Ok, so now comes the outcome to the steps... tho I only made it to setp 3 when I got a server running and I could create and play on.
It seems that all my coding and sourcing were correct, but something didnt fit right with angelox DB on my computer.
So, I guess for now, I will be remaining with PEQ, tho I am curious if I can disable the PoK books for the time being... I want to make my server as close to old school EQ as I can, I.e. Pre PoP, so that the porting by means of wizard and druid become more meaningful.
Thanks for all the time everyone has put into to helping me.
Also, by no means am I saying that Angelox DB is bugged or errored, but I just couldnt get it to work on my machine, through some form of error on my own.
Trev, thanks, I now have a server up and running and have something to delve hours and hours into, for the programming aspect, as well as creation of my own quests and an entire DB once I get the hang of the setup as of current.
and everyone else, thanks for the help!!!!!!
(PEQ DB running smooth as of now, King's Bastion 2, will be experimenting with all kinds of changes as I understand what I can do)