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Old 10-21-2010, 04:59 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
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Default Actually, Defending myself is needed

To Start: This post is not a Flame, Rogean says that i can't defend myself on his post but all of his post is pure lies or misconstrued of the truth in some way. The community needs to know what is going down here. Because I have done nothing wrong and everything he has said is not true at all.

The Following are Quotes from Rogean, and then my reply in the most respectful manner possible again i am not trying to flame anyone just trying to defend myself against these lies:

First off, that PM Reply was a joke. I'm glad you posted it though, now everyone else can laugh at it. You don't think I actually reply to PM's sounding like a useless SoE CSR do you?
It was completely and totally offensive actually as long as I have known you there has never been a moment where you were not rude to me. Your abuse has gone on for so many years now I can't even believe your still allowed to have status in this community.

You were removed for multiple reasons. Lets go over just a few of them, shall we?

You continue to spread lies and slander not only about your server and people related to it, but people related to this entire project. This includes defamation of several EQEmu developers. You lie about your server and it's history, about this 8 years bullshit that nobody cares about (don't even bother trying to defend this, we know it isn't true and we don't care). This is sometimes linked to your alcoholic issues which also creates numerous problems for this community and for the players of your server.
I have NOTHING BAD about anyone in this community since you banned me from IRC. I have absolutely no means to talk to anyone anyway! And I don't post about other people that's for sure! I said some things about you (deserved) and KLS (not deserved) and then you banned me and that was it. Then I apologized to you and I have not said a word about anyone ever since!!!

What evidence of this do you have ?

You never talked to me about it or asked me about it. The Fact is I have been a very low key person for months now and to busy to even bother with politics! In fact only recently I have been finding and reporting bugs to the devs here and that is it sir ! Also I am sorry your unhappy that my server has been up for 8 years it is not bull shit it's just facts. How have I EVER lied about my servers history? What are you talking about exactly I don't understand. Don't try and defend myself ? What do you mean man this is all just complete and total slander on your part directed to me and you insist on making me look like the bad guy publicly over and over for years this has gone far enough !!!

Let's move on to one of the biggest issues regarding your server. You openly admit to registering your server as a business in the state of Oregon in addition to soliciting donations as profitable income. Not only is this illegal and immoral, it puts this entire project at risk. Your actions could very well contribute to any legal battle that comes to any server involved in this community.
Raid Addicts is also my PC Repair and Website Hosting company! The business name has nothing to do with my hobby which is this server !! Raid Addicts is my company here in Grant's Pass Oregon and I have many clients.

Server's given preferred+ status should be servers that represent this community in multiple aspects; They should be high population, high stability/reliability, and have a friendly staff that treats players with respect. I have received numerous logs and complaints about the way you act towards players on your server and the way you represent it generally. It's unprofessional, and it does not deserve any special status.
If you received such complaints they were most likely players who I banned for cheating. We do have a very friendly staff which covers all time zones. (Both Pacific and Australian currently) We are very helpful and friendly to our players and at no time did you ever talk to me directly about people who complained! I would have loved to see who complained and what and try to have resolved it quickly !

This is all about your personal vendetta against me there is absolutely no due process or anything Just about all of the things you are accusing me and my project to be!

Your average player mark has dropped drastically. Your server is barely sustaining a population, probably due to the need to spill real cash to get anywhere. The biggest reason for a preferred+ server is population, and you've lost yours.
I had 65 people on just last week, We went down for a few days due to a security breach and then you demoted us from green so no one can even find the server anymore !

And there you go again making up lies, there is no need on the server to spend real cash to go anywhere, all the donation perks on my server are just that. "PERKS" there are hundreds of players who do not donate and get high up in the ranks. In fact those players are in the top 10 of my server dude !! Donations are barely able to keep this server alive since it cost so much to maintain (150 per month, used to be 180)

Population was just starting to come back since we upgraded to latest build and we are making tons of new spells for all 16 classes.

The majority of the EQEmu developers have gotten fed up with dealing with you. The fact is, is there a reason you would DESERVE to be green? You don't have a population, you don't have uptime.
My population is Higher than some of the other Green Servers

I do have the uptime in fact, have had 99.8% up-time over the last 5 years!!!

There is a reason we don't set specific guidelines on what servers need to be preferred+, and it's because it should be something that the developers decide on, based on what feels necessary and what doesn't. Additionally, it is so we don't have to deal with people like you making claims that you deserve it when you don't. Even if you did have a reason for deserving green, you've demolished any support you might have had within the group of people that would decide on it due to your attitude, insults, and lies.
Once again I have made no insults, and I have spread no lies, and I have not been subjected to anything that would determine my attitude until now . I am really sick of the abuse from you. The only thing I have done lately to even interact with this community is bug reports (nasty ones at that) and that is it.

Time to get a job mort, we won't help you earn cash from donations anymore.
Have run my own business for years and I am good at what I do. Please refrain from insulting me even though your entire post is an insult you don't have to speak down on my RL situations.

End Cap:

I don't know what you are hearing or what rumors you have heard. I have stayed very low key and done nothing but attempt to help the community as a whole.. As far as my server goes there are angry people who I have to ban and they can surely add to a flame that may have started with you. I am not sure what you have heard recently but nothing of what you said is true at all.

I would love to find Safe Asylum from you and this abuse Rogean once and for all but I don't have many people who can help me since you are apparently above everyone in this community and love to bully me around non stop. This has gone on for years and years and I don't understand how the people around you can still allow you to even exist with your status or make judgments and accusations blindly like you have done today.

I know you will probably delete this post and ban me but I hope that it is read by at least a few people who can hopefully put a stop to this.

You talk about representing Eqemulator and how I should act and treat people when you yourself are treating me completely unfairly. I have done nothing wrong and said nothing wrong and i continue to go by that since I was reprimanded before.
Old 10-21-2010, 05:54 PM
Fire Beetle
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Well here is my take regarding this server...

Been playing on it for several months and have to say ive always enjoyed it. I've always found Mort to be a friendly active GM, If i ever have a issue i normally email him (as im on a different time zone) and it always gets sorted fast.

I've never seen him bad mouth anyone in OOC or lose his cool, and as for the donations issue i like many others know we can donate to the server and gain access to a special zone, as well as buy bots (or goons as there called there) but ive never seen him go on about donations or ask for them. In fact ive seen him quiet often do what he calls "Goon drawings" where he gives away goons free. He gave us a 5 mins warning about a goon drawing once and i checked my logs and found out it was shorter than 5 mins and mentioned it in OOC !. Instead of him telling me to STFU or anything what did he do ........... He did another free goon drawing for us ! (which i lost again:P )

Ive always found him really nice and helpful and must say this post shocked me and it seems like Rogean has some personal problem with Mort and i am suprised that this is been taken out on the server this way. I guess some poeple are just bitter and abusing there position. Maybe i'll get in trouble for saying that but i think poeple should be judged fairly and Mort has run his server for many years and supported it and doesnt deserve treating this way.

As for server population its been building up nicely recently but its also had a few problems, Mort trusted someone to help on the coding and they abused it for there own gain which thankfully was quickly caught and sorted.

IMO Raid Addicts had earnt its green status many times over but it seems a personal vendeta in in play here and as the server has hit a few issues some have decided this is the time to take it out on the server.

Server has been recently upgraded again, levels increased, zones etc worked on, we have a very active GM here which is more than i can say for a lot of servers and i'd hate to see it go.

Give Mort a break if you dont like him Rogean then fine just tell him he is a piece of shit or something but dont punish his server after all he has done to make a great emu server for many years !

<The Megs>
Old 10-21-2010, 06:24 PM
Fire Beetle
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Originally Posted by KingMort View Post
Raid Addicts is also my PC Repair and Website Hosting company! The business name has nothing to do with my hobby which is this server !! Raid Addicts is my company here in Grant's Pass Oregon and I have many clients.
Just passing through here, and I have no horse in this fight. But one - that's an interesting name for a PC Repair and Website Hosting Company. And two, when I searched for "Raid Addicts" in the Grants Pass area, I got nothing except the EQ Emu site. I'd guess a PC Repair and Website Hosting company would have some kind of easily findable web presence?

Not sayin', just sayin'...
Old 10-21-2010, 06:46 PM
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Not for what I do no, No need for a website. Raid Addicts fit nicely since we offer Raid Solutions as well for security. We also do Camera Security , IP Camera's, Linux Camera Server's that kind of stuff mostly word of mouth since we work with lots of local gardeners. (Oregon)

Raid 1 is a great solution for people who are worried about their data mostly monitoring who walked through their property at what time and why.

Since I have owned the Raid Addicts server for so long I couldn't find a better name for the company. Plus i own the domain name which can be used later if I have the need to make a site for computer repair and stuff.

My company has worked in United States Post Offices and I also installed a server for Senator Ron Wyden out of Medford Oregon at the Federal Court House where his office is. Not to toot my own horn or anything but my client list is really exclusive
Old 10-21-2010, 07:48 PM
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your "tech support claims" are a lie, remember the grants pass newspaper that said "Grants Pass Man Tries to Strike it Rich With Game Server"?

you contribute NOTHING but misery to the server developers. you contribute NOTHING to the official source code or share your modifications such as source code changes for others to learn. I have done that, PEQ does that, hell, PEQ has a database readily available for others to use and fix.

that's why they are gold; they've done more than make their own niche for profit. they've contributed everything they've done back to the community. I've contributed a lot of ideas, source changes for custom server development... what have you done? Banned people in drunken stupors, and falsely accuse developers and insult them for no reason?

you are a lunatic and this community is finally seeing that. It only took what, 4 years of you being here alone to realize you are bloody retarded by newcomers? I hope your home business succeeds, because you sure as hell aren't welcome here anymore after this fit you are throwing.
Old 10-21-2010, 08:09 PM
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I have been doing PC Repair all my life.. I am A+ Certified, Worked for Intel, HP and run my own computer shop here in grants pass..

What the hell do you know? You were fired from my server for a number of corruption issues.. And what do you know about what I have contributed either? I have made more bug reports in the last few weeks than I have in a long time since I upgraded to new build there are things the devs must know.. You instead you accuse me of things that you know nothing about and lie about other stuff.. I really don't care about your opinion or how much you have contributed because in my eyes your a Code Theif and a Scammer and a Corrupt GM who was fired from my project and everyone knows that.

Also I am not throwing a Fit , I am simply trying to defend myself from Slander , and your slandering me right now with your post so that goes to show that both you and Rogean have personal issues with me and shouldn't come near me with a 100 foot pole.. I have done nothing but stay Low Key and help the community for a long long time before you or Rogean were ever around..

I got rogean into Eqemu, he was a GM on my server he doesn't know about my servers history and neither do you. Since you have only been in Eqemu maybe 3 years and got fired for stealing code.

Yet again another Power in Eqemu who finds it needed to both insult and call me names even though I have done nothing wrong here..

Rogean and Secrets do not deserve any type of power whatsoever in this community as far as I am concerned because of the way they have treated me with so much injustice that I can't even fathom. Yet all the time you claim you help the community but at the same time you can't bring your head out of your ass far enough to see that you to are holding grudges and shouldn't even be talking here.

I banned people who deserved it, and your calling me a lunatic and a drunk ? HOW DARE YOU .. I have done nothing but be a totally fair Server Op and take status away from people like you who lie steal and cheat.

PS What the hell Fabrication is this ??


Whatever chat room or channel you got this from it was not me. Again probably another person trying to end my long lasting game server due to jealousy probably this was all fabricated by you or Rogean or whoever because this is not me talking here.

I have been banned from IRC for a long time so not sure what this is or who is on as me. I don't even have MIRC anymore so heh.. Starting to call Conspiracy here this is getting old the abuse happening from Devs on this project toward me and fabricating lies and deceit at my expense..

Why Secrets I even had to call your mother at one point because of your lying and stealing. And she assured me that you wouldn't get in the way again and that your autistic and have problems with authority.

Honestly I am really sick of rolling over and taking it in the rear and dealing with abuse from both you and Rogean and this has to stop!!
Old 10-21-2010, 08:27 PM
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Originally Posted by KingMort View Post
What the hell do you know? You were fired from my server for a number of corruption issues.. And what do you know about what I have contributed either? I have made more bug reports in the last few weeks than I have in a long time since I upgraded to new build there are things the devs must know.. You instead you accuse me of things that you know nothing about and lie about other stuff.. I really don't care about your opinion or how much you have contributed because in my eyes your a Code Theif and a Scammer and a Corrupt GM who was fired from my project and everyone knows that.
Scammer? You willingly gave me money. Corrupt GM? I contributed to a project, mind you, one that you leech off of regularly, and you call me corrupt? Fuck you and all that you stand for, you greedy son of a bitch.

I hope you burn in hell for that.

A+? You know that doesn't renew, right? You could have got that in 2000. Stop pretending like you know anything about computers. You don't even know how to set up a linux box, you have to have ndnet do that for you.

I got rogean into Eqemu, he was a GM on my server he doesn't know about my servers history and neither do you. Since you have only been in Eqemu maybe 3 years and got fired for stealing code.
Aza did not give me permission, but stealing code? Your codebase was on google thanks to NDNET not even securing it. And the fix is something I had access to way before your server even was popular. Remember Paradigma? That's the server I started my first developing project on. That's where I had the fix. It just so happens that your server had it too, because oh wait, aza gave it to you. I talked with aza77 a few weeks after you accused me of bullshit and he said you are a loony too.

You're lucky I didn't save the backup of the database for KMRA or i'd have leaked that after what you are accusing me of right now. Who wrote your bot code, mind you that you are still using? The EQEmu community, and I tweaked it (although cosmetically) with Striat.

We constantly joke that you are a moron and this kind of accusations and posts are proof of it. You think you are actually liked with cavedude and KLS? KLS would rather have you leave this project entirely, cavedude doesn't give a shit who you are, and Derision pokes fun at you. We do it in the coders channel behind your back. Know why? Because of the reasons we mentioned here, and the fact that you are a running laughing stock of the community. The only reason we didn't demote you prior is because you'd make a damn backlash and claim because you were here longer you deserve some kind of authority. I am sure devn00b, image, or fuck, even LethalEncounter would shame you as well, if they were here (they're not, but I can vouch for them.)

Your server is quality, eh? You mean those tens of thousands of NPCs with either impossible to beat NPCs, NPCs that stand in place, and oh, don't forget the simple perl scripts that you write that still require the old fashion way of turning in items, the old-fashion way of dialogue, and anything that requires either a brain or some dedication, you are not willing to do. Your server pales in comparison to every other server. Seriously. Wondering why your server population dropped? Other servers are better. Take a look at other servers sometime if I don't end up banning your forum account.

No one's on your side, you aren't wanted here, now get out and go find some other website to pocket money from guilty sons of bitches. I heard WoW emulators are awfully easy to scam 12 year olds, you should try them.
Old 10-21-2010, 08:31 PM
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Originally Posted by KingMort View Post
Why Secrets I even had to call your mother at one point because of your lying and stealing. And she assured me that you wouldn't get in the way again and that your autistic and have problems with authority.

Honestly I am really sick of rolling over and taking it in the rear and dealing with abuse from both you and Rogean and this has to stop!!
My mother thinks you're a loon for even calling her. I in fact mentioned you to her, and she was like, "oh is he still bothering you?"

If you want call her, or fuck, even call me. I'd love to give you a piece of my mind, you damn drunk.

That is from Akkadius, who is also vouching for us. You were drunk so of course you don't remember it. The only fabrication is your intellect, everytime you get cornered into a hole and can't do anything about it, you bitch and whine about it till they give in. And guess what? The EQEmu community isn't giving in to your demands, and I can guarantee if you keep up this bullshit you'll have to rename your server, because it won't even be allowed on the list, not while i'm here.
Old 10-21-2010, 08:32 PM
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Originally Posted by KingMort View Post
I have been banned from IRC for a long time so not sure what this is or who is on as me. I don't even have MIRC anymore so heh.. Starting to call Conspiracy here this is getting old the abuse happening from Devs on this project toward me and fabricating lies and deceit at my expense..
That pastebin is also the reason why you were glined from IRC in the first place. Fuck if you're getting unbanned now.

Also, might I mention the pastebin date? That's the date that conversation happened. It's not like it was fabricated. You are a liar, a coward, and a scammer in this community. Get out.
Old 10-21-2010, 08:33 PM
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I never had that convo with Akkadius and I don't get drunk..

Also this is all just a bunch of Bullshit to begin with whatever that was months and months ago I all apologized for and was Punished, I was banned from IRC FOREVER, and Website for several weeks and couldn't even access my own account to dev on my server (Maybe you remember this)

Now through some sick twisted deja-vu / Double Jeopardy type scenario here I am being punished a SECOND TIME

And you still insult me as a DEV in this community what type of example are you setting?

FACT IS : I have not done anything wrong, I have stayed extremely low key and only until recently did I try and help fix dupe bugs which you promptly deleted.. I then took the bugs to Trevius who told me to contact Congdar and WildcardX which I did promptly and have been talking with them and working with them ever since to try and resolve these issues (mostly congdar).. AND You spread lies, and call me a drunk and a lunatic ? How rude especially since I have done nothing wrong here aside maybe defending myself in public in a strong manner. I mean the utmost respect however to the community and the devs but you and Rogean need to get a reality check.
Old 10-21-2010, 08:36 PM
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That pastebin is also the reason why you were glined from IRC in the first place. Fuck if you're getting unbanned now.
And if that was the reason for my prior punishment then this is the first time I have heard about it !!!

IF this was why I was punished 6 months ago then i was treated Un-Fairly because no one ever showed me this evidence. NO ONE EVER TOLD ME ABOUT THIS. How can you punish some one in this community as prominent as myself without having first a FAIR TRIAL ??

Or is this community's devs not about being fair and just , perhaps they just go with whatever fits them at the time if that's the case maybe alot of us should be strongly thinking about what it is we are supporting here.
Old 10-21-2010, 08:38 PM
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I would like a Copy of this discussion before Secrets makes his own brand of Justice and deletes it please. I am not only being accused by One person now , but Two. Who obviously both have issues with me and shouldn't be making these types of choices based on that.
Old 10-21-2010, 08:38 PM
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Originally Posted by KingMort View Post
I never had that convo with Akkadius and I don't get drunk..

Also this is all just a bunch of Bullshit to begin with whatever that was months and months ago I all apologized for and was Punished, I was banned from IRC FOREVER, and Website for several weeks and couldn't even access my own account to dev on my server (Maybe you remember this)

Now through some sick twisted deja-vu / Double Jeopardy type scenario here I am being punished a SECOND TIME

And you still insult me as a DEV in this community what type of example are you setting?

FACT IS : I have not done anything wrong, I have stayed extremely low key and only until recently did I try and help fix dupe bugs which you promptly deleted.. I then took the bugs to Trevius who told me to contact Congdar and WildcardX which I did promptly and have been talking with them and working with them ever since to try and resolve these issues (mostly congdar)..
Bullshit you get drunk all the time, Striat Kovou Muffinbutt Devo or anyone else that plays/played/dev/dev'd your server can tell you this.

I'm setting an example of you in this community because it's past overdue. Your level of professionalism is shown in this thread; do you really want to play on a server where a guy gets angry over a fucking position on a list?

That dupe bug is not in stock PEQ, why should we be concerned about it? Here, i'll post it so you guys can fix it: It involves instancing of the same zone and merchantlists. Anyone with half a brain can figure it out, the solution is not as easy though. I find it funny you couldn't even set a variable to disable temp merchant lists to fix it though. Mr A+ should be able to fix it, right? I don't even have my damn A+ yet and I know that. I probably know more about PC Repair than you do as well. I just am too poor to take the test. I only recently even got on social security.
Old 10-21-2010, 08:38 PM
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Originally Posted by KingMort View Post
I would like a Copy of this discussion before Secrets makes his own brand of Justice and deletes it please. I am not only being accused by One person now , but Two. Who obviously both have issues with me and shouldn't be making these types of choices based on that.
I'm not deleting it, I am making an example of you. KLS will have fun looking at this today when she sees your rampage.
Old 10-21-2010, 08:41 PM
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Originally Posted by KingMort View Post
And if that was the reason for my prior punishment then this is the first time I have heard about it !!!

IF this was why I was punished 6 months ago then i was treated Un-Fairly because no one ever showed me this evidence. NO ONE EVER TOLD ME ABOUT THIS. How can you punish some one in this community as prominent as myself without having first a FAIR TRIAL ??

Or is this community's devs not about being fair and just , perhaps they just go with whatever fits them at the time if that's the case maybe alot of us should be strongly thinking about what it is we are supporting here.
Might I also mention that you are suddenly accepting this as truth after denying it.
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