Well it turns out that it was a directory issue that I corrected and it compiled ok. I am on the finalizing stages of the guide where it says " You will see a 2 windows come up, one will say
Wait for World to Finish LoadingPress Enter to Continue
And the other will say several lines of code, give it a second and it should stop, with the final two lines reading
[DEBUG] [WORLD__LS] Connected to Loginserver: eqemulator.net:5998
[DEBUG] [WORLD__LS] Loginserver provided YOUREXTERNALIP as world address
It opens up the first window and closes too fast for me to read and leaves up the "Wait for World to Finish LoadingPress Enter to Continue" . I click continue and it opens up the 3rd bow which displays nothing at all no matter how long i wait. Not sure where to start looking for the problem other than retracing steps.