Please, forgive us, poor not english speaking native people, for harrassing you with our posts written in french, spanish, german or whatever else... I try to avoid those posts, and even ask people to write in english when i can, but sometimes, its just not possible
Foreign languages are far of being a priority in the french educationnal system, and i m sure you all guessed it yet
Well, my suggestion is to add a forum dedicated to people who can't write or read english correctly, no need to make 1 forum per language, just one would be enough i think, with the possibility to stick a few messages in it (translated guides for example, i can translate em if needed).
its obviously just an idea and i ll let boards admin discuss it, it only hides the fact that i don't want to be accused to speak in a language that the majority doesn't understand (my english is yet hard to understand so i can't imagine english people trying to undestand our french hehe, even more when its written by a few of us that don't respect the grammar and just write the sounds... :p)
L8rs all.