel < 35 && $ulevel >= 30){
				$DeclaredLevel = 30;
				if($ulevel < 40 && $ulevel >= 35){
				$DeclaredLevel = 35;
				if($ulevel < 45 && $ulevel >= 40){
				$DeclaredLevel = 40;
				if($ulevel < 50 && $ulevel >= 45){
				$DeclaredLevel = 45;
				if($ulevel < 55 && $ulevel >= 50){
				$DeclaredLevel = 50;
				if($ulevel < 60 && $ulevel >= 55){
				$DeclaredLevel = 55;
				if($ulevel < 65 && $ulevel >= 60){
				$DeclaredLevel = 60;
				if($ulevel < 70 && $ulevel >= 65){
				$DeclaredLevel = 65;
				if($ulevel < 75 && $ulevel >= 70){
				$DeclaredLevel = 70;
				if($ulevel < 80 && $ulevel >= 75){
				$DeclaredLevel = 75;
				if($ulevel < 85 && $ulevel >= 80){
				$DeclaredLevel = 80;
				if($ulevel < 90 && $ulevel >= 85){
				$DeclaredLevel = 85;
				while  ($ZL{$n}[0]) 
						if(($ZL{$n}[5]) == $DeclaredLevel){
													$MC = 315;
							my $ZoneLN = quest::saylink($n, 1, $ZL{$n}[10]);
							my $SkillID = $ZL{$n}[1];
							#my $ZoneLN = $ZL{$n}[10];
							my $MinL = $ZL{$n}[5];
							my $MaxL = $ZL{$n}[6];
							my $ZoneSN = $ZL{$n}[0];
							#Create the silent saylink
							#List all animations
							$OutDoor = "Dungeon Zone";
							if($ulevel >= ($MinL - 5) || $ulevel <= ($MinL + 5)){ $MC = 10;}
							if($ulevel <= ($MinL - 7)){ $MC = 15;}
							if($ulevel <= ($MinL - 15)){ $MC = 13;}
							if($ulevel >= ($MinL + 6)){ $MC = 4;}
							if($ulevel >= ($MinL + 13)){ $MC = 2;}
							$client->Message($MC, "[$MinL - $MaxL] $ZoneLN");
							$MC = 315;
			if($text && $IsLevelRange == 1){
				quest::settimer("clear", 1);
				my $n = 1;
				while  ($ZL{$n}[0]) 
							if(($ZL{$n}[5]) == $text){
							$MC = 315;
							my $ZoneLN = quest::saylink($n, 1, $ZL{$n}[10]);
							my $SkillID = $ZL{$n}[1];
							#my $ZoneLN = $ZL{$n}[10];
							my $MinL = $ZL{$n}[5];
							my $MaxL = $ZL{$n}[6];
							my $ZoneSN = $ZL{$n}[0];
							#Create the silent saylink
							#List all animations
							$OutDoor = "Dungeon Zone";
							if($ulevel >= ($MinL - 5) || $ulevel <= ($MinL + 5)){ $MC = 10;}
							if($ulevel <= ($MinL - 7)){ $MC = 15;}
							if($ulevel <= ($MinL - 15)){ $MC = 13;}
							if($ulevel >= ($MinL + 6)){ $MC = 4;}
							if($ulevel >= ($MinL + 13)){ $MC = 2;}
							$client->Message($MC, "[$MinL - $MaxL] $ZoneLN");
							$MC = 315;
				#zonesn - 0, zoneid - 1, x - 2, y - 3, z - 4
			#MinLevel - 5 Maxlevel 6
			#Can Combat - 7	Levitation - 8	CastOutdoor - 9
			#zoneln = 10
			if($ZL{$text} && !$FinStage){
				$IsLevelRange = undef;
				#my $ClientCheck = plugin::ClientCheck();
				my $Center = plugin::PWCenter();
				my $Break = plugin::PWBreak();
				my $Indent = plugin::PWIndent();
				#my $Logo = plugin::ChatWindowBotaLogo();
				my $Yellow = plugin::PWColor("Yellow");
				my $OutDoor = "No";
				if ($ZL{$text}[9] == 1){
				$OutDoor = "Yes";
				my $CZ = "No";
				if ($ZL{$text}[7] == 1){
				$CZ = "Yes";
				my $Levitation = "No";
				if ($ZL{$text}[8] == 1){
				$Levitation = "Yes";
				my $X = $ZL{$text}[2];
				my $Y = $ZL{$text}[3];
				my $Z = $ZL{$text}[4];
				my $ZoneID = $ZL{$text}[1];
				my $ZoneLN = $ZL{$text}[10];
				my $MinL = $ZL{$text}[5];
				my $MaxL = $ZL{$text}[6];
				my $ZoneSN = $ZL{$text}[0];
				quest::popup("Zone Request", "$Logo<br><br>
				$Center $Indent Zone Request:<br>
				$Indent $Indent $Yellow '$ZoneLN' - '$ZoneSN'</c> <br>
				$Indent $Indent <c \"#00FFFF\"> Level Range </c>- $MinL - $MaxL <br>
				$Indent $Indent <c \"#00FFFF\"> Outdoor Zone? </c>- $OutDoor<br>
				$Indent $Indent <c \"#00FFFF\"> Combat Zone? </c>- $CZ <br>
				$Indent $Indent <c \"#00FFFF\"> Levitation Allowed? </c>- $Levitation<br>
				<c \"#F07F00\">Click 'Yes' to go to this destination</c>", 50, 1);
				$client->SetEntityVariable(59, $ZoneID); # Set Z Base Integer
				$client->SetEntityVariable(60, $X);	# Set X Base Integer
				$client->SetEntityVariable(61, $Y); # Set Y Base Integer
				$client->SetEntityVariable(62, $Z); # Set Z Base Integer

	if($timer eq "clear"){
	$FinStage = undef;

	if($popupid == 50){
		my $ZoneID = $client->GetEntityVariable(59);
		my $X = $client->GetEntityVariable(60);
		my $Y = $client->GetEntityVariable(61);
		my $Z = $client->GetEntityVariable(62);
		quest::movepc($ZoneID, $X, $Y, $Z, $h);
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Old 08-05-2011, 09:49 PM
anxious's Avatar
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 10

I could not get Akkadius script to work and how would get get to Thulehouse1 or other zones similar ... my server does not take me there... any ideas?
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Old 08-06-2011, 08:40 PM
"Special" Member
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 373

You need the correct expansion for House of Thule zones. Im unsure if HoT expansion is compatable right now tho.
Also Knows as Tavish

Liquest Auctions, WTB AA's up to the current compatable clients PST with offer.

"A casual stroll through a lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything." ~Fredrick Nietzsche

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.." ~Albert Einstein
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Old 08-06-2011, 08:54 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1,742

You can enter those zones with Underfoot assuming you have the proper zone files.
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Old 09-30-2012, 12:54 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 12

akkadius I always liked this script on the fun house I spent many houres there. I put it on my server and it works to the point you click on a zone then nothing. Any ideas
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Old 09-30-2012, 01:11 PM
Akkadius's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2009
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Posts: 2,071

Originally Posted by iwolf View Post
akkadius I always liked this script on the fun house I spent many houres there. I put it on my server and it works to the point you click on a zone then nothing. Any ideas
I'm sure this is a plugin that is causing it not to work. Give me a little bit and I will take a look at it on a fresh PEQ base server.
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Old 10-08-2012, 02:18 PM
Opcode Ninja
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: San francisco
Posts: 426

#Old man Thorren.pl
# LOC PoK (-170.68, -261.52, -156.31,+0)

sub EVENT_SAY { 
quest::say("Welcome to The Veil of Alaris, $name. To ease your [Newly discoved Lands]. If you wish, I can also send you to [Arena] or [Crafthalls]. But be warned that while I can Teleport you to these distant Lands, you are on your own for finding a way back.");

}     if($text=~/Newly discoved Lands/i) {
        quest::say("Argath,Valley of Lunanyn,Sarith,Rubak Oseka,Beast Domain,Resplacement Temple,Bronze,Pillars,Windsong,Sepulcher,Sepulcher East,Sepulcher West")   
      if($text=~/Arena/i) {
      if($text=~/Crafthalls/i) {
      if($text=~/Argath/i) {
      if($text=~/Valley of Lunanyn/i) {
      if($text=~/Sarith/i) {
      if($text=~/Rubak Oseka/i) {
      if($text=~/Beast Domain/i) {
      if($text=~/Resplacement Temple/i) {
      if($text=~/Bronze/i) {
      if($text=~/Pillars/i) {
      if($text=~/Windsong/i) {
      if($text=~/Sepulcher/i) {
      if($text=~/Sepulcher East/i) {
      if($text=~/Sepulcher West/i) {
	$x = $npc->GetX();
	$y = $npc->GetY();
	quest::set_proximity($x - 170.68, $x - 261.52, $y - 156.31, $y + 0);

  quest::say("I have no use for this, $name.");

#END of FILE Zone:poknowledge
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Old 10-08-2012, 03:58 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Milky Way
Posts: 539

You are living proof of the Dunning–Kruger effect

Since I doubt you have the cognitive ability to click the link, let alone understand any of the words on the page, here is a breakdown:

You are too stupid to realize how stupid you are.
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Old 10-10-2012, 07:32 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 12

Originally Posted by Akkadius View Post
I'm sure this is a plugin that is causing it not to work. Give me a little bit and I will take a look at it on a fresh PEQ base server.
Any update on this?
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Old 10-10-2012, 09:21 PM
Akkadius's Avatar
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Location: MN
Posts: 2,071

Originally Posted by iwolf View Post
Any update on this?
I'll look at it right now
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Old 10-10-2012, 09:39 PM
Akkadius's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: MN
Posts: 2,071

Here, this requires the most recent plugins repository:

There are things I would change about this script but I was just getting it working for others.


	%ZL = (
		1 =>  [ "abysmal" , 279, -199, 0, 114, 1, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Abysmal Sea" ],
		2 =>  [ "akanon" , 55, -35, 47, 4, 1, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Ak'Anon" ],
		3 =>  [ "arena" , 77, 146, -1009, 51, 1, 250, 1, 1, 1, "The Arena" ],
		4 =>  [ "arena2" , 180, 460.9, -41.4, 24.6, 1, 250, 1, 1, 1, "The Arena Two" ],
		5 =>  [ "barter" , 346, 0, 0, 0, 1, 250, 1, 1, 1, "The Barter Hall" ],
		6 =>  [ "bazaar" , 151, -71, -250, 33, 1, 250, 0, 1, 1, "The Bazaar" ],
		7 =>  [ "befallenb" , 411, 0, 0, 0, 1, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Befallen" ],
		8 =>  [ "butcher" , 68, -700, 2550, 2.9, 1, 15, 1, 1, 1, "Butcherblock Mountains" ],
		9 =>  [ "cabeast" , 106, -416, 1343, 4, 1, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Cabilis East" ],
		10 =>  [ "cabwest" , 82, 790, 165, 3.75, 1, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Cabilis West" ],
		11 =>  [ "commonlands" , 408, -3492, 180, 15, 1, 15, 1, 1, 1, "The Commonlands" ],
		12 =>  [ "crescent" , 394, -8, 11, 2, 1, 20, 1, 1, 1, "Crescent Reach" ],
		13 =>  [ "dalnir" , 104, 90, 8, 3.75, 1, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Dalnir" ],
		14 =>  [ "eastkorlacha" , 363, 16, 3, -12, 1, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Snarlstone Dens" ],
		15 =>  [ "ecommons" , 22, -1485, 9.2, -51, 1, 15, 1, 1, 1, "East Commonlands" ],
		16 =>  [ "erudnext" , 24, -309.75, 109.64, 23.75, 1, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Erudin" ],
		17 =>  [ "erudnint" , 23, 807, 712, 22, 1, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Erudin Palace" ],
		18 =>  [ "erudsxing" , 98, 795, -1766.9, 12.36, 1, 250, 1, 1, 1, "Erud\'s Crossing" ],
		19 =>  [ "erudsxing2" , 130, 0, 0, 0, 1, 15, 1, 1, 1, "Marauders Mire" ],
		20 =>  [ "everfrost" , 30, 682.74, 3139.01, -60.16, 1, 20, 1, 1, 1, "Everfrost" ],
		21 =>  [ "feerrott" , 47, 902.6, 1091.7, 28, 1, 20, 1, 1, 1, "The Feerrott" ],
		22 =>  [ "felwithea" , 61, 94, -25, 3.75, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Northern Felwithe" ],
		23 =>  [ "felwitheb" , 62, -790, 320, -10.25, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Southern Felwithe" ],
		24 =>  [ "fieldofbone" , 78, 1617, -1684, -54.78, 1, 20, 1, 1, 1, "Field of Bone" ],
		25 =>  [ "freeportacademy" , 385, -141, -336, 49, 1, 250, 1, 1, 1, "Academy of Arcane Sciences" ],
		26 =>  [ "freeportarena" , 388, -6.75, -42.5, 3, 1, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Arena" ],
		27 =>  [ "freeporteast" , 382, -725, -425, 7, 1, 80, 1, 1, 1, "East Freeport" ],
		28 =>  [ "freeportwest" , 383, -67, 0, -82, 1, 250, 1, 1, 1, "West Freeport" ],
		29 =>  [ "freporte" , 10, -648, -1097, -52.2, 1, 250, 1, 1, 1, "East Freeport" ],
		30 =>  [ "freportn" , 8, 211, -296, 4, 1, 250, 1, 1, 1, "North Freeport" ],
		31 =>  [ "freportw" , 9, 181, 335, -24, 1, 250, 1, 1, 1, "West Freeport" ],
		32 =>  [ "gfaydark" , 54, 10, -20, 0, 1, 15, 1, 1, 1, "Greater Faydark" ],
		33 =>  [ "grobb" , 52, 0, -100, 4, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Grobb" ],
		34 =>  [ "guildhall" , 345, 0, 1, 3, 1, 250, 0, 1, 1, "Guild Hall" ],
		35 =>  [ "guildlobby" , 344, 19, -55, 5, 1, 250, 0, 1, 1, "Guild Lobby" ],
		36 =>  [ "halas" , 29, 0, 0, 3.75, 1, 250, 1, 1, 1, "Halas" ],
		37 =>  [ "innothule" , 46, -588, -2192, -25, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Innothule Swamp" ],
		38 =>  [ "innothuleb" , 413, -1029, -1778, 19, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "The Innothule Swamp" ],
		39 =>  [ "kaladima" , 60, -2, -18, 3.75, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "South Kaladim" ],
		40 =>  [ "kaladimb" , 67, -267, 414, 3.75, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "North Kaladim" ],
		41 =>  [ "misty" , 33, 0, 0, 2.43, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Misty Thicket" ],
		42 =>  [ "mistythicket" , 415, 662, -7, 4, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "The Misty Thicket" ],
		43 =>  [ "nektulos" , 25, -259, -1201, -5, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "The Nektulos Forest" ],
		44 =>  [ "nektulosa" , 368, -11, 134, -13, 1, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Shadowed Grove" ],
		45 =>  [ "neriaka" , 40, 156.92, -2.94, 31.75, 1, 10, 1, 1, 0, "Neriak Foreign Quarter" ],
		46 =>  [ "neriakb" , 41, -499.91, 2.97, -10.25, 1, 10, 1, 1, 0, "Neriak Commons" ],
		47 =>  [ "neriakc" , 42, -968.96, 891.92, -52.22, 1, 10, 1, 1, 0, "Neriak Third Gate" ],
		48 =>  [ "neriakd" , 43, 0, 0, 0, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Neriak Palace" ],
		49 =>  [ "nexus" , 152, 0, 0, -28, 1, 250, 0, 1, 1, "Nexus" ],
		50 =>  [ "oggok" , 49, -99, -345, 4, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Oggok" ],
		51 =>  [ "paineel" , 75, 200, 800, 3.39, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Paineel" ],
		52 =>  [ "poknowledge" , 202, -55.82, 43.93, -158.81, 1, 250, 0, 1, 1, "Plane of Knowledge" ],
		53 =>  [ "qeynos" , 1, 186.46, 14.29, 3.75, 1, 20, 1, 1, 1, "South Qeynos" ],
		54 =>  [ "qeynos2" , 2, 114, 678, 4, 1, 20, 1, 1, 1, "North Qeynos" ],
		55 =>  [ "qeytoqrg" , 4, 196.7, 5100.9, -1, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Qeynos Hills" ],
		56 =>  [ "qrg" , 3, 136.9, -65.9, 4, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Surefall Glade" ],
		57 =>  [ "rivervale" , 19, 45.3, 1.6, 3.8, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Rivervale" ],
		58 =>  [ "shadeweaver" , 165, -3570, -2122, -95, 1, 25, 1, 1, 1, "Shadeweaver's Thicket" ],
		59 =>  [ "shadowhaven" , 150, 190, -982, -28, 1, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Shadow Haven" ],
		60 =>  [ "shadowrest" , 187, -27.3, -245.6, 8.1, 1, 250, 0, 1, 1, "Shadowrest" ],
		61 =>  [ "sharvahl" , 155, 85, -1135, -188, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "The City of Shar Vahl" ],
		62 =>  [ "steamfont" , 56, -272.86, 159.86, -21.4, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Steamfont Mountains" ],
		63 =>  [ "steamfontmts" , 448, -170, -42, 2, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "The Steamfont Mountains" ],
		64 =>  [ "tenebrous" , 172, 1810, 51, -36, 1, 20, 1, 1, 1, "The Tenebrous Mountains" ],
		65 =>  [ "tox" , 38, 203, 2295, -45, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Toxxulia Forest" ],
		66 =>  [ "toxxulia" , 414, -718, 2102, 26, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Toxxulia Forest" ],
		67 =>  [ "tutorial" , 183, 0, 0, 0, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "EverQuest Tutorial" ],
		68 =>  [ "tutoriala" , 188, 0, 0, 0, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "The Mines of Gloomingdeep" ],
		69 =>  [ "tutorialb" , 189, 18, -147, 20, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, "The Mines of Gloomingdeep" ],
		70 =>  [ "nektulos" , 25, 235, -911, 24, 1, 20, 1, 1, 1, "The Nektulos Forest" ],
		71 =>  [ "befallen" , 36, 35.22, -75.27, 2.19, 5, 20, 1, 1, 0, "Befallen" ],
		72 =>  [ "blackburrow" , 17, 38.92, -158.97, 3.75, 5, 15, 1, 1, 1, "Blackburrow" ],
		73 =>  [ "commons" , 21, -1334.24, 209.57, -51.47, 5, 40, 1, 1, 1, "West Commonlands" ],
		74 =>  [ "crushbone" , 58, 158, -644, 4, 5, 25, 1, 1, 1, "Crushbone" ],
		75 =>  [ "guktop" , 65, 7, -36, 4, 5, 30, 1, 1, 0, "Guk" ],
		76 =>  [ "oasis" , 37, 903.98, 490.03, 6.4, 5, 40, 1, 1, 1, "Oasis of Marr" ],
		77 =>  [ "paludal" , 156, -241, -3721, 195, 5, 25, 1, 1, 0, "The Paludal Caverns" ],
		78 =>  [ "beholder" , 16, -21.44, -512.23, 45.13, 10, 25, 1, 1, 1, "Gorge of King Xorbb" ],
		79 =>  [ "cauldron" , 70, 320, 2815, 473, 10, 20, 1, 1, 1, "Dagnor's Cauldron" ],
		80 =>  [ "eastkarana" , 15, 0, 0, 3.5, 10, 35, 1, 1, 1, "Eastern Plains of Karana" ],
		81 =>  [ "freeportsewers" , 384, -1298, 111, -80, 10, 25, 1, 1, 1, "Freeport Sewers" ],
		82 =>  [ "highpass" , 5, -104, -14, 4, 10, 20, 1, 1, 1, "Highpass Hold" ],
		83 =>  [ "highpasshold" , 407, -219, -148, -24, 10, 20, 1, 1, 1, "Highpass Hold" ],
		84 =>  [ "hollowshade" , 166, 2680, 1221, 139, 10, 45, 1, 1, 1, "Hollowshade Moor" ],
		85 =>  [ "kerraridge" , 74, -859.97, 474.96, 23.75, 10, 25, 1, 1, 1, "Kerra Isle" ],
		86 =>  [ "kithforest" , 410, 0, 0, 0, 10, 40, 1, 1, 1, "Kithicor Forest" ],
		87 =>  [ "kurn" , 97, 77.72, -277.64, 3.75, 10, 30, 1, 1, 0, "Kurn's Tower" ],
		88 =>  [ "lakeofillomen" , 85, -5383.07, 5747.14, 68.27, 10, 25, 1, 1, 1, "Lake of Ill Omen" ],
		89 =>  [ "northro" , 392, -1262, 8590, 40, 10, 20, 1, 1, 1, "North Desert of Ro" ],
		90 =>  [ "nro" , 34, 299.12, 3537.9, -24.5, 10, 20, 1, 1, 1, "Northern Desert of Ro" ],
		91 =>  [ "oceanoftears" , 409, -7925, 1610, -292, 10, 40, 1, 1, 1, "The Ocean of Tears" ],
		92 =>  [ "oldkurn" , 455, 20, -265, 5, 10, 30, 1, 1, 1, "Kurn's Tower" ],
		93 =>  [ "oot" , 69, -9200, 390, 6, 10, 40, 1, 1, 1, "Ocean of Tears" ],
		94 =>  [ "qey2hh1" , 12, -638, 12, -4, 10, 40, 1, 1, 1, "Western Plains of Karana" ],
		95 =>  [ "rathemtn" , 50, 1831, 3825, 29.03, 10, 30, 1, 1, 1, "Rathe Mountains" ],
		96 =>  [ "southro" , 393, -581, -520, 126, 10, 30, 1, 1, 1, "South Desert of Ro" ],
		97 =>  [ "sro" , 35, 286, 1265, 79, 10, 30, 1, 1, 1, "Southern Desert of Ro" ],
		98 =>  [ "swampofnohope" , 83, 2945, 2761, 4.27, 10, 30, 1, 1, 1, "Swamp Of No Hope" ],
		99 =>  [ "warrens" , 101, -930, 748, -37.22, 10, 25, 1, 1, 0, "Warrens" ],
		100 =>  [ "soltemple" , 80, 7.5, 268.8, 3, 12, 30, 1, 1, 0, "Temple of Solusek Ro" ],
		101 =>  [ "lavastorm" , 27, -25, 182, -74, 15, 40, 1, 1, 1, "The Lavastorm Mountains" ],
		102 =>  [ "najena" , 44, 855.6, -74.8, 4.4, 15, 40, 1, 1, 0, "Najena" ],
		103 =>  [ "oldhighpass" , 458, 0, 0, -5, 15, 25, 1, 1, 1, "Highpass Hold" ],
		104 =>  [ "permafrost" , 73, 0, 0, 3.75, 15, 40, 1, 1, 0, "Permafrost Caverns" ],
		105 =>  [ "runnyeye" , 11, -21.85, -108.88, 3.75, 15, 35, 1, 1, 1, "Runnyeye Citadel" ],
		106 =>  [ "southkarana" , 14, 1293.66, 2346.69, -5.77, 15, 35, 1, 1, 1, "Southern Plains of Karana" ],
		107 =>  [ "echo" , 153, -800, 840, -25, 20, 45, 1, 1, 0, "Echo Caverns" ],
		108 =>  [ "firiona" , 84, 1439.96, -2392.06, -2.65, 20, 35, 1, 1, 1, "Firiona Vie" ],
		109 =>  [ "frontiermtns" , 92, -4262, -633, 113.24, 20, 45, 1, 1, 1, "Frontier Mountains" ],
		110 =>  [ "frozenshadow" , 111, 200, 120, 0, 20, 50, 1, 1, 0, "Tower of Frozen Shadow" ],
		111 =>  [ "guka" , 229, 101, -841, 1, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Deepest Guk: Cauldron of Lost Souls" ],
		112 =>  [ "highkeep" , 6, 88, -16, 4, 20, 30, 1, 1, 1, "High Keep" ],
		113 =>  [ "highpasskeep" , 412, 0, 0, 0, 20, 30, 1, 1, 1, "HighKeep" ],
		114 =>  [ "iceclad" , 110, 340, 5330, -17, 20, 40, 1, 1, 1, "Iceclad Ocean" ],
		115 =>  [ "lfaydark" , 57, -1769.93, -108.08, -1.11, 20, 40, 1, 1, 1, "Lesser Faydark" ],
		116 =>  [ "mira" , 232, 649, 564, -89, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Miragul's Menagerie: Silent Gallery" ],
		117 =>  [ "mirb" , 237, 0, 0, 0, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Maw of the Menagerie" ],
		118 =>  [ "mirc" , 242, -769, 763, -186, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Spider Den" ],
		119 =>  [ "mird" , 247, 228, -457, 2, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Miragul's Menagerie: Hushed Banquet" ],
		120 =>  [ "mire" , 252, 0, 0, 0, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Frosted Halls" ],
		121 =>  [ "mirf" , 257, 0, 0, 0, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Forgotten Wastes" ],
		122 =>  [ "mirg" , 262, 434, -15, 56, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Miragul's Menagerie: Heart of the Menagerie" ],
		123 =>  [ "mirh" , 267, 0, 0, 0, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Morbid Laboratory" ],
		124 =>  [ "miri" , 271, 0, 0, 0, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Theater of Imprisoned Horror" ],
		125 =>  [ "mirj" , 275, 1153, -901, 28, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Miragul's Menagerie: Grand Library" ],
		126 =>  [ "mistmoore" , 59, 123, -295, -177, 20, 40, 1, 1, 1, "Castle Mistmoore" ],
		127 =>  [ "mmca" , 233, -594, -365, 6, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Mistmoore's Catacombs: Forlorn Caverns" ],
		128 =>  [ "mmcb" , 238, -522, -22, 23, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Mistmoore's Catacombs: Dreary Grotto" ],
		129 =>  [ "mmcc" , 243, -424, -108, 2, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Mistmoore's Catacombs: Asylum of Invoked Stone" ],
		130 =>  [ "mmcd" , 248, -144, -647, 1, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Mistmoore's Catacombs: Chambers of Eternal Affliction" ],
		131 =>  [ "mmce" , 253, -605, 372, 1, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Mistmoore's Catacombs: Sepulcher of the Damned" ],
		132 =>  [ "mmcf" , 258, -184, 399, -12, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Mistmoore's Catacombs: Ritualistic Summoning Grounds" ],
		133 =>  [ "mmcg" , 263, 427, 413, 4, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Mistmoore's Catacombs: Cesspits of Putrescence" ],
		134 =>  [ "mmch" , 268, -367, -323, 17, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Mistmoore's Catacombs: Aisles of Blood" ],
		135 =>  [ "mmci" , 272, 589, -275, 4, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Mistmoore's Catacombs: Halls of Sanguinary Rites" ],
		136 =>  [ "mmcj" , 276, 258, 548, 4, 20, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Mistmoore's Catacombs: Infernal Sanctuary" ],
		137 =>  [ "netherbian" , 161, 14, 1787, -62, 20, 40, 1, 1, 0, "Netherbian Lair" ],
		138 =>  [ "northkarana" , 13, -382, -284, -7, 20, 30, 1, 1, 1, "Northern Plains of Karana" ],
		139 =>  [ "overthere" , 93, -4263, -241, 235, 20, 50, 1, 1, 1, "The Overthere" ],
		140 =>  [ "soldungb" , 32, -262.7, -423.99, -108.22, 20, 50, 1, 1, 0, "Nagafen's Lair" ],
		141 =>  [ "stonebrunt" , 100, -1643.01, -3427.84, -6.57, 20, 40, 1, 1, 1, "Stonebrunt Mountains" ],
		142 =>  [ "stonehive" , 396, -1331, -521, 26, 20, 40, 1, 1, 1, "Stone Hive" ],
		143 =>  [ "timorous" , 96, 2194, -5392, 4, 20, 45, 1, 1, 1, "Timorous Deep" ],
		144 =>  [ "twilight" , 170, -1858, -420, -10, 20, 50, 1, 1, 1, "The Twilight Sea" ],
		145 =>  [ "unrest" , 63, 52, -38, 3.75, 20, 40, 1, 1, 1, "Estate of Unrest" ],
		146 =>  [ "warslikswood" , 79, -467.95, -1428.95, 197.31, 20, 45, 1, 1, 1, "Warsliks Woods" ],
		147 =>  [ "crystal" , 121, 303, 487, -74, 25, 45, 1, 1, 0, "Crystal Caverns" ],
		148 =>  [ "dawnshroud" , 174, 2085, 0, 89, 25, 45, 1, 1, 1, "The Dawnshroud Peaks" ],
		149 =>  [ "eastwastes" , 116, -4296, -5049, 147, 25, 45, 1, 1, 1, "Eastern Wastelands" ],
		150 =>  [ "grimling" , 167, -1020, -950, 22, 25, 50, 1, 1, 1, "Grimling Forest" ],
		151 =>  [ "soldunga" , 31, -485.77, -476.04, 73.72, 25, 35, 1, 1, 0, "Solusek's Eye" ],
		152 =>  [ "draniksscar" , 302, -1519, -1468, 260, 30, 60, 1, 1, 1, "Dranik's Scar" ],
		153 =>  [ "dulak" , 225, 438, 548, 4, 30, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Dulak's Harbor" ],
		154 =>  [ "emeraldjungle" , 94, 4648.06, -1222.97, 0, 30, 45, 1, 1, 1, "The Emerald Jungle" ],
		155 =>  [ "greatdivide" , 118, -965, -7720, -557, 30, 50, 1, 1, 1, "Great Divide" ],
		156 =>  [ "gukbottom" , 66, -217, 1197, -81.78, 30, 50, 1, 1, 0, "Ruins of Old Guk" ],
		157 =>  [ "jaggedpine" , 181, 1800, 1319, -13, 30, 50, 1, 1, 1, "The Jaggedpine Forest" ],
		158 =>  [ "kael" , 113, -633, -47, 128, 30, 60, 1, 1, 0, "Kael Drakkel" ],
		159 =>  [ "kaesora" , 88, 40, 370, 99.72, 30, 50, 1, 1, 0, "Kaesora" ],
		160 =>  [ "katta" , 160, -545, 645, 1, 30, 60, 1, 0, 1, "Katta Castellum" ],
		161 =>  [ "moors" , 395, 3263, -626, -20, 30, 50, 1, 1, 1, "Blightfire Moors" ],
		162 =>  [ "mseru" , 168, -1668, 539, -4.6, 30, 50, 1, 1, 1, "Marus Seru" ],
		163 =>  [ "scarlet" , 175, -1678, -1054, -98, 30, 50, 1, 1, 1, "The Scarlet Desert" ],
		164 =>  [ "skyshrine" , 114, -730, -210, 0, 30, 60, 1, 1, 1, "Skyshrine" ],
		165 =>  [ "thurgadina" , 115, 0, -1222, 0, 30, 45, 1, 1, 1, "City of Thurgadin" ],
		166 =>  [ "trakanon" , 95, 1485.86, 3868.29, -340.59, 30, 50, 1, 1, 1, "Trakanon's Teeth" ],
		167 =>  [ "burningwood" , 87, -820, -4942, 200.31, 35, 60, 1, 1, 1, "The Burning Wood" ],
		168 =>  [ "citymist" , 90, -734, 28, 3.75, 35, 50, 1, 1, 1, "The City of Mist" ],
		169 =>  [ "cobaltscar" , 117, 895, -939, 318, 35, 55, 1, 1, 1, "Cobalt Scar" ],
		170 =>  [ "dreadlands" , 86, 9565.05, 2806.04, 1045.2, 35, 50, 1, 1, 1, "Dreadlands" ],
		171 =>  [ "gunthak" , 224, -938.34, 1644.83, 25.94, 35, 50, 1, 1, 1, "The Gulf of Gunthak" ],
		172 =>  [ "kedge" , 64, 99.96, 14.02, 31.75, 35, 50, 1, 1, 0, "Kedge Keep" ],
		173 =>  [ "acrylia" , 154, -664, 10, 3.2, 40, 60, 1, 1, 0, "The Acrylia Caverns" ],
		174 =>  [ "broodlands" , 337, -1613, -1016, 99, 40, 60, 1, 1, 1, "The Broodlands" ],
		175 =>  [ "charasis" , 105, 0, 0, -4.25, 40, 60, 1, 1, 1, "Howling stones" ],
		176 =>  [ "chardok" , 103, 859, 119, 106, 40, 55, 1, 1, 0, "Chardok" ],
		177 =>  [ "fhalls" , 998, -74, -843, -11, 40, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Forgotten Halls" ],
		178 =>  [ "fungusgrove" , 157, -1005, -2140, -308, 40, 55, 1, 1, 0, "Fungus Grove" ],
		179 =>  [ "mesa" , 397, -85, -2050, 19, 40, 60, 1, 1, 1, "Goru`kar Mesa" ],
		180 =>  [ "nadox" , 227, -643.06, -1349.17, -40.87, 40, 60, 1, 0, 0, "The Crypt of Nadox" ],
		181 =>  [ "natimbi" , 280, -1542, -752, 234, 40, 60, 1, 1, 1, "Natimbi, The Broken Shores " ],
		182 =>  [ "nedaria" , 182, -1737, -181, 256, 40, 60, 1, 1, 1, "Nedaria's Landing" ],
		183 =>  [ "nurga" , 107, -1755, -2199, 4.1, 40, 55, 1, 1, 0, "Mines of Nurga" ],
		184 =>  [ "skyfire" , 91, -3931.32, -1139.25, 39.76, 40, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Skyfire Mountains" ],
		185 =>  [ "sseru" , 159, -232, 1165, 59.1, 40, 60, 1, 0, 1, "Sanctus Seru" ],
		186 =>  [ "thegrey" , 171, 349, -1994, -26, 40, 55, 1, 1, 1, "The Grey" ],
		187 =>  [ "thurgadinb" , 129, 0, 250, 0, 40, 60, 1, 1, 1, "Icewell Keep" ],
		188 =>  [ "torgiran" , 226, -613.21, -326.84, 2.63, 40, 65, 1, 1, 0, "The Torgiran Mines" ],
		189 =>  [ "veksar" , 109, -1, -514.5, 49, 40, 60, 1, 0, 0, "City of veksar" ],
		190 =>  [ "velketor" , 112, -65, 581, -152, 40, 60, 1, 0, 0, "Velketor's Labrynth" ],
		191 =>  [ "wakening" , 119, -5000, -673, -195, 40, 60, 1, 1, 1, "The Wakening Lands" ],
		192 =>  [ "sebilis" , 89, 0, 235, 40, 43, 60, 1, 1, 0, "Old Sebilis" ],
		193 =>  [ "airplane" , 71, 542.45, 1384.6, -650, 45, 65, 1, 0, 1, "Plane of Sky" ],
		194 =>  [ "akheva" , 179, 60, -1395, 22, 45, 65, 1, 0, 0, "The Akheva Ruins" ],
		195 =>  [ "corathus" , 365, 16, -337, -46, 45, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Corathus Creep" ],
		196 =>  [ "delvea" , 341, -246, -1578, 68, 45, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Lavaspinner's Lair" ],
		197 =>  [ "dranikhollowsa" , 318, 0, 0, 0, 45, 70, 1, 1, 1, "Dranik's Hollows" ],
		198 =>  [ "dranikhollowsb" , 319, 0, -447, -36, 45, 70, 1, 1, 1, "Dranik's Hollows" ],
		199 =>  [ "dranikhollowsc" , 320, 5, -51, -41, 45, 70, 1, 1, 1, "Dranik's Hollows" ],
		200 =>  [ "droga" , 81, 294.11, 1371.43, 3.75, 45, 60, 1, 1, 0, "Temple of Droga" ],
		201 =>  [ "freeporthall" , 391, -432, 569, -100, 45, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Hall of Truth: Bounty" ],
		202 =>  [ "freeporttheater" , 390, 0, -6, -28, 45, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Theater of the Tranquil" ],
		203 =>  [ "griegsend" , 163, 3461, -19, -5, 45, 60, 1, 0, 1, "Grieg's End" ],
		204 =>  [ "growthplane" , 127, 3016, -2522, -19, 45, 60, 1, 1, 1, "Plane of Growth" ],
		205 =>  [ "hateplaneb" , 186, -392.7, 629.44, 3.75, 45, 65, 1, 1, 1, "The Plane of Hate" ],
		206 =>  [ "maiden" , 173, 1905, 940, -150, 45, 60, 1, 1, 1, "The Maiden's Eye" ],
		207 =>  [ "necropolis" , 123, 2000, -100, 5, 45, 60, 1, 1, 0, "Dragon Necropolis" ],
		208 =>  [ "podisease" , 205, -1750, -1243, -56, 45, 65, 1, 1, 1, "The Plane of Disease" ],
		209 =>  [ "poinnovation" , 206, 241, 509, -52.8, 45, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Plane of Innovation" ],
		210 =>  [ "pojustice" , 201, -61, 58, 5, 45, 65, 1, 1, 1, "The Plane of Justice" ],
		211 =>  [ "ponightmare" , 204, 1668, 282, 210.4, 45, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Plane of Nightmare" ],
		212 =>  [ "hateplane" , 76, -353.08, -374.8, 3.75, 46, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Plane of Hate" ],
		213 =>  [ "templeveeshan" , 124, -499, -2086, -36, 46, 65, 1, 0, 0, "Temple of Veeshan" ],
		214 =>  [ "barren" , 422, 1203, 698, 54, 50, 70, 1, 1, 1, "Barren Coast" ],
		215 =>  [ "cazicthule" , 48, -80, 80, 5.5, 50, 60, 1, 1, 1, "Accursed Temple of Cazic-Thule" ],
		216 =>  [ "chardokb" , 277, 0, 0, 0, 50, 60, 1, 1, 0, "The Halls of Betrayal" ],
		217 =>  [ "fearplane" , 72, 1282.09, -1139.03, 1.67, 50, 70, 1, 1, 1, "Plane of Fear" ],
		218 =>  [ "hole" , 39, -1049.98, 640.04, -77.22, 50, 70, 1, 0, 0, "The Hole" ],
		219 =>  [ "karnor" , 102, 301, -76, 4, 50, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Karnor's Castle" ],
		220 =>  [ "roost" , 398, -1592, 2125, -308, 50, 70, 1, 1, 1, "Blackfeather Roost" ],
		221 =>  [ "sirens" , 125, -33, 196, 4, 50, 70, 1, 0, 0, "Sirens Grotto" ],
		222 =>  [ "ssratemple" , 162, 0, 0, 4, 50, 60, 1, 1, 0, "Ssraeshza Temple" ],
		223 =>  [ "thedeep" , 164, -700, -398, -60, 50, 60, 1, 0, 0, "The Deepshade" ],
		224 =>  [ "umbral" , 176, 1900, -474, 23, 50, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Umbral Plains" ],
		225 =>  [ "vexthal" , 158, -1400, 343, -40.4, 50, 75, 1, 0, 0, "Vex Thal" ],
		226 =>  [ "westwastes" , 120, -3499, -4099, -16.66, 50, 70, 1, 1, 1, "Western Wastelands" ],
		227 =>  [ "barindu" , 283, 590, -1457, -123, 55, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Barindu, Hanging Gardens" ],
		228 =>  [ "bloodfields" , 301, -1763, 2140, -928, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Bloodfields" ],
		229 =>  [ "corathusa" , 366, -49.3, 49.84, -10.76, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Sporali Caverns" ],
		230 =>  [ "corathusb" , 367, 2, 90, -15, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Corathus Mines" ],
		231 =>  [ "drachnidhive" , 354, 0, 0, 0, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Hive" ],
		232 =>  [ "drachnidhivea" , 355, 0, 0, 0, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Hatchery" ],
		233 =>  [ "drachnidhiveb" , 356, 21.25, 1248.2, 150.27, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Cocoons" ],
		234 =>  [ "drachnidhivec" , 357, -55.72, -70.27, -755, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Queen Sendaii`s Lair" ],
		235 =>  [ "dranikcatacombsa" , 328, 0, 0, -8, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Catacombs of Dranik" ],
		236 =>  [ "dranikcatacombsb" , 329, 222.17, 665.96, -13.21, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Catacombs of Dranik" ],
		237 =>  [ "dranikcatacombsc" , 330, -20, -218, -1.78, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Catacombs of Dranik" ],
		238 =>  [ "freeportcityhall" , 389, -46.98, -31.21, -9.92, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "City Hall" ],
		239 =>  [ "harbingers" , 335, 122, -98, 10, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Harbinger's Spire" ],
		240 =>  [ "hatesfury" , 228, -924, 107, 0, 55, 65, 1, 1, 0, "Hate's Fury" ],
		241 =>  [ "kattacastrum" , 416, -2, -425, -20, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Katta Castrum" ],
		242 =>  [ "poeartha" , 218, -1150, 200, 71.75, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands" ],
		243 =>  [ "potorment" , 207, -341, 1706, -491, 55, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Plane of Torment" ],
		244 =>  [ "povalor" , 208, 190, -1668, 64.91, 55, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Plane of Valor" ],
		245 =>  [ "powar" , 213, 0, 0, 0, 55, 70, 1, 1, 1, "Plane of War" ],
		246 =>  [ "qinimi" , 281, -1053, 438, -16, 55, 80, 1, 0, 1, "Qinimi, Court of Nihilia" ],
		247 =>  [ "soldungc" , 278, 307, -307, -14, 55, 65, 1, 1, 0, "The Caverns of Exile" ],
		248 =>  [ "stillmoona" , 338, -9, -78, -30, 55, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Stillmoon Temple" ],
		249 =>  [ "arcstone" , 369, 1630, -279, 5, 60, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Arcstone, Isle of Spirits" ],
		250 =>  [ "bothunder" , 209, 207, 178, -1620, 60, 70, 1, 1, 1, "Bastion of Thunder" ],
		251 =>  [ "causeway" , 303, -1674, -239, 317, 60, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Nobles' Causeway" ],
		252 =>  [ "codecay" , 200, -153.7, -66.1, -95.8, 60, 65, 1, 1, 0, "Ruins of Ixanvom" ],
		253 =>  [ "delveb" , 342, -138, -355, 17, 60, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Tirranun's Delve" ],
		254 =>  [ "devastation" , 372, 1390, 216, 53, 60, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Devastation" ],
		255 =>  [ "draniksewersa" , 331, 0, 0, 0, 60, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Sewers of Dranik" ],
		256 =>  [ "draniksewersb" , 332, 0, 0, 0, 60, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Sewers of Dranik" ],
		257 =>  [ "draniksewersc" , 333, 0, 0, 0, 60, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Sewers of Dranik" ],
		258 =>  [ "ferubi" , 284, 1483, 596, 111, 60, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Taelosia" ],
		259 =>  [ "freeporttemple" , 386, 0, 0, 10, 60, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Temple of Marr" ],
		260 =>  [ "hohonora" , 211, -2709.9, -338, 2.2, 60, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Halls of Honor" ],
		261 =>  [ "hohonorb" , 220, 978.3, -1.2, 395.2, 60, 65, 1, 1, 1, "Temple of Marr" ],
		262 =>  [ "poearthb" , 222, -762, 328, -56.25, 60, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Stronghold of the Twelve" ],
		263 =>  [ "redfeather" , 430, 2531, -3638, 312, 60, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Redfeather Isle" ],
		264 =>  [ "riftseekers" , 334, -1, 297, -208, 60, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Riftseekers' Sanctum" ],
		265 =>  [ "riwwi" , 282, 454, -650, 35, 60, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Riwwi, Coliseum of Games" ],
		266 =>  [ "sleeper" , 128, 0, 0, 5, 60, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Kerafyrm's Lair" ],
		267 =>  [ "sncrematory" , 288, 31, 175, -17, 60, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Sewers of Nihilia, Emanating Cre" ],
		268 =>  [ "snlair" , 286, 234, -70, -14, 60, 65, 1, 1, 0, "Sewers of Nihilia, Lair of Trapp" ],
		269 =>  [ "snplant" , 287, 150, 127, -7, 60, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Sewers of Nihilia, Purifying Pla" ],
		270 =>  [ "snpool" , 285, 137, -5, -19, 60, 65, 1, 1, 0, "Sewers of Nihilia, Pool of Sludg" ],
		271 =>  [ "steppes" , 399, -896, -2360, 3, 60, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Steppes" ],
		272 =>  [ "sunderock" , 403, -393, -3454, 4, 60, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Sunderock Springs" ],
		273 =>  [ "takishruins" , 376, -983, 269, 62, 60, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Ruins of Takish-Hiz" ],
		274 =>  [ "thundercrest" , 340, 1641, -646, 114, 60, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Thundercrest Isles" ],
		275 =>  [ "veeshan" , 108, 1682, 41, 28, 60, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Veeshan's Peak" ],
		276 =>  [ "vergalid" , 404, 14, 0, 3, 60, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Vergalid Mines" ],
		277 =>  [ "vxed" , 290, -427, -3552, 14, 60, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Vxed, The Crumbling Caverns" ],
		278 =>  [ "westkorlach" , 358, -2229, 395, 895, 60, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Stoneroot Falls" ],
		279 =>  [ "westkorlachb" , 360, 0, 4, 4, 60, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Caverns of the Lost" ],
		280 =>  [ "westkorlachc" , 361, -57, 197, 43, 60, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Lair of the Korlach" ],
		281 =>  [ "stillmoonb" , 339, 169, 1027, 44, 62, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Ascent" ],
		282 =>  [ "buriedsea" , 423, 3130, -1721, 308, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Buried Sea" ],
		283 =>  [ "chambersa" , 304, 0, 0, 0, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Muramite Proving Grounds" ],
		284 =>  [ "chambersb" , 305, 0, 0, 0, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Muramite Proving Grounds" ],
		285 =>  [ "chambersc" , 306, 0, 0, 0, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Muramite Proving Grounds" ],
		286 =>  [ "chambersd" , 307, 0, 0, 0, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Muramite Proving Grounds" ],
		287 =>  [ "chamberse" , 308, 0, 0, 0, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Muramite Proving Grounds" ],
		288 =>  [ "chambersf" , 309, 0, 0, 0, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Muramite Proving Grounds" ],
		289 =>  [ "devastationa" , 373, -141, 1059, 4, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Seething Wall" ],
		290 =>  [ "dranik" , 336, -1112, -1953, -369, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Ruined City of Dranik" ],
		291 =>  [ "eastkorlach" , 362, -950, -1130, 184, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Undershore" ],
		292 =>  [ "freeportmilitia" , 387, 7, -243, 3, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Freeport Militia House: My Precious" ],
		293 =>  [ "ikkinz" , 294, -157, 23, -2, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Ikkinz, Chambers of Singular Mig" ],
		294 =>  [ "inktuta" , 296, 0, 65, -2, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Inktu'Ta, the Unmasked Chapel" ],
		295 =>  [ "kodtaz" , 293, -1475, 1548, -302.12, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Kod'Taz, Broken Trial Grounds" ],
		296 =>  [ "paw" , 18, -7.9, -79.3, 4, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Infected Paw" ],
		297 =>  [ "poair" , 215, 532, 884, -92.13, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind" ],
		298 =>  [ "pofire" , 217, -1387, 1210, -180.84, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Doomfire, The Burning Lands" ],
		299 =>  [ "postorms" , 210, -1755.7, -2001.1, -463.8, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Plane of Storms" ],
		300 =>  [ "potactics" , 214, -210, 10, -38.25, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Drunder, Fortress of Zek" ],
		301 =>  [ "potimea" , 219, -37, -110, 7.95, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Plane of Time" ],
		302 =>  [ "potimeb" , 223, 851, -141, 396, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "The Plane of Time" ],
		303 =>  [ "potranquility" , 203, -1507, 701, -878, 65, 80, 0, 1, 1, "The Plane of Tranquility" ],
		304 =>  [ "powater" , 216, -165, -1250, 6.18, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Reef of Coirnav" ],
		305 =>  [ "provinggrounds" , 316, -124, -5676, -306, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Muramite Provinggrounds" ],
		306 =>  [ "qvic" , 295, -2515, 767, -647, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling" ],
		307 =>  [ "qvicb" , 299, 0, 0, -6.25, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Qvic, the Hidden Vault" ],
		308 =>  [ "ruja" , 230, 805, -123, -95, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Rujarkian Hills: Bloodied Quarries" ],
		309 =>  [ "rujb" , 235, 367, -776, -12, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Rujarkian Hills: Halls of War" ],
		310 =>  [ "rujc" , 240, -1315, -515, -12, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Rujarkian Hills: Wind Bridges" ],
		311 =>  [ "rujd" , 245, -322, 1254, -96, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Rujarkian Hills: Gladiator Pits" ],
		312 =>  [ "ruje" , 250, 500, -1876, -222, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Rujarkian Hills: Drudge Hollows" ],
		313 =>  [ "rujf" , 255, -290, -571, -460, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Rujarkian Hills: Fortified Lair of the Taskmasters" ],
		314 =>  [ "rujg" , 260, 238, -1163, 130, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Rujarkian Hills: Hidden Vale" ],
		315 =>  [ "rujh" , 265, 656, -1250, -15, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Rujarkian Hills: Blazing Forge " ],
		316 =>  [ "ruji" , 269, 833, -1871, -222, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Rujarkian Hills: Arena of Chance" ],
		317 =>  [ "rujj" , 273, 750, -134, 26, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "The Rujarkian Hills: Barracks of War" ],
		318 =>  [ "shipmvm" , 435, -69, -47, 44, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "The Open Sea" ],
		319 =>  [ "shipmvp" , 431, 0, 68, 47, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "The Open Sea" ],
		320 =>  [ "shipmvu" , 432, -118, -193, 29, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "The Open Sea" ],
		321 =>  [ "shippvu" , 433, -116, -97, 46, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "The Open Sea" ],
		322 =>  [ "shipuvu" , 434, -116, -97, 46, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "The Open Sea" ],
		323 =>  [ "solrotower" , 212, -1, -2915, -766, 65, 75, 1, 1, 0, "Solusek Ro's Tower" ],
		324 =>  [ "suncrest" , 426, -2241, -650, 316, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Suncrest Isle" ],
		325 =>  [ "tacvi" , 298, 4, 9, -8, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Tacvi, The Broken Temple" ],
		326 =>  [ "taka" , 231, -77, 493, 3, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Takish-Hiz: Sunken Library" ],
		327 =>  [ "takb" , 236, 380, -544, 7, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Takish-Hiz: Shifting Tower" ],
		328 =>  [ "takc" , 241, 251, 33, 3, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Takish-Hiz: Fading Temple" ],
		329 =>  [ "takd" , 246, -282, 133, 7, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Takish-Hiz: Royal Observatory" ],
		330 =>  [ "take" , 251, 375, -406, 19, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Takish-Hiz: River of Recollection" ],
		331 =>  [ "takf" , 256, 69, 1, 3, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Takish-Hiz: Sandfall Corridors" ],
		332 =>  [ "takg" , 261, -214, 234, 22, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Takish-Hiz: Balancing Chamber" ],
		333 =>  [ "takh" , 266, -147, 392, -1, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Takish-Hiz: Sweeping Tides" ],
		334 =>  [ "taki" , 270, 617, 119, -3, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Takish-Hiz: Antiquated Palace" ],
		335 =>  [ "takishruinsa" , 377, 18, -138, -29, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "The Root of Ro" ],
		336 =>  [ "takj" , 274, -143, 625, -21, 65, 80, 1, 1, 0, "Takish-Hiz: Prismatic Corridors" ],
		337 =>  [ "thevoida" , 459, -79, -158, 33, 65, 85, 1, 1, 1, "The Void" ],
		338 =>  [ "tipt" , 289, -448, -2374, 12, 65, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Tipt, Treacherous Crags" ],
		339 =>  [ "txevu" , 297, -332, -1, -420, 65, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Txevu, Lair of the Elite" ],
		340 =>  [ "wallofslaughter" , 300, -1461, -2263, -69, 65, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Wall of Slaughter" ],
		341 =>  [ "yxtta" , 291, 1235, 1300, -348, 65, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Yxtta, Pulpit of Exiles " ],
		342 =>  [ "anguish" , 317, -9, -2466, -79, 70, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Anguish, the Fallen Palace" ],
		343 =>  [ "atiiki" , 418, -916, -1089, -39, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Jewel of Atiiki" ],
		344 =>  [ "direwind" , 405, -329, -1845, 10, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Direwind Cliffs" ],
		345 =>  [ "dragonscale" , 442, 1688, 1434, 215, 70, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Dragonscale Hills" ],
		346 =>  [ "dreadspire" , 351, 1358, -1030, -572, 70, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Dreadspire Keep" ],
		347 =>  [ "elddar" , 378, 606, 296, -36, 70, 80, 1, 1, 1, "The Elddar Forest" ],
		348 =>  [ "elddara" , 379, 0, 0, -6, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Tunare's Shrine" ],
		349 =>  [ "icefall" , 400, 765, -1871, -46, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Icefall Glacier" ],
		350 =>  [ "illsalin" , 347, 308, -182, -32, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Ruins of Illsalin" ],
		351 =>  [ "illsalina" , 348, 8, 0, -20, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Illsalin Marketplace" ],
		352 =>  [ "illsalinb" , 349, 0, 0, 0, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Temple of Korlach" ],
		353 =>  [ "illsalinc" , 350, 0, 0, -15, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "The Nargil Pits" ],
		354 =>  [ "jardelshook" , 424, 4677, -784, 373, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Jardel's Hook" ],
		355 =>  [ "maidensgrave" , 429, 4455, 2042, 307, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Maiden's Grave" ],
		356 =>  [ "oceangreenhills" , 466, -1140, 4542, 73, 70, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Oceangreen Hills" ],
		357 =>  [ "oceangreenvillage" , 467, 83, -72, 3, 70, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Oceangreen Village" ],
		358 =>  [ "rage" , 374, 0, 1065, 7, 70, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Sverag, Stronghold of Rage" ],
		359 =>  [ "ragea" , 375, 354, 63, 3, 70, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Razorthorn, Tower of Sullon Zek" ],
		360 =>  [ "relic" , 370, 861, 618, -265, 70, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Relic, the Artifact City" ],
		361 =>  [ "shadowspine" , 364, 2, 408, 72, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Shadow Spine" ],
		362 =>  [ "skylance" , 371, 0, -95, 2, 70, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Skylance" ],
		363 =>  [ "theater" , 380, 2933, 719, 376, 70, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Theater of Blood" ],
		364 =>  [ "theatera" , 381, 0, -108, 4, 70, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance" ],
		365 =>  [ "uqua" , 292, -17, -7, -26, 70, 90, 1, 1, 1, "Uqua, the Ocean God Chantry" ],
		366 =>  [ "valdeholm" , 401, 119, -3215, 3, 70, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Valdeholm" ],
		367 =>  [ "westkorlacha" , 359, -1549, 577, 4, 70, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Prince's Manor" ],
		368 =>  [ "zhisza" , 419, 6, -856, 5, 70, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Zhisza, the Shissar Sanctuary" ],
		369 =>  [ "ashengate" , 406, 0, -375, 8, 75, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Ashengate, Reliquary of the Scale" ],
		370 =>  [ "bertoxtemple" , 469, 2, -2, 2, 75, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Temple of Bertoxxulous" ],
		371 =>  [ "blacksail" , 428, -165, 5410, 307, 75, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Blacksail Folly" ],
		372 =>  [ "bloodmoon" , 445, -4, 34, 8, 75, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Bloodmoon Keep" ],
		373 =>  [ "frostcrypt" , 402, 0, -40, 2, 75, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Frostcrypt, Throne of the Shade King" ],
		374 =>  [ "guardian" , 447, -115, 60, 4, 75, 85, 1, 1, 1, "The Mechamatic Guardian" ],
		375 =>  [ "gyrospireb" , 440, -9, -843, 4, 75, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Gyrospire Beza" ],
		376 =>  [ "gyrospirez" , 441, -9, -843, 4, 75, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Gyrospire Zeka" ],
		377 =>  [ "kithicor" , 20, 3828, 1889, 459, 75, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Kithicor Woods" ],
		378 =>  [ "lopingplains" , 443, -3698, -1289, 722, 75, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Loping Plains" ],
		379 =>  [ "oldblackburrow" , 468, 7, -377, 46, 75, 85, 1, 1, 1, "BlackBurrow" ],
		380 =>  [ "oldcommons" , 457, -3492, 180, 15, 75, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Old Commonlands" ],
		381 =>  [ "oldkithicor" , 456, -255, 1189, 10, 75, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Bloody Kithicor" ],
		382 =>  [ "silyssar" , 420, 167, -50, -66, 75, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Silyssar, New Chelsith" ],
		383 =>  [ "solteris" , 421, 0, 0, -20, 75, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Solteris, the Throne of Ro" ],
		384 =>  [ "thalassius" , 417, 37, -86, 23, 75, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Thalassius, the Coral Keep" ],
		385 =>  [ "cryptofshade" , 449, 985, -445, -39, 80, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Crypt of Shade" ],
		386 =>  [ "crystallos" , 446, -65, -200, -75, 80, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Crystallos, Lair of the Awakened" ],
		387 =>  [ "dragonscaleb" , 451, 25, 20, 5, 80, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Deepscar's Den" ],
		388 =>  [ "hillsofshade" , 444, -216, -1950, -50, 80, 80, 1, 1, 1, "Hills of Shade" ],
		389 =>  [ "mansion" , 437, 0, -73, 3, 80, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Meldrath's Majestic Mansion" ],
		390 =>  [ "mechanotus" , 436, -1700, 350, 404, 80, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Fortress Mechanotus" ],
		391 =>  [ "monkeyrock" , 425, -4084, -3067, 307, 80, 100, 1, 1, 1, "Monkey Rock" ],
		392 =>  [ "oldbloodfield" , 472, -2097, 2051, 3, 80, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Old Bloodfields" ],
		393 =>  [ "oldfieldofbone" , 452, 1692, 1194, -49, 80, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Field of Scale" ],
		394 =>  [ "oldkaesoraa" , 453, 33.67, -20.86, 3.37, 80, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Kaesora Library" ],
		395 =>  [ "oldkaesorab" , 454, -64, -30, 2, 80, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Kaesora Hatchery" ],
		396 =>  [ "shipworkshop" , 439, 530, 457, 10, 80, 80, 1, 1, 1, "S.H.I.P. Workshop" ],
		397 =>  [ "steamfactory" , 438, -870, 66, 121, 80, 80, 1, 1, 1, "The Steam Factory" ],
		398 =>  [ "toskirakk" , 475, -402.5, 309.17, 20.18, 80, 100, 1, 1, 1, "Toskirakk" ],
		399 =>  [ "brellsarena" , 492, 3, -304, -4, 80, 90, 1, 1, 1, "Brell's Arena" ],
		400 =>  [ "discord" , 470, 28, -20, -16, 85, 90, 1, 1, 1, "Korafax, Home of the Riders" ],
		401 =>  [ "discordtower" , 471, 0, 0, -55, 85, 90, 1, 1, 1, "Citadel of the Worldslayer" ],
		402 =>  [ "korascian" , 476, 24, -77, 25, 85, 85, 1, 1, 1, "Korascian Warrens" ],
		403 =>  [ "olddranik" , 474, -1799, 986, -184, 85, 85, 1, 1, 1, "City of Dranik" ],
		404 =>  [ "rathechamber" , 477, -19, -10, -22, 85, 90, 1, 1, 1, "Rathe Council Chamber" ],
		405 =>  [ "thevoidb" , 460, -79, -158, 33, 85, 85, 1, 1, 1, "The Void" ],
		406 =>  [ "thevoidc" , 461, -79, -158, 33, 85, 85, 1, 1, 1, "The Void" ],
		407 =>  [ "thevoidd" , 462, -79, -158, 33, 85, 85, 1, 1, 1, "The Void" ],
		408 =>  [ "thevoide" , 463, -79, -158, 33, 85, 85, 1, 1, 1, "The Void" ],
		409 =>  [ "thevoidf" , 464, -79, -158, 33, 85, 85, 1, 1, 1, "The Void" ],
		410 =>  [ "thevoidg" , 465, -79, -158, 33, 85, 85, 1, 1, 1, "The Void" ],
		411 =>  [ "brellsrest" , 480, 116, -700, 53, 85, 90, 1, 1, 1, "Brell's Rest" ],
		412 =>  [ "coolingchamber" , 483, -35, -130, 59, 85, 90, 1, 1, 1, "The Cooling Chamber" ],
		413 =>  [ "pellucid" , 488, -779, -424, -53, 85, 90, 1, 1, 1, "Pellucid Grotto" ],
		414 =>  [ "arthicrex" , 485, 517, -1662, 200, 85, 90, 1, 1, 1, "Arthicrex" ],
		415 =>  [ "foundation" , 486, 1168.49, -1023.98, -209, 85, 90, 1, 1, 1, "The Foundation" ],
		416 =>  [ "underquarry" , 482, 46, -190, -196, 85, 90, 1, 1, 1, "The Underquarry" ],
		417 =>  [ "stonesnake" , 489, 50, 24, 0, 85, 90, 1, 1, 1, "Volska's Husk" ],
	my $Level1 = quest::saylink(1,  1);
	my $Level5 = quest::saylink(5,  1);
	my $Level10 = quest::saylink(10,  1);
	my $Level15 = quest::saylink(15,  1);
	my $Level20 = quest::saylink(20,  1);
	my $Level25 = quest::saylink(25,  1);
	my $Level30 = quest::saylink(30,  1);
	my $Level35 = quest::saylink(35,  1);
	my $Level40 = quest::saylink(40,  1);
	my $Level45 = quest::saylink(45,  1);
	my $Level50 = quest::saylink(50,  1);
	my $Level55 = quest::saylink(55,  1);
	my $Level60 = quest::saylink(60,  1);
	my $Level65 = quest::saylink(65,  1);
	my $Level70 = quest::saylink(70,  1);
	my $Level75 = quest::saylink(75,  1);
	my $Level80 = quest::saylink(80,  1);
	my $Level85 = quest::saylink(85,  1);
	my $Level90 = quest::saylink(90,  1);
	my $Level95 = quest::saylink(95,  1);
	my $Level100 = quest::saylink(100,  1);
	my $Level105 = quest::saylink(105,  1);
	my $Level110 = quest::saylink(110,  1);
	my $Level115 = quest::saylink(115,  1);
	my $Level120 = quest::saylink(120,  1);
	my $Level125 = quest::saylink(125,  1);
	my $Level130 = quest::saylink(130,  1);
	my $Level135 = quest::saylink(135,  1);
	my $Level140 = quest::saylink(140,  1);
	my $Level145 = quest::saylink(145,  1);
	my $Level150 = quest::saylink(150,  1);
	my $Level155 = quest::saylink(155,  1);
	my $Level160 = quest::saylink(160,  1);
	my $Level165 = quest::saylink(165,  1);
	my $Level170 = quest::saylink(170,  1);
	my $Level175 = quest::saylink(175,  1);
	my $Level180 = quest::saylink(180,  1);
	my $Level185 = quest::saylink(185,  1);
	my $Level190 = quest::saylink(190,  1);
	my $Level195 = quest::saylink(195,  1);
	my $Level200 = quest::saylink(200,  1);
	my $Level205 = quest::saylink(205,  1);
	my $Level210 = quest::saylink(210,  1);
	my $Level215 = quest::saylink(215,  1);
	my $Level220 = quest::saylink(220,  1);
	my $Level225 = quest::saylink(225,  1);
	my $Level230 = quest::saylink(230,  1);
	my $Level235 = quest::saylink(235,  1);
	my $Level240 = quest::saylink(240,  1);
	my $Level245 = quest::saylink(245,  1);
	my $Level250 = quest::saylink(250,  1);

		$IsLevelRange = undef;
		$IsLevelRange2 = undef;
		$FinStage = 1;
		my $level = quest::saylink("Level Range", 1);
		my $recommend = quest::saylink("Recommend", 1);
		plugin::ClientSay("Hello $name, which $level would you like to speculate today? Would you like me to $recommend some places?");
	if($text=~/Level Range/i){
		$client->Message(315, "	$Level1	$Level5	$Level10	$Level15	$Level20	$Level25	$Level30	$Level35	$Level40	$Level45	$Level50	");
		$client->Message(315, "	$Level55	$Level60	$Level65	$Level70	$Level75	$Level80	$Level85");#	$Level90	$Level95	$Level100	");	
		$IsLevelRange = 1;
	if($text=~/recommend/i && $ulevel >= 85 && !$IsLevelRange){
		my $n = 1;
		while  ($ZL{$n}[0]){
			if(($ZL{$n}[5]) == 80 || ($ZL{$n}[5]) == 85){
				$MC = 315;
				my $ZoneLN = quest::saylink($n, 1, $ZL{$n}[10]);
				my $SkillID = $ZL{$n}[1];
				#my $ZoneLN = $ZL{$n}[10];
				my $MinL = $ZL{$n}[5];
				my $MaxL = $ZL{$n}[6];
				my $ZoneSN = $ZL{$n}[0];
				#Create the silent saylink
				#List all animations
				$OutDoor = "Dungeon Zone";
				if($ulevel >= ($MinL - 5) || $ulevel <= ($MinL + 5)){ $MC = 10;}
				if($ulevel <= ($MinL - 7)){ $MC = 15;}
				if($ulevel <= ($MinL - 15)){ $MC = 13;}
				if($ulevel >= ($MinL + 6)){ $MC = 4;}
				if($ulevel >= ($MinL + 13)){ $MC = 2;}
				$client->Message($MC, "[$MinL - $MaxL] $ZoneLN");
				$MC = 315;
	elsif($text=~/recommend/i && !$IsLevelRange){
		my $n = 1;
			my $DeclaredLevel = 1; $IsLevelRange2 = 1;
			if($ulevel == 1){ $DeclaredLevel = 1; }
			if($ulevel < 10 && $ulevel >= 5){ $DeclaredLevel = 5; }
			if($ulevel < 15 && $ulevel >= 10){ $DeclaredLevel = 10; }
			if($ulevel < 20 && $ulevel >= 15){ $DeclaredLevel = 15; }
			if($ulevel < 25 && $ulevel >= 20){ $DeclaredLevel = 20; }
			if($ulevel < 30 && $ulevel >= 25){ $DeclaredLevel = 25; }
			if($ulevel < 35 && $ulevel >= 30){ $DeclaredLevel = 30; }
			if($ulevel < 40 && $ulevel >= 35){ $DeclaredLevel = 35; }
			if($ulevel < 45 && $ulevel >= 40){ $DeclaredLevel = 40; }
			if($ulevel < 50 && $ulevel >= 45){ $DeclaredLevel = 45; }
			if($ulevel < 55 && $ulevel >= 50){ $DeclaredLevel = 50; }
			if($ulevel < 60 && $ulevel >= 55){ $DeclaredLevel = 55; }
			if($ulevel < 65 && $ulevel >= 60){ $DeclaredLevel = 60; }
			if($ulevel < 70 && $ulevel >= 65){ $DeclaredLevel = 65; }
			if($ulevel < 75 && $ulevel >= 70){ $DeclaredLevel = 70; }
			if($ulevel < 80 && $ulevel >= 75){ $DeclaredLevel = 75; }
			if($ulevel < 85 && $ulevel >= 80){ $DeclaredLevel = 80; }
			if($ulevel < 90 && $ulevel >= 85){ $DeclaredLevel = 85; }
			while  ($ZL{$n}[0]) {	
				if(($ZL{$n}[5]) == $DeclaredLevel){
					$MC = 315;
					my $ZoneLN = quest::saylink($n, 1, $ZL{$n}[10]);
					my $SkillID = $ZL{$n}[1];
					#my $ZoneLN = $ZL{$n}[10];
					my $MinL = $ZL{$n}[5];
					my $MaxL = $ZL{$n}[6];
					my $ZoneSN = $ZL{$n}[0];
					#Create the silent saylink
					#List all animations
					$OutDoor = "Dungeon Zone";
					if($ulevel >= ($MinL - 5) || $ulevel <= ($MinL + 5)){ $MC = 10;}
					if($ulevel <= ($MinL - 7)){ $MC = 15;}
					if($ulevel <= ($MinL - 15)){ $MC = 13;}
					if($ulevel >= ($MinL + 6)){ $MC = 4;}
					if($ulevel >= ($MinL + 13)){ $MC = 2;}
					$client->Message($MC, "[$MinL - $MaxL] $ZoneLN");
					$MC = 315;
		if($text && ($IsLevelRange == 1 || $IsLevelRange2 == 1)){
			quest::settimer("clear", 1);
			my $n = 1;
			while  ($ZL{$n}[0]){
				if(($ZL{$n}[5]) == $text){
					$MC = 315;
					my $ZoneLN = quest::saylink($n, 1, $ZL{$n}[10]);
					my $SkillID = $ZL{$n}[1];
					#my $ZoneLN = $ZL{$n}[10];
					my $MinL = $ZL{$n}[5];
					my $MaxL = $ZL{$n}[6];
					my $ZoneSN = $ZL{$n}[0];
					#Create the silent saylink
					#List all animations
					$OutDoor = "Dungeon Zone";
					if($ulevel >= ($MinL - 5) || $ulevel <= ($MinL + 5)){ $MC = 10;}
					if($ulevel <= ($MinL - 7)){ $MC = 15;}
					if($ulevel <= ($MinL - 15)){ $MC = 13;}
					if($ulevel >= ($MinL + 6)){ $MC = 4;}
					if($ulevel >= ($MinL + 13)){ $MC = 2;}
					$client->Message($MC, "[$MinL - $MaxL] $ZoneLN");
					$MC = 315;
		#zonesn - 0, zoneid - 1, x - 2, y - 3, z - 4
		#MinLevel - 5 Maxlevel 6
		#Can Combat - 7	Levitation - 8	CastOutdoor - 9
		#zoneln = 10
		if($ZL{$text} && !$FinStage){
			$IsLevelRange = undef;
			my $Break = plugin::PWBreak();
			my $Indent = plugin::PWIndent();
			my $OutDoor = "No";
			if ($ZL{$text}[9] == 1){ $OutDoor = "Yes"; }
			my $CZ = "No";
			if ($ZL{$text}[7] == 1){ $CZ = "Yes"; }
			my $Levitation = "No";
			if ($ZL{$text}[8] == 1){ $Levitation = "Yes"; }
			my $X = $ZL{$text}[2];
			my $Y = $ZL{$text}[3];
			my $Z = $ZL{$text}[4];
			my $ZoneID = $ZL{$text}[1];
			my $ZoneLN = $ZL{$text}[10];
			my $MinL = $ZL{$text}[5];
			my $MaxL = $ZL{$text}[6];
			my $ZoneSN = $ZL{$text}[0];
			quest::popup("Zone Request", "$Logo<br><br>
				$Center $Indent Zone Request:<br>
				$Indent $Indent $Yellow '$ZoneLN' - '$ZoneSN'</c> <br>
				$Indent $Indent <c \"#00FFFF\"> Level Range </c>- $MinL - $MaxL <br>
				$Indent $Indent <c \"#00FFFF\"> Outdoor Zone? </c>- $OutDoor<br>
				$Indent $Indent <c \"#00FFFF\"> Combat Zone? </c>- $CZ <br>
				$Indent $Indent <c \"#00FFFF\"> Levitation Allowed? </c>- $Levitation<br>
				<c \"#F07F00\">Click 'Yes' to go to this destination</c>", 50, 1);
			$client->SetEntityVariable(59, $ZoneID); # Set Z Base Integer
			$client->SetEntityVariable(60, $X);	# Set X Base Integer
			$client->SetEntityVariable(61, $Y); # Set Y Base Integer
			$client->SetEntityVariable(62, $Z); # Set Z Base Integer

	if($popupid == 50){
		my $ZoneID = $client->GetEntityVariable(59);
		my $X = $client->GetEntityVariable(60);
		my $Y = $client->GetEntityVariable(61);
		my $Z = $client->GetEntityVariable(62);
		quest::movepc($ZoneID, $X, $Y, $Z, $h);

	if($timer eq "clear"){
		$FinStage = undef;
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Old 10-10-2012, 09:50 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 12

works great thanks you
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Old 05-08-2013, 01:07 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: va
Posts: 28

This is terrifically put together and I've been using it on new server, just wondering if you've came up with one for ROF client people to get to all the new zones? Trying to come up with one from examples given, but will keep a check on if you update this one because we love the level inserts on this and ty for putting it in here it has helped us =)
Thanks =)
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