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Old 01-23-2004, 10:40 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 22
Default unknown113

I believe it's related to the tribute system that's going in with GoD. It seems to be roughly based on the item's price field.

Note: this shows it as unk106 because that's what it is in my item database... just pretend it's unknown113.

mysql> select id,name,price,unk106 from items where unk106 > 0 limit 25;
| id    | name             | price  | unk106 |
| 10000 | Lambent Stone    |   4500 |      5 |
| 10001 | Pearl Necklace   |   5000 |      5 |
| 10002 | Pearl Earring    |   1000 |      1 |
| 10003 | Pearl Ring       |   2500 |      4 |
| 10008 | Gold Ring        |   1200 |      1 |
| 10012 | Black Pearl      |  20000 |     20 |
| 10021 | Star Rose Quartz |   1000 |      1 |
| 10022 | Amber            |   2500 |      3 |
| 10023 | Jade             |   3500 |      4 |
| 10024 | Pearl            |   4500 |      5 |
| 10025 | Topaz            |   5000 |      5 |
| 10028 | Peridot          |  10000 |     10 |
| 10030 | Opal             |  17000 |     17 |
| 10031 | Fire Opal        |  50000 |     50 |
| 10032 | Star Ruby        |  65000 |     65 |
| 10033 | Fire Emerald     |  85000 |     85 |
| 10034 | Sapphire         | 100000 |    100 |
| 10035 | Ruby             | 125000 |    125 |
| 10036 | Black Sapphire   | 175000 |    175 |
| 10037 | Diamond          | 200000 |    200 |
| 10039 | Bloodstone Ring  |   1000 |      1 |
| 10040 | Silver Amulet    |   2500 |      3 |
| 10041 | Mithril Earring  |   3500 |      5 |
| 10042 | Jade Earring     |   4500 |      5 |
| 10043 | Jade Ring        |  12500 |     13 |
25 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Grr... why can't [ code ] blocks use courier?
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