Special Request
To some kind soul--heck, for that matter, I'll even take a wretched soul who needs some good deed to assuage his guilty conscience for all the evil he has done: I have inadvertently overwritten the zone points entries for five zones in my DB and was wondering if someone would be so kind as to post the originals so I can re-enter them. The zones are commons, qey2hh1, southkarana, northkarana, and eastkarana. The table in question is the zone_points table. You can catch all entries of each zone easily by first sorting the table by the zone name, clicking the first record in each group and shift-clicking the last entry in that group, copying and pasting that group in here, and doing the same fro each addition zone group (of course you could just run a query for these zones as well). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.