Here i describe plugin setup that help writting sound and flavoured behaviour for NPCs, with great efficiency. It relies on, quest globals and plugins.
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for NPCs that have no specific quest, use global variables to assign them to categories (group by race, job, interest, guild). Each group has a shared behavior. Write this behaviour once (simple perl script) for each category, and then tie NPC to 1 or more categories. The plugin ensures events will be passed accordingly to the correct script(s). The same pattern can applied to a quested NPC, when the event has nothing to do with the quest.
you find details of how it works below, but yet :
get the files
extract to EQEMu directory. There is, quests/, and 3 plugins
Select a NPC in freporte with no quest, and set variable 'job' to 'soulbinder', 'race' to 'dwarf'
restart server, log in, and chat with your NPC
Ok, this is a bit complex, so i'll go step by step.
Quests scripts allow NPC to reacts to events, hence, the quests.
When no special scenario exists, the NPC gets the script, whether the global one, or the zone specific if one exists.
This shows two things :
1. there can be a default behaviour for all NPCs,
2. there is precedence of over zonesn/, then over
Now, imagine you would like to have your average NPC to react according to its race / class / deity / .. whatever. But you don't want to write a specific script for him/her (this would make thousands of scripts).
It would be nice, in the, to test a few variables and switch to the appropriate answer.
One example (
if($mname =~ /^Soulbinder/{
if($text=~/Hail/i){quest::say("Greetings $name. When a hero of our world is slain their soul returns to the place it was last bound and the body is reincarnated. As a member of the Order of Eternity it is my duty to [bind your soul] to this location if that is your wish.");}
if($text=~/bind my soul/i) {
quest::say("Binding your soul. You will return here when you die.");
#your standard EVENT_SAY behavior
Here, we have built an other level of precedence, where the standard variable $mname allows default behaviour specific to all soulbinders. Thus we do not need the file for each soulbinder anymore (unless your soulbinder also holds a specific quest, in which case you can still explicitly call sqtdefault::EVENT_SAY, but ... this is a bit complicated)
This was for EVENT_SAY, the same holds for EVENT_ITEM, EVENT_ATTACK ... (e.g. you want all guards to spawn more guards in reinforcement after a while when attacked).
We now don't need the file, but the is more complicated. To do this, we used a if(foo){bar} construct. If we want the same for Guard*, Merchant*, .. it takes as many additional if statements.
Now assume we want to have more 'categories', i.e. not only soulbinders or guards, but also have a specific default behaviour for elves / dwarves / humans / other, and also followers of Karana / Tunare / ..., and/or have NPC belong to guild, have interest in cooking or music, etc etc
First, we must use global variables, as not all this information is available,
Second, the default file becomes a mess of intricate if/else /elsif ; you get many less files, but one has become a monster (level 99).
That's were we want to use plugins. take a look at the following :
There is a dispatch function, that check all required variables, and calls the appropriate subroutine.
Hey wait ! How many subroutines ? If that's writting 1000 subs, i'd rather do quests one by one.
Naa. Using precedence and fallthrough, with 4 categories of 10 values each, you write 40 scripts, get 10000 NPC types.
This is the dispach function, in
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#this is the main controller routine for default quests
sub dispatch{
my($pack, $filename, $line, $subr, $has_args, $want_array)=caller(1);
#$debug && quest::say("[debug]in dispatch");
#$debug && quest::say("[debug] package : $pack");
#$debug && quest::say("[debug] subroutine : $subr");
#get all variables in caller's scope
# first, we want to cleanup what was set by previous call
undef $job;
undef $interest;
undef $guild;
undef $mrace;
no strict 'refs';
my $package;
($package=$subr) =~ s/::\w+// ;
my $stash = *{$package . '::'}{HASH};
my $n;
foreach $n (keys %$stash) {
my $fullname = $package . '::' . $n;
if( defined $$fullname){
#uncomment to get report of what is available
#quest::say("$n -> $$n (eqiv to $fullname)\n");
#$debug && quest::say("checking event");
#this looks for the correct routine to use, based on l=globals and event type
if(defined $subr){
my $event;
if($subr =~ /EVENT_SAY/) { $event="say";}
if($subr =~ /EVENT_SLAY/) { $event="slay";}
if($subr =~ /EVENT_DEATH/) { $event="death";}
if($subr =~ /EVENT_SPAWN/) { $event="spawn";}
if($subr =~ /EVENT_ITEM/) { $event="item";}
if($subr =~ /EVENT_ATTACK/) { $event="attack";}
if($subr =~ /EVENT_WAYPOINT/) { $event="waypoint";}
#now lookup the routine, and return after first match.
#the following assumes npc have a $job, $mrace and $guild global
# This is where precedence takes place :
# first look for an interest oriented event, then a job oriented match,
# then race dependant, then guild ...
# whatever you set as a global category for the mob
# If guild behaviour is more important (or more specific)
# than race or job, for example, move the line up.
# zone usually comes last, as it allows to reproduce the genuine
# '' behavior.
# returning ensures you don't get 2,3 or 4 answers for an event
#$debug && showvars();
defined $interest && defined &{"$interest$event"} && &{"$interest$event"} && return;
defined $job && defined &{"$job$event"} && &{"$job$event"} && return;
defined $mrace && defined &{"$mrace$event"} && &{"$mrace$event"} && return;
defined $guild && defined &{"$guild$event"} && &{"$guild$event"} && return;
#eventually revert to the standard per-zone
defined &{"$zonesn$event"} && &{"$zonesn$event"} && return;
# we came here if there was no match (i.e. no specific routine
# for that event)
# do nothing then ? or ...
defined &{"default$event"} && &{"default$event"} && &{"default$event"} && return;
#we very unlucky to get here
sub showvars{
my($pack, $filename, $line, $subr, $has_args, $want_array)=caller(1);
#get all variables in caller's scope
no strict 'refs';
my $package;
($package=$subr) =~ s/::\w+// ;
my $stash = *{$package . '::'}{HASH};
my $n;
foreach $n (sort keys %$stash) {
my $fullname = $package . '::' . $n;
if( defined $$fullname){
#uncomment to get report of what is available
quest::say("$n -> $$n (eqiv to $fullname)");
defined &$fullname && quest::say("function $fullname is defined");
It's pretty short, showvars() is only here for debug support
Now, the becomes
$plugin::debug && quest::say("[debug]in qstdefault::EVENT_SAY");
This was a simple example. You need not respond to all events, and you can also process them directly in the, without disaptch support.
I'll give a few examples of category scripts further on.
In the system i use, there are 4 categories :
job : it is the occupation of the NPC, whether guard, shopkeeper, jailor, ... This not necessarily the class of the NPC
race : self-explanatory. Huh, except that Freeport citizen, Qeynos Citizen, Freeport Guards, Qeynos guards, Humans all have the Human race.
guild : what guild the npc belongs to, if any
interest : some hobby or special knowledge the NPC has (eg legends / hunting / politics / weapons ...)
When an event is triggerred on default quest, it goes to dispatch.
Dispatch finds out the event and the variables set for the NPC.
It then checks, in order :
1. if a $interest exists (not all NPCs have an interest),
2. if so looks for the category routine on the trigger event, and calls it. It is just a regular routine, except it returns a value : 1 if the event was treated, 0 if not.
3. if the event was treated, we're done, then return
that was first line :
defined $interest && defined &{"$interest$event"} && &{"$interest$event"} && return;
If not proper treatment was found, job category is checked. Again, we go through steps 1, 2, 3 above
If there was a treatment (got return value 1), we return.
Else, again with the $mrace category. Return 1 upon process.
If still nothing : go for the guild
... as many categories as you want.
last, we check for plugin on the zone, which gives the same behaviour as checking the zone/
If you didn't get a result, and still want to process the event, you might explicitly call a plugin subroutine to process the event (e.g. a log function)
To do this, you need to define the globals for the npc you want, and the subroutines. I'll go with the soulbinder example :
define the globals in database. You may want to also set zoneid, but 0 is just fine :
-- now do the soulbinders. Hope they have all a Soulbinder_xxxx name
insert into quest_globals (npcid, name, value, zoneid, expdate)
select, 'job', 'soulbinder', zone.zoneidnumber, unix_timestamp(now()+1000000)
from npc_types, spawnentry, spawn2, zone
where name like 'Soulbinder%'
and spawn2.spawngroupID=spawnentry.spawngroupID
and zone.short_name=zone;
-- also set qglobal flag
update npc_types, spawnentry, spawn2, zone set qglobal=1
where name like 'Soulbinder%'
and spawn2.spawngroupID=spawnentry.spawngroupID
and zone.short_name=zone;
and define a subroutine to answer EVENT_SAY. The name must be <job><say>, e.g soulbindersay. This is defined in dispatch function.
The file name it is in does not matter,as long as it is loaded as a plugin.
Here is the routine.
#the typical soulbinder. Flag a global 'job' to 'soulbinder' on such NPCs
sub soulbindersay {
if($text=~/Hail/i){quest::say("Greetings $name. When a hero of our world is slain their soul returns to the place it was last bound and the body is reincarnated. As a member of the Order of Eternity it is my duty to [bind your soul] to this location if that is your wish."); return 1;}
if($text=~/bind my soul/i) {
quest::say("Binding your soul. You will return here when you die.");
return 1;
return 0;
Note the return statements. They are very important.
This is because soulbinders can be dwarves, or elves, or in a guild...
This is a basic dwarf plugin :
sub dwarfsay{
if($text =~ /Dwarves smell/i){
quest::say("How dare you insult our noble race !!!");
quest::shout("Smell my hammer, then !");
return 1;
return 0;
and a troll one
sub ogresay{
if($text =~ /Dwarves smell/i){
quest::say("Yap !!! Dey taste too. Hu Hu HU");
quest::emote(" laughs loudly");
return 1;
return 0;
In case soulbindersay returned 1, the race behaviour is not called. If it returns 0, it is always called (if it exists). In the latter case, saying "Dwarves smell" to a dwarven soulbinder wouldn't incur anything.
You would typically put these into, and in your plugin directory, but it does not matter. Only the sub names matter.
Notes & Hints & Tips
* Don't forget to enable qglobal for the npc_type ! This can not be changed live.
* The plugin loader shows no loading status, and chokes only on big syntax errors. I'm trying to fix this. Until then you can use the templates in this post, or test your scripts with the
* It is very important how you organize your fallthrough. Go from most specific to least specific. Else "Hail. Do you know where the Dwarf smelling Artifact of Kronnuzic was buried ?" will never be answered correctly by the dwarven soulbinder, even if any baby dwarf knows the answer, because Hail was matched by soulbinder code.
* For the same reason, don't hook too many events in top level categories. less is more.
* There is no need to define all the event responses. E.g. the soulbinder job plugin only sets EVENT_SAY response. If no routine is define, the dispather considers a miss, and falls through to search routine next variable (e.g.after job, it would be mrace ; if you had an EVENT_ATTACK, if no soulbinderattack, then dwarfattack would be tested for, then ... until kaladimaattack, then maybe you have a final default script)
The above examples use interest, job, mrace, guild and zonesn. Only zonesn depends on actual zone definition, as this variable is not set in th DB. Thus it
will be kaladima if that's the zone you are in. This is easy to work around if you need to.
* You can call any specific routine from any other within plugin package (what you can't do with, i.e. calling qst1234::EVENT_SAY does not work)
moreover, you can call plugin::whatever from any quest, but you
must use dispatch (it converts the variables from package to package).
* You can alter the quest_global zoneid and charid as you want . Setting charid allows to prepare test quests on a running server where it only affects tester's char, while playing around with zoneid allows to tune the var as if you had the same or different for a NPC in different zones.
* You can turn on/off whole or part of your scripts by changing the variables in the DB (qglobal in npc_types.qglobal or directly in quest_globals). This takes effect immediatly. No reload need or whatever. But you can't alter calls to zone related (at least unless you have modified dispatch
* You can in the same way affect dynamically scripts to NPC from scripts, using quest::targlobal or quest::setglobal
you can write one-shot scripts, using quest::delglobal
* setting 'debug' to non-zero as global variable for a NPC allows to turn tracing / debug on in plugin,
Use '$plugin::debug && quest::say("[debug] in foo with variable bar : $bar");' in sub foo. plugin::debug keeps set until you trigger to a NPC that a 'debug' set to 0.
* Be carefully not to scope your own varaibles with the ones defined by the embparser. Use
Going a bit further
it is possible to install filters, using a top-level processing that would count/match/translate the events. In this case, process the event, and return 0. It will go through lower levels as if it had not been processed.
a simple example is formatting, as you can filter $text through s/\s+/ /g, and pass along to lower levels. This helps a lot to write simple matching patterns.
filters can also set variables, do aliasing, ...
That's all for the moment. I'll give more script examples in a later post.
i hope it can be useful.