Hi all, I thought I would write the quest for the electrum-bladed wakizashi in Mistmoore after being unable to locate it in any quest folders.
#Quest Name: electrum-bladed wakizashi
#Author: Inspiration
#Zone: Mistmoore
#NPC Name: an avenging caitiff
#NPC ID: 59020
#Quest items needed: Maid Issis fang (10179) and Butler Syncall fang (10178)
if ($text=~/hail/i) {
quest::emote("an avenging caitiff glares at you with fangs bared as he draws an electrum-bladed wakizashi.");
if ($text=~/electrum-bladed wakizashi/i) {
quest::say("HA! As if a mortal such as yourself is worthy of such a weapon. Leave me to my mission - my purpose in life - the slaying of those who brought me into this existence, then exiled me from this place.");
if ($text=~/mother/i) {
quest::say("My mother was named Issis. She is, to my knowledge, employed as Lord Mistmoores maid.");
if ($text=~/father/i) {
quest::say("Syncall is my fathers name. He serves as Lord Mistmoores butler.");
if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 10179 => 1, 10178 => 1)) {
else {
quest::say("I have no need of these items, $name.");
return 1;
quest::say("Mother? Father? May you find peace at last. I shall avenge your suffering! I will grow stronger and set free the souls of the others.");
#End of file