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Old 10-16-2020, 11:24 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 184
Default At a complete loss

Spent the majority of the past 2 evenings trying to get a fresh server going. I haven't updated my server since 2018 and a lot of changes have happened since then, so easier to just start fresh. I was able to manually compile the latest source, get all the needed extra files downloaded, and get the latest database up and running, however no matter what I do I simply cannot get the server to show anything but "Down".

Weird thing is - I can click and get into the server. I can even create a character. I just can't zone them in. I was able to see tin World:

[WorldServer] [Info] Attempting autobootup of [gfaydark] ([54]:[0])
[WorldServer] [Info] No zoneserver available to boot up
[WorldServer] [Info] Client disconnected (not active in process)

However, 5 zone servers did launch:

[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading server configuration..
[ZoneServer] [Info] Connecting to MySQL...
[ZoneServer] [Info] [MySQL] Connection [default] database [peq] at [localhost]:[3306]
[ZoneServer] [Info] Starting File Log [logs/zone_1896.log]
[ZoneServer] [Info] CURRENT_VERSION: 2.0
[ZoneServer] [Info] Mapping Incoming Opcodes
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading Variables
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading zone names
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading items
[ZoneServer] [Info] [Shared Memory] Attempting to load file [shared/items]
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading npc faction lists
[ZoneServer] [Info] [Shared Memory] Attempting to load file [shared/faction]
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading loot tables
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading skill caps
[ZoneServer] [Info] [Shared Memory] Attempting to load file [shared/skill_caps]
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading spells
[ZoneServer] [Info] [Shared Memory] Attempting to load file [shared/spells]
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading base data
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading guilds
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading factions
[ZoneServer] [Info] [2105] Faction(s) loaded...
[ZoneServer] [Info] [610] Faction Base(s) loaded...
[ZoneServer] [Info] [8800] Faction Modifier(s) loaded
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading titles
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading tributes
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading corpse timers
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading profanity list
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading commands
[ZoneServer] [Info] 282 commands loaded
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loaded default rule set 'default'
[ZoneServer] [Info] Initialized dynamic dictionary entries
[ZoneServer] [Info] Current expansion is [-1] (All Expansions)
[ZoneServer] [Info] Enabled content flags []
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading Perl Event Export Settings...
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading quests
[ZoneServer] [Info] Entering sleep mode

They never do anything.

So I bit the bullet and just started a fresh install using the Windows install script. The only thing I didn't do was install MariaDB and Strawberry Perl - I already have a full MySQL server I used with my prior EQEmu, also for EqEmu 2 and over a dozen other emulators and databases for other uses. I also have ActivePerl installed and has worked fine (installer worked etc.)

However - upon going through the whole installer, including the manual login server installer successfully, doing it this way I cannot get zone.exe to do anything at all. The zone count just goes up and down constantly. Manually running it has no console output and no errors. No logs are written. Just like with my manual process - I can get logged in (server shows "Down" still!) and get all the way through the character creation process.

I have tried EVERYTHNING I can think of, modding the hell out of the login and eqemu JSON config files, even trying just all localhost/ config (this was a dedicated server) and yet still zone.exe will not behave and the server always shows "Down". I have tried the RoF2 client I was previously using, also a fresh one and still server always "Down".

Yes, I completely removed the peq database with each of these attempts.

I have disabled Windows Firewall on both machines and verified no pertinent ports are in use.

I'm at a complete loss. Help.
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Old 10-16-2020, 11:59 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 184

FWIW - I just did a fresh install on my laptop using the install script and let it install MariaDB and Strawberry Perl since I don't have any SQL server or Perl interpreter on that laptop. Server launched fine.

Really not sure how to debug this with no errors at all on my server computer.
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Old 10-17-2020, 12:25 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 184

Bit the bullet and uninstalled ActivePerl since it's easy enough to reinstall. After installing Strawberry Perl, the zones now load like my own compiled ones. However, World still will not communicate with the zones. I also noticed that UCS is not talking to world. No errors.
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Old 10-17-2020, 01:04 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 184

I'm at a dead end until someone can make a recommendation. This is super easy to test the problem.. it's as simple as me launching world.exe and ucs.exe. They refuse to communicate, same as zone.exe. Windows firewall completely disabled.
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Old 10-17-2020, 01:31 AM
Uleat's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 2,815

One way to help trace console messages is to manually start a command prompt and start the executable within it.

Any 'pre-logging' messages will be caught there.

Each non-world server should show a connection to world server .. conversely, world should show a connection to all servers that connect to it.

Double-check the logs and see which way the connection is not registering.
Uleat of Bertoxxulous

Compilin' Dirty
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Old 10-17-2020, 02:25 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 184

Originally Posted by Uleat View Post
One way to help trace console messages is to manually start a command prompt and start the executable within it.

Any 'pre-logging' messages will be caught there.

Each non-world server should show a connection to world server .. conversely, world should show a connection to all servers that connect to it.

Double-check the logs and see which way the connection is not registering.
Yeah was already launching these all manually 1 by 1 from command prompt to debug. No connection shown in world/ucs/zone to any of each other.

I also went so far as to copy the working directory from my laptop to my server. Same exact issue, so it's nothing in the downloaded structure (I did update the db password but that would be an obvious failure).

Output looks otherwise normal on the windows:

[WorldServer] [Info] Loading server configuration
[WorldServer] [Info] CURRENT_VERSION: [2.0]
[WorldServer] [Info] Added loginserver []:[5998]
[WorldServer] [Info] Connecting to MySQL [root]@[localhost]:[3306]
[WorldServer] [Info] [MySQL] Connection [default] database [peq] at [localhost]:[3306]
[WorldServer] [Info] Starting File Log [logs/world_4760.log]
[WorldServer] [Info] Checking Database Conversions
[Update] No script update necessary...
[Info] For EQEmu Server management utilities - run eqemu_server.pl
/mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
/mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
/mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
[Update] Database up to date...
[Update] Continuing bootup
[WorldServer] [Info] Loading variables
[WorldServer] [Info] Purging expired data buckets
[WorldServer] [Info] Loading zones
[WorldServer] [Info] Clearing groups
[WorldServer] [Info] Clearing raids
[WorldServer] [Info] Clearing inventory snapshots
[WorldServer] [Info] Loading items
[WorldServer] [Info] [Shared Memory] Attempting to load file [shared/items]
[WorldServer] [Info] Loading skill caps
[WorldServer] [Info] [Shared Memory] Attempting to load file [shared/skill_caps]
[WorldServer] [Info] Loading guilds
[WorldServer] [Info] Loaded default rule set [default]
[WorldServer] [Info] Initialized dynamic dictionary entries
[WorldServer] [Info] Clearing temporary merchant lists
[WorldServer] [Info] Loading EQ time of day
[WorldServer] [Info] Loading launcher list
[WorldServer] [Info] Deleted [0] stale player corpses from database
[WorldServer] [Info] Loading adventures
[WorldServer] [Info] Purging expired instances
[WorldServer] [Info] Loading char create info
[WorldServer] [Info] Console (TCP) listener started
[WorldServer] [Info] Server (TCP) listener started
[WorldServer] [Info] Connected to Loginserver: []

[UCS] [Info] Starting EQEmu Universal Chat Server
[UCS] [Info] Connecting to MySQL
[UCS] [Info] Using database [peq] at [localhost]:[3306]
[UCS] [Info] Starting File Log [logs/ucs_11068.log]
[UCS] [Info] Loaded default rule set 'default'
[UCS] [Info] Initialized dynamic dictionary entries
[UCS] [Info] Expiring mail
[UCS] [Info] There are [0] messages in the database
[UCS] [Info] Expired [0] trash messages
[UCS] [Info] Expired [0] read messages
[UCS] [Info] Expired [0] unread messages
[UCS] [Info] Loading [assets/opcodes/mail_opcodes.conf]
[UCS] [Info] Loading chat channels from the database

[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading server configuration..
[ZoneServer] [Info] Connecting to MySQL...
[ZoneServer] [Info] [MySQL] Connection [default] database [peq] at [localhost]:[3306]
[ZoneServer] [Info] Starting File Log [logs/zone_7288.log]
[ZoneServer] [Info] CURRENT_VERSION: 2.0
[ZoneServer] [Info] Mapping Incoming Opcodes
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading Variables
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading zone names
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading items
[ZoneServer] [Info] [Shared Memory] Attempting to load file [shared/items]
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading npc faction lists
[ZoneServer] [Info] [Shared Memory] Attempting to load file [shared/faction]
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading loot tables
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading skill caps
[ZoneServer] [Info] [Shared Memory] Attempting to load file [shared/skill_caps]
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading spells
[ZoneServer] [Info] [Shared Memory] Attempting to load file [shared/spells]
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading base data
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading guilds
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading factions
[ZoneServer] [Info] [2105] Faction(s) loaded...
[ZoneServer] [Info] [610] Faction Base(s) loaded...
[ZoneServer] [Info] [8800] Faction Modifier(s) loaded
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading titles
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading tributes
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading corpse timers
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading profanity list
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading commands
[ZoneServer] [Info] 282 commands loaded
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loaded default rule set 'default'
[ZoneServer] [Info] Initialized dynamic dictionary entries
[ZoneServer] [Info] Current expansion is [-1] (All Expansions)
[ZoneServer] [Info] Enabled content flags []
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading Perl Event Export Settings...
[ZoneServer] [Info] Loading quests
[ZoneServer] [Info] Entering sleep mode

On the laptop, the lines following these show the connections between world and zone/ucs.

Still at a loss on this one...
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Old 10-17-2020, 02:31 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 184

i.e., on my laptop I do see:

[WorldServer] [Info] Connected to Loginserver: []
[WorldServer] [Info] New Query Server connection from [3668dea8-1f90-4bd7-aa7c-f54d352c8c9c] at []
[WorldServer] [Info] New UCS Server connection from [c3c593bc-9de5-497c-9e94-c43876f54d7e] at []
[WorldServer] [Info] New Zone Server connection from [bc66eaba-f9d6-4eb3-ab50-a82b3573bb48] at []
[WorldServer] [Info] Zone started with name [.] by launcher [NONE]
[WorldServer] [Info] Auto zone port configuration. Telling zone to use port [7000]
[WorldServer] [Info] New Zone Server connection from [3986cdb3-3432-4469-8415-319029395fa0] at []
[WorldServer] [Info] Zone started with name [.] by launcher [NONE]
[WorldServer] [Info] Auto zone port configuration. Telling zone to use port [7001]
[WorldServer] [Info] New Zone Server connection from [41d083b0-9c4f-40ae-8134-523eb0e7a25d] at []
[WorldServer] [Info] Zone started with name [.] by launcher [NONE]
[WorldServer] [Info] Auto zone port configuration. Telling zone to use port [7002]
[WorldServer] [Info] New Zone Server connection from [5a77363c-aebe-40b3-955f-90e8f560c8d1] at []
[WorldServer] [Info] Zone started with name [.] by launcher [NONE]
[WorldServer] [Info] Auto zone port configuration. Telling zone to use port [7003]
[WorldServer] [Info] New Zone Server connection from [ae4d35e4-27cb-462c-a52c-2933d95c6863] at []
[WorldServer] [Info] Zone started with name [.] by launcher [NONE]
[WorldServer] [Info] Auto zone port configuration. Telling zone to use port [7004]
[WorldServer] [Info] New Zone Server connection from [d7caf180-572f-4e47-9ab0-44d35b695842] at []
[WorldServer] [Info] Zone started with name [.] by launcher [NONE]
[WorldServer] [Info] Auto zone port configuration. Telling zone to use port [7005]
[WorldServer] [Info] New Zone Server connection from [e05dfe75-f090-4dde-b522-b112b7d149d6] at []
[WorldServer] [Info] Zone started with name [.] by launcher [NONE]
[WorldServer] [Info] Auto zone port configuration. Telling zone to use port [7006]
[WorldServer] [Info] New Zone Server connection from [d0cf1324-dfcb-4c4d-8dba-132321289080] at []
[WorldServer] [Info] Zone started with name [.] by launcher [NONE]
[WorldServer] [Info] Auto zone port configuration. Telling zone to use port [7007]
[WorldServer] [Info] New Zone Server connection from [29fd51fa-9068-4a2d-9171-e828cb9edec4] at []
[WorldServer] [Info] Zone started with name [.] by launcher [NONE]
[WorldServer] [Info] Auto zone port configuration. Telling zone to use port [7008]
[WorldServer] [Info] New Zone Server connection from [41e78612-65e6-4a92-8a69-6f3f6aebcda3] at []
[WorldServer] [Info] Zone started with name [.] by launcher [NONE]
[WorldServer] [Info] Auto zone port configuration. Telling zone to use port [7009]

Also, seeing this, looks like the queryserver isn't connecting on the server computer install, either. So basically world will talk to loginserver but nothing else.
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Old 10-17-2020, 03:09 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 184

Even went so far now as to export a dump of the SQL from my laptop and import it into my server. Same problem..
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Old 10-17-2020, 04:07 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 184

opiasdf9-8yq349t-vhqn98rvum n4q-p2980[r4yuvm [q0'284yhwt4aq023w[hfcv[nhfaev20acvfhpa08c9fhnp0iaf9m2echipamfvofvhijopmaf 2hnjfa2v4nh32na4fhv03p8a84puva8v4u4n8u2rv4a


Initial scan with netstat did not show any pertinent ports in use.

However, issuing: netstat -a -b is now showing port 9001 IN USE BY:

"Can not obtain ownership information"


Doing some more digging:


Intel(R) Graphics Command Center Service

Freaking Intel Integrated Graphics driver!!!!!

Disabling this service allows everything to run correctly (I was probably configured correctly many hours ago).

I know I could change the port if I wanted to.. I actually discovered the issue initially by changing to ports 19000/19001. But I'm just going to leave the Intel service disabled now just out of spite.

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Old 10-17-2020, 01:28 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 184

Some feedback - if a port is already in use, it shouldn't silently hang the connections. There should be some console output that states the port is already in use.
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Old 10-17-2020, 01:29 PM
Huppy's Avatar
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Posts: 1,332

Originally Posted by Elkay View Post
Intel(R) Graphics Command Center Service
That's a known issue from a windows update. A few people have gone through that.
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Old 10-17-2020, 04:40 PM
Uleat's Avatar
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Location: North Carolina
Posts: 2,815

For ref: http://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=43066

This appears to be a windows-only issue.

Due to the fact that most public servers are run from linux, catching the problem took some deep diving by another user (can't remember the OP atm...)

The port being hijacked (used) appears to be within a small range, with 9001 being within that.
Uleat of Bertoxxulous

Compilin' Dirty
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