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Old 07-21-2007, 05:43 AM
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Finland
Posts: 65
Post Faren - Ton Firepride - Garuc Arehn - Suuspa Clanim

A series of 4 quests from Qeynos. This was one of the best starters I ever found to balance out faction with the dark side(TM) of Qeynos. Except the time I walked into the Bloodsabers' guild with my ToL Paladin. D'oh.

The quest line runs thusly:
1) Give Farens tacklebox back to him, get a dress.
2) Give the dress to Ton Firepride who wanted Hurrieta (The Ironprides, N Qeynos) dead. Receive a Bloody Dress
3) Go to Garuc (SK GM) in the Qeynos Catacombs. Give him the dress, receive random armour or rat-shaped ring.
Optional: 4) Hand in the rat-shaped ring to Suuspa Clanim, Temple of Life in N Qeynos.

First we have to patch the database to spawn Faren's tacklebox in the water off the pier in South Qeynos.
insert into ground_spawns (zoneid,max_x,max_y,max_z,min_x,min_y,heading,name,item,max_allowed,comment,respawn_timer) values('1','155.0','-144.7','-36.9','155.0','-144.7','0','IT63_ACTORDEF','13702','1','Wooden Fishing Tackle','9600');
File: qeynos/Faren.pl - WILL OVERWRITE PEQ Quest

#Quest Name: Faren's Tacklebox
#Author: ?? (Update by BWStripes)
#NPC's Involved: 1
#Items involved: 1
###NPC 1
#Name: Faren
#Race 1 (Human), Texture of 1, Size 0, gender of 0
#Location XYZ: 89.2, -161.0, 3.8 in South Qeynos
#Level: 3
#Type: Quest NPC
#Reward: itemid 13129: Hurrieta's Tunic
###Item 1
#Name: Wooden Fishing Tackle
#ID: 13702
#Ground Spawn

    quest::say("Oh.. Hiya, I'm just out here fishing, since I can't find a job. I hope this [bait] I just bought catches me a big ol' fish.");
  if($text=~/what bait/i){
    quest::say("I use Captain Rohand's Secret Recipe Super Magic Catch-A-Lot brand bait. I bought my pole from Sneed's up by the north pond.");
    quest::say("Oh. That mean [dwarf], Trumpy, just knocked my tacklebox into the water. Could you please get it for me? I can't swim.");
    quest::say("Hey! My [tacklebox]! You rotten dwarf!");
    quest::say("Yes, that Trumpy is a dwarf, and a mean one too. I think he got kicked out of Kaladim and came here. Avoid him if you can."); #Improvised text

  if($itemcount{13702} == 1){
    my $faren_randomcash = int(rand(20));
    quest::say("Thank you so much!  If you want some free advice, steer clear of those [Irontoes]! They are nothing but trouble. Here, It's not much but I must thank you somehow.");
    quest::summonitem("13129"); #Hurrieta's Tunic
    quest::givecash("$faren_randomcash","0","0","0");# Random from 20cp
    quest::faction("135","2"); #Guards of Qeynos
    quest::faction("9","2"); #Antonius Bayle
    quest::faction("53","-1"); #Corrupt Qeynos Guards
    quest::faction("33","-1"); #Circle Of Unseen Hands
    quest::faction("217","2"); #Merchants of Qeynos

#END of FILE Zone:qeynos  ID:1091 -- Faren
More follows....
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Old 07-21-2007, 05:44 AM
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Finland
Posts: 65

Next installment:

File: qeynos/Ton_Firepride.pl - WILL OVERWRITE PEQ Quest
#Quest Name: Murder of Hurrietta
#Author: ?? (Update by BWStripes)
#NPC's Involved: 1
#Items involved: 1
###NPC 1
#Name: Ton_Firepride
#Race 1 (Human), Texture of 1, Size 0, gender of 0
#Location XYZ: 89.2, -161.0, 3.8 in South Qeynos
#Level: 3
#Type: Quest NPC
#Reward: itemid 13134: Hurrieta's Bloody Dress
###Item 1
#Name: Hurrieta's Tunic
#ID: 13129
#Quest Item

    quest::say("Greetings, adventurer!  A mighty warrior such as yourself deserves only the finest in armor and we here at Firepride's were trained by the finest dwarven smiths.  We shall be branching out and crafting [other items] soon, also.");
  if($text=~/other items/i){
    quest::say("Ah, such interest! We have yet to finalise our inventory before we branch out - check back with us later."); #Improvised text

  if($itemcount{13129} == 1){
    my $ironpride_randomSP = int(rand(8));
    quest::say("Ha! This is great. Here's your money, murderer! Hope the guards don't find you. Now get lost! Take the tunic. Maybe Garuc will reward you for such a vile deed. I sure don't want to keep it around here.");
    quest::summonitem("13134"); #Hurrieta's Bloody Dress
    quest::givecash("5","$ironpride_randomSP","0","0");# Random from 8sp
    quest::faction("135","-1"); #Guards of Qeynos
    quest::faction("9","-1"); #Antonius Bayle
    quest::faction("53","2"); #Corrupt Qeynos Guards
    quest::faction("33","2"); #Circle Of Unseen Hands
    quest::faction("217","-1"); #Merchants of Qeynos

#END of FILE Zone:qeynos  ID:1127 -- Ton_Firepride
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Old 07-21-2007, 05:44 AM
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Finland
Posts: 65

Into the catacombs for this one:

File: qcat/Garuc_Anehm.pl - WILL OVERWRITE PEQ Quest
#Quest Name: Murder of Hurrietta
#Author: ?? (Update by BWStripes)
#NPC's Involved: 1
#Items involved: 6
###NPC 1
#Name: Garuc_Anehm
#Race 1 (Human), Texture of 3, Size 0, gender of 0
#Location XYZ: -655.0, 357.0, -35.0 in Qeynos Catacombs
#Level: 61
#Type: SK GM
#Reward Item: 1-5
#Name: Random Patchwork armor
#ID: 2104, 2106, 2108, 2111, 2112
# Item 6
# Name: Rat Shaped Ring
# ID: 13301
# Quest Item
#Name: Hurrieta's Bloody Dress
#ID: 13134

    quest::say("Welcome to the Shrine of Bertoxxulous! You appear to be [new to the shrine]. I do not remember seeing you around.");
  if($text=~/i am new to the shrine./i){
    quest::say("New blood to spread Bertoxxulous' disease? We presently need the help of a [young shadowknight]. There are certain deeds which must be carried out.");
  if($text=~/i am a young shadowknight./i){
    quest::say("Then let your supreme task be the extermination of the Priests of Life. Know that they threaten the will of our Lord Bertoxxulous. For every fallen paladin and cleric of the Temple of Life. you shall rise within our ranks.  So... do you [loathe paladins]?");
  if($text=~/i loathe paladins./i){
    quest::say("As do we all. The paladins of Qeynos come from either the Hall of Thunder or the Temple of Life. We have put a bounty upon their heads. Destroy these knights and return either the Order of Thunder or the prayer beads of these inferior men. There has even been a report from [Commander Kane].");
  if($text=~/commander kane?/i){
    quest::say("Kane Bayle is the Commander of the Qeynos Guard. He has found it advantageous to befriend the Bloodsabers. We share a [common goal]. He assists us in many ways. He has some new information to reveal.  Go and tell him you are a Bloodsaber. Do not speak with him while he is on duty!!");
  if($text=~/common goal?/i){
    quest::say("Kane Bayle and the leaders of this shrine all wish to overthrow the rule of Antonius Bayle. He, for power, and we for the glory of Bertoxxulous. From this city, our diseased lord shall appear and tread across the land spitting death from his mouth and deforming the land. His glory shall be eternal!");

  if($itemcount{13134} == 1){
    my $garuc_reward = quest::ChooseRandom(2104, 2106, 2108, 2111, 2112, 13301);#Updated to issue random patchwork armor, or a rat-shaped ring
    my $garuc_randomSP = int(rand(20));
    my $garuc_randomCP = int(rand(20));
    quest::say("Excellent work. You have done us a favour as well; meddlesome Ironprides. Take this reward."); #Text improvised
    quest::givecash("$garuc_randomCP","$garuc_randomSP","0","0");# Random from 20cp20sp
    quest::faction("135","-2"); #Guards of Qeynos
    quest::faction("257","-2"); #Priests of Life
    quest::faction("183","-2"); #Knights of Thunder
    quest::faction("21","3"); #Bloodsabers
  } else {
    #do all other handins first with plugin, then let it do disciplines
    plugin::try_tome_handins(\%itemcount, $class, 'Shadowknight');
#END of FILE Zone:qcat  ID:45070 -- Garuc_Anehm
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Old 07-21-2007, 05:45 AM
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Finland
Posts: 65

Finally playing off the temple of life

File: qeynos2/Suuspa_Clanim.pl - WILL OVERWRITE PEQ Quest
#Quest Name: Hunt the Bloodsabers
#Author: ?? (Update by BWStripes)
#NPC's Involved: 1
#Items involved: 1
###NPC 1
#Name: Suuspa_Clanim
#Race 1 (Human), Texture of 3, Size 6, gender of 1
#Location XYZ: -629.0, -180.0, -11.0 in North Qeynos
#Level: 61
#Type: Paladin GM
#Reward: Cash
#Name: Rat shaped ring
#ID: 13301
    quest::say("Welcome to the Temple of Life, $name.  It is here that you may pay tribute to the Prime Healer. Does not your heart beat with the sound of life? It is He who makes it so. Do not let the hand of Bertoxxulous and his [new disease] lay upon your soul or, like so many, you shall meet your fate at the end of my sword!");
  if($text=~/new disease/i){
  quest::say("The new disease I speak of is called the Bloodsabers. They are the loyal followers of Bertoxxulous and as such have been condemned by our temple. Do you wish to [join the fight]?");
  if($text=~/join the fight/i){
  quest::say("Then seek out those who worship the Plaguebringer. End their threat!! Each member has upon them the mark of the Bloodsabers, a rat-shaped ring. I shall reward all those who return such rings to me.");
  if($text=~/Brother Trintle attacked Brother Estle/i){
    quest::say("Impossible!! What madness do you speak of!!? If he did he must have had a reason. Maybe Trintle had been tainted by the words of Bertoxxulous..?"

  if($itemcount{13301} == 1){
    my $suuspa_randomSP = int(rand(20));
    my $suuspa_randomCP = int(rand(20));
    quest::say("Ah, one less of the Plaguebringer's followers to poison these lands."); #Text improvised
    quest::givecash("$suuspa_randomCP","$suuspa_randomSP","0","0");# Random from 20cp20sp
    quest::faction("9","3"); #Antonius Bayle
    quest::faction("135","3"); #Guards of Qeynos
    quest::faction("257","3"); #Priests of Life
    quest::faction("183","3"); #Knights of Thunder
    quest::faction("21","-2"); #Bloodsabers
  if($itemcount{13908} == 1}{
    quest::say("This is not good. Hmph. It appears they are shattered. For the first time one of our members has been swayed. I reward you for your deed. Also, if you have found anything upon Trintle, let me know.");
    quest::givecash("$suuspa_randomCP","$suuspa_randomSP","0","0");# Random from 20cp20sp
    quest::faction("9","3"); #Antonius Bayle
    quest::faction("135","3"); #Guards of Qeynos
    quest::faction("257","3"); #Priests of Life
    quest::faction("183","3"); #Knights of Thunder
    quest::faction("21","-2"); #Bloodsabers
  } else {
  #do all other handins first with plugin, then let it do disciplines
  plugin::try_tome_handins(\%itemcount, $class, 'Paladin');
#END of FILE Zone:qeynos2  ID:2048 -- Suuspa_Clanim
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Old 07-21-2007, 06:19 AM
AX Classic Developer
Join Date: May 2006
Location: filler
Posts: 2,049

We got this one for ax_peq also, Infact we are fishing all your stuff over to the DB.
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Old 07-21-2007, 12:13 PM
AX Classic Developer
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Posts: 2,049

This one may not be working , I get error from it;
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Old 07-23-2007, 07:16 AM
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Finland
Posts: 65

Oops, I'd pasted up v0.9 which was missing brackets, sorry.

#Quest Name: Hunt the Bloodsabers
#Author: ?? (Update by BWStripes)
#NPC's Involved: 1
#Items involved: 1
###NPC 1
#Name: Suuspa_Clanim
#Race 1 (Human), Texture of 3, Size 6, gender of 1
#Location XYZ: -629.0, -180.0, -11.0 in North Qeynos
#Level: 61
#Type: Paladin GM
#Reward: Cash
#Name: Rat shaped ring
#ID: 13301
    quest::say("Welcome to the Temple of Life, $name.  It is here that you may pay tribute to the Prime Healer. Does not your heart beat with the sound of life? It is He who makes it so. Do not let the hand of Bertoxxulous and his [new disease] lay upon your soul or, like so many, you shall meet your fate at the end of my sword!");
  if($text=~/new disease/i){
  quest::say("The new disease I speak of is called the Bloodsabers. They are the loyal followers of Bertoxxulous and as such have been condemned by our temple. Do you wish to [join the fight]?");
  if($text=~/join the fight/i){
  quest::say("Then seek out those who worship the Plaguebringer. End their threat!! Each member has upon them the mark of the Bloodsabers, a rat-shaped ring. I shall reward all those who return such rings to me.");
  if($text=~/Brother Trintle attacked Brother Estle/i){
    quest::say("Impossible!! What madness do you speak of!!? If he did he must have had a reason. Maybe Trintle had been tainted by the words of Bertoxxulous..?"

  if($itemcount{13301} == 1){
    my $suuspa_randomSP = int(rand(20));
    my $suuspa_randomCP = int(rand(20));
    quest::say("Ah, one less of the Plaguebringer's followers to poison these lands."); #Text improvised
    quest::givecash("$suuspa_randomCP","$suuspa_randomSP","0","0");# Random from 20cp20sp
    quest::faction("9","3"); #Antonius Bayle
    quest::faction("135","3"); #Guards of Qeynos
    quest::faction("257","3"); #Priests of Life
    quest::faction("183","3"); #Knights of Thunder
    quest::faction("21","-2"); #Bloodsabers
  if($itemcount{13908} == 1){
    quest::say("This is not good. Hmph. It appears they are shattered. For the first time one of our members has been swayed. I reward you for your deed. Also, if you have found anything upon Trintle, let me know.");
    quest::givecash("$suuspa_randomCP","$suuspa_randomSP","0","0");# Random from 20cp20sp
    quest::faction("9","3"); #Antonius Bayle
    quest::faction("135","3"); #Guards of Qeynos
    quest::faction("257","3"); #Priests of Life
    quest::faction("183","3"); #Knights of Thunder
    quest::faction("21","-2"); #Bloodsabers
  } else {
  #do all other handins first with plugin, then let it do disciplines
  plugin::try_tome_handins(\%itemcount, $class, 'Paladin');
#END of FILE Zone:qeynos2  ID:2048 -- Suuspa_Clanim
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Old 07-23-2007, 11:24 AM
AX Classic Developer
Join Date: May 2006
Location: filler
Posts: 2,049

Got it, thanks for your work!
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Old 07-23-2007, 11:38 AM
AX Classic Developer
Join Date: May 2006
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Posts: 2,049

Still invallid - make sure you don't have the old PL cached somehow as the files are same size (your old and new one)
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Old 07-23-2007, 11:54 PM
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Finland
Posts: 65

Ack, I'm such an idiot. I didn't account for the fact that sometimes the file locks when I do quick updates across the network. For some reason the file was an inbetween version and was not saved with the final version.

I've just tested this out, and the handins and dialog work properly now. Sorry about that :/

#Quest Name: Hunt the Bloodsabers
#Author: ?? (Update by BWStripes)
#NPC's Involved: 1
#Items involved: 1
###NPC 1
#Name: Suuspa_Clanim
#Race 1 (Human), Texture of 3, Size 6, gender of 1
#Location XYZ: -629.0, -180.0, -11.0 in North Qeynos
#Level: 61
#Type: Paladin GM
#Reward: Cash
#Name: Rat shaped ring
#ID: 13301
#Name: Busted Prayer Beads
#ID: 13908
    quest::say("Welcome to the Temple of Life, $name.  It is here that you may pay tribute to the Prime Healer. Does not your heart beat with the sound of life? It is He who makes it so. Do not let the hand of Bertoxxulous and his [new disease] lay upon your soul or, like so many, you shall meet your fate at the end of my sword!");
  if($text=~/new disease/i){
  quest::say("The new disease I speak of is called the Bloodsabers. They are the loyal followers of Bertoxxulous and as such have been condemned by our temple. Do you wish to [join the fight]?");
  if($text=~/join the fight/i){
  quest::say("Then seek out those who worship the Plaguebringer. End their threat!! Each member has upon them the mark of the Bloodsabers, a rat-shaped ring. I shall reward all those who return such rings to me.");
  if($text=~/Brother Trintle attacked Brother Estle/i){
    quest::say("Impossible!! What madness do you speak of!!? If he did he must have had a reason. Maybe Trintle had been tainted by the words of Bertoxxulous..?");

  if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 13301 => 1)) {
    my $suuspa_randomSP = int(rand(20));
    my $suuspa_randomCP = int(rand(20));
    quest::say("Ah, one less of the Plaguebringer's followers to poison these lands. Take this as a reward for your service."); #Text improvised
    quest::givecash("$suuspa_randomCP","$suuspa_randomSP","0","0"); # Random from 20cp20sp
    quest::faction("9","3"); #Antonius Bayle
    quest::faction("135","3"); #Guards of Qeynos
    quest::faction("257","3"); #Priests of Life
    quest::faction("183","3"); #Knights of Thunder
    quest::faction("21","-2"); #Bloodsabers
  if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 13908 => 1)) {
    my $suuspa_randomSP = int(rand(20));
    my $suuspa_randomCP = int(rand(20));
    quest::say("This is not good. Hmph. It appears they are shattered. For the first time one of our members has been swayed. I reward you for your deed. Also, if you have found anything upon Trintle, let me know.");
    quest::givecash("$suuspa_randomCP","$suuspa_randomSP","0","0"); # Random from 20cp20sp
    quest::faction("9","3"); #Antonius Bayle
    quest::faction("135","3"); #Guards of Qeynos
    quest::faction("257","3"); #Priests of Life
    quest::faction("183","3"); #Knights of Thunder
    quest::faction("21","-2"); #Bloodsabers
  } else {
  #do all other handins first with plugin, then let it do disciplines
  plugin::try_tome_handins(\%itemcount, $class, 'Paladin');
#END of FILE Zone:qeynos2  ID:2048 -- Suuspa_Clanim
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Old 07-24-2007, 09:48 AM
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 80

Negative faction hits after turning into Garuc are alittle low. I remember doing this quest long ago, and as it is random rewards you dont always get the ring and have to repeat, and i know you already have random rewards setup so thats cool, but if this is put on PEQ I would up the positive and negative faction hits to atleast +5/-5 or maybe even higher. On live after you did the turn in to Garuc with an agnostic character over 5 or 6 times merchants in qeynos wouldnt sell to you and the non corrupt guards of qeynos didnt like you much.

I always did the quest with a newbie created character since you could complete it at level one then put it into shared back and give to another character to avoid getting the nasty faction hits. I remember my paladin loved that newbie ring. However, I dont see merchants of qeynos on the faction hits, but I do see guards. dunno, but faction hits of +2/-1 are way too low if put on PEQ. If any devs weave this into PEQ, take this post into consideration if you want like live.
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Old 07-25-2007, 03:20 AM
cavedude's Avatar
The PEQ Dude
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Added to PEQ, thank you!
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