To everyone that plays (or is trying to play) on the Project 1999 Server, please review the Project 1999 FAQ first before posting here for support.
Project 1999 FAQ
You may also want to check out their
Wiki, and their
Forums to see if your question can be answered there.
We get posts on these forums daily related to issues or questions that are directly related to the Project 1999 Server. The forums are not the place for the majority of these type of posts. We do not support individual servers here, and have no control over what individual servers do or do not do. It is always best to ask server-specific questions on the forums of the server you are playing on (if they have forums), or in game on that server.
These forums support general EQEmu issues. If you can connect to another server, such as PEQ, and your issue does not occur there even though it does happen on the server you are attempting to play on, then it is probably a server-specific issue and we cannot assist you with resolving it. If you have tried multiple servers and your issue happens on every server you try, then it is more likely that it is something we can assist with.
Common questions/issues that are posted here when they should have been asked on the Project 1999 forums:
Q: I am unable to log on to P99 while my wife/brother/etc are already logged in.
A: Read the P99 FAQ. They have IP Limiting in place that only allows 1 account at a time unless you make an IP exception request on their forums as stated in their FAQ.
Q: I am running the SoF/SoD/UF/RoF client, and when I try to connect to Project 1999, I get a black screen then get kicked back to the login screen.
A: Project 1999 only supports the Titanium client.
Q: I am getting an error when I try to login with the EQEmu Launcher tool.
A: The EQEmu Launcher is a 3rd party tool which is not supported by EQEmu. The Launcher has to connect to a specific host for it to work properly and if that host is down it won't work. Connecting without the launcher should work fine. We only support people who are using the standard setup as defined in the Play Guide.
When a post is made that is answered by the Project 1999 FAQ and other resources, you will be linked to this stickied thread instead of getting the same response that has been given dozens of times.