quest command for making an NPC non-attackable?
Is there a command to be able to make an NPC non-attackable?
I am trying to make a script that is like the Emoush event from Live.
For those who haven't done that event it works like this.
you have Emoush and 3 other NPC's.
While the 3 NPC's are "awake" (attackable), emoush is not.
After you kill (make them unconscience) the 3 NPC's, emoush becomes attackable.
Then after a short period of time they wake back up, if you havent killed emoush, making emoush not attackable again.
All I need is the command to turn on and off the ability to attack an NPC...
I have searched all over, read the lexicon and can not find what I require. If a command does not exist, would someone let me know please.