Originally Posted by Pattos
but... in EQemule you need to walk the zones right?
no POK like in live... you have to use boat right?
Not on PEQ. I know what those boats are. My Niece told me about them. I seen one in the harbor in Qeynos on PEQ. But from what I understand the boats have been disabled in the .exe since the boats were removed from live.
I tried to walk on it but fell through. Then I read here somewhere that colision was disabled so the boats may never work again.
Anyway the boats have been removed all together on PEQ now.
(Never seen a boat on live)
Anyway you dont need to walk anywhere. You just use #zone zonename.
And I hope they never take that out.
BTW. You cant zone to POK but I think a GM can. I think all the zones are there they are just not populated. I hope they can get luclin zones going soon. I love those zones. Of course thats about as far as Ive ever been on live. Never been to any POP or much else outside of Antonica on live at all.