Possible solution 1: Compile the login source (possibly using -DMINI_LOGIN) and use that. I know this worked in 0.2.3. The problem is that 0.2.5 doesn't have login source (And I don't think 0.2.3 login will work). Maybe someone can find the login source...
Possible solution 2: Figure out what excatly the login server on gotfrags sends back when you want to connect to your login server. If it just sends back the worldaddress field your world server sent it from LoginServer.ini, then it shouldn't be too hard to make that your internal IP. However, that didn't seem to work with the limited tests I did with 0.2.4pr6. I worry that the login server on GotFrags sends back the IP address the world server used to connect to it (which is your external IP). If that's the case, I don't know if there's a way around that.
<edit reason="Just thought of this one">
Possible solution 3: use the compiled minilogin.exe on your windows box (the one with EQ). It should be possible to set this up to use the world server on your Linux box and vice versa. Unfortunately, this means that others can't log into your server, but they couldn't with minilogin anyway.
Technically, there shouldn't be a problem using either IP address (internal or external). I know I don't have a problem accessing my webserver from an internal PC using the external address. But I've also seen some funny things happen with using the "wrong" interface.
btw, does anyone know what happened to version 0.2.4? We had several prereleases, but then skipped right to the 0.2.5 release....