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Old 11-11-2009, 03:15 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: oregon/ planet earth :P
Posts: 34
Default About Bots

Sorry for repeating, or near repeating but I am not getting any replies to my earlier post on Bots. I am using the Peq database and the bots I creat dont function. I chose the Peq database because I like the PoK and Luclin expansion and what I remember is that ax-classic does not? Do I have to be in ax-classic DB to get functional bots? Please advise me.. I need the wisdom of you Gurus. I play this game by myself and though GM mode with invulnerable is nice, I would like to run a character with less God mode as possible and have a group to tag along with me.

I will try the AX database and see what happens. Maybe I can figure it out eventually.

Thanks in advance...

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Old 11-11-2009, 03:20 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 134

are you compiling yourself, or using pre-compiles? if you are compiling yourself, then you need to make sure to set it to compile the bots into the source.
Server Op of Bonds of Strength(custom-Legit)
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Old 11-11-2009, 03:35 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: oregon/ planet earth :P
Posts: 34

This is how newbie I am. I didnt know you can compile or there were already ones. I just installed mysql, ax-classic, heidie.sql. I found maps on a cd I had saved a few months ago from the first installation of EQ-EMU. I guess I am confused on the 2 types of data bases. Peq I had remembered from then, had some expansions supported that the AX-classic did not. Don't know if this has changed. Sorry for being such a newbie, but I really am a newbie. A 47 yr old newbie when it comes to figuring this out and trying not to look stupid to all the brains out there. lol!

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Old 11-11-2009, 04:51 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Green Bay, WI
Posts: 436

I'm having a hard time telling what setup you have, if its my repack you are using the bots should be working fine for both databases. Make sure you have the server maps and not client maps, you can get them in either place.
  1. Axclassic
  2. Or right from the SVN
If it is my repack your using maybe you need a new version? The more details you can provide about the steps you have taken the better people will be able to help you. once you post if it was my repack or just a plain install I can guide you to the right place for the right info. Hope this was somewhat helpful?
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Old 11-11-2009, 05:22 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: oregon/ planet earth :P
Posts: 34

I am trying to get to the links you have been providing but when it says to sign in, it says wrong username and password. I dont remember what I had used to sign in a few months ago. I think I just need the newest repack. What I am using is what I had burnt to disk a ways back. Didnt see anything called server maps. Just a map folder. Maybe thats my whole issue. I have mixed dated files older and newer and all not up to date.

I will see if it will let me register a new name on that other page, but I have a feeling it is suppose to be linked with this user account? My head hurts lol!

p.s Its downloading right now! Yeay!
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Old 11-12-2009, 12:26 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: oregon/ planet earth :P
Posts: 34

Originally Posted by leslamarch View Post
I'm having a hard time telling what setup you have, if its my repack you are using the bots should be working fine for both databases. Make sure you have the server maps and not client maps, you can get them in either place.
  1. Axclassic
  2. Or right from the SVN
If it is my repack your using maybe you need a new version? The more details you can provide about the steps you have taken the better people will be able to help you. once you post if it was my repack or just a plain install I can guide you to the right place for the right info. Hope this was somewhat helpful?

All I need was the updat repack. Works great now. Feels like I am with a real group now except they don't steal all the loot lol! Thanks very much!

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Old 11-12-2009, 02:26 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Green Bay, WI
Posts: 436

glad to see your up and running
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