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Support::General Support Post all topics here having to do with errors while trying to connect to an EQEMu server but not about the setup/running of the Server itself.

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Old 02-04-2020, 03:29 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 8
Default EQ1 EMU Sanctuary Server!!

STAY AWAY form this server! Its changed ownership way too many times and refuse to reimburse anyone. Classes unbalanced and it is difficult(not complaining) but the pop is so low grouping is rare. A buddy of mine found a lot of bugs and exploits. He told admin but i guess he found one and wasnt sure about it - he was deleted, go figure. Folks getting deleted left and right finding bugs and exploits. This shit should have been tested before going live, its insane how much is wrong. I was crafting and sold my items to vendor which i made a couple plat on and POOF - deleted my characters. No warning or nothing.
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Old 02-04-2020, 08:20 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3

While I appreciate your vigorous and enthusiastic response to being banned, you, and everyone else are wholly aware of the server rules. Ignorance is not justification for abuse of game mechanics.

Accounts have been banned for gross abuse of exploits which include money exploits, automation of play, gaining access to areas not within the prescribed play area of the server, continued exploitation of undertuned mobs for exp gain, et cetera. Leniency was applied early on, but apparently folks did not heed the warning.

Due to the complexity of the server that we now find ourselves custodians of, there is a seemingly insurmountable amount of work to be done to fix the various bits and bobs from prior developers and their half-finished projects and wonky database work. Work continues daily to make this server an awesome place to play, but when players take advantage of that work it is incredibly frustrating for us to have to police.

We have a zero tolerance policy for exploitative behavior precisely due to our low population. If you feel you were wrongly banned you can contact Thrule on the Discord server. This is not a General Support topic and should be moved to a proper location, or removed for trolling.
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Old 02-05-2020, 11:51 AM
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 1,103

It's clearly stated in the rules that exploitation, Macroquest, and any forms of cheating are strictly prohibited.

There are logs for everything that you do, many systems which I created myself to track this exact behavior.

If you didn't cheat, you wouldn't be banned.

The team that is operating the server is as dedicated as they come, as the code/database has passed through multiple hands.

The latest iteration that Thrul and I worked tirelessly to fix is the most stable and polished version to date.

You were banned for a good reason, don't cry wolf.
"No, thanks, man. I don't want you fucking up my life, too."

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