Anytime an item is put into the aug pool, forge, or any other tradeskill objects and then the object is closed with the items still in them, the items are lost.
It would be nice if the code was adjusted in the emu to work similar to the way I believe it works on live. On live, if you close an object with tradeable items in it, they remain in it and are still there when you open the object again. If you put NO DROP items in the object and close it, I believe the items will return to your cursor or inventory so you don't lose them.
I get plenty of complaints on item loss due to accidentally closing the aug pool with items still in it. If someone could update the source to return the items, I think that would be a big help in reducing this nasty bug. No one likes to lose items
I would look into it myself, but I don't think my coding skills are nearly good enough to handle something like this (I am lucky to be able to read half of it lol).