You need to run eqgame.exe from that folder you copied. The shortcut will point to your default install directory. for example if your shortuct says "c:\eq\eqgame.exe" patchme - then it will always point to that directory. You can make a copy of your shortcut however and point it to "c:\eq2\eqgame" patchme - or whatever directory it's in.
If you're getting an invalid station name I believe it's because you're trying to log into the SONY servers. You need to replace your eqhost.txt file with the login info for EQEMu.
REPLACE everything in the file with the following:
[Registration Servers]
[Login Servers]
An obnoxiously large picture should go here with some witty saying about some cartoon character I made in EQ, but then I realized that shit is fucking annoying.