Characters and Bots with same names
Sorry if this is in the wrong spot, but please move if so.
I was just testing some things on my own server to see if an account could
create a toon with the same name as someone else's, already created bot.
This is how it went :
Character on account No.1 creates a bot named Testbot.
Account No.2 starts a character named Testbot and logs the toon in to play.
Character on account No.1 spawns his bot named Testbot. At that moment,
Account No.2 gets kicked back to the character screen. But he was able to
log back in again, and stand right beside the bot with the same name.
Character who owns the bot, clicks on disband, and, although it shows you
disbanded from group, the bot still follows. Then when bot owner clicks on bot
and tries to re-invite the bot in to group, the other character with the same
name (Testbot) receives the invite.
The bot owner, then clicks on the bot and types #bot camp.
The bot does camp out, but then the other account(no.2) client crashed
right at that moment.
This kind of thing is only a problem, for an unsuspecting player, who creates
a toon on a server (with bots), and the server does not let his client know
that there is a bot in game with the same name, when he/she chooses it.
So when they start having problems in the game (like account no.2 above),
they may not know its because of someone else's bot with the same name.