1. You'll need to edit your "zone" table and either set the min_level to higher than your players can obtain, or the min_status to 80 or anything really that's higher than the base status given to players. 80 is Guide level access.
2. This is all handled in the "zone_points" table.
3. There's alot of different ways to go about this depending on your situation but here are a couple examples:
quest::gmmove(x, y, z);
quest::movegrp(zone_id, x, y, z);
quest::movepc(zone_id, x, y, z, heading);
quest::MovePCInstance(zone_id, instance_id, x, y, z);
quest::moveto(x, y, z, heading, saveguardspot);
$client->MovePC(zoneID, x, y, z, heading);
$client->MovePCInstance(zoneID, instanceID, x, y, z, heading);
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You're going to reference the stuff on there alot. haha
Happy Dev'ing!