Here's the code for pet naming (pets.cpp I know you've already checked this) Are you sure you're setting the information up correctly in the pets table?
if (petname != nullptr) {
// Name was provided, use it.
strn0cpy(npc_type->name, petname, 64);
} else if (record.petnaming == 0) {
strcpy(npc_type->name, this->GetCleanName());
npc_type->name[25] = '\0';
strcat(npc_type->name, "`s_pet");
} else if (record.petnaming == 1) {
strcpy(npc_type->name, this->GetName());
npc_type->name[19] = '\0';
strcat(npc_type->name, "`s_familiar");
} else if (record.petnaming == 2) {
strcpy(npc_type->name, this->GetName());
npc_type->name[21] = 0;
strcat(npc_type->name, "`s_Warder");
} else if (record.petnaming == 4) {
// Keep the DB name
} else if (record.petnaming == 3 && IsClient()) {
strcpy(npc_type->name, GetRandPetName());
} else {
strcpy(npc_type->name, this->GetCleanName());
npc_type->name[25] = '\0';
strcat(npc_type->name, "`s_pet");