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Old 02-10-2004, 04:15 AM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 45
Default unknown070

Very intersting thread about proc rate modifiers in the item struct at http://www.shadowknight.org/forums/s...threadid=19192

Note this message in particular, which is further validated later in the thread:

Registered: Oct 2003

Hi. I have been trying to find a way to determine relative proc rates of weapons using the data collected by item collectors. Lucy doesn't show most of the information that it doesn't know the purpose of, but eqemu's database has everything. I have downloaded it, and by looking at cleric weapons and other things, I have found a field that seems to be related to proc rate.

The field is called unknown070 by the eqemu database. It does not appear to be collected by Lucy/Alla. There are only 38 items in the game that have a non-zero value for this field. Here is what I found...

select id, Name, unknown070, nodrop from items where unknown070 != 0 order by unknown070;

| id    | Name                            | unknown070 | nodrop |
| 28849 | Cudgel of Cowardly Death        |        -50 |      0 |
| 28908 | Dark Mace of Thought            |        -20 |      0 |
| 28917 | Dagger of Thought               |        -20 |      0 |
| 22998 | Ethereal Destroyer              |        -15 |      0 |
|  8899 | Snowchipper                     |        -10 |    255 |
|  8903 | Spiked Velium Mallet            |        -10 |    255 |
|  7906 | Pebble Crusher                  |          1 |      0 |
|  8430 | Bloody Stone Dagger             |          2 |    255 |
| 52071 | Tarantella                      |          2 |      0 |
|  8495 | Claw of the Savage Spirit       |          3 |      0 |
| 26566 | Ishinaear Xiall                 |          3 |      0 |
| 26585 | Acrylia Handled Broadsword      |          3 |      0 |
|  7399 | Soulbane                        |          4 |    255 |
|  8095 | Partisan of Stampede            |          4 |      0 |
|  8102 | Mithril Knuckles                |          4 |    255 |
| 19810 | Fireclaw Talons                 |          5 |    255 |
| 26587 | The Sword of Ssraeshza          |          5 |      0 |
|  8916 | Silver Blade of Thunder         |         10 |    255 |
|  9264 | Fiercewind                      |         10 |    255 |
| 24587 | Ivory Hilted Cleaver            |         10 |      0 |
| 22879 | Obsidian Scimitar of War        |         25 |      0 |
| 26599 | Caen's Bo Staff of Fury         |         25 |      0 |
| 22999 | Darkblade of the Warlord        |         30 |      0 |
| 24780 | Greatstaff of the Four Winds    |         30 |      0 |
| 24790 | Corpsegrinder                   |         30 |    255 |
| 26738 | Fiery Staff of Zha              |         50 |      0 |
| 28855 | Bloodfrenzy                     |         55 |      0 |
|  7822 | Blasphemous Blade of the Exiled |         65 |      0 |
| 22946 | Kelp Hilted Mace                |         70 |      0 |
|  3820 | Barbed Fishing Net              |        100 |      0 |
| 21878 | Pile Driver                     |        100 |    255 |
| 24793 | Greatstaff of Power             |        180 |      0 |
|  5800 | Hammer of Judgment              |        250 |      0 |
| 15996 | Hammer of Divinity              |        325 |      0 |
|  5798 | Hammer of Souls                 |        450 |      0 |
| 22898 | Withering Staff of Agony        |        530 |      0 |
| 22907 | Furious Hammer of Zek           |        530 |      0 |
| 29365 | Hammer of Damnation             |        530 |      0 |
38 rows in set (0.36 sec)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I am pretty firmly of the mindset that this *is* the field that determines unusual proc rates. Note that each of the cleric summoned hammers (Judgment, Divinity, Souls, Damantion) has a progressively higher value, and the Vallon Zek and Saryn hammers have the same value as the best summoned hammer. Also, the Cudgel you guys are talking about has the lowest value.

I have no parses though, so I don't know how this value translates into acutal units of time.

Can you perhaps use this information along with your parses to get some understanding of this?
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Old 02-10-2004, 04:32 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: LasShithole, NV
Posts: 520

talking about http://www.eqemulator.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=12862
Perfect quote from another site: it's immature pricks who refuse to read the numerous stickies in every forum pointing out what to do and what not to do that get flamed. Grow up and learn to do your fucking homework before opening your cake hole, junior. EQEmu doesn't like you anymore, and that's why you're getting errors. So go away.
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Old 02-10-2004, 05:50 AM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 45

Good catch, wize_one. I missed the earlier thread.
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