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Old 12-28-2007, 02:25 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 114
Default commands and other stuff

First off, searching the forums has led me to the conclusion there should be an addons.ini file in the eqemu directories to edit things like gm commands, However I don't see this file anywhere, nor do I see any docu on this.

Any ideas on how to achieve commands? as me at 250 can;t do anything not even #zone.

Quetion 2. Adding custom items? Is this possible? and if so is there a tutorial on it? r do I have to inquire at PEQ since I use their databases?

Question 3.

Are there any tutorials on the following.
Change what items and plat users start with.
How to enable tutorial
Guide on creating custom/new mobs
creation of zones custom.
how to start all zones at startup, or have them dynamically start when a user enters. ( The last 2 I heard about a guide that talks about it, however I am unable to find this guide )

thank you, I have spent all day searching the forums here and i am dead tired.
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Old 12-28-2007, 07:40 PM
techguy84's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Somewhere Safe
Posts: 453

Any ideas on how to achieve commands? as me at 250 can;t do anything not even #zone.
Are you sure your status is set to 250. Check your level in your database using a DB tool like NaviCat! Would be kinda impossible unless you really screwed up somewhere to set you status to 250 and not be able to use low level commmands. Like the screw up where you download the Source code, play in the files, and then build the source, breaking everything that did once work. You know where im going!

Quetion 2. Adding custom items? Is this possible? and if so is there a tutorial on it? r do I have to inquire at PEQ since I use their databases?
There are multiple ways to add items. Some would use queries in the MySQL command line, others would use that Navicat tool i mentioned, while most would swear by tools like Kayot's Editor or the always impressive assorment of stuff release by GeorgeS. Search those names, or better yet, look on the front of the boards!

Question 3.

Are there any tutorials on the following.
Change what items and plat users start with.
How to enable tutorial
Guide on creating custom/new mobs
creation of zones custom.
how to start all zones at startup, or have them dynamically start when a user enters. ( The last 2 I heard about a guide that talks about it, however I am unable to find this guide )
Is that really question 3, or question 3 -5?

Starting Items, Custom/ New Mobs, and I belive the Tutorial Zone are all database contigent, meaning that you have to edit the DB for the goals you seek. Items and mobs points you back to the editors I mentioned, as well as learning some of the ingame commands for spawns. Tutorial zones are set up more or less by switching the starting zones of your class/race combo to the zone you need them to be in. Just be sure to have the quest and mobs set up for the zone, or it could be a very boring starter zone!

When you run either zone.exe or eqlaunch.exe, your making dynamic zones servers that will load zones when a player needs them, always. To make static zones, I belive you do something like run
C:\Eqemu>zone.exe qeynos
or something like that. Never ventured to much into it, but I belive thats how it goes. You would do this for each zone you need to be static, like all starting zones and major cities. To make things simple, make you a batch file that you can click and the zones you need will load up automatically.

Hope this helps!!
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Old 12-28-2007, 08:19 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 114

Are you sure your status is set to 250. Check your level in your database using a DB tool like NaviCat! Would be kinda impossible unless you really screwed up somewhere to set you status to 250 and not be able to use low level commmands. Like the screw up where you download the Source code, play in the files, and then build the source, breaking everything that did once work. You know where im going!

I don;t know what was wrong, but on the 5th attempt to run the server it started allowing me to use commands.

There are multiple ways to add items. Some would use queries in the MySQL command line, others would use that Navicat tool i mentioned, while most would swear by tools like Kayot's Editor or the always impressive assorment of stuff release by GeorgeS. Search those names, or better yet, look on the front of the boards!
Oh, so nothing is needed client side then? that is sweet, alot better then ragnarok emulation where all custom items have to have 6 different clientside additions *image files and what not*

My only issues are, A: where would I locate documents on things like race, allowed classes etc, they are all in numerical form and I don;t know them, and B: do custom items give bleeding effects? I made a test one and for somereason I bleed....

Is that really question 3, or question 3 -5?

Starting Items, Custom/ New Mobs, and I belive the Tutorial Zone are all database contigent, meaning that you have to edit the DB for the goals you seek. Items and mobs points you back to the editors I mentioned, as well as learning some of the ingame commands for spawns. Tutorial zones are set up more or less by switching the starting zones of your class/race combo to the zone you need them to be in. Just be sure to have the quest and mobs set up for the zone, or it could be a very boring starter zone!

When you run either zone.exe or eqlaunch.exe, your making dynamic zones servers that will load zones when a player needs them, always. To make static zones, I belive you do something like run
I kinda figured this was all database stuff, I just don;t know where to look for the starting items a toon will have.

as for zones, thanks I kinda figured that was it, I set it to dynamically load 100 zones, default seems to load only 1 so any zone try outside the zone you were in it would error with zone unavaliable.
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