Not sure if this is intended? But swarm pets will allow loot but do not grant experience
Here is what I changed to fix it.
attack.cpp line 2088 (OLD CODE)
if(give_exp && give_exp->HasOwner()) {
attack.cpp line 2088 (REPLACE WITH THIS)
if(give_exp && give_exp->HasOwner() || (give_exp && entity_list.GetMob(give_exp->CastToNPC()->GetSwarmOwner()))) {
Swarmpets do not "HasOwner" so they never passed that check but later in the code it was correct for allowing loot.
With this fix they will correctly give loot and EXP! (if the swarmpet out damages the group that is they are currently Kill stealing EXP ONLY ... loot is fine)
I would submit this myself but my GitHub keeps giving me errors :(