This has had me curious for a long time, and I love emotes in game between players, so it has always bothered me that often a /dance or a /clap looks fine on my screen (I'm the one doing it) but if often truncated on the other person's screen.
I started doing some digging.
1) I tried all the stuff on the dual core/quad core thread. None had any impact.
2) I turned off my 2nd core.. No impact.
3) Played with a ton of various nvidia settings for no impact.
then... I noticed something really weird. On the side that is _watching_ the animation, I clicked the mouse outside of the EQ window. From that point forward, all the animations work perfectly until I click inside the window again.
I then learned from some web browsing that newer versions of the EQ GUI (I use Titanium) have an active window FPS and an inactive window FPS setting. So I tried lowering FPS in the EQ display settings. At 10FPS its perfect. At 25 its ok. Much above that the hopping characters syndrome appears again, and those odd hops interrupt animations. This explains why clicking outside teh windows helps - EQ client is automatically dropping the frame rate.
I don't relish playing at 25FPS.. so no solution there.
Another interesting observation. This does not happen at all locations. It happens in a ton of spots., but not all. On the patio in Tox outside Erudin, it does not happen. Step into the grass and it does. Maybe more interesting, I can #dbspawn any NPC I want at a problem location. None of them bounce. Only the PC. I also noticed that PCs _seem_ to be a few pixels higher off the ground. Does that matter? Why do only PCs bounce? How is the PC I am watching different to the viewing client? PC $z coordinates messed up maybe?
Can any of you gurus come up with anything I can try?
Does anyone know if PC movement is tracked by the GUI or the client? I would assume when I walk somewhere, any initial x.y.z coordinates I got from the server at login would correct them selves.
I've looked at this for hours today, I'd really like to find this.
To duplicate (I'm on Titanium - be interested to know if its the client):
- take 2 chars on diff screens or machines to a similar location. I do it right outside Erudin but I have to be on grass.
- Find a spot where looking at the other character - you see him/her bounce just a little every second or so. Your cursor must be in the window viewing the other char. If you see the bouncing, drop the FPS down to 10. The bouncing goes away.
- If you can duplicate, try some emotes. This is tricky, you'll need a macro - or two people on diff machines, as you need to start the emotes on once screen and quickly activate the other screen to watch the issue.
$50 to someone that helps me resolve it