Quests::Completed This is where Completed quests are. |
06-08-2009, 04:30 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Washington
Posts: 23
Tasks: Castlen Drewe
I was checking out the task system and threw these together from what info I could gather from Allah. I put my id numbers over 100 so they would be away from the other tasks in the db.
The Highpass one would'nt work for me on the SoF client, since it doesn't seem to want to load the old zone version, but it worked fine for me with Titanium.
Pok_armor_tasks.sql (DB_Version 610)
INSERT INTO `activities` VALUES (130,0,0,2,'Sand scarabs','','Kill five sand scarabs',117,1,5,0,34,0),(130,1,0,2,'Giant rattlesnakes','','Kill five giant rattlesnakes',118,1,5,0,34,0),(130,2,0,3,'Giant scarab egg sack','','Loot one giant scarab egg sack',13262,0,1,0,34,0),(130,3,0,3,'Spider venom sack','','Loot one spider venom sack',14018,0,1,0,34,0),(130,4,1,4,'Castlen Drewe','','Return to Castlen Drewe.',202294,0,1,0,202,0),(131,0,0,2,'Greater wisp','','Kill 10 Greater wisps',119,1,10,0,25,0),(131,1,1,5,'','','Explore the wizard\'s platform',101,0,1,0,25,0),(131,2,1,5,'','','Explore the zone to Lavastorm ',102,0,1,0,25,0),(131,3,2,4,'Castlen Drewe','','Speak with Castlen Drewe ',202294,0,1,0,202,0),(132,0,0,5,'','','Explore the chessboard',101,0,1,0,68,0),(132,1,0,2,'','','Kill 4 undead pawns',120,1,4,0,68,0),(132,2,1,5,'','','Explore the haunted tower',102,0,1,0,68,0),(132,3,1,2,'','','Kill 4 dwarf skeletons',121,1,4,0,68,0),(132,4,2,4,'','','Speak with Castlen Drewe',202294,0,1,0,202,0),(133,0,0,5,'','','Explore the Highpass Hold zone',101,0,1,0,20,0),(133,1,1,2,'','','Kill 3 invading orcs',122,1,3,0,5,0),(133,2,2,2,'','','Kill 3 invading gnolls',123,1,3,0,5,0),(133,3,3,4,'','','Talk to Castlen Drewe',202294,0,1,0,202,0),(134,0,0,5,'','','Explore the entrance to Blackburrow',101,0,1,0,4,0),(134,1,1,2,'','','Kill 10 gnoll guardsmen',124,1,10,0,17,0),(134,2,2,5,'','','Explore the zone to Everfrost',101,0,1,0,17,0),(134,3,3,4,'','','Speak with Castlen Drewe',202294,0,1,0,202,0),(135,0,0,5,'','','Discover the secret entrance to Permafrost',101,0,1,0,30,0),(135,1,1,3,'','','Loot 1 permafrost crystal ',22121,0,1,0,73,0),(135,2,1,2,'','','Kill 15 ice goblins',125,1,15,0,73,0),(135,3,2,1,'','','Deliver the permafrost crystals to Audri Deepfacet ',22121,0,1,202069,202,0),(136,0,0,5,'','','Explore the bridge to Prince Bragnar',101,0,1,0,101,0),(136,1,0,2,'','','Kill 5 Kobold Protectors',126,1,5,0,101,0),(136,2,0,3,'','','Loot 10 Kobold Hides',13424,0,10,0,101,0),(136,3,0,3,'','','Loot 10 Kobold Meat',22799,0,10,0,101,0),(136,4,1,4,'','','Speak with Castlen Drewe',202294,0,1,0,202,0);
INSERT INTO `goallists` VALUES (117,34005),(117,34020),(117,34026),(117,34040),(117,34048),(118,34010),(118,34017),(118,34021),(118,34031),(118,34039),(119,25074),(119,25075),(119,25076),(120,68030),(120,68036),(120,68158),(121,68016),(121,68034),(121,68041),(122,5001),(122,5002),(122,5003),(122,5078),(122,5079),(122,5080),(122,5082),(122,5083),(122,5084),(122,5085),(122,5089),(122,5108),(122,5109),(122,5112),(122,5114),(122,5130),(123,5075),(123,5076),(123,5077),(123,5081),(123,5086),(123,5090),(123,5110),(123,5111),(123,5113),(123,5115),(123,5117),(123,5124),(124,17009),(124,17010),(124,17012),(124,17016),(124,17031),(124,17039),(125,73001),(125,73002),(125,73005),(125,73007),(125,73008),(125,73009),(125,73010),(125,73012),(125,73014),(125,73015),(125,73017),(125,73019),(125,73021),(125,73034),(125,73062),(125,73105),(126,101035),(126,101045),(126,101054);
INSERT INTO `proximities` VALUES (25,101,-860.000000,-650.000000,340.000000,550.000000,-5.000000,100.000000),(25,102,580.000000,720.000000,2750.000000,2780.000000,-20.000000,100.000000),(68,101,-2750.000000,-2170.000000,440.000000,990.000000,-10.000000,120.000000),(68,102,600.000000,776.000000,-1544.000000,-1477.000000,-10.000000,120.000000),(20,101,4800.000000,4900.000000,380.000000,482.000000,650.000000,750.000000),(4,101,-1063.000000,-972.000000,3360.000000,3456.000000,-10.000000,100.000000),(17,101,-320.000000,-277.000000,28.000000,48.000000,0.000000,15.000000),(30,101,-6326.000000,-6267.000000,3126.000000,3236.000000,-70.000000,-10.000000),(101,101,-618.000000,-549.000000,380.000000,445.000000,-100.000000,-48.000000);
INSERT INTO `tasks` VALUES (130,0,'Desert Crawl','[1,Do stuff in North Ro]','Sandworn Cloak',83178,0,100,0,34,0,0,1),(131,0,'Elusive Wisps','[1,Do stuff in Nektulos Forest]','Wispglow Earring',83179,0,100,0,25,0,0,1),(132,0,'Haunted Butcherblock','[1,Do stuff in Butcherblock]','Ghostly Shroud',83176,0,100,0,68,0,0,1),(133,0,'Protecting the High Pass','[1,DON\'T PICK ME !! Game will crash trying to enter Highpass :(]','Highpass Signet',83181,0,100,0,20,0,0,1),(134,0,'Scouting Blackburrow','[1,Scouts on patrol in the Qeynos Hills have been reporting an increase in aggressive gnoll activity. It seems that an unusual number of guardsmen have been seen roving through Blackburrow, as if they are gearing up for some sort of attack. Take the portal to Qeynos and venture to Blackburrow to investigate.][2,Find a way to thin the ranks of guardsmen. If they are planning something, we will need them to be as weakened as possible.][3,Check passages leading out into Everfrost for any further clues to the objectives of the gnolls. If they are heading into Halas, we may have time to warn them.][4,It seems that our scouts managed to alert us before the gnolls were fully prepared. Excellent work! Return to Castlen Drewe in the Plane of Knowledge.]','Gnollish Guardian Ring',83177,0,100,0,4,0,0,1),(135,0,'The Frozen Crystal','[1,Buried in the frigid peaks of Everfrost lies a dangerous place by the name of Permafrost Keep. It is tended by all manner of goblins that seem to thrive despite the chilling temperatures. A jeweler by the name of Audri Deepfacet claims to have found a special crystal there. No one has been able to verify her story, and she failed to bring back a sample. We believe that it may have some special power, providing it exists of course. <br><br>Travel to Everfrost and find the secret back entrance to Permafrost Keep. The front way is guarded by vast ice giants and may be impassible.][2,3,Slay any goblins that get in your way, and find the Permafrost Crystal!][4,Bring the crystal to Audri Deepfacet in the Plane of Knowledge.]','Crystalflame Sphere',83182,0,100,0,30,0,0,1),(136,0,'Within the Warrens','[1,Head to The Warrens on Odus and explore the bridge to Prince Bragnar]','Kobold Hide Mask',83180,0,100,0,101,0,0,1);
INSERT INTO `tasksets` VALUES (10,130),(10,131),(10,132),(10,133),(10,134),(10,135),(10,136);
These next 2 need to go into quests/poknowledge folder:
#Quest Name:7 Armor Tasks given by Castlen Drewe
#Author: Domel
#NPCs Involved: 2 [Castlen Drewe(202294) and Audri Deepfacet(202069)]
#Items Involved: 1 Permafrost Crystals(22121)
if ($text=~ /Hail/i){
quest::say("Greetings and welcome. I have been compiling reports from all over Norrath! There are many odd jobs to be done by someone like you. Would you be interested in such a [quest]?");
if ($text=~ /quest/i){
#END of FILE Zone:poknowledge ID:202294 -- Castlen_Drewe
#Quest Name:Turnin NPC for one Armor Task given by Castlen Drewe
#Author: Domel
#NPCs Involved: 2 [Castlen Drewe(202294) and Audri Deepfacet(202069)]
#Items Involved: 1 Permafrost Crystals(22121)
quest::say("Greetings. traveler. and welcome to New Tanaan. You will find that there is much to be gained in the way of knowledge here. Knowledge not only of the mind. but of skill. I am an adept jeweler and have offered my services to the city to repay its gracious host to me over the years. Please. feel free to search my inventory and purchase that which you might fancy."); }
if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 22121 => 1)) {#Permafrost crystal
quest::say("It is so lovely, just as I saw before! I believe I can fashion something quite nice for you out of it. I need only a chip to study for myself. Thanks so much! ");
#END of FILE Zone:poknowledge ID:202069 -- Audri_Deepfacet
06-09-2009, 07:50 PM
The PEQ Dude
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: -
Posts: 1,988
Outstanding work, thank you! I am currently adding task support to the PHP editor, and once that is done I'll get in this and a few other submitted tasks into PEQ.
06-15-2009, 09:55 PM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: oregon
Posts: 41
would love to use tasks but as ive barely as ive just barely got perl down...tasks are making me kinda scurred.
06-16-2009, 05:46 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Washington
Posts: 23
I love the task system, once I saw it was up and running I had to try to learn it. I basically used the wiki on it http://http://www.eqemulator.net/wik...goryTaskSystem and modified my database using MySQL Query Browser. I didn't realize that KLS made the Task Master program for it until after I finished these, but I am just now learning about database stuff so I'm glad I did it the way I did, I learned soo much. I know pretty much nothing about Perl, I grabbed code from other files for what I used.
I like to keep my database up to date with PEQ so I kept my ID numbers at 100+ and modified a bat file that Nosfentora made for botbackup to backup my tasks :
@echo off
REM Change these variables to suit your setup
REM the name of your database
set db=peq
REM the ip of your MySQL server, leave as is if local
REM -h prefix is needed if remote
set ip=-h127.0.0.1
REM Your database password, leave blank to enter manually
set pass=******
REM the folder to backup to (created in the current folder), set to . to not create a folder
set backupdir=backup
REM the name of the task backup file to create
set backupfile=taskbackup.sql
echo **************************************
echo *** Backing up Tasks ***
echo **************************************
if backupdir==. goto :end
dir .\ /a:d | find /i "%backupdir%" > nul
if errorlevel 1 goto notfound
goto :end
md %backupdir%
echo *** Dumping Activities... ***
mysqldump -u root -p%pass% %ip% "--where=taskid>'100'" -x -t %db% activities >> %backupdir%\%backupfile%
echo *** Dumping Goal Lists... ***
mysqldump -u root -p%pass% %ip% "--where=listid>'100'" -x -t %db% goallists >> %backupdir%\%backupfile%
echo *** Dumping Proximities... ***
mysqldump -u root -p%pass% %ip% "--where=exploreid>'100'" -x -t %db% proximities >> %backupdir%\%backupfile%
echo *** Dumping Tasks... ***
mysqldump -u root -p%pass% %ip% "--where=id>'100'" -x -t %db% tasks >> %backupdir%\%backupfile%
echo *** Dumping Task Sets... ***
mysqldump -u root -p%pass% %ip% "--where=taskid>'100'" -x -t %db% tasksets >> %backupdir%\%backupfile%
echo *** Done dumping! ***
echo **************************************
echo To re-source the tasks source '%backupdir%\%backupfile%'
The next time I do tasks, I'll try out KLS's program, it looks like it'll help alot
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