Trade Bag Range Enforcement
I recently committed code changes to strictly use the proper range for Trade Bag Slots.
Of the two ranges, {3031..3110} and {3100..3179}, the '3031' is correct and is what is used when
database saves and item transfers occur.
There are many portions of code that use the '3100' range..but, the crucial ones used the correct ones.
Oddly, Inventory::CalcSlotID(x) uses the 3100 value to convert..and Inventory::CalcSlotID(x, y) uses the 3031 value.
My next update will include fixes to everything I could find in reference to the bad range.
IF you are using scripts or utilities that make use of the the {3100..3179} range, these are - and have been - incorrect.
Please change them to the proper {3031..3110} range. (I did not see any reference to them in the peq, this should
only affect custom ones.)
Uleat of Bertoxxulous
Compilin' Dirty