I noticed a bug in the character inspect process concerning the power source slot. I had hoped to be able to fix it quickly, but I found this instead:
Server (Ti) Struct:
struct InspectResponse_Struct{//Cofruben:need to send two of this for the inspect response.
/*000*/ int32 TargetID;
/*004*/ int32 playerid;
/*008*/ char itemnames[21][64];
/*1352*/char unknown_zero[64];//fill with zero's.
/*1416*/int32 itemicons[21];
/*1500*/int32 unknown_zero2;
/*1504*/char text[288];
SoF Struct:
struct InspectResponse_Struct{
/*000*/ int32 TargetID;
/*004*/ int32 playerid;
/*008*/ char itemnames[22][64];
/*1416*/char unknown_zero[64];
/*1480*/int32 itemicons[22];
/*1568*/int32 unknown_zero2;
/*1572*/char text[288]; // Max number of chars in Inspect Window appears to be 254
We should be using the SoF struct for server operations and using the server struct for Titanium translations. There's just no room to put the power source data to allow the current SoF translator to work its magic with the current setup...
In addition to the server rework, all client translators will need to modified to include or remove the appropriate code.
I may try my hand at this, but I want a thread for the problem in case I don't get to or can't do it.
If someone is familiar with this code and doesn't mind doing the rework, you're more than welcome to. Just, please, either post here or send me a pm to let me know that you're doing so.