I've actually already started working on this. I've been plugging away at it for about the past 3 weeks. I e-mailed khuong to see if he was still continuing this project and haven't received a response. I've been pretty quiet about working on it, seeing as that what I have so far doesn't have the polish I think it needs before public viewing. Despite that, I've already corrected numerous bugs, (which I expected in a beta Khuong, no insult to you.

) applied CSS and transparency, I've also been adding additional features as I go, A character selection page with
some error checking built into it. The class representative icon now show's up along with the profile. I'm currently working on an import from the MySQL db into flash so the MOTD can be viewed from the profile. A large snag is coming from the character_ profile><BLOB> data. I'm working on writing some php or js script to convert the binary to something usable. The <blob> contains a lot of information needed to correctly formulate thing's like ATK, Fire Ris. ect. ect. If you're interested in helping me out, (Which it sounds like you are.) Please PM me. I can send you a link to view what I've completed thus far. (Again, I'd post a link here, but I don't feel the profile is at the appropriate polish yet. Close, but not quite.)