Changes to Heading -- Breaking Changes
Heading was wrong. So I fixed it. Sadly this means quests and DB have to be fixed.
The required SQL included (2018_02_13_Heading.sql) will fix spawn2 and gird heading entries.
Quests can be fixed with running Some headings that the script finds fishy will be remarked with "needs_heading_validation" and will require manual intervention.
If you wish to manually fix headings in your quests you will have to look at calls to quest::spawn2, eq.spawn2, eq.unique_spawn, quest::unique_spawn, GMMove, MovePCInstance, MovePC, and moveto. Doubling the current heading values will result in new correct headings. Anything that references a heading from say another mob don't need to be modified.
If you go on to official servers and use MQ2 to get headings you can do /echo ${Math.Calc[${Target.Heading.Degrees}*512/360]} to convert it to correct "EQ degrees"