A few commands I have run on Anon. I'm no SQL expert but these are some of commands I ran and have collected from the forums or made on my own.
Always do a dump of the table so you restore it if you mess up.
A simple solution would be to simply create a dump of just the table you wish to restore separately. You can use the mysqldump command to do so with the following syntax:
mysqldump -u [user] -p[password] [database] [table] > [output_file_name].sql
Then import it as normal, and it will only import the dumped table.
If you have standard username password it would look like this and if you need to restore the > would go < instead.
mysqldump -uroot -peqemu peq items > items.sql
UPDATE items SET NoDrop = 1 WHERE NoDrop = 0;
UPDATE items SET loregroup = 0 WHERE loregroup > 0;
UPDATE items SET loregroup = 0 WHERE loregroup = -1;
UPDATE items SET Attuneable = 0 WHERE Attuneable = 1;
UPDATE items SET hp = hp * 2;
UPDATE items SET mana = mana * 2;
UPDATE items SET haste = haste * 2;
UPDATE items SET healamt = healamt * 2;
UPDATE items SET spelldmg = spelldmg * 2;
UPDATE items SET regen = regen * 2;
UPDATE items SET manaregen = manaregen * 2;
UPDATE items SET attack = attack * 2;
UPDATE items SET recskill=0;
UPDATE items SET deity=0;
UPDATE items SET races=65535;
UPDATE items SET classes=65535;
Changing slots so those only secondary weapons can be used in primary too. Have to fix shields and 2H weapons after running these but they give some ideas. Here is a small guide i used
16384 sec
8192 pri
24576 both
UPDATE items SET slots = 24576 WHERE slots = 8192;
UPDATE items SET slots = 24576 WHERE slots = 16384;
UPDATE items SET slots = 8192 WHERE itemtype = 1;
UPDATE items SET slots = 8192 WHERE itemtype = 4;
UPDATE items SET slots = 8192 WHERE itemtype = 35;
UPDATE items SET slots = 16384 WHERE itemtype = 8;
Epic 1.0 IDs if you want to add them to start Characters
*** Singing Short Sword 20542
*** Claw of the Savage Spirit 8495
*** Claw of the Savage Spirit 8496
*** Kerasian Axe of Ire 68299
*** Water Sprinkler of Nem Ankh 5532
*** Nature Walkers Scimitar 20490
*** Staff of the Serpent 10650
*** Orb of Mastery 28034
*** Celestial Fists 10652
*** Scythe of the Shadowed Soul 20544
*** Fiery Defender 10099
*** Earthcaller 20488
*** Swiftwind 20487
*** Ragebringer 11057
*** Innoruuk's Curse 14383
*** Spear of Fate 10651
*** Jagged Blade of War 10908
*** Blade of Strategy 10910
*** Blade of Tactics 10909
*** Staff of the Four 14341
*** Red Scabbard 17859
How to add a start item:
Start Items
id, race, class, deityid, zoneid, itemid, item_charges, gm, slot
INSERT INTO starting_items VALUES (246,0,15,0,0,8496,1,0,14);
Changing spawn times on everything so you dont have to wait days:
UPDATE spawn2 SET respawntime = 3600 where respawntime > 3250;
UPDATE spawn2 SET variance = 1800 where respawntime > 3250;
If you want to boost pets some
update npc_types set hp = hp * 3 where id > 499 and id < 529;
update npc_types set mana = mana * 3 where id > 499 and id < 529;
update npc_types set mindamg = mindamg * 3 where id > 499 and id < 529;
update npc_types set mana_regen_rate = mana_regen_rate * 2 where id > 499 and id < 529;
update npc_types set hp_regen_rate = hp_regen_rate * 2 where id > 499 and id < 529;
update npc_types set hp = hp * 3 where id > 540 and id < 641;
update npc_types set mana = mana * 3 where id > 540 and id < 641;
update npc_types set mindamg = mindamg * 3 where id > 540 and id < 641;
update npc_types set mana_regen_rate = mana_regen_rate * 2 where id > 540 and id < 641;
update npc_types set hp_regen_rate = hp_regen_rate * 2 where id > 540 and id < 641;
update npc_types set hp = hp * 3 where id > 745 and id < 771;
update npc_types set mana = mana * 3 where id > 745 and id < 771;
update npc_types set mindamg = mindamg * 3 where id > 745 and id < 771;
update npc_types set mana_regen_rate = mana_regen_rate * 2 where id > 745 and id < 771;
update npc_types set hp_regen_rate = hp_regen_rate * 2 where id > 745 and id < 771;
update npc_types set hp = hp * 3 where id > 783 and id < 824;
update npc_types set mana = mana * 3 where id > 783 and id < 824;
update npc_types set mindamg = mindamg * 3 where id > 783 and id < 824;
update npc_types set mana_regen_rate = mana_regen_rate * 2 where id > 783 and id < 824;
update npc_types set hp_regen_rate = hp_regen_rate * 2 where id > 783 and id < 824;
update npc_types set hp = hp * 3 where id > 836 and id < 854;
update npc_types set mana = mana * 3 where id > 836 and id < 854;
update npc_types set mindamg = mindamg * 3 where id > 836 and id < 854;
update npc_types set mana_regen_rate = mana_regen_rate * 2 where id > 836 and id < 854;
update npc_types set hp_regen_rate = hp_regen_rate * 2 where id > 836 and id < 854;
update npc_types set hp = hp * 3 where id > 893 and id < 923;
update npc_types set mana = mana * 3 where id > 893 and id < 923;
update npc_types set mindamg = mindamg * 3 where id > 893 and id < 923;
update npc_types set mana_regen_rate = mana_regen_rate * 2 where id > 893 and id < 923;
update npc_types set hp_regen_rate = hp_regen_rate * 2 where id > 893 and id < 923;
Hope this helps.