Make everything editable in game, suggestions. <------Novice Coder maybe I can help?
The command npcspawn started this idea for me, while I was training my smithing skill. I think you should be able to edit everything ingame. For instance you could edit a merchants list like so. From what I know this wouldn't be too hard to do. But I just know the language, haven't had much experience. For instance you could target an npc and enter a command, and then whatever you sold to them until you entered the antithetical command, or same one with a different flag. Would be permanently added to the merchants list of items that could be sold. You could trap the item id easily from the sale. That way you wouldn't need to find the merchantid and all of that. And buying items could remove them. You could make the ability to do whatever you changed with the npcloot command permanent. Via #npcspawn update command. You have it going good already with the wpadd function. There is item editing functionality it seems but you cant use it with the memory allocator thing, emusharmem I think it is. Anyway you get the idea, is there any way to disable emusharemem? Or would you have to overhaul the source and make a new loading system?