In this guide I will show you how to compile EQEMu Source using Visual C++ 6 and the latest source rar/zip. I will not be covering how to operate wincvs as it is covered in other posts.
You will need:
- Basic Knowledge of Windows
- An Internet Connection
- Microsoft Visual C++ 6
- Patience
Downloading the Source and Components
You must download the following:
Now do the following:
- Extract the SOURCE into: C:\EQEMu\Source\
- Extract MySQL into : C:\EQEMu\MySQL\
- Extract zLIB into : C:\EQEMu\zlib\
- Extract MySQL Includes to : C:\EQEMu\MySQL\
- (Optional) Extract Perl Into : C:\EQEMu\perl
Now, open up Microsoft Visual C++ 6, and make sure you are NOT using a '.NET' version by going to Help > About Visual C++...
If you see a screen that looks like:

DO have Visual C++ 6 and you can move on. However, if you see:

You may NOT have Visual C++ 6. Indicators you do not have VC++6 are:
-Mentioning of the .NET Framework (Blue)
-.NET Logo (Green, see below)
-Year 2003, 2004 or 2005 Mentioned. (Red)
.NET Logo looks like this:

However, the Visual Studio logo (the one you want) looks like this:

Configuring the Project
Go to Start>Run and type in "C:\EQEMu\Source\EMuShareMem\EMuShareMem.dsw"
Immediatly, Visual Studio should open with the EMuShareMem.dll project.
Go to
Tools > Options...
Click the Directories Tab, and under Include Files, add:
Now go to
Build > Build EMuShareMem.dll
When it is sucessful, you will see this:

Next, go to
File > Close Workspace, and then
File > Open Workspace. Select 'World.dsw' inside of C:\EQEMu\Source\World\ and click Open.
Before building this time, go to
Tools > Options...
Next, click the Directories Tab and add these directories in under "Include Files":
Now under "Show Directories For:" Change the dropdown menu to "Library Files".
Now add to here,
Now click OK and go to Build > Build World.exe!
Building Zone.exe (no Perl)
Go to
Start > Run
Type in "
Click OK
Go to
Tools > Options...
Verify that the following directories are listed under "Include Files" in the Directories Tab:
If they are not, add them!
Now Click "Include Files" And Drop Down to "Library Files" and verify that the following is in there:
If it is not, add it!
Now, you may go to
Build > Build Zone.exe
Building Zone.exe WITH Perl
First, download and install ActivePerl (
ActivePerl Downloads) to C:\EQEMu\perl
Now install IO::Scalar using a snip from Lurker_005's Guide to the Perl Quest System.
Installing Perl
Download Perl 5.8, Then install using the default settings for everything. Now reboot so path changes take affect. Congratulations, Perl is installed.
Installing IO::Scalar
If you don't already have it, download nmake.exe (save with .exe extension). Copy it into your perl\bin directory. Then type the following in a DOS window:
perl -MCPAN -e shell
When asked if you want to configure it manually, say "no". Once everything is done there type in:
Once complete it should say -- install OK.
If perl isn't installed properly the zone windows will disapear after starting up. If you followed all the above steps correctly, make sure you have a copy of "Perl58.dll" in your "C:\Perl\bin" directory. If there is a copy there, search your computer for all other copies of it and delete them. Also note it is Perl58, not 56.
To test if IO::Scalars is installed type the following in a DOS window:
perl -MIO::Scalar -e "print 'Installed'"
If you get an error it isn't working. Make sure you installed it correctly, if you didn't delete the following files in "C:\Perl\site\lib\IO" and then rerun "install IO::Scalar":
Last Edited by Monrezz on 16th February 2004.
Go to
Start > Run
Type in "
Click OK
Now, click OKAY and go to
Build > Configurations.
Click on Add... and make:
Copy Settings From:
Zone - Win32 Release
Click OK, and then Close.
Next, go to
Build > Set Active Configuration
Zone - Win32 Perl
Click OK.
Go to
Tools > Options...
Verify that the following directories are listed under "Include Files" in the Directories Tab:
If they are not, add them!
Now Click "Include Files" And Drop Down to "Library Files" and verify that the following is in there:
If it is not, add it!
Now, go to
Project > Settings...
Click the C/C++ Tab and Verify the Category is

Under Preprocessor Definitions, ADD (Do NOT replace), the following:
Now switch the Category to
Preprocessor and add to the "Additional Include Directories",
Next, Click the
Link tab and Change the Category to
Under "Additional Library Path", Add:
Now click okay, and go to Project > Add to Project > Files...
In "File Name" Type:
emb*.* and hit enter.
Select all files that still are showing and click OPEN.
Now go to Build > Build Zone.exe!
Tested under 2 Computers, Windows XP Home, Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 (199

on both.
If you feel I missed something or was unclear about something post here, but, again, I won't be supporting this thread as I don't want to be flooded with newbie tells =D.